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1、2012高考英语专题复习(一)冠词重要考点及历年真题不定冠词一、a(an)+可数名词单数表泛指,或者第一次提到的人、物前加a1、(2011全国,33)It is generally accepted that boy must learn to stand up and fight like man.A.a; a B.a; the C.the; the D.a; 不填(解析)A“人们普遍认为,男孩子必须学会做一个男子汉,能挺身而出,勇于战斗。”a boy和 a man都是泛指,表示一类人。2、(2011全国卷II,16)As he reached front door, Jack saw st

2、range sight.A. the;不填 B. a; the C.不填a D. the; a(解析)D“当Jack走到前门时,看到了一个奇怪的景象。”the front door是特指Jack所走过去的门,a strange sight是泛指,相当于a certain sight,起初次介绍的作用。3、(2011重庆卷,26)In communication,a smile is usually _ strong sign of a friendly and _ open attitude.A. the, / B. a, an C. a, / D. the, an(解析)C“在相互交流中,微

3、笑通常是一种友好和开放的态度的明显特征。”a 用在可数名词sign前,泛指一类事物;friendly and open 是并列,修饰attitude。4、(2010重庆)Everything comes with price; there is no such thing as free lunch in the world.A. a, aB. the, /C. the, aD. a, /(解析)D price意思是 “代价”,为可数名词,前面加a表示泛指; 第二空no相当于not a,后面的名词不用冠词。5、(2010四川)In most countries, a university de

4、gree can give you flying start in life. A. the; a B. the; 不填 C.不填; 不填 D.不填; a(解析)D most countries此处表泛指;第二个空处应为 “一个高起点的开始”, 故用a。6、(2009重庆)Washing machines made by China have won worldwide attention and Haier has become popular name.A. a; the B. /; a C. /; the D. the; a (解析)B “中国造的洗衣机已经赢得世界关注, 海尔已成为一个

5、受欢迎的名字。”7、(2009全国II)What I need is book that contains ABC of oil painting. A. a; 不填 B. the; 不填 C. the; an D. a; the 8、(解析)D “我所需要的是一本包含油画基础知识的书”。第一空泛指, 第二空特指油画方面的书。9、(2008重庆)In many places in China, _ bicycle is still _ popular means of transportation.A. a; the B. /; a C. the; a D. the;the(解析)C the+

6、名词表一类, 后面用a修饰, 指一种的方式。10、(2008山东)Students should be encouraged to use _ Internet as _ resource. A. 不填;a B. 不填; theC. the; theD. the; a(解析)D the Internet因特网, 为固定搭配;as a resource “作为一种资源”, 此处用a表示泛指。11、(2007 湖南)Polar bears live mostly on _sea ice, which they use as _platform for hunting seals. A. a; a

7、B. a; the C. 不填; a D. the; 不填(解析)C sea ice是物质名词, 是不可数名词, 因此不用冠词;platform平台,可数名词表泛指。12、(2006 山东)For him _ stage is just _ means of making a living.A. a; a B.the; a C. the ; the D. a; the(答案)B the stage表示双方均知道的特定事物, a means表示一种方法。13、(2002 NMET)Jumping out of _ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _

8、exciting experience. A.不填;the B.不填;an C.an; an D. the; the(解析)C airplane表示泛指,experience作 “经历”,是个可数名词, 加a泛指一种有趣的经历。二、在某些抽象名词前加不定冠词可使抽象名词具体化(一)表示情感、情绪的词前加a,强调具体的人或事,常用词有surprise、pleasure、honor、pity、pride、comfort、success、danger、failure等。1、(2010福建)Its good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World

9、 Expo that gives them pleasure.A. 不填, a B. a, 不填 C. the, a D. a, the(解析)B good feeling并非特指, 故用a;pleasure是抽象名词, 无需冠词。 “人们喜欢上海世博会给它们的快乐, 这是(一)种不错的感觉” a good feeling , 一种不错的感觉, give sb pleasure。2、(2008全国II)Its not _ good idea to drive for four hours without _ break.A. a ; a B. the ; a C. the ; the D. a

10、 ; the(解析)A 开车四个小时而不休息不是一个好主意。第一空 “一个好主意”是泛指;without a break是习惯用法, break也是泛指。3、(2007 福建)How about Christmas evening party? I should say it was success.A.a; a B.The; aC.a;不填D.the; 不填(答案)B 第一空指双方都知道圣诞晚会;第二空指一件成功的事。4、(2007 江苏)We have every reason to believe that_ 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be_ suc

11、cess. A. / aB. the / C. the a D. a a(答案)C第一空表特指;第二空表泛指, success在指某一事物或人时, 为可数名词。(二)表示“一份”“一杯”“一种”“一阵”等含义,常与动词构成短语,名词前常有形容词修饰1、(2007 浙江)I like _ color of your skirt. It is _ good match for your blouse. A. a; the B. a; a C. the; a D. the; the(答案)C 第一空特指 “你衣服的颜色”;第二空指一种好的搭配。2、(2002上海)One way to underst

12、and thousands of new words is to gain_good knowledge of basic word formation. A. / B.the C.a D.one(答案)C knowledge是不可数名词,前面加a表示一种知识,句中表示有关构词法的知识3、(2000 NMET)Most animals have little connection with animals of different kind unless they kill them for food. A.the;a B.不填;a C.the;the D.不填;the(答案)B “anima

13、ls of a different kind”表示 “不同种类的动物” 大多数动物与不同种类的动物都有某种联系, 除非它们为食物而捕杀对方。三、比较级前加不定冠词,表示更1、(2010山东)If we sit near _ front of the bus,well have _ better view. A. 不填; the B. 不填;a C. the; a D. the;the(解析)C“如果我们坐在公共汽车的前部,就会有更好的视野”。表示 “某空间内部的前部”,front前要the; have a good view是习惯搭配, 表示视野开阔。 better表示更开阔。2(2009安徽

14、)We can never expect bluer sky unless we create less polluted world. 2A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the(解析)A因为sky和world原本是独一无二的, 但这里前面都有了形容词比较级修饰, 表示会出现一个更什么样的sky和world,应用a。3、(2009四川)In order to find _ better job, he decided to study _ second foreign language. A. the; a B. a; a C. the; the D.

15、a; the (解析)B 为了找到一个更好的工作, 他决定再学习另外一门外语。a better job表示更好的工作;a +序数词+名词表示又一, 再一。4、(2004 辽宁)When you finish reading the book, you will have _better understanding of_life. A. a;the B. the;a C. 不填;the D. a;不填(解析)D have a better understanding of对有更好的了解。四、序数词前加不定冠词,表示再一,又一,相当于another,不表顺序1、(2010北京)First imp

16、ressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get _ second chance to make _ first impression.A. a; the B. the; the C. a; a D. the; a(解析)A本题强调的重点是第二个机会a second chance;第二次留一个第一印象。若改为:你没有机会去改变你的第一印象You never get a second chance to change the first impression。此处应填the。2、(2002上海春)The cakes are delic

17、ious. Hed like to have third one because second one is rather too small. A.a;a B.the;the C.a;the D. the;a(解析)C a third one表示再吃一个;the second one表示所吃的第二个。这句话的意思是:蛋糕很好吃。他想再吃一个, 因为他吃的第二个太小了。五、常用在quite/rather/half/many/such/what + a/an+形容词+单数可数名词;so(as,too,how)形容词+a/an+单数可数名词结构中(2010重庆27)Everything comes

18、 with price; there is no such thing as free lunch in the world.A. a, aB. the, /C. the, aD. a, /(答案)D price意思是 “代价”, 为可数名词, 第二空前边有no,后面的名词不用冠词, 故选 D项。六、用于表示价格、速度、比率、重量、长度、时间等名词之前,有“每一”之义,相当于each,every(2011江西卷22)Its said John will be in a job paying over 60,000 _ year. Right, he will also get paid by

19、_ week.A. the; the B. a; the C. the; a D.a; a(解析)B 前半句:据说John将会有一份年工资超过60000美金的工作,表时间单位每年,冠词用a;后半句:没错,他也将会以每周的方式得到薪水。by后面接具体的计量方式用定冠词the。七、用在人名前,表示一个叫的人1、(2006 全国)- Hello, could I speak to Mr. Smith? - Sorry, wrong number. There isnt_ Mr. Smith here.A. 不填 B. a C. the D. one(答案)B因为叫同一名字的现象非常普遍, 所以用不定

20、冠词表示某一个叫什么名字的人。2、(2005山东)I knew _ John Lennon, but not _ famous one. A. 不填;a B. a;the C. 不填;the D. the;a(答案)B第一空表示 “某一位John Lennon”, 其前可用不定冠词a; 第二空特指, “但不是那位著名的John Lennon”。3、(2004全国)John, there is Mr.Wilson on the phone for you.Im in bath.A.a;the B.the;a C.a;不填 D.the;不填(答案)A姓氏前用不定冠词表示 “某一位姓的人”;第二空表

21、示具体地点。八、 用于有修饰词的乐器、三餐、季节、日期、独一无二事物前(2007 山东)_ walk is expected to last all day, so bring_ packed lunch. A. A;a B. The; 不填 C. The ; a D. A ; 不填 (答案)C第一空指双方都知道的事;第二空表泛指。九、most前也可加不定冠词,这时,most表示“非常”。This is a most useful reference book.十、习惯用法have a rest, have a break, take a walk, have a look, in a mom

22、ent, in a minute, once upon a time, twice a month, four times an hour ,a little , a few , a lot , a type of , a pile , a great many ,many a ,as a rule ,in a hurry , in a word ,in a short while ,after a while , have a cold , have a try定冠词一、the+单数可数名词表示特指或指某一类事物1、(2011全国卷II,16)As he reached front door

23、,Jack saw strange sight.A. the;不填 B. a; the C.不填a D. the; a(答案)D “当Jack走到前门时,看到了一个奇怪的景象。”the front door是特指Jack所走过去的前门,a strange sight是泛指,相当于a certain sight,起初次介绍的作用。2、(2010山东)If we sit near _ front of the bus, well have _ better view. A. 不填; the B. 不填;a C. the; a D. the;the(答案)C 应为 “如果我们坐在公共汽车的前部, 就

24、会有更好的视野”,表示 “某空间内部的前部”时, front前要加定冠词the; have a good view是习惯搭配,视野开阔。3、(2009北京)The biggest whale is _ blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters longthe height of _ 9-story building. A. the; the B. a; a C. a; the D. the; a (答案)D 第一空用the+n表示类别, 是指blue whale这一类动物;第二空用a表示泛指。4、(2007陕西)In film Cast Awa

25、y.Tom Hanks plays man named Chuck Noland.A.a; the B.the; a C.the; the D.a; a(答案)B 第一空表特指;第二空表泛指。5、(2007 北京)I looked under _bed and found _book I lost last week. A.the; a B. the: the C. 不填;the D. the:;不填(答案)B 两空都表示特指。二、the+不可数名词或者复数名词表特指1、(2010浙江)Many lifestyle patterns do such great harm to health t

26、hat they actually speed up weakening of the human body.A. a; / B. /; the C. a; theD. /; /(答案)B许多生活方式对人类的健康有害, 他们加速了人类身体的衰退。“do harm to” 对有害;weakening是由动词的ing形式表示抽象的名词,特指身体的衰退。2、(2009江西)Some people fear that _ air pollution may bring about changes in _ weather around the world. A. /; the B. the; / C.

27、 an; the D. the; a (答案)A air pollution 是抽象名词这里是泛指, weather 这里是特指全球的气候变化。3、(2008辽宁)My neighbor asked me to go for _ walk, but I dont think Ive got _ energy. A. a; 不填B. the; theC. 不填;theD. a; the(答案)D go for a walk为固定短语;energy特指散步用的力气。4、(2008湖南)Have you heard _ news?The price of _ petrol is going up a

28、gain!A. the, the B. 不填, the C. the, 不填 D. 不填, 不填(答案)C 你听说这消息了吗?油价又上涨了!第一空特指下文的消息;第二空后的petrol为不可数名词表泛指,不用冠词。三、特指上文提到过的人或事;说话双方都知道的人或事2010浙江2, 2008江苏21,2007山东21, 2011全国卷二16,1、(2011山东卷,21)Take your timeits just _short distance from here to_ restaurant.A.不填;theB. a; theC. the; aD.不填;a(答案)B “别急从这儿到餐馆只不过短

29、短的距离而已。”a short distance短距离,是固定搭配;the restaurant指双方都知道的餐馆。2、(2011浙江卷,2)Experts think that _recently discovered painting may be _ Picsso. A.the ;不填 B. a ;the C. a ; 不填 D. the; a(答案)D “专家认为,最近发现的油画可能是毕加索的作品。”the painting特指最近发现的油画;a Picsso意为a Picssos painting,指毕加索的一件作品,有one的含义。3、(2009海南)Lets go to cine

30、ma-thatll take your mind off the problem for whileA. the; the B. the; a C. a; the D. a ; a(答案)B go to the cinema 表示具体的某地, for a while 固定搭配, 表示 “一会儿”。4、(2009陕西6)What _ pity that you couldnt be there to receive _ prize!A. a; a B. the; a C. a; the D. the; the(答案)C 固定句型what a pity that;prize特指双方都知道的奖。5、

31、(2009浙江2)I dont understand what the engineer means,but Ive got _rough idea of _project plan.A. the; a B. 不填; theC. the; 不填D. a; the(答案)D get a+adj+idea of sth,泛指一种大体的想法,project特指双方都知道的那个计划。6、(2006 北京)I knocked over my coffee cup. It went right over _ keyboard. You shouldnt put drinks near _ computer

32、. A. the;不填 B. the;a C. a;不填 D. a;a(答案)B keyboard表示特指, 特指双方心目中的那个键盘。computer表示泛指。四、世上独一无二的事物前the sun,the sky,the moon,the earth,the world2010辽宁22(2010辽宁22)There are over 58, 000 rocky objects in _ space, about 900 of which could fall down onto _ earth.A. the; the B. 不填; the C. the; 不填 D. a; the(答案)B

33、第一空in space 是固定短语, 不用冠词, 第二空名词earth属于独一无二事物的名词, 其前必须用定冠词。太空中有超过58,000的岩状物体, 其中大约900有可能掉到地球上。五、 用在序数词和形容词最高级前,及形容词only,very,same等前面Where do you live?I live on the second floor. He is the tallest in his class.Thats the very thing Ive been looking for. 1、(2011陕西卷13)As is known to all, Peoples Republic

34、of China is biggest developing country in the world. A.the ;不填 B. 不填 ;the C. the ;the D. 不填;不填(答案)C“众所周知,中华人民共和国是世界上最大的发展中国家。”第一个定冠词the用在表示国家的名词前;第二个定冠词the用在有形容词最高级修饰的名词前。2、(2006 辽宁)Of all reasons for my decision to become a university professor, my fathers advice was most important one.A.the;a B.不填

35、;a C.不填;the D.the;the(答案)D of意为 “其中的”, 后接复数名词时, 名词前要用定冠词the, 特指在有限的范围内 “其中的”某一个某一些。most important是形容词的最高级, 前要用定冠词the。3、(2000春上海)Wheresnearest bookstore? Theres one atend of the street.A.thean B.athe C.thethe D.aan(答案)C用于最高级前, 表示最近的; at the end of, 在尽头。六、 用在表示身体部位的名词前,表示所有,相当于物主代词: 动词+sb+介词+the+身体部位h

36、it/knock/strike/pat+sb.+in/on+the+部位catch/grasp/pull/push/take/seize+sb.+by+the+部位 be blind/lame/wounded+in+the+部位1、(2008浙江2)_ apple fell from the tree and hit him on _ head.A. An; the B. The; the C. An; 不填 D. The; 不填(答案)A第一个空指一个苹果, 是泛指;hit sb. in/on the+部位, 表示 “击打某人的某个部位”。2、(2001上海)A bullet hit the

37、 soldier and he was wounded in_leg.A.a B.one C.the D.his(答案)C伤及某人某部位或拍、打、拉某人某部位要用句式wound/bit/beat/pat/take+sb+介词+the+部分。子弹击中了战士, 他的腿受了伤。七、用在某些由普通名词构成的国家名称、机关团体、阶级、等专有名词前the Great wall,the United states2007江苏21,2011陕西131、(2011陕西卷,13)As is known to all, Peoples Republic of China is biggest developing

38、country in the world. A.the ;不填 B. 不填 ;the C. the ;the D. 不填;不填(答案)C“众所周知,中华人民共和国是世界上最大的发展中国家。”第一个定冠词the用在表示国家的名词前;第二个定冠词the用在有形容词最高级修饰的名词前。因此选C。2、(2006 陕西)According to_ World Health Organization, health care plans are needed in all big cities to prevent_ spread of AIDS. A.the;不填 B.the;the C.a;a D.不

39、填;the(答案)B the World Health Organization意为 “世界卫生组织”。spread特指艾滋病的传播。3、(2005江苏)On May 5, 2005, at_ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Linghui and Wang Hao won the gold medal in mens doubles with _ score of 4: 1.A. a; a B. 不填; the C. a; 不填 D. the; a(答案)D the World Table Tennis Championship, 意为“世界乒乓球

40、锦标赛”。score是泛指, 要加不定冠词a。4、(2005安徽)After dinner he gave Mr. Richardson _ ride to _ Capital Airport.A. the; a B. a; the C. 不填; a D.不填; the(答案)B ride表示泛指, 用不定冠词a。Capital Airport是专有名词, 要用定冠词the。八、by+the+具体的计量单位名词,表示按、以、论。,(size,weight,time等除外,与by连用时,前面不加定冠词)by the hour,by the day,by the week,by the dozen

41、,by the thousand,by the ton,by the kilo Apples are sold by weight。2011江西22(2011江西卷22)Its said John will be in a job paying over 60,000 _ year. Right, he will also get paid by _ week.A. the; the B. a; the C. the; a D.a; a(答案)B 前一句:据说John将会有一份年工资超过60000美金的工作,表时间单位每年,冠词用a,后一句说没错,他也将会以每周的方式得到薪水。by后面接具体的计量方式用定冠词the。九、用在表示方位、时间的词组和习惯用语前in the west/east/north/south on the left/right in the morning/afternoon/


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