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1、教师学科教案 20 20 学年度 第_学期 任教学科:_任教年级:_任教老师:_xx市实验学校Unit 1 What did you do during the holidays?Period 1一、Teaching aims1. Enable the Ss listen, read, say and write the new words: learn words and sentences, , learn writing and price listening.2. Enable the Ss be familiar with the past tense.3. Sentence: Wh

2、at did .do during the summer holidays?二、Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss listen, read, say and write the new words and talk about the past events.三、Teaching difficulties: Enable the Ss be familiar with the past tense.四、Teaching tools: Tape, pictures五、Teaching method Oral method六、Teaching steps:Step

3、1 Warming up1. Greetings and . Simon says: word list-, learn, write, talk, listen, do, have, go, take, read, speak, teach and holidays.2. Make a conversation with the Ss. T: Glad to see you again. Ss: Glad to see you too. T: What did you do during the summer holidays? Ss: I went toHainanStep 2 Prese

4、ntation and drill1. Show the picture of “learn words and sentences”. T: This is a picture of Mingming during the summer holidays. What did he do? Ss: He is learning words and sentences.T: He is not doing it now. He learnt words and sentences during the summer holidays.2. Learn the other words in the

5、 same way.3. Read together.4. Little teacher.Step 3 PractiseT: He learnt words and sentences. She learnt writing. He practised listening. (Action) learn words and sentences, play games, learn writing and practice listening3. The Ss act and say.4. Listen to the tape of Part A and then answer these qu

6、estions. What Anne do during the summer holidays? What did Mingming do during the summer holidays? 5. Listen and repeat.6. Act it out.Step 4 Consolidation 1. Evaluation. 2. Do Ex. 3.Homework. Copy the new words. Period 2一、Teaching aims:1. Enable the Ss listen, read and say the dialogue;2. Enable the

7、 Ss the sentence pattern: What you do during theholidays?3. Enable the Ss master read the short passages and judge True or False.二、Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss listen, read and say the dialogue;三、Teaching difficulties: Enable the Ss master the sentence pattern: What did you do during the holiday

8、s?四、Teaching tools: Tape, pictures五、Teaching method Oral method六、Teaching steps:Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Act and say. 1). (Action) learn words and sentences, , learnwriting and price listening 2). Tom: I played games. Ss: Tom playedgames. Step 2 Presentation and drill 1. Listen to the tape a

9、nd learn the Word Bank. What you do during the holidays? I read many books. I visited mygrandparents. I played games with my friends.Step 3 Practice1. Listen to the tape and repeat.2. Pair-work.3. Group-work .Step 4 Lets Read1. Read the short passage and then judge True or Flase.2. Read the passage

10、again and underline the key sentences.3. Check the answers.Step 5 Consolidation1. Evaluation.2. Do Ex3. Homework. Period 3一、Teaching aims:1. Enable the Ss talk about their holidays.2. Enable the Ss and write down their holidays.二、Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss describe their holidays.三、Teaching di

11、fficulties: Enable the Ss to talk about and write down their holidays四、Teaching tools: Tape五、Teaching method Oral method六、Teaching steps:Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Read Part A together.3. Step 2 Presentation and drill1. Ask students to talk about their summer holidays and then let them finish

12、Part E: write down your answers2. Check the answer.3. Ask two Ss to talk about their answers.Step 3 Lets Have Fun1. Class work. Look at the pictures, describe Mingmings and Annes holidays.2. Class work. describe your holidays.Step 4 Consolidation1. Do Ex. Workbook Unit 1.2. Evaluation3. Homework. Re

13、vise Unit 1. Unit 2 Katie always gets up early.Period 1Teaching aims.1The aims of knowledge:Learn these new words: wake up; make the bed; wave; late always; usually; often; never.2 The aims of skills:a. Ss can understand the four skill words: wake up; make thebed; wave; lateb. Ss can understand the

14、words: always; usually; often; never. c. Ss can describe the others actions.3Emotion, attitudes and valueTo form the health living habitMain points and difficult point:The students master the words: wake up; make the bed; wave; late; always; usually; often; never.Teaching method and Learning way:TPR

15、; Task-based method; Discussing Teaching aids : Cards, tape ,record, picturesTeaching Process: Step 1 Warming up a. Greetings.b. sing a song: London Bridge is falling downc. Free talk. Talking about my day.Step 2 Reviewa. GameGuess ,guess, guessUse the cards to go over the wordsb. Retell the storyUn

16、it 1Step 3 Presentationa. Learn the words and expressions:wake up; make the bed; wave; late At first show the learned word: cake .Let the studentsread the word, then write the words carefully.From above to find out the rules of pronunciation and memory words.Wake up.e.g. a. What time do you usually

17、wake up?b. I usually wake up at 6:00.make the bede.g. a. Do she make the bed in the morning?b. The first thing he does after getting up is to makethe bed.wave a greeting挥手致意late.e.g. Im latelate autumn暮秋, 深秋get up late睡懒觉 wave good-bye to sb. 挥手告别b. Let the students understand frequency Adverbs(频率副词

18、):always often usually never alwaysRead these words several times and try to remember them. At the same time, explain the meanings of different adverbs of frequency.100% alwaysI always stay at home in the evenings.90% usuallyI usually wake up early.80% oftenHe often goes to school on foot.0% neverHe

19、 never goes to school late.Step 3. PracticePractice the words. a. Game 1. Loud and low voice. b. Game 2. Quick response The teacher brings out some pictures and word cards, the students speak out the words quickly.c. Game 3. Guessing gameWriting on blackboard:2、Katie always gets up early.Period 2 Te

20、aching aims:A. Knowledge and skillsa. Learn Part A Lets listen and say. Katies Day. b. Grasp the usage of adverbs of frequency. B. Processes and methodsa. With the studying strategies, get the students to work in pairs or groups to talk about their day. b. Let the students practice speaking and writ

21、ing. C. Emotion, attitudes and valueThe content of this part is close to the students daily life and the topic deals with the students daily activities, so it is helpful for the students to learn about more daily activities. It can help the students to carry on the language practice about the topic

22、and to arouse their great interest in learning English; On the other hand, it provide the students with opportunities to understand one another better. Teaching difficulties and focuses: a. Ss can use the present tense of the third personget-gets make-makes wash-washes run-runs leave-leaveshave-hasb

23、. Ss can master sentence structure: sb do sth at some time Teaching method:Task-based Learning MethodTeaching aids:Cards, recorder and some objectsTeaching Process: Step 1 Warming up a. Greetings.b. sing a song Step 2 ReviewGameGolden finger Use the cards to go over the wordsStep 3 Presentation and

24、drilla. Listening to the recorderb. T: Youre very good. You are all good pupils. And Katie is a good pupil too. Everyone likes her. She is never late for school. She always gets up early every day . Then she makes bed .after breakfast, she waves her family goodbye.c. Fast reading the text.d. Answer

25、the following questions.Does Katie always gets up early?What time does Katie wash her face?What time does Katie make her bed?Is Sally is often late?What time does Katies father leave for work? e. Explain the grammar for the pupils: The present tense of the third person. get-gets make-makes wash-wash

26、es run-runs leave-leaveshave-hase.g.Step 4 Practicea. Reading the text carefully.b. Listen and repeat itc. Retell it , check the result d. Practice in pairs, according to the form to saysomething about their day.Step5 Consolidationa. Part C About the story.Put a tick()if the sentencescorrect of a cr

27、oss()if they are wrong.1. Katie always gets up at six oclock. ()2. Katie always washes her face at 6:15 am. ()3. Katies family often has breakfast at 6:45 am. () 4. Sally always goes to the breakfast table on time. () 5. Katies father usually waves then goodbye. ()b. Homework: Listen and read the di

28、alogue, copy the newWordsUnit3Ilikemycomputer第一课时一、 教学目标(一)语言目标1.词汇:听得懂、会说、会读、会写单词email,search,findoutabout,send,greeting;能听、说、读、写短语emailmyfriends,sendgreetings,searchforalotofthings,findoutaboutcountries.2.句型:能用“Ican/Youcan.”来说明电脑的用途(二)应用目标1.能正确使用情态动词can.2.能听懂、会说A部分电话。二、教学重、难点1.重点:能正确使用情态动词can,并且能用

29、”Ican/Youcan.”来介绍电脑的用途。2.难点:能用“Ican/Youcan.”来介绍电脑的用途。三、教学准备单词卡片、教学挂图、多媒体展示台等。四、 教学过程Step1warmingup1. Greetings.2.Watchavideo.教师播放一段关于电脑功能的视频。学生看后,能够明白今天这节课所要讨论的主题。3.Freetalk教师用“Ihaveacomputer,Ialwayspreparethelessonwiththecomputer.whatdoyoudoonthecomputer?”来让学生说说他们平时在电脑上做些什么。Step2Presentation1.新单词和新

30、短语的学习。(1) 学习B部分的单词,借助教学关蝶进行教学。(2)句型操练。围绕电脑功能借助B部分的短语进行操练。2.课文句子学习课文学习:分步引导学生学习。第一步:学生观看视频。看完之后说一说Peter能用电脑做些什么。第二步:打开书,跟碟子读,模仿语音语调。第三步:读课文,回答问题。(1) WhydoesPeterfeelhappy?(2) WillthecomputerhelpPeter?第四步:自由朗读课文。Step3Practice趣味改编把学生分成若干小组,让他们在小组中讨论,将这篇对话改编成一篇日记并配上图画。Step4Homework1.听一听,读一读:听磁带,读A部分。2.找

31、一找,搜一搜:通过书本或网络查找电脑的用途。第二课时一、 教学目标(一)语言目标1.单词:能初步运用动词can.2.句型:能运用“Wecan.”来介绍电脑的功能和用途,能运用“Whatcanwedoonourcomputer?”询问电脑的用途。(二)应用目标1.能说出可以用电脑来做什么事。2.能够与同学相互交流电脑的用途。3.阅读课文D部分的小短文并能复述其故事。二、教学重、难点1.重点:能运用“Wecan.来说说我们可以用电脑来做些什么。2.难点:能阅读和理解课文D部分的小短文。三、教学准备单词卡片、教学碟子,多媒体展示台等。四、教学过程Step1Warmup1.Greetings2. 情境

32、表演:视频播放学生经常用电脑玩游戏,导致学习成绩下降,视力下降。通过观看视频,引导学生正确使用电脑。Step2Presentation1.PartC:Letspractice(1) 小组讨论:我们用电脑来做什么?(2)学生小组朗读PartC.(3)出示一些关于使用电脑的句子,请学生判断一下哪些做法是正确的,哪些是错误的。A:Icanreadmanybooksonmycomputer.B:Icanemailmyfriends.C:Icanplaygamesdayandnight.D:Icanbuyalotofclothes.E:Icansearchformanythingonmycomputer

33、.2.ParD:Letsread出示第十一页的图片,引导学生观察,说一说他们所看、所想。小结后,引导学生阅读D部分的文本。(1)学生听录音,说故事大意。(2)学生阅读课文,圈出不认识的单词,猜测含义,与同桌交流。3.Readandanswer(1)WhatadvicedoesPetergive?(2) Giveatitletothestory,4.Readanddo再一次读故事,完成后面的练习。Step3Homework背课文B部分,并能流利地读出A部分。第三课时一、教学目标(一)语言目标1.语法:一般过去时的运用。2.词汇:能运用并书写课文B部分的短语。3.句型:能说出“WhatsPeter

34、doingonthecomputer?”“Hes.”.(二)应用目标1.能运用已学知识来写电子邮件。2.能综合利用本单元的单词和重点句子创设情境进行简单会话。二、教学重、难点1.重点:能将课文B部分的主要短语的原型改为过去式并正确地运用到句子中去。2.难点:能运用已学知识写电子邮件。三、教学准备单词卡片,教学光碟,多媒体展示台等。四、教学过程Step1Warmup1. Greetings2.FreetalkTalkaboutwhatwecandoonthecomputers.3. Revision教师播放碟子,学生跟读并模仿。Step2Presentation1.PartE:Letswrite

35、.小级完成E部分的练习,并上台展示答案。做题提示:时间:LastSunday(过去的时间)2. PartF:Letshavefun.(1)教学引入T:Peterhasacomputer,Hecanuesthecomputertodomanythings.DoyouknowwhatPeterisdoingonhiscomputer?(2) 教师出示Peter照片,他用这些照片做什么呢?(3)根据学生的猜测,展示相册。(4)引导学生设计、制作自己的相册,并评选出最有创意的相册。Step4Homework1.复习本单元的课文和单词。2.有条件的,尝试用电脑画一幅画,并配上英文介绍。Assessmen

36、t 一、教学目标 (一) 语言目标 第1-3单元的词汇与句型。 (二) 应用目标 1.能运用一般去时和一般现在时。 2.能听、说、完成练习题目。 二、教学重点、难点 1. 重点:第1-3单元的词汇和句型。 2. 难点:熟练运用所学知识完成练习。 三、教学准备 单词卡片、教学碟子、多媒体展示台等。 四、 教学步骤 Step 1 Warm up 1. Greeting. 2. Free talk 学生自己总结这三个单元所学的知识,比如重点短语、句型和时态,并能举例。 3.Braintorming 学生根据教师所给的主题词,说出相关联的单词或短语。 4.Revision (1)Review in g

37、roups 学生在各个单元中分析重点单词和短语,并将其梳理制作成复习要点。(2)Sharewithclassmates各组派代表分析讲解本组的复习要点。其它小组的学生可以在代表发言完毕后提问。小组内其余学生负责答疑。Step2Pratice1. 学生在教师的指导下自主练习2.检查讲评A部分:听音,打钩B部分:听音,画圈C部分:选词填空。答案:wenthadlearntdowriteD部分:补全句子答案略E部分:我能做(1)教师解释题意,个别学生给出示范。其他学生模仿,根据个人实际填画笑脸,哭脸。(2)Groupwork:互助小组活动。按照学习小组。小组中画笑脸的学生展示表演,帮助那些画哭脸的学

38、生。(3) 以小组为单位,所有画笑脸的学生集体展示。F部分:我爱做(1)根据题意自由讨论(2)鼓励学生表达自己喜欢或不喜欢这个活动的原因。Step3Homework听磁带,朗读、复习第1-3单元内容。教学反思:Unit 4 The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming Period 1 一、教学目标 1、听懂、会说新单词Mid-Autumn , mooncake , nuts , lotus seed , red bean , nearby , type , centre ; 2、 能运用句型Which type do you like ?询问他人对月饼的喜好以及用I l

39、ike the ones with . 对该询问做出回答; 3、 能听懂会说A部分对话。 二、 教学重点及难点 重点:掌握本单元新单词,掌握新句型。 难点:运用旧知识,如对How much . ? Which one do you like ?等句型做出回答。 三、 教学准备 单词卡片和图片、多媒体课件、教学磁带等。 四、 教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 1 师生问候。 2 教师板书: is coming. 教师提示根据实际授课周的日历回答。 Ss: Sunday / weekend /.is coming . T : Well have a three-day holiday

40、,because the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming ! Step 2 Presentation and drill 1、 教师用课件或者单词卡片出示单词和短语:today , English class , the Mid-Autumn Festival ,让学生思考,用以上词汇说出不同的句子。 S1: I like English class . Today ,we are talking about the Mid-Autumn Festival . T : The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming .Today ,we have

41、 an English class ,and we are talking about the Mid-Autumn Festival . 2. 教师用图片快速出示moon , tea , fruit , family , mooncake 等,学生看图抢答,快速说出单 词。3. 教学新单词,并操练句型。 师生谈论月饼的味道,教师引导学生说句子:Mooncakes taste sweet / soft / good / . 教师出示不同口味的月饼图片,谈论学习新单词type , nuts , lotus seed , red bean T : Which type do you like ?

42、S1: I like the ones with . 4、阅读A 部分 第一步,Listen and answer . 不打开书,只听音,给出任务: Whos shopping? .Where do they go shopping ? 第二步,Listen and find 不打开书,听第二遍,只听音,给出任务: How many boxes of mooncakes does Mrs Li buy ? 第三步: Read and find 打开书,画出文中Mrs Li 问的两个问题,并检查刚才听的是否正确。 第四步: Read and answer Which type does Binb

43、in like ? .How much is a box of mooncakes? What does Mrs Li buy ? 第五步:Read and repeat . 播放录音,学生跟读。 Step 3 Practice Group work : 谁是最佳月饼销售员? 学生分组,组内成员利用教师提供的单词卡片,准备向其他学生展示不同口味的月饼。 多层次多方式练习。 Step 4 Consolidation 1 读一读,演一演,有感情地朗读A部分对话,并和同学一起表演。 背一背,记一记,在家人或朋友的帮助下背诵A部分对话。 Period 2一 教学目标 1、 进一步巩固、运用新单词;能运

44、用I enjoy .表达自己的喜好。 2、 能理解课文D 部分的故事。 3、 能运用有效的阅读策略阅读D 部分的文章并回答问题。 二 教学重点及难点 重点:能运用句型I enjoy .表达自己的喜好;能学会运用阅读技巧进行阅读。 难点:能在实际生活中运用I enjoy .谈论自己的喜好。 三 教学准备 单词卡片、教学磁带、多媒体课件等。 四 教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 1 师生问候。 2 利用单词卡片复习本单元新单词。 游戏-Quick response (快速反应) 看卡片,说单词。 3 复述课文A部分。 Step 2 Presentation and drill 1 游戏

45、操练:接龙。教师出示与本课与本课有关的单词卡片,进行句子操练,比一比哪组 说的句子多。 T: A mooncake . S1: A round mooncake . S2: Its a round mooncake . S3: Its a round mooncake . Its sweet . S4: Its a round mooncake . Its sweet . It tastes good . S5: Its a round mooncake . Its sweet . It tastes good . I like eating it . . 2 情境创设:中秋节茶话会。 教师用课件或卡片出示圆月、月饼、赏月诗、家人团聚等图片。让学生感受中秋节气氛。 3 句型操练:志趣相投的人。 教师让学生运用句型I enjoy doing . 写出中秋节自己喜欢做的事情,可以是一个或多个句 子。完成后,请学生拿着


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