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1、九年级英语下册Unit6 Topic 3 Section B教案(仁爱版)B The main activities are 1a, 2a and 2c. 本课重点活动是1a,2a和2c。 . Teaching aims and demands教学目标aw phrase:2. Go ov: (1) Maybe I have dgs that hurt your feelingaa(2) Ive certainly forgotten everything like thaLearn to make an apology: (1) I beg your pard(2) You dont need

2、 to saPractice making aat the gradua. Teaching aids教具 磁带/录音机/写有阅读任务的小黑板 . Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Review 第一步 复 习(时间:15分钟)(复习上节课功能话题,现在完成时态和其他一些时态的综合运用。) T: Boys and girls, gladu aga: GladuT: Our graduag. What will you d? S1: I must study hardal examina2: I will buy some ggood fr iend: I will

3、maardlassmates and design some beautiful flowers and wordblackboardT: Great! Now, please wairs and discuss what you have dgradua(学生互相讨论,复习现在完成时态的用法。教师尽量引导学生复习含有完成时态的陈述句、疑问句及其回答。) T: S4, could you tell us what you have done? S4: I have tad to my good friends. S5 and I have prepared a progragradua: Ye

4、s, we have practisedgram for a longT: Thats greau have preparedxamination, havent you? Ss: Yes, we have. T: Its so smau to d2. (导入新单词和短语。) T: To my greau are studying so hard. Here “to ones joy”means “what maappy”, thaay,“使某人高兴的是”, for axamplgreaas passed the examination. Who can make awase? S6: To

5、my great joy, I have such a teacher as you: To our joy, we have lealy how to study, but also how to be a man. T: Wonderful! Iu work hard, youll achieve your dream. “Achieve”ans “realize”, “achieve your dream” means that your dream willue. We also can say “achieve ones goal, achieve su” (板书划线内容。标出新单词

6、的音标,领读几遍。)s joyExample: To his greaas passed the examinaachieve v.Example: achieve ones dream, achieve ones goal, achieve success(取得胜利) T: Please make awword “achieve”: If we want to achieve our dream, we must work hard: He has finally achieved suT: Thank you. You are great! Now, lets go ovases. The

7、re aPleaaase or wordlPleaand write your answblackboard, S10. (呈现写有下列内容的小黑板。此项活动复习已学单词,短语,激活旧知识,为课文理解作铺垫。) Fillblanks with a word or phrase in awalllowing:allf, get along well, ga(1) my classmates advice (建议), I have made so great prog(2) , I met an old friend in Beijing. (3) Work hard, and you wi ll

8、 your drea(4) Tars, we with ea(5) At the class get-togad a good time and very mu(6) Having a rest, we writing ou(学生单独做作业,随后讨论并修改。教师给出学生在作业中的典型问题。) T: Boys and girls, discuss the answblackboard and then letgThe answers are:1. Thanks to 2. Talize 4. get along welld themselves 6. w2 Presentation 第二步 呈现

9、(时间:12分钟)(进入1a部分。) T: Turn to Page 4 3. Look aure. Kangkang and Michael are talking aboug. Lape and learn what they are talking about. There aquu after listening: (播放本部分教材内容磁带。老师板书下列问题。) (1) Who will go back to America, Kangkangael? (2) Has Kangkang done anything that hurt Michaels feelings? What do

10、es Kangkang say? (3) What agoingber? T: Now, have you caught the dialog? Ss: Yes, we have. T: Great! Tuablackboard. Qulease give your answ: Michael will go back to America. T: S2, are you sure about question 2? S2:as. He says “I beg your pardon”. T: You are right. “I beg your pardon”ans “I am sorry”

11、 or “I beg you to forgive me”. When you cant cabody, you also can say“I beg your pardon”. It means “I dont understand you and please repeat it”. I beg your pard(板书划线部分。) T: Lets turn to quuld you give the answ? S3: They will remember all the goodave had tog2. (进入1b部分。) T: All right. Read the dialog

12、and make suur answGroup 1 and group 2 act as Kangkang, group 3 and group 4 act as Michaelwgo! (根据班上座位的编排情况把学生分成两组,分角色朗读。) T: Now, you hava task alone accordingdialog. Turn to 1b on Page 43. Fillblanks andas soon as possible. (学生独立作业。) T: S4, could you give your answers? S4: All rigael is going back

13、to America. Kangkang willa lot. In the paars, maybe he has dgs that hurt Michaels feelings. He is reallat. But Michael says he will rememb er all the goodve had togThe answers are:miss, has dlingwill remember T: Class, what do youanswers? Ss: We agree w(教师呈现写有阅读任务的小黑板。) Howls What they got What they

14、 will do T: Look aPlease discuss with your pa: (1) Howls? (2) What they got duringars? (3) What they will do? (学生展开讨论,随后汇报结果。老师填写关键词及短语。) T: S5, please find the words and phrases showingling: Ill try. (1) excited and happy(2) a fanta-yea(3) a happy family(4) many unforgettabl(5) to my great joy(6) l

15、ove T: So wonderful of you! S6, could youxt: what they got? S6: OK. (1) learnt a l(2) got along well wds (3) w“Excellent Student”(4) received a laT: Thank youu aame great. The last task: who will try? S7: L(1) say good-bye(2) rememb(3) go on working hard(4) come bal (把划线部分填入表格。使学生清楚地了解文章的具体内容。) T: T

16、hank youwonderful!lidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)(听磁带模仿语音、语调。) T: Weve learnt whaays. Now, lape.Pay aunciation and intona(播放课文磁带。) T: Are you sure you havblems abou? Ss: Yes, we a2. (开展任务型活动,帮助学生进行语音、语调练习,加深对句子的理解。) (进入2b部分。) T: I llw you graxt. Turn to 2b on Paglar meanings. Aart al(学生独立作业。) T: Finis hed?

17、Ss: Yes, we have. T:adandlar word: All right. We have hadantastic years in Renai International School. We can say we have had a great three-yeaB is rigT: You are right. S2, try No.2. S2: I have many unforgettabl“unforgettable” means “hard to forget”. So A is rigT:(教师按此方法完成3-5题。让学生借此练习自己的发音。)(活动二。整合文

18、章内容。练习学生的语音、语调,进一步加深对文章的理解。) T: There aquuld you answaccordingxt? (教师板书划线部分内容,同时给学生一些思考的时间。)Wling so excited and happy? 2. What has she got during-year time? Ss: Let uT: Qu: Wling so excited and happy? S3, plea: Because she will gradualwhat she has had and what she will do. T: Wonderful job! Questio

19、n 2: What has she got during-year time? Who willask? (让学生自愿举手。) T:lease! S4: She has learnt a lacher andd. She has learned thawaucceed, she must study hard aT: You are so wonderful!Practice 第四步 练习(时间:5分钟) (进入课文2c部分。) T: Just now, we have learnt aand we discussed how to make aNow, well discuss what y

20、ou are going to speak at the graduaAdiscuss with your paake a list of what you will speak in a right ord(学生开始讨论,要求他们列出讨论结果。) T: Stop! Are you sure about you? Ss:T: S1, please give your list of what you will sa: OK. I am glad(1) My feeling. (2) The reaxand ha(3) What Ive learnt and done duringa(4) Tv

21、ing ev(5) My plautu(教师根据情况可另外让1-2名学生陈述。)Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)(练习写毕业典礼演讲稿。) T: Iu have prepared for writing aNow, wur exercise book. There aquu. (1) 先列出纲要。再写正文。 (2) 文章中尽量能运用已学或你收集的谚语或俗语。如: Wa willa way. Itught that couNo paga(3) 词数:80-100。 2. HomewTactivdxt. Wdo yougood for us? Show your reasons


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