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1、 中考英语短文填空真题练习 叶邑镇中学九年级英语组 姚胜兰 A 短文填空 先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。所填单词必须在答题卡相应题号后横线上完整写出。(本大题共12分, 每空1分) In many countries, people t_ (1) by car or by bike. They also get from place to place using p_ (2) transport such as buses and trains. However, some people live in parts of the wo

2、rld where it is i_ (3) to build roads. In these places, animals or other f_ (4) of transport have to be used. It is difficult to w_ (5) in snow but easy to ski over it. So in places like Alaska, people use skis. If they want to go faster, they get dogs to p_ (6) them on sleds(雪橇). Riding a snowmobil

3、e(雪地摩托) is a more m_ (7), but expensive way of getting around on snow. In desert like the Sahara in North Africa, people s_ (8) get around on camels. Camels survive w_ (9) in the desert, not because they can s_ (10) water in their bodies though! They can survive without water for two weeks and witho

4、ut f_ (11) for up to a month. H_ (12) can only go without water for about three to five days.参考答案:1. travel 2. popular 3. impossible 4. f 5. walk 6. pull 7. modern 8. sometimes 9. well 10.save 11. food 12. He B 短文填空 阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。Afel was only a small boy when he first saw s

5、now in a picture book. In the pictures he saw a lot of children (66) _ (play) in the snow. Afel didnt understand what snow was. But he dreamed about snow all the time. He dreamed of being able (67) _ (fly) across the snow.One day when he was twelve, Afel (68) _ (watch) TV at his uncles house. The pr

6、ogram was full of snow. Not only snow there were people flying across the snow. “Look! They (69) _ (fly)!” he shouted excitedly.The snow, and the people It was just like one of his dreams. “Theyre skiing. It needs snow,” said his uncle, “its the Winter Olympics. It (70) _ (hold) every four years.”Af

7、el (71)_ (find)out that the next Winter Olympics would be in Sochi, Russia in 2014.“Perfect,” he thought. “Enough time for me to become a good skier. I (72) _ (go) to the Winter Olympics, and win the gold medal for skiing.” “But theres no snow here!” people told him. “Where are you going to ski?” Af

8、el made himself a pair of skis and skied across the sand. At first he couldnt move, but he practiced and practiced until he could move quite quickly.“How will you go to the Winter Olympics?” people asked him. “Our country (73) _ (not, have) a team at all. Why (74) _ (not, do) athletics instead? We h

9、ave lots of good runners. And we (75) _ (win) lots of medals at the Olympics.”Now Afel is practicing skiing down sand dunes (沙丘). He dreams that the yellow sand and brown earth of the desert is the white snow. 参考答案及评分说明(一)参考答案: 66. playing 67. to fly 68. was watching 69. are flying 70. is held 71. f

10、ound 72. will go/am going 73. doesnt have/hasnt had 74. not do 75. have won(二)评分说明:1、本题共10分,每空1分;2、未用所给动词者,不得分;3、与所给答案不同,只要语法正确且符合逻辑表达也可得分。 C 短文填空 阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。(共10空,计10分)I wrote my first poem when I was 5 years old. It was (66) f_ Mothers Day. The poem was not my best work, but m

11、y mom kept it just like she kept every other piece of writing and artwork I ever made. She (67) a_ kept my baby clothes and a piece of hair from my first haircut. Sometimes I feel like my mom runs a museum of (68) m_ life, and she is the only visitor.But it feels (69) n_ to be loved like that. Who e

12、lse would care enough to keep all of my terrible drawings and silly poems? Only a (70) m_. (71) O_ Mothers Day when I was little, I used to bring my mom breakfast in bed, (72) m_ her a card, give her kisses and tell her I loved her. Id say to her: “Youre the (73) b_ mom in the whole world!”I dont ge

13、t to see my mother very much these days. Now I live in China, 11,200 km from my parents home in the US. Im too far away to bring my mom breakfast in bed or give her kisses. (74)B_ when Mothers Day comes, Ill call my mom from China. Over the (75) p_, Ill tell her I love her. No matter how far away I

14、go, shes always in my heart.参考答案及评分说明(一)参考答案: 66. for 67. also 68. my 69. nice 70. mother 71. On 72. make 73. best 74. But 75. phone(二)评分说明:1、本题共10分,每空1分; 2、与所给答案不符,只要语法、意义、拼写(含大小写)正确,也可酌情给分;3、70小题中考生若给出mother的其它表达方式,如mom、mum等,得0.5分。 D 短文填空 阅读短文,根据短文内容,用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。(共10小题,计10分)happy, close, angry

15、, parent, listen, make, if, long, but, importantAre you the only child in the family? If so, you are the most 66 in your family. 67 are the closest people to you in the world. But a lot of middle school students have a problem. They feel theyre not as 68 to their parents as before. They even think t

16、heir parents are unfair to them. Some students complain that their parents say a lot to them, but never 69 to them. Some of them even say it 70 . “My parents dont allow me to play computer games, 71 other classmates are doing that”. Others say, when theyre 72 phone calls to friends, their parents li

17、ke to ask if theyre speaking to a boy or a girl. These make them very 73 . Some students even decide to leave home. But they dont know running away may bring them some more problems. Show your parents youre growing up. Then theyll feel youre no 74 a small child. 75 you follow the advice, youll have

18、a happy life and never think of running away.参考答案及评分说明(一)参考答案: 66. important 67. Parents 68. close 69. listen 70. angrily 71. but 72. making 73. unhappy 74. longer 75. If(二)评分说明1. 本题共10分,每小题1分。2. 与答案不符,不得分。出现大小写错误可酌情扣分。 E短文填空 阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。Henry found a job in a bookstore af

19、ter he finished middle school. He wouldnt do anything but wanted to get rich. It was a cold morning. It (66)_ (snow) and there was thin ice on the streets. Few people went to buy the books and the young man had nothing (67) _ (do). He hated to read, so he watched the traffic. Suddenly he (68) _ (see

20、) a bag fall off a truck and it landed by the other side of the street. It (69)_ (be) full of expensive things. Henry said to himself. I have to get it right now, or others (70) _ (take) it away. He went out of the shop and ran across the street. A driver saw him and began to whistle (鸣笛), but he di

21、dnt hear it and went on (71) _(run). The man drove to the side, hit a big tree and (72) _ (hurt) in the accident. Two weeks later Henry was taken to court. A judge asked if he heard the whistle when he was running across the street. He said that something was wrong with his ears and he could hear no

22、thing. But you (73) _ (hear) me this time, said the judge. Oh, Im sorry. Now I can hear with one ear. (74) _(cover) the ear with your hand and listen to me with your deaf one. Well, can you hear me? No, I cant, sir. “You (75) _ (tell) lies. There is nothing wrong with either of your ears.” The judge

23、 said.参考答案及评分说明(一)参考答案: 66. was snowing67. to do68. saw 69. must/may/might be 70. will take71. running 72. was hurt 73. have heard/can hear 74. Cover 75. are telling(二) 评分说明:1、本题共10分,每空1分;2、未用所给动词者,不得分。 3、答案尽管与所给答案不同,但若语法正确且符合逻辑表达也可得分。4、若大小写出现错误,每处扣0.5分。 F 短文填空 阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。(共10空,

24、计10分)Ron, the teacher at the skydiving(跳伞运动) school, was surprised when the gray-haired man said that his name was Walter and asked if he could take skydiving lessons. Ron asked him how old he was and he (66) r _ that he was 60. Ron explained to Walter that (67) a over 50 had to be checked by a doct

25、or before he could learn to jump from a plane. “Im sorry, but I cant let you start learning (68) w a letter from your doctor.”Walter smiled. “Here is a letter from my doctor. He asked me to take (69) l of tests and he says that Im fine.”So Walter was able to join the skydiving school. He came to all

26、 the lessons and worked very (70) h . Soon it was the time for him to make his (71) f jump. Ron asked him if he was feeling OK. Walter answered that he had never felt better. However, he added that there was something he should have told Ron (72) e . Ron asked what it was and Walter smiled. Then jus

27、t before he jumped, he told Ron that he wasnt 60. Ron asked how old Walter (73) r was and Walter told him he was 75!Walter has a lot of (74) h_. He enjoys riding fast motorbikes and (75) c _ mountains. Last year he was saved by a police helicopter in Wales.His daughter Betty worries about him. “I th

28、ink he should stop all these activities. But my mother says that as long as hes happy, its OK.”参考答案及评分说明(一)参考答案: 66. replied 67. anyone/anybody 68. without 69. lots 70. hard/happily 71. first 72. earlier 73. really 74. hobbies 75.climbing(二)评分说明:1、本题共10分,每空1分; 2、与所给答案不符,只要语法、意义、拼写(含大小写)正确,也可酌情给分。 G

29、短文填空 阅读下面短文, 根据文意, 将方框内所给的词语或其序号填入相应的空白处, 使短文意思完整。(每个词语只能用一次) A. or B. celebrated C. common D. especially E. though F. real G. party H. think about I. for example J. all over Do you need an excuse for a celebration, because Christmas and your birthday are still a few months away? If it is true in yo

30、ur life, why dont you 66 celebrating your halfbirthdaythe day falls exactly six months either before or after your 67 date of birth. If you were born on the 27th of January, 68 , you could have an excuse for a 69 on Wednesday the 27th of July(if you count the months) 70 on Friday the 29th of July (i

31、f you count the days). Halfbirthday is often celebrated when the real birthday may be overshadowed(使失色)by some important festivals, 71 Christmas. So halfbirthday celebrations are more 72 in June or July. In the US, halfbirthdays are often 73 for children, whose real birthdays dont fall in the school

32、 year, so giving the chance to celebrate at school with their friends and teacher. In fact, halfbirthday has become popular 74 the world only with the popularity(流行)of Harry Potter, 75 it has been known for many years. Harrys friends try to cheer him up by celebrating his halfbirthday on January 29t

33、h.参考答案: 6670 HFIGA (think about real for example party or) 7175 DCBJE (especially common celebrated all over though) H短文填空 阅读下面短文,根据文意,用方框内所给的词或短语的适当形式填入相应的空白处,使短文意思完整。(每个词或短语只能用一次)(本题共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) than, develop, create, engineer, program, so that, in fact, smart, read Nicole is good-looking, w

34、ell-spoken, but she is computerized(电脑化的). 66 shes perfect. She was 67 by a New Zealand university teacher called Tom Moir, who is also a computer 68 . And then he has spent more than a year 69 the program and now Nicole can do many things, such as turning on the radio, lights and even surfing the I

35、nternet. Similar 70 have been designed in other parts of the world, but Tom wants to help disabled people around the home. “I want to create a 71 house for people which you come in and Nicole would be there on the big screen for you. You can ask her to 72 your emails, tell you the news and how the w

36、eather is.” Said Tom. Although Nicole is computerized, 73 seems that she could be human and do a better job 74 than a human helper. Anyway, Tom still wants to improve Nicole 75 she can do more and better work for people. Now, Tom is working on a news project.参考答案: 66. in fact 67. created 68.engineer

37、 69. developing 70. programs 71. smart 72. read 73. it 74. than 75. so that I 短文填空 阅读下面短文。在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。(每空格限填一词) There was once a rich man who loved his little boy very much. He wanted to try his best to please him. So he gave him a horse to ride, beautiful rooms to live in, pictures, books,

38、 toys and everything that money 66 buy. But for all this, the little boy was still 67 . He wore a frown ( 皱眉 ) wherever he went, and always wished for something he did not have. The man didn t know how to 68 his son happy. One day, a magician (魔术师) came to the man and said to him, I can make your so

39、n happy and turn his frowns into 69 , but you must pay me a great price for 70 him the secret. All right, said the man, No matter what you ask 71 , Ill give you. The magician took the boy into a secret room. He wrote 72 on a piece of paper, and then gave it to the 73 . There on the paper came the wo

40、rds, Do one kind thing for someone every day. The boy 74 the advice and became one of the happiest boys. Only those who stop thinking about 75 own happiness can be truly happy. 参考答案: 66. could, 67.unhappy/sad, 68.make 69.smiles 70.telling, 71.for 72. something 73.boy, 74. followed/accepted/took 75.t

41、heir J短文填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 根据文意,用方框内所给的词的适当形式填入相应的空白处,使短文意思完整。(其中有两个词多余)(本题共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) remember, forget, true, beauty, happy, good, attract, handsome, ugly, real, look, as How important is your appearance? Although everyone wants to be good-looking, are 66 people always happier people? Fo

42、r example, it must be a problem to be a 67 beautiful girl, because some people may be more interested in 68 at you than talking to you. They think of you 69 a picture rather than a person. There are also some people who think that women who are exceptionally(格外地) pretty and men who are particularly

43、70 must be stupid. They believe that only unattractive(无魅力的) people can be intelligent.On the other hand, no one wants to be really 71 , and have a face that even your mother doesnt want to look at; and no one wants to be plain, either that is, to be neither attractive nor unattractive, and have a face that is easily 72 . Being attractive is like being rich it can help you find 73 , but it doesnt always make you happy. So maybe the 74 thing is not to worry too much about how you look, but simply try to be an interesting per


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