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1、高一英语完形填空专练完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2645各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Some people have sailed the world in quite small boats It is not an easything 26 Sometimes the weather27bad That can be the28of everyone init Accidents can happen29 One family once had an accident30 some big fish

2、The fish swam31 their boat and32holes in it Sea water33,of course, and the boat soon34 However, these people had35small boat: a lifeboat and they all got into that They lived and36many days They ate and slept, and they always hopedAt last a ship 37 them 38 can people live in a very small lifeboat? P

3、erhapsfor weeksor months? They must be strong 39 every way They must have hopethey must want to live But you cannot eat and drink40 Youcannotdrinkseawater Ifyoudrinkalotof 41,you will quickly die Sailors can drink rain water They must 42 rain water in their boat They must also catch fish and birds43

4、 Lifeboats do not often carryacooker, so thesailorscannotcooktheir food Rawfishandbird meatisnotverynice, butthereis 44choice in a lifeboat! The sailors must eat raw food, or they will die 45people think about in a lifeboat? They think about land, a warm bed, dry clothes, fresh water and food, food,

5、 food 26 A for doing B. that do C to do D. to be done27 A become B. gets C. does D. are28 A end B. begin C. beginning D. finish29 A easy and quick B. easily and quick C easy and quickly D. easily and quickly30 A and B. or C. by D. with31 A over B. on C. under D. in32 A bite B. bit C. biten D. bited3

6、3 A came in B. came C. came into D. came down34 A rose B. lifted C. went down D. went up35 A other B. the other C. else D. another36 A hoped B. hoped on C. hoped for D. hoped in37 A found B. looked for C. searched D. searched for38 A What B. How long C. Where D. When39 A on B. with C. for D. in40 A

7、fresh water B. milk C. hope D. rain water41 A sea water B. fresh water C. rain water D. river water42 A take B. bring C. catch D. put43 A to food B. like food C. for food D. at dinner 44 A no another B. no other C. no else D. no45 A How do B. How are C. What are D. What doKeys: 2630 CBADD 3135 CBACD

8、3640 CABDC 4145 ACCBD6完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2645各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Henry Ford was the first one to build cars which were fast, reliable(可靠的)and cheap He was able to 26millions of them 27 he“massproduced(大批量生产)”them;28,he had made a great many cars of29 the same ty

9、pe Henry Fords 30had hoped that his son would become a 31,but the young man did not like the32 and went to Detroit where he 33as a mechanic34the time he was twentynine,in 1892,he35his first car The36massproduced car in the world, the famous“ModelT”37 in 1908five years38 Henry had started his great F

10、ordMotorCompanyThiscar39 to be so popular 40 it remained 41 for twenty years 42Henry Fords time, massproduction techniques(技术) have become43inindustry(工业)and 44 the price of a great many products which 45 would be veryexpensive26 A sell B. buy C. invent D. discover27 A though B. unless C. because D.

11、 if28 A which is B. that is C. what is D. it is29 A perhaps B. almost C. somewhat D. exactly30 A uncle B. father C. brother D. neighbor31 A mechanic B. engineer C. editor D. farmer32 A wish B. hope C. idea D. think33 A worked B. learned C. taught D. drove34 A By B. Until C. For D. In35 A build B. ha

12、d built C. would build D. building36 A best B. worst C. first D. last37 A invented B. made C. seemed D. appeared38 A until B. after C. because D. since 39 A produced B. proved C. made D. changed40 A then B. if C. though D. that41 A changed B. unchanged C. still D. cheapest42 A To B. Since C. By D. A

13、t43 A unusual B. common C. unimportant D. worthless44 A fixed B. fell C. raised D. reduced45 A therefore B. otherwise C. anyhow D. soKeys:2630 ACBDB 3135 DCAAB 3640 CDBBD4145 BBBDB7完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2645各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。 Earthquakes have been objects of worry and fear

14、throughout history No othernatural event can26as much damage over so27 an area28so short a time29 in asingle earthquake there30be ten thousand or31more than a hundred thousand32 lost Nearly33 this loss(损失),as well as34of the great damage,35,can beprevented or avoided If36are constructed(建筑) under an

15、y37 system and38checked,people would not be buried or39 With40and warning,41from42 can bereduced and damage from giant43can be controlled Thus,by studying theearths44and surface,the effects of earthquakes can be45 26 A cause B. make C. take D. produce27 A small B. general C. large D. important28 A o

16、n B. about C. for D. in29 A But B. Though C. Even D. Then30 A may B. must C. should D. might31 A about B. to C. over D. even32 A living B. life C. live D. lives33 A all B. most C. whole D. every34 A many B. much C. more D. plenty35 A however B. but C. then D. so36 A roads B. parks C. buildings D. br

17、idges37 A old B. modern C. foreign D. different38 A carefully B. busily C. hardly D. daily39 A broken B. cut C. knocked D. killed40 A help B. care C. fear D. worry41 A lives B. people C. deaths D. houses42 A wind B. rain C. light D. fires43 A water B. waves C. seas D. oceans44 A rocks B. soil C. air

18、 D. secret45 A changed B. put down C. reduced D. turnedKeys: 2630 ACDCA 3135 DDABA 3640 CBADB 4145 CDBAC8完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2645各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Insomecountries,peopleeatriceeveryday 26they eat it two or three times a day,for breakfast, lunch and supper They can

19、27it, fry(煎)it or 28 itinto ricenoodlesTheyusuallyeatit29 meat,fish and vegetables Some people do not eat some kind of30 Muslins,for example,do not eat pork,and Hindus do not eat beef TheJapaneseeatalotoffishJapan isanisland andits31goalloverthe Pacificlooking for fishto 32The Japanese sometimes eat

20、 uncooked fish,and they also eat a lot of rice In33such as Britain,Australia and the United States,the most important food is34or potatoes People there usually make their bread from wheat flour They 35potatoes in different ways They can boil them,fry them and roast(烤)them In Africa,maize(玉米)is the m

21、ost important food36rice and wheat,maize is a kind of cereal(谷物) African people make the maize37flour From this flour they make38kinds of bread and cakes Many Africans are very39and they cant afford to eat much 40with their cereal Cereals are a very important kind of food41we also need plenty of veg

22、etables and lots of fresh 42 Some people eat 43fruit and vegetables They do not eat meat or fish or 44 that comes from animals They eat only food from45 Some people say that food from plants is better for us than meat 26. A. Sometimes B. Sometime C. Some time D. Some times27. A. drink B. eat C. have

23、 D. boil28. A. make B. turn C. change D. eat29. A. as B. like C. with D. together30. A. apples B. fish C. meat D. vegetables31. A. trains B. planes C. fishing boats D. life boats32. A. buy B. weigh C. hold D. catcj33. A. the world B. countries C. the east D. developing countries34. A. bread B. cake

24、C. flour D. vegetables35. A. cook B. eat C. make D. take36. A. Like B. As C. Being D. With37. A. of B. from C. into D. up to38. A. the same B. different C. every D. each39. A. rich B. poor C. strong D. weak40. A. meat B. maize C. flour D. bread41. A. so B. as C. because D. but42. A. rice B. cakes C.

25、 fruit D. potatoes43. A. not only B. only C. besides D. except44. A. something B. anything C. pork D. beef45. A. plants B. apples C. pigs D. fishKeys: 2630 ADACC3135 CDBAA 3640 ACBBD 4145 DCBBA9完形填空(共20小题;每小题1 5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Most people in school lik

26、ed Gloria So when she got sick,some boys 36 to visit her But none of them wanted to37 any money for a gift to bring along Then Willie said,“We can38 some flowers from a39 ” Gloria will not know40they come from,and the dead man will not 41 them Everybody was afraid,42WillieSo he went alone and43 some

27、 beautiful flowersThen they went to Glorias44,and the boys acted as if the flowers were from all of them,but45 did not mind After their visit,Willie 46the other boys,“It is a good thing that I was not afraid Gloria47the flowers ” The other boys laughed Gloria would not have liked the48if she had kno

28、wn they had come from a grave That night,Willie was reading a book49 his mother came into his room“Willie,did you and other boys buy some flowers today50Gloria?”she asked“Theres a man51asking for you,”she added “He says that you didnt52 the flowers ” “What does he look53?”Willie asked “Thats hard to

29、 say,”Willies mother answered “He is all54with mud ” Willie,all of a sudden,turned55 36. A. thought B. asked C. planned D. took37. A. keep B. cost C. take D. spend38. A. steal B. pick up C. buy D. plant39. A. shop B. store C. street D. grave40. A. how B. where C. when D. why41. A. miss B. lose C. ha

30、te D. love42. A. beside B. besides C. including D. except43. A. saw B. thought C. looked for D. found44. A. room B. hospital C. school D. library45. A. Gloria B. some C. Willie D. nobody46. A. told B. asked C. said to D. explained47. A. refused B. liked C. hated D. missed48. A. boys B. flowers C. se

31、cret D. news49. A. as B. when C. while D. suddenly50. A. to B. for C. on D. with51. A. inside B. outside C. still D. also52. A. ask for B. water C. like D. pay for53. A. as B. about C. like D. for54. A. painted B. dressed C. wrapped D. covered55. A. sad B. red C. pale D. gladKeys: 3640 CDADB 4145 CD

32、DAC4650 CBBBB5155 BDCDC10完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从2645各题所给的四个选项( A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。 I like to be near watersea,lake or riverThat is probably because I was born in a village26the sea, and have lived27life close to water of some28When I am in some place29is far from lake, river and sea

33、, I am restless and always30 that there is something31, though it is sometimes hard to 32 what it is Of course, the sports I like are 33 which need water sailing, rowing and swimming It is34to swim in a small swimmingpool, 35rowing and sailing are impossible without a lot of water Rowing is best on

34、a river, and sailing on the sea or a big lake, but one can36some sailing on a river, and one can certainly row on a lake or the sea when the 37is good Of the three sports swimming, rowing and sailing, I like rowing38, because it is the 39to continue during the winter, when the water is too cold for

35、swimming and the sea is too rough for sailing40 on the coldest day one can row;41 ice on the water,or thick fog stops oneSometimes it is so cold when I go 42 that drops of water 43In such weather, it is not very 44 to swim;one cant stay in the water long;however, when one is rowing, one gets 45 the

36、longer one goes on26. A. by B. on C. in D. far from27. A. my most B. most of my C. my most of D. most my28. A. good B. kind C. place D. land29. A. there B. which C. where D. this30. A. know B. find C. feel D. want31. A. missed B. missing C. which is missed D. nice32. A. make B. see C. do D. say33. A. few B. some C. many D. those34. A. able B. easy C. possible D. impossible35. A. but B. and C. however D. or36. A. have B. get C. make D. do37. A. sky B. weather C. day D. water38. A. better B. more C. best D. least39. A. most interesting


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