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1、高中英语公开课教案:“中国K-12英语教育创新研究电子辞典在英语课堂中的使用效果研究”课题研讨与中期汇报展示课时间:Time: 14:30 PM Friday, 27th of May, 2011. 地点:Place: Terraced Classroom, Qingdao No. 58 Senior High School授课人:Lecturer: Shao Jie内容:“中国K-12英语教育创新研究电子辞典在英语课堂中的使用效果研究”课题研讨与中期汇报展示课学习目标Learning Objectives:Ability: To be able to work out the exact m

2、eanings of new words with the help of dictionaries. To be able to develop useful learning strategies to be used in future academic study.能力目标:使用电子词典找到生词的准确意义;培养对未来学业成长有用的学习策略Knowledge: To solve problems on the basis of previously acquired knowledge.知识目标:利用已有知识解决新问题Moral: To build up students confide

3、nce and interest in English learning.情感目标:培养学生信心和对英语学习的兴趣要点: 电子词典使用策略Key points:E-Dictionary use strategies.难点:何时使用电子词典;如何使用电子词典Difficult points:When and How to use the E-dictionary教学用具: 教学案;电脑;卡西欧E-99电子词典Teaching Aids: Worksheet (Learning Guide); Computer; Casio E-99 Electronic Dictionary 教学方法:结对练习

4、,小组练习,任务教学Teaching methods: pair works, group works, Task-based Approach.教学时数:一课时Total time: one period教学步骤Teaching Procedures第一步:组织教学并导入 (10分钟)通过问题设立问题情境:如果在阅读中碰见生词你会怎么办?收集学生答案并板书,以备后来使用。通过三个例子使学生意识到自己在遇到生词时经常会采用的策略。Step 1: Organize the class and leading in(10 minutes)Set a problem situation: What

5、will you do to work out the meaning of a new word in reading? Elicit answers from students. Brainstorm strategies that students might use. List their ideas on the whiteboard. (This is to be used later in class) Demonstrate three examples with the whole class. 1. The tigers roar could be heard in the

6、 village far away.2. The old mans legs have lost their spring. 3. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.Discuss after each task what method students used in solving their problems. Get students to reflect on the strategies (or methods) they used in each task.第二步:何时使用电子词典学生分组练习翻译6个句子,同时

7、他们需要思考他们在做题过程中运用了何种策略。请各组同学说出答案,同时对学生的猜词策略作出评价。Step II:When to use the e-dictionaryStudents work in groups. They are expected to translate the following 6 sentences, and they need also to think of what methods were used during this process. Collect answers from individual students, and comment on th

8、eir ways of dealing with words. 1.Each country has its unique culture, different from any other countries. “unique” means _.2. Last night I drank so much and this morning my head was still swimming. “swimming” means _.3. Jeremy felt lonely for he had no company during the trip.“company” means: _.4.

9、Buy up all the pineapples! We can can them.“can” means _.5. -That kid on the other team just fell down; it looks like he might be hurt! -Hes not hurt; hes just crying wolf. “crying wolf” means: _.6. Lets cross our fingers and hope for the best!“cross our fingers” means _.第三步:如何使用电子词典通过第二步的相关练习告诉学生在阅

10、读的过程中,很多时候词典都是必不可少的帮手。学生再次阅读三篇短文,注意力分别放在单词发音、成语和一词多义方面。Step III: How to use the e-dictionaryTell students, after the completion of Step II, that a dictionary is a useful helper if students meet with difficulty in reading. Students then work on three short passages, focusing on word pronunciation, id

11、ioms and multiple meanings of words.任务A将学生注意力引到单词重读可能导致的交际失误上来。在学生读完短文之后,询问学生对短文的看法。告诉学生在查字典的过程中,不仅要注意单词用法或词义,如果发音(尤其是单词重读)出错也可能导致交际失误。Task A is used to call attention to the misunderstandings that might arise from different stress patterns of certain words. After students finish their reading, ask

12、them how they feel. Tell them that when looking up a word in the dictionary, not only does word meaning or word use count, but pronunciation also makes a difference.Task AI was once talking with a university student and he was talking about himself, his hobbies, his personality and so on. At one poi

13、nt, he was trying to tell me that he was quite “unique”, but unfortunately he had poor pronunciation and put the stress on the first syllable, so that it sounded like another word “eunuch”. Thus, his sentence “I must tell you, Im unique”, sounded like “I must tell you, I am a eunuch”.1) What seemed

14、to be the problem? _2) “Unique” is pronounced _; “Eunuch” is pronounced _.3) What do you learn from this reading? _.The method I used to work out the meaning: Guessing Dictionary Discussion任务B让学生关注怎样查找习语。学生独自阅读,借助字典找到划线词的含义。任务结束后核对答案,并请个别学生对自己的查词方法进行展示。Task B is designed to practice how to use the d

15、ictionary to work out the meaning of idioms. Students work alone. First they read, then they decide which word to look up, and what meaning is appropriate in the context. After that, ask individuals to demonstrate to the whole class how they used the dictionary to complete the task.Task BIt was Zhan

16、g Jikes first appearance at the World Table Tennis Championships. But it didnt stop him stealing the show in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Zhang, 23, beat the top seed Wang Hao 4 2. He celebrated his victory in an astonishing way - he lay down on the floor, then tore his jersey. “The quieter the audie

17、nce is, the more excited I am,” he explained. “steal the show” means: _“seed” means _“tore his jersey” most probably means _The method I used to work out the meaning: Guessing Dictionary Discussion任务C是综合性练习,重点关注一词多义现象。学生分四人小组练习,每位组员负责阅读一段短文,同时负责解释短文中划线词的含义。学生可猜词,也借助词典自主完成练习。任务结束后展示数位同学的作品,并讨论如何确认文章的

18、题目。Task C tests comprehensive abilities with special attention on multiple meanings of words. Students work in groups of four, with each member taking turns to read a paragraph. They are also responsible for the underlined words in their paragraph. Different word-attack methods are encouraged. Stude

19、nts are also expected to think of a title for this passage. This is a time when the Chinese-English dictionary might be used. After the completion of the task, demonstrate individual students works.Task CBefore reading, think of your word attack strategy: Which words can you guess?Which words need t

20、o be looked up?Which words need to be discussed?It was Saturday morning and Jake, a hunter, woke up ready to go bag the first deer of the season. He walks down to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, and to his surprise he finds his wife, Alice, sitting there, fully dressed in her hunting clothes. Ja

21、ke asks her, “What are you up to?” Alice smiles, “Im going hunting with you!” Jake, though he didnt like it, finally agrees to take her along. They arrive at the hunting site. Jake sets his wife safely up in the tree stand and tells her: “If you see a deer, take careful aim on it and Ill come runnin

22、g back as soon as I hear the shot.” Jake walks away with a smile knowing that Alice couldnt bag an elephant - much less a deer. But soon after Jake is startled as he hears gunshots. Quickly, Jake starts running back. As Jake gets closer to her stand, he hears Alice screaming, “Get away from my deer!

23、” Puzzled, Jake races faster towards his screaming wife. And again he hears her sharp voice, “Get away from my deer!” followed by another volley of gunfire. Now within sight of where he had left his wife, Jake is surprised to see a cowboy, with his hands high in the air. The cowboy, obviously angry,

24、 says, “Okay, lady, okay! You can have your deer! Just let me get my saddle off it!”Replace the underlined word with a word of similar meaning.1. bag _2. reservations _3. stand _4. much less_5. startled _6. saddle _Please think of a best title for the passage._The method I used to work out the meani

25、ngs of the underlined words: I guessed the following words_I looked up the following words_I got answers by discussion_第四步:小结对本课内容进行简短回顾,指出在单词学习的过程中,字典的作用无可替代。在以后的学习过程中,需要仔细研究词典的使用策略,以期对自己的学习起到更大的促进作用。Step IV:SummaryBriefly look back on the contents of this lesson. Tell students that during the course of English learning, a dictionary is a like a bridge, connecting the known with the unknown. In future study, students need to develop proper strategies to cope with their study, so that they can make even greater progress. 板书设计Blackboard desighn1. Guess it2. Ask for help3. Use a dictionary


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