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1、 集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#仁爱版八年级英语下册短语汇总八年级下册短语总结Unit 5 Topic 11. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事2. go to the movies 去看电影3. prepare sth. for sb. 为某人准备某物4. say thanks to 向道谢5. a ticket to 票/入场卷6. on ones way home/here/ there 在某人回家/去这里/那里的路上 on the / ones way to 在去的路上7. ring sb. up 给某人打电

2、话8. care for =look after=take care of 照顾,照看9. because of 因为,由于10. cheer sb. up 使振作起来,使高兴起来11. at first 开始12. be afraid of doing sth. =be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事13. in the end 最后,终于14. come into being 形成15. be full of= be filled with 充满,装满 alone独居feel lonely 感到孤单17. over = more than 超过、多于18. teach(tau

3、ght)sb to do sth 教某人做某事19. be able to=can 能够20. find a way to do sth. 找到做某事的方法(sold) well 卖得好22. make peace with sb. 与某人和解 / become popular with 受欢迎Unit 5 Topic 21. seem to do sth. 似乎2. seem + adj. 似乎、好像3. it seems that +句子 4. be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格5. be strict in sth 对某事要求严格6. be sorry to do st

4、h 抱歉做某事7. be sorry for sth 为某事而抱歉8. have a talk with sb. =talk with sb. 与某人谈话9. be worried about=worry about 担心10. send sth to sb= send sb sth 把给某人11. try to do 尽力做某事12. take it easy 别紧张,别着急13. fail the exam 考试不及格14. at ones age 在某人的年龄15. tell jokes 讲笑话16. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事make friends with sb

5、. 与某人交朋友17. as usual 像往常一样,照例18. be / get used to (doing) sth.习惯于(做)某事19. used to do sth 过去常做某事20. asas 像。一样21. not as/soas 不如22. deal with(how to) 处理,解决do with(what to)23. even though 即使,尽管24. no longer=not any longer 不再25. anything wrong 有任何问题(不定代词+形容词)26. by the way 顺便说(问)一下27. find it + adj. + t

6、o do sth. 发现做某事28. help sb. with sth. = help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事29. with/without the help of sb.有/没有某人的帮助下30. give ones best wishes to sb. 向某人致以最美好的祝愿31. learnfrom 向学习32. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事33. be angry with sb. 生某人的气Unit 5 Topic 31. calm down (使)平静,镇静2. follow ones advice 听从某人的建议3. get nerv

7、ous 紧张4. get frightened 害怕5. get along / on (well) with sb.与某人相处(融洽)6. in a good / bad mood 心情好 / 糟糕7. smile at life 笑对人生8. put on 表演,穿上9. get together with sb. 与某人团聚10. fall asleep 入睡11. stay in good spirits 保持好心情12. such as 例如 , 。等13. think over 仔细考虑14. make a decision 做决定15. get back to 继续某事,回到某事

8、上16. a sense of 感觉17. be in trouble 在困境中18. have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth.做。有困难19. give a speech 演讲20. be proud of 为。骄傲21. be confident about 对。有信心22. give sb a surprise 给。惊喜23. be surprised at sth 最某事惊奇24. in public 公共场合25. get ready for 为。做准备26. What / How about doing sth. 做某事怎么样 Why not

9、do sth.= Why dont you do sth. 为什么不做某事27. on + 具体某一天/具体某一天的早上、下午或晚上28. fill with (使)装满29. hope to do sth. / hope that +宾语从句 希望30. keep silent 保持沉默31. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事32. get help from 从获取帮助Unit 6 Topic 11. go on a visit to 去。参观 / 旅游2. a three-day visit = three days visit3. too.to= so that

10、+否定句4. find out 查明;发现;了解5. decide on sth. 选定、决定某事6. decide to do 决定做某事7. start out 出发8. raise money 筹钱9. the hard / soft sleeper 硬 / 软卧10. come up with 想出(主意);找出(答案)11. work out 算出;解决12. hear from sb. 收到某人的来信13. look forward to (doing) sth. 盼望(做)某事14. at the foot of 在脚下15. as soon as 一就16. at noon 在

11、中午17. advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事18. over / on the phone 通过电话19. the best way to do sth. 做某事的最好方式20. book some tickets 预订一些票21. pay for 付钱Unit 6 Topic 21. be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事2. be glad/happy to do sth3. on vacation 度假4. make a plan to do sth 制定计划5. come along with sb. 跟随某人6. knock at 敲 7. from

12、to 从到8. cant wait to do sth 等不及做某事9. by the way 顺便问一下10. lie in/on/to 位于in the + 方位词+of 在的(内部)on the + 方位词+of 在的边(接壤)to the + 方位词+of 在的(外部)11. one hour and a half = one and a half hours 一个半小时12. be surprised to do sth 惊奇于做某事13. in all directions 四面八方14. step on ones feet 踩到某人的脚15. push ones way out

13、挤出去16. cant help doing 忍不住17. have fun doing 做。有兴趣18. go camping19. stand for 象征20. how far 多远21. take out 拿出22. think about 思考23. not until 直到才24. as soon as 一就Unit6Topic3 traffic accident 一次交通事故have an accident 发生事故 2. obey / follow the traffic rules遵守交通规则 break the traffic rules 违反交通规则 obey the s

14、afety rules 遵守安全规则 energy 节约能源4. fewer + 复数名词 更少的 fewer accidents更少的事故less + 不可数名词 更少的less air pollution更少的空气污染 air pollution 引起空气污染 down 减速 .to. 把.带到某地 8.in fact 实际上,事实上 a fine 受到处罚 in danger 处于危险中 11. share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某物 trouble 带来麻烦 13. how to give first aid 如何进行急救 through 穿过 / disagree w

15、ith sb. 同意/不同意某人的观点 badly hurt 受伤严重 too fast 开车太快 attention to(doing) 注意 case of 如果、假使 best way to do sth. 做某事的最佳方式 careful / look out 小心、当心Unit 7 Topic11. know about 了解 / hold a food festival举行美食节 to sb=ask sb for help求助 /do ones best to do sth尽某人最大努力5. make a poster 制作海报 6. get in touch with与某人取得联

16、系7. think about 考虑 8. make tea 沏茶9. cook soup 煲汤 10. learn to do sth 学会做某事 11. have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食12. try to do sth. 努力做某事try doing sth. 尝试做某事13. whats more/whats worse 而且14. how to do sth. 怎样做某事15. set the table 摆放餐具16. later on 过后,以后 17. be pleased to do sth 做某事感到高兴/满意 order to 为了 sb/thanks f

17、or doing sth 谢谢(某人)做某事 true 实现 21. start doing/to do sth. 开始做某事 s a great pity 很遗憾 mind 没关系 24. make successful / a success 使成功25. adj. / adv. + enough 足够good enough足够的好 ones childhood 度过童年 twelve-year-old boy 一个12岁的男孩 ones life 改变某人的一生 of(doing) 代替、而不是Unit 7 Topic2 1. Well done 真棒 up 切碎,制碎into 把切成

18、pieces of bread 两片面包. together把.放在一起.over 往.倒. .from从.学到. makes perfect 熟能生巧 9. help yourself / yourselves to 请随便吃点. 10. use sth to do sth=use sth for doin sth 用.做某事 the first time 第一次做某事 the table 在桌旁13. start / begin with 以.开始 (ate)up 吃光 to sb 为某人干杯 at 指着. doing sth 完成做某事 over the world 全世界 habits

19、 饮食习惯20. be far away from 远离 up 捡起 the same time 在同时 23. fillwith 用填满 (not) to do sth. 记得(不)做某事 much + 不可数名词 太多 too much water eat too much too many + 复数名词 太多too many peoplemuch too + 形容词 / 副词 太 much too noisy 太吵闹 Unit7 Topic31. for sale 出售 2. Thanks for doing sth 谢谢你做某事3. have a wonderful time 玩的开心

20、 4. wish sb success 祝某人成功5. take a seat 坐下6. take ones order 点菜 7. order a meal by phone 电话订餐 by phone = on / over the phone 通过电话s all 够了 9. have / pay the bill 付账 10. go well 进展顺利 worth doing 值得做 12. both.and.两者都.;既.又. last/in the end/finally最后 money 赚钱 a balanced diet 保持均衡饮食 16. not only.but also.

21、不但.而且.s said that 据说 18. in short = in a word 总之 important to/ for 对.是重要的 us energy 给我们力量 twenty minutes 二十分钟后 else 其他任何东西 regularly 饮食有规律Unit 8 Topic 1 a fashion show 举行服装秀 the school gate 在校门口 sth for sb 为某人买某物 made of 由.制成 .be made in 产于某地 on 依靠,依赖 6. at Christmas 在圣诞节7. protect.from.保护.免受. than

22、不仅仅 9. so + adj. / adv. + that such (a / an ) + adj. + n. + that如此以致such a clever boy = so clever a boy 如此聪明的男孩11. so that+句子 =in order to do以便、为了 siz/color 什么尺寸、颜色 the saying goes 正如俗语所说 are what you wear. 衣如其人 kinds of 不同种类的 sb warm 保暖 do you think of 你认为怎么样 = How do you like Unit8 Topic21. plan t

23、o do sth 计划做 2. make sth for sb 3. look ugly on sb 穿在身上很难看 look good /nice on sb.穿在某人身上好看look good /nice/ugly in+颜色/衣服 穿某种颜色/某件衣服好看/难看 a survey 做调查 5 at work 在工作8. carry out 执行 9. stop/keep sb from doing sth 阻止做某事 10. take off 脱掉/起飞11. on every occasion 在每一个场合 12. get help from获得求助13. tell sb about

24、sth 告诉.关于. 14. try on 试穿 15. for different reasons为了不同的原因16. fly a plane 驾驶飞机17. in the daily life 在日常生活中 ones opinion 在某人看来19. as well as 除.还有 different from 与不同 the same as 与相同 special days 在特别的日子里 fact 事实上Unit8 Topic31. watch the fashion show 看服装秀2. theres going to be = there will be 3. 将会有4. in

25、the center of在的中心5. in the world of在领域6. another three models = three more models 另外三个模特7. get ones name 得名8. be/become known to 为所熟知 be known for =be famous for 因而出名9. from then on 从那时起from now on 从现在起10. stand for 代表11. eitheror 或者或者12. both and 和都13. at one time 曾经、一度 14. not onlybut also 不仅而且15. as a result 结果


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