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1、高考短文改错设题技巧和备考策略河南 昝亚娟短文改错是高考英语试卷中的传统题型之一。短文改错集多项语法规则和多种语言技能于一身,具有题型小,综合性强,灵活性大,覆盖面广,测试层次多的特点。短文改错不是单纯地检测考生的语法知识,而是检测考生阅读理解的过程中,根据语篇和上下文运用所学的语言知识去解决实际的问题的能力。具体来说,短文改错主要检测考生发现、判断、纠正文章中错误的能力,以考查考生在语篇中综合运用英语知识的准确性。短文改错试题考查的考点涵盖对基础知识的掌握、运用、分析和综合等诸多方面,考查目标既涉及语言知识的多个方面,包括词法、句法、语篇结构和行文逻辑等,又涵盖理解、分析、运用和整体思维等诸

2、方面能力。从1991年至1995年, 短文改部分通常错设15个小题,赋分15分。在1996年至2000年期间,短文改错题型有所变化。短文设计10个小题,赋分10分。但是,最早开始高考自主命题的上海市,高考英语试卷多年来一直没有选用全国高考英语试卷中的短文改错题型。北京市从2001年开始高考自主命题,在2003年也取消了短文改错题型。从2005年起,一些高考自主命题的省份,如湖南、湖北、广东、江苏、山东、天津、安徽和江西等,也相继取消了短文改错题型。目前,在全国19套高考试卷中,新课标全国卷、大纲全国卷、大纲全国、重庆卷、陕西卷、辽宁卷、西川卷和浙江卷中仍保留了短文改错题型。高考英语考试大纲(说

3、明)对短文改错题型的特点作了如下描述:“本题给出一篇约100个单词的短文,其中10行每行右边标有题号,要求考生判断是否有错,如有错将其改正。错误类型包括词法、句法、行文逻辑等。” 高考试卷中的短文改错题平均每篇短文约810个句子,每行约912个单词,其中大部分为简单句或并列句,总词汇量约100120个单词。分行的短文改错题一般设计一行没有错误,23个小题句子成分缺词或多词,需要添加或者删掉,67个小题存在语言错误,需要改正。2011-2014年高考英语试卷中出现的短文改错题型可分为两大类:第一类为分行的短文改错,即传统的短文改错。第二类为语篇改错,即把原来标出题号的10行的短文改成了不分行的整

4、篇文章来该错,要求学生判断的不是每行而是每句是否有错误,整篇共有10 处错误,多于10处不算分数。这无疑比原来的题型加大了难度。对考生是一个极大的挑战。短文改错的短文的内容浅显易懂,短文词数为100左右,体裁大多为记叙文,偶尔也有说明文和应用文。短文改错设计的错误主要涉及词法、语法、篇章结构和行文逻辑等几个方面。考生需要在整体理解短文的基础上,借助语境进行判断。因此,这就要求考生不仅掌握好一定的词汇和语法知识,而且具有一定的阅读、分析和逻辑推理能力。为了帮助同学们了解短文改错试题特点,提高识别错误的能力,下面结合近三年的高考试题,对短文改错的考点分布情况和设题技巧进行分析:一、动词类错误动词类

5、的错误在短文改错中占2-4个,是短文改错试题中占比重较大一个考点,因此需要我们特别关注。动词类的错误通常包括:谓语动词的错误、和非谓语动词的错误。(一)谓语动词谓语动词方面的错误主要包括时态前后不一致、主句和从句的动词时态不一致、句子缺少谓语动词、语态错误、动词与主语的人称和数不一致、不及物动词后缺少介词、情态动词误用等。1、谓语动词时态用错或前后不一致Since then, we had been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please.(2014新课标全国卷)【分析】句首的短语Since then“从那以后”暗示本句的应用现在完成时

6、,因此应把had 改为have。My dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. We didnt need to do so many homework.(2014全国大纲卷【分析】根据第一句可知,本句陈述的是事实,应用一般现在时。第二句应与第一句的时态保持一致,因此把didnt改为dont。My dream school look like a big garden.(2014全国大纲卷) 【分析】本句为一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数My dream school,因此谓语动词用looks。We can lie on the

7、 grass for a rest, sat by the lake. ( 2014年全国大纲卷)【分析】本句含有两个谓语动词第一个是can lie on the grass for a rest,逗号后为并列谓语,情态动词can后应用动词原形,因此把sat改为sit。 For example, how many times have you walked out of a room and leave the lights?(2012大纲全国I卷)【分析】句子的谓语动词是现在完成时,两个谓语动词都应使用过去分词,因此应把leave 改为 left。2、从句和主句的谓语动词的时态不一致 I w

8、as only four when she passes away.(2013新课标全国卷)主句为一般过去时,从句也应用一般过去,因此把passes改为passed。When I tear apart my fifth birthday toy train, my father said(2012新课标全国卷)【分析】短文通篇为一般过去时,主句的谓语动词是said,因此应把tear改为tore。My father and I stayed at the South Lake Hotel for a week when we visit Beijing last month. (2012陕西卷)

9、【分析】句中有时间状语last month,主句为一般过去时,因此从句也应为一般过去时,应把visit改为visited。Yet it seemed water is becoming less and less.(2012大纲全国II卷)【分析】短文通篇是一般现在时。因宾语从句为一般现在时,因此主句也应是一般现在时,把seemed改为seems。Thank you for the lovely day we have with you.(2012辽宁卷)【分析】根据语意,“谢谢我们与你一起度过的这一天”。由于事情已经发生,因此定语从句应用一般过去时,因此应把have改为had。you alw

10、ays held me in your arms and told me stories till I fall asleep.(2012重庆卷)【分析】前句为一般过去时,主句的两个谓语动词(held和 told)都用了过去式,因此till状语从句也应用一般过去时,因此把fall改为fell。I knew that they will be worried about myself because I was(2012浙江卷)【分析】本文讲述的是两年前作者本人的一段经历。主句I knew为一般过去时,因此宾语从句应用过去将来时,应把will改为would。 I hold my lunch-bo

11、x in my hand when I was going to school.(2011大纲全国卷)【分析】when时间状语从句的谓语动词为过去将来时,因此主句谓语动词应用一般过去时,把hold改为held。 By the time I got back, they have finished the scene and actor couldnt be seen(2011陕西卷)【分析】本句含有三个谓语动词:第一个为got,第三个为couldnt be,因此可判断第二个谓语动词也应为过去的某种时态。又因By the time连接的从句为一般过去时,主句应用过去完成时,因此把have 改为h

12、ad。 We became friends shortly after we meet each other.(2011重庆卷)【分析】句意为:我们见面不久就成为好朋友。根据前句的谓语动词became可判断应把meet改为met。3、谓语动词形式错误I didnt cheat. I was just helping a friend. Why does she punish me?(2013年四川卷) 【分析】根据前两句可知,第三句也应用一般过去时,因此疑问句应用助动词did。故does把改为did。 Suddenly Mary, my best friend, asking me to le

13、t her copy my answers.(2013年四川卷)【分析】本句中谓语动词错误,描述过去发生的事情应用一般过去时,因此把asking改为askedTea in China was traditionally drank from cups without handles. (2013年新课标卷) drank改成drunk。【分析】根据语意,本句应用被动语态。动词drink的过去分词为drunk,可与前面的was构成被动语态。I couldnt believe my luck not only did I had my photo taken with him, but he sig

14、ned his name on my shirt! (2011全国II)【分析】第一句和第三句的谓语动词都是一般过去时,破折号后面为倒装句,因not only放在句首,故助动词 did放在主语之前,因此谓语动词应用动词原形,把had改为 have。4、缺少谓语动词So really friendship should able to stand all sorts of tests.(2014年新课标全国2卷)【分析】本句缺乏谓语动词,句式be able to do sth.意为“能够做某事”,因此在able前加系动词be。I was happy when the toys worked, b

15、ut when things did wrong, I got angry(2012新课标全国卷)【分析】在连词but后的第二个分句中,谓语动词出现错误。go wrong意为:出错。应把did改为went。也可在did 后加go,构成对谓语动词的强调。The commanding officer, Wayne Tyler, who directly responsible for the study of all such reports, decided to(2011辽宁卷)【分析】两个逗号之间的句子,为Wayne Tyler带的定语从句,who 后面只有形容词,缺少系动词,应加上was。

16、 5、谓语动词的人称和数与主语不一致Suddenly the arrows was flying down at us from the sky.(2014陕西卷)【分析】本句的主句是the arrows,谓语动词应用复数,因此把was改为were。The early morning barking have been disturbing us as we are often up all night with the baby.(2014年辽宁卷)【分析】本句的主语为barking 因此谓语动词应用单数形式,把have改为has。The understanding between two

17、friends mean both of them have similar ideas.(2014年新课标全国2卷)【分析】根据宾语从句both of them have similar ideas 可知,本句为一般现在时。本句的主语为The understanding between two friends,因此谓语动词应用单数,故应把mean 改为means。 Finally, there were a sudden pull at the pole and fish was caught.(2013年陕西卷)【分析】本句为“there be”结构,谓语动词应与名词a sudden pu

18、ll保持一致,因此应用单数形式,把were改为was。Good night and remember you, dear diary, is my only souvenir from my past life and my only friend.(2013浙江卷)【分析】分析题干可知,本句的主语是you,而不是dear diary,因此谓语动词应用复数。把is改为are。Hard work have made him very ill. (2013辽宁卷)【分析】句子的主语是Hard work,不可数名词后谓语动词应用单数形式,因此把have改为has。Now my friend Ann,

19、 together with me, are going to do field study(2012重庆卷)【分析】句子的主语是my friend Ann, together with me是状语前置,因此谓语动词应用单数,应把are改为is。What I liked best were the free high-speed Internet connection in the room.(2012陕西卷)【分析】主语从句What I liked best后谓语动词应用单数,因此把were改为was。 but the only clothes I had was those I had o

20、n.(2011全国新课标卷)【分析】本句的主语为the only clothes,其后跟定语从句I had,谓语动词应用复数,因此把was改为were。Katia, like many other Russian girls, are nice and lively.【分析】本句的主语为Katia,其后的介词短语like many other Russian girls作状语,插在谓语动词之前,对考生造成干扰,谓语动词应用单数,因此把are改为is。In early January this year, the rate of UFO reports were steady.(2011辽宁卷)

21、【分析】本句的主语为the rate,谓语动词应用单数,因此把were改为was。6、语态错误they were looked like rain!(2014年陕西卷)【分析】短语look like“看起来像”,后接名词,构成主系表结构,因此去掉were。(二)非谓语动词非谓语动词方面的错误仅次于谓语动词。包括动词不定式类错误、现在分词、过去分词和动名词类错误。1、与动词不定式有关的错误It is difficult to understanding why she barks every minute shes outside.(2014年辽宁卷)【分析】本句的题干为:“It is +形容词

22、to do sth.”句式。it 为形式主语,指代动词不定式to understand ,因此把understanding 改为understand。He wanted teach me about animals, insects and trees.(2014 陕西卷)【分析】动词want后接动词,want to do sth. “想做某事”。因此在wanted后加to。She used to holding me on her knees and sing old songs.(2013新课标全国卷)【分析】used to do sth.意为 “过去常常做某事”,因此应把holding改

23、为hold。make my toys to last(2012全国新课标卷)【分析】句中含有 make sb do sth“让某人做某事”结构,因此,去掉last前的动词不定式符号to。 2、与现在分词相关的错误One evening at sunset, we sat by the fire, have our barbecue.(2014 陕西卷)【分析】分析题干可知,句子的主干为we sat by the fire。逗号后非谓语动词,因have our barbecue是主语发出的动作,应用现在分词短语作状语。故have把改为having。Felt hungry, we built a

24、fire by the lake and barbecued the fish.(2013陕西卷)【分析】分析题干可知,逗号后为句子的主干,句首为非谓语动词。由于“感觉饿了”是主语发出的动作,因此应用现在分词短语作状语。把Felt改为Feeling。Last Sunday morning, when I was having a walk in the park near my home, I came across a crew make a new film(2011陕西卷)【分析】主句中谓语动词为came across,宾语a crew 后面为分词作定语,表示主动的、正在进行的动作,应用

25、写作分词作定语,把make改为making。Follow this explanation, there was a rapid drop in the number of reported sightings.(2011辽宁卷)【分析】逗号后面的部分为句子的主干,逗号之前为现在分词作状语,因此应把Follow改为Following。3、与过去分词相关的错误I am awfully tiring, but I know(2013年浙江卷)【分析】tiring意为“累人的;麻烦的;无聊的”,通常描述事物,本句描述“我非常疲惫”,因此把tiring改为tired“劳累的;厌倦的”。Third, w

26、e should findways to reuse the water using in washing.(2012大纲全国II卷)【分析】本句意为:我们应找到方法,循环使用洗衣用过的水。过去分词短语used in washing修饰名词the water,表示完成和被动。因此应把using改为used,表示“洗衣时被用的水”。I also shared with my friends many photos taking in Beijing.(2012陕西卷)【分析】句中的非谓语动词taking用错。应把taking改为taken,过去分词表示被动的意味,photos taking in

27、 Beijing “在北京拍摄的照片”。 4、动名词类错误After think for some time, I let her copy my answers. (2013年四川卷)【分析】介词After后应用动名词,因此把think改为thinking。He isnt good at talk but he gets on well with other people. (2013新课标全国大纲卷)【分析】短语be good at doing sth.“擅长做某事”把talk改为talking。Have tea in the late afternoon provides a bridg

28、e between lunch and dinner, that might not be served until 8 oclock at night. (2013年新课标卷)【分析】分析题干可知,句子的主语为“Have tea in the late afternoon”。由于动词原形不能作主语,应把Have改成Having。Thank you so much by not only giving me life, but also teach me how to be a good person. (2012四川卷)【分析】句中的介词by 后有连词not only but also连接两

29、个动词,这两个动词都应用动名词形式,因此把teach改为teaching。I guessed, even at that age, I would never be able to enjoy to playing with the toy. (2011浙江卷)【分析】动词enjoy后接动名词,enjoy doing “喜欢做某事”,因此把enjoy后面的 to 去掉。 Ive soon got used to live without my parents around.(2011重庆卷)【分析】句意为“不久,我就习惯了独立生活”。习惯用语be/get used to表示“对习惯”,to为介

30、词,后接动名词形式,因此把live改为living。 (三)情态动词误用Meanwhile, I found out that with more patience I must make my toys (2012全国新课标卷)【分析】句意为:我发现,如果我更有耐心些,我可以使玩具更长久。句中的情态动词must用错,应改为could或might。She said, “I have been practicing for three weeks now, but I still couldnt get used to it.(2010四川卷)【分析】根据前句可知,下句陈述的是现在的情况,情态动

31、词couldnt误用,应改为cant。(四)易混动词的误用Hope you good health and much happiness every day!(2012四川卷)【分析】动词hope后不能接复合宾语。英语中表示祝愿通常用wish,而不用hope。因此把hope改为wish。二、名词类错误与名词相关的错误主要包括名词单数和复数形式的误用、在不可数名词后加-s、名词词形错误等。(一)该用复数的名词使用了单数 Nearly five years before since then-for all these year-we(2014年新课标)【分析】前句有Nearly five yea

32、rs before,因此,本句中的“这些年”these years,应用复数形式。we can do reading for one and a half hour.(2014年新课标大纲卷)【分析】本句意为“我们可以读书一个半小时”。one and a half hours “一个半小时”。把hour改为hours。Weve called several time about Cleos early morning barking. 【分析】句中的several意为“几个的”,后面应跟名词的复数形式。因此把time改为times。Hello, boys and girlsStay close

33、 to your teacher and classmate.【分析】根据前句中的boys and girls可知,说话人是对同学们讲话的,因此应把classmate改为classmates。He was tall, with broad shoulder(2013新课标全国卷)【分析】句意为:他身材高大,肩宽背阔。因此shoulder应用复数形式。Within the next few minute, my grandfather also caught a fish.(2013年 陕西卷)【分析】句中的时间状语“在几分钟内”,名词minute应用复数,因此把minute改为minutes。

34、I saw him lying in bed, looking at some of the picture we had taken together. (2013辽宁卷)【分析】句中的some of之后的名词应用复数形式,因此把picture改为pictures。His new job meant I had to say goodbye to my classmate, my school(2013浙江卷)【分析】句意为:他的新工作意味着我得向同学和学校告别。根据语境,名词classmate应用复数形式。until I was about six, I destroyed each of

35、 my toy.(2012新课标全国卷) 【分析】根据each of 可知,“我弄坏了我的玩具中的每一个”,因此复数形式toys。We, as well as animal, cannot livewithout water(2012纲全国卷)【分析】名词复数可表示泛指,因此应把animal改为animals。we enjoyed several local dish.(2012陕西卷)【分析】several 之后应用名词的复数形式,因此把dish改为dishes。 Mom, I know I have never expressed my thank to you before.(2012四

36、川卷)【分析】名词thank常用复数形式,expressed ones thanks “表达某人的谢意”。因此应把 thank改为thanks。 You told me the name of different plants (2012重庆卷)【分析】根据后置定语of different plants可知,name应改为复数形式 names。there was a long line of traffic for at least six mile. (2012辽宁卷)【分析】根据数词six可知,mile应改为复数形式miles。(二)该用单数的名词使用了复数A passenger real

37、ized he couldnt find his ticketYet, they had so quickly offered the strangers their help.【分析】前句出现了A passenger,下文中的the strangers即指这位乘客,应用单数形式。因此把strangers改为stranger。(But after the test, we were called to the teachers office. )The teacher was angry because we had same answers in the tests. (2013年四川卷)【

38、分析】句根据上文中的after the test可知,下文中的名词tests错误,应把tests改为test。In early January this year, the rate of UFO reports was steady, around three per weeks. (2011辽宁卷)【分析】句中的介词per表示“每”,后应用单数名词,因此应把weeks改为week。Every one of us can make a great efforts to cut off the use of energy in our country.(2012纲全国卷)【分析】短语make

39、a great effort/great efforts to do sth意为“尽力做某事”因此,应把efforts改为effort,也可把去掉冠词a去掉,使用复数形式efforts。 (三)在不可数名词后加-s It felt very strange to travel without any luggages.(2011全国新课标卷) 【分析】luggage “行李” 通常用作不可数名词,因此把luggages改为luggage。(四)名词的形式错误 This made for the grow in the porcelain industry.(2013新课标全国2卷)【分析】句意

40、为“这有利于陶瓷业的发展。”在冠词the后应用名词形式,因此应把grow改为growth“发展;增长;生长;种植”。 He has ruined his healthy. (2013辽宁)【分析】句意为:“他损害了自己的健康”。在代词his之后用名名词,因此把healthy“健康的”改为health“健康”。 三、形容词和副词类错误 不少中学生很难区别英语中形容词和副词的不同用法,导致出现一些错误。形容词与副词的错误主要包括以下几种:误把形容词当副词用、误把副词当作形容词用、形容词和副词搭配不当、形容词和副词的比较级与最高级的混淆、由现在分词和过去分词变成的形容词误用。(一)误把形容词当作副词

41、用 在英语中,形容词主要在句中作定语、表语、宾语补足语。副词的主要作用是修饰动词、句子,也可以修饰形容词和副词。副词在句中主要作状语。有些考生缺乏这些基本常识,以至于误把形容词当副词用。Just then a bird was flying over us. My uncles immediate jumped up. (2014陕西卷)【分析】副词jumped up前应用副词修饰,因此把immediate改为immediately。 No one in the carriage had previous spoken to or even noticed the ticket-owner b

42、efore.(2014浙江卷)【分析】本句中动词spoken 前应用副词修饰,因此把previous改为previously。Interesting, it had connection with the British porcelain industry.(2013新课标2卷)【分析】副词Interestingly“有趣地”放在句首,作插入语,因此把Interesting改为Interestingly。Unfortunate, I had an accident and hit another car, and I needed to stay in a hospital for at l

43、east two week.(2012浙江卷)【分析】应用副词Unfortunately“遗憾的是”放在句首,作插入语,因此把Unfortunate改为Unfortunately。(二)误把副词当作形容词用 We are growing wonderfully tomatoes at on cost!(2014全国新课标卷)【分析】名词tomatoes前应用形容词修饰,因此把wonderfully改为wonderful。The teachers here are kind and helpfully. (2014全国大纲卷)【分析】本句为主系表结构,and后应用形容词与kind并列,因此把he

44、lpfully改为helpful。That is too much for us, considering how closely the houses are. 2014 辽宁卷【分析】逗号后面的how closely the houses are为宾语从句,为主系表结构,因此把closely改为close。and try to remain quiet and calmly.(2014年四川卷)【分析】系动词remain后应接形容词作表语,因此calmly把改为calm,与并列quiet。waiting for about half an hour, I was beginning to

45、get impatiently. (2013陕西卷)【分析】系动词get后应接形容词作表语,因此把impatiently改为impatient。We lived in a comfortably double-room with a big bath.(2012陕西卷)【分析】名词double-room前面应用形容词修饰,因此把comfortably为comfortable。Although her English is a little hardly to understand, we enjoy chatting. (2011重庆卷)【分析】形容词hard表示“硬的,坚固的;困难的, 难懂

46、的;辛苦的, 努力的”,而副词hardly意为“几乎不”。题干含有“It is+形容词 to do sth.”结构,因此应用形容词作表语,把hardly改为hard。(三)误把名词当作形容词用The fruits are small in size, but juicy and taste.(2014全国新课标)【分析】句中的and 之后应用形容词tasty与juicy并列,作表语。I noticed that the carriage was noise and filled with people.(2014年浙江卷)【分析】本句意为:我注意到车厢里非常吵闹,有很多人。应把noise改为n

47、oisy,在句中作表语。When the teacher asks us very difficulty questions (2013年大纲卷) 【分析】名词questions前面应用形容词作定语,因此把difficulty改为difficult。but I know I will never fall sleep. (2013浙江卷)【分析】系动词fall后应接形容词作表语,因此把sleep改为asleep, fall asleep“入睡”。 Today we had a chemistry test. I found the test difficulty. (2013年四川卷) 【分析】第二个分句为复合宾语结构,“我发现考试很难”,应用形容词作宾语补足语,因此把difficulty改为difficult。 (四)形容词使用不当We didnt need to do so many homework.(2014全国新课标2卷)【分析】不可数名词homework前面应用much修饰,因此把many改为much。Dad lost his job and as Mom ex


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