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1、沈阳市第二十中学2013届高考领航试卷(一)第I卷(选择题,共85分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1 Do you mind if a students uses his/her cell phone in class? , I do.ANo wayBTo be frankCSooner or laterDNot at all2As soon as Zhang Yimous latest film “The Flowers Of War

2、” was released last December, it became great success in all big cinemas across the country.A/ ;aBthe; aCthe; /Da; the3I will fly to Jiuzaigou this summer after the big College Entrance Examination.How lucky a dog ! You the amazing scenery then.Aare enjoyingBare to enjoyCwill enjoyDwill be enjoying4

3、Students who graduate with working experience will be given over those who never work in any company.ApredictionBpreferenceCpresenceDpreparation5The young actor Zahng Mo who is reported drugs has disappointed many of his fans.Ato have takenBto take CtakingDhaving taken6According to the school rules,

4、 boys not wear long hair.AmightBcouldCshallDneed7Little was known about the missing workers situations in Sudan the Chinese Embassy got in touch with them.AasBuntilCwhenDafter8You havent managed to do what you to and Im afraid your parents will fail to keep their promise.Awill expectBwill be expecte

5、dCexpectedDwere expected9The Iron Lady, Meryl Streep played the role of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, won her the best leading actress of this years Academy Awards(Oscars).AwhichBfor whichCin whichD what10 yourself with positive people and you will keep focused on what you can do

6、instead of what you cant.ASurroundingBSurroundedCHaving surroundedDSurround11The officials from the European countries will get together to find out is the best to solve the European debt crisis.Awhat is itBwhat it isCwhat it is thatDwhat does it that12Although Henry majored in art and literature in

7、 college, he had little interest in subject.AeveryBeitherCbothDneither13. There existed an obvious _ between the accounts of the witnesses, so a judgment was not announced in court.A. associationB. authorityC. conflictD. restriction14. Our milk powder is especially suitable for children under 6, as

8、it helps a lot to build the bodys natural _.A. reservationB. defenceC. varietyD. heritage15. Miss Green often said “God helps those who help themselves”, intending to _ on us the significance of being independent.A. baseB. impressC. focusD. rely第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C

9、和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The wisdom my 77-year-old father has passed on to me came more through osmosis (潜移默化) than lectures. My dads 16 shines through all my life.Old age hasnt 17 him, mainly because he doesnt think almost-80 is old. He had ever trained for a charity (慈善) 18 across the Hudson River in N

10、ew York. He wore his custom-fitted diving suit, but he still got so 19 . We warmed him and wrapped him in a sleeping bag. Oh, 20 , it isnt that bad, hed say, I am fine. He always is. He did 21 the Hudson swim a month later.If you ask my father whether or not his life has been hard, he will say he is

11、 22 . He means the kind of happiness that comes from 23 a well-cooked family meal, taking a good long run or growing a perfect tomato. Did I mention that he used to run marathons before his knee replacement surgery? Hes the one who 24 me I could do it, too. 25 can run a marathon, he said, as long as

12、 you keep training. My father was born in 1933. His childhood took a 26 at the beginning of World War : His father joined the French Army and was 27 by the Germans and spent the war in a prison camp. My dad and his mother and sister were shipped off to New Jersey to live with relatives. His mother 2

13、8 from depression, and Dad went to boarding school in New England from the sixth grade on. Yet in all Dads dinner table 29 , there have been many times when he turned them into 30 stories.After a family dinner the other night, Papa Bob advised us to try the skydiving 31 Sixty-five seconds of free fa

14、lling, he said. I 32 it. I should have been a paratrooper”He loves getting cards in the mail, and usually Im 33 , so instead I call him on Fathers Day. But this year Ive 34 to be early for once. I want to let him know how much he 35 to me. Dad, thank you-for all of it and mostly for your enduring fa

15、ith that everything will be OK.16. A. ability B. gentleness C. optimism D. humor17. A. comforted B. slowed C. punished D. accused18. A. swim B. donation C. volunteer D. activity19. A. warm B. sad C. calm D. cold20. A. come out B. come back C. come over D. come on21. A. complete B. stop C. delay D. c

16、elebrate22. A. ordinary B. young C. disabled D. lucky23. A. sharing B. containing C. destroying D. buying24. A. informed B. appointed C. insisted D. convinced25. A. Anyone B. Someone C. None D. Others26. A. step B. turn C. sigh D. dream27. A. killed B. caught C. driven D. fired28. A. resulted B. jud

17、ged C. suffered D. separated29. A. experiences B. manners C. stories D. news30. A. foolish B. great C. short D. aggressive31. A. chance B. adventure C. visit D. movement32. A. loved B. hated C. used D. assessed33. A. late B. early C. noisy D. quiet34. A. refused B. permitted C. allowed D. decided35.

18、 A. occurs B. possesses C. means D. ProvesBComplete preparation course for the TOEIC test.See your estimated TOEIC score level.See your strengths and weaknesses and focus your training.Our unique training coach shows you exactly what to learn.Your own private teacher will help you even more by email

19、.Exercises and short practice tests to focus on weaknesses.Over 1,500 specific exercises for each type of TOEIC question.Answer review so you can see your mistakes and learn.Short practice tests during training to estimate your level.The course sets a training plan specifically for your needs and le

20、vel.Clever tips and advice make the TOEIC test easier.Clever tips to help you score higher in the TOEIC test.Advice about the TOEIC question methods and what could confuse you.Advice on how to answer the TOEIC questions more quickly.Information to plan a strategy for a higher TOEIC score.Get accusto

21、med to a TOEIC test.Simulate (模拟) 2 hour TOEIC test; randomly chosen from over 1,500 questions.Thousands of different simulated tests.Simulate the feeling of sitting the real TOEIC test.Review your answers and where you made mistakes.Practice your strategy, timing and gain an advantage.Extra English

22、 language exercises for an even higher TOEIC score.Over 3,000 grammar, tense and vocabulary exercises.Business phrase and jargon (术语) exercises.English word pair, synonym (同义词) and phrasal verb exercises.English idiom and idiomatic phrase exercises.All with teacher explanations and review to see you

23、r mistakes.Core skill intensive reading practice exercises.Plus much more.36. The preparation course for the TOEIC test _.A. will offer students useful test-taking suggestionsB. only can be studied in the classroomC. doesnt need students to do exercisesD. offers students chances to get together37. W

24、e can be familiar with the TOEIC test by _.A. setting a training plan for our levelB. focusing on our own weaknessesC. taking lots of simulated testsD. remembering business phrases and jargons38. For what purpose is the passage written?A. To persuade students to take the TOEIC test.B. To introduce T

25、OEIC test preparation course.C. To inform the public of the TOEIC test.D. To offer teachers education information.39. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an advantage of the course?A. It helps students understand their strengths and weaknesses.B. Students can communicate with teachers by emai

26、l.C. Students personal needs are carefully considered.D. The course guarantees a 20% increase in test scores.BWesla Whitfield, a famous jazz singer, has a unique style and life story, so I decided to see one of her performances and interview her for my newspaper.I went to a nightclub in New York and

27、 watched the stage lights go up. After the band played an introduction, Wesla Whitfield wheeled herself onstage in a wheelchair. As she sang, Whitfields voice was so powerful and soulful that everyone in the room forgot the wheelchair was even there.At 57, Whitfield is small and pretty, humorous and

28、 modest. Raised in California, Whirfield began performing in public at age 18, when she took a job as a singing waitress at a pizza shop. After studying classical music in college, she moved to San Francisco and went on to sing with the San Francisco Opera Chorus.Walking home from rehearsal (排练) at

29、age 29, she was caught in a random shooting that left her unable to move her body from the waist down. I asked how she dealt with the realization that shed never walk again, and she admitted that at the beginning she didnt want to face it. After a year of depression she tried to kill herself. She wa

30、s then admitted to a hospital for treatment, where she was able to recover.Whitfield said she came to understand that the only thing she had lost in this misfortunate event was the ability to walk. She still possessed her most valuable asset-her mind. Pointing to her head, she said, Everything impor

31、tant is in here. The only real disability in life is losing your mind. When I asked if she was angry about what she had lost, she admitted to being annoyed from time to time, Especially when everybodys dancing, because I love to dance.But when that happens I just remove myself so I can focus instead

32、 on what I can do. 40. In which of the following places did Wesla Whitfield once work?A. A college, B. A hospital. C. A pizza shop. D. A news agency.41. Which of the following statements is TURE about Wesla Whitfields physical disability?A. It was caused by a traffic accident.B. It made her sad and

33、depressed at first.C. It seriously affected her singing career.D. It happened when she was a college student.42. What do the underlined words when that happens mean in the last paragraph?A. When Wesla is losing her mind.B. When Wesla is singing on the stage.C. When Wesla goes out in her wheelchair.D

34、. When Wesla sees other people dancing.43. What advice would Wesla most likely give other disabled people?A. Ignore what you have lost and make the best use of what you have.B. Be modest and hard-working to earn respect from other people.C. Acquire a skill so that you can still be successful and fam

35、ous.D. Try to sing whenever you feel upset and depressed.CSeveral animal species including gorillas (大猩猩)the in Rwanda and tigers in Bangladesh could risk extinction if impact of climate change and extreme weather on their homes is not handled, a UN report showed on Sunday.Released during the course

36、 of global climate negotiations in Durban, the report by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (UNFAO) shows how higher temperatures, the rise in sea levels, deforestation and overuse of land have damaged the habitats of certain species, especially in Africa. Many ecosystems have alre

37、ady been affected by increasing population, historical and recent deforestation, short-lasting management practices and even invasive species, Eduardo Rojas, assistant director general at the UNFAOs forestry department, said at the release of the report.The most affected areas include mountains, isl

38、ands and coastal areas, which limit the possibilities for animals to move elsewhere and create new habitats. The remaining populations are limited to very small ecosystems. They have inbreeding (近亲繁殖) problems., and at the end these species may disappear, he added.Other examples of affected animals

39、include elephants in Mall, lions in Serengeti and crocodiles in Malawi. The report says about 2030 percent of plant and animal species will be at higher risk of extinction due to global warming and a significant number of local species may disappear by 2050 as a consequence. Other consequences could

40、 include the spread of invasive species and infectious diseases, it said.The report urges more focus on restoration of damaged ecosystems, especially those key to dealing with climate change such as inland waters, forests and grasslands. The UNFAO also called for the creation of movement channels fo

41、r animals in areas where their movement was affected. The organization said while more resources (资源) were flowing to biodiversity conservation, more action at the government and policy level was needed. It also urges local communities to develop projects that ease the effect of climate change on wi

42、ldlife, naming ecotourism activities as an example.44. What does the author tell us in Paragraph 2?A. The theme of global climate negotiations in Durban.B. The subject of research done by Eduardo Rojas.C. Harmful effects of damage done to ecosystems.D. Causes of damage done to ecosystems.45. Why are

43、 animals living in mountains, islands and coastal areas most affected?A. They are frequently attacked by invasive species and infectious diseases.B. They have difficulty finding enough food for survival.C. They have little chance of moving to other places.D. They can hardly find mates to produce the

44、ir young.46. To avoid extinction of some animal species, the UNFAO suggested all the following ways EXCEPT _.A. restoring damaged ecosystemsB. limiting world population growthC. creating movement channels for animalsD. urging governments and local communities to take action47. What would serve as th

45、e best title for the passage?A. Climate change and ecotourism B. Human activities and the animal kingdomC. Gorillas, tigers at risk due to climate change D. How to balance human development and animal rightsD The concept of solar power satellites, or SPS, first put forward in the 1960s, is still not


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