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1、Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark知识点讲解1. from time to time时常;有时,和sometimes, at times是同义表达。 常见的time短语有:what time 几点 for the first time 第一次 all the time 一直,总是;at times 不时,有时 in time 及时; on time 按时,准时 at the same time 同时 have a good/great/wonderful time玩得开心 3. Its been three years since we last sa

2、w our primary school classmates.It has been+一段时间+since+含有过去式的陈述句“自以来已经多长时间了” . 我在这里工作已经有一个半月了。单项选择1、 Im looking after Tom today. Hes been in my house _ 8:00 this morning.A. at B.since C.for D.till2、 Shared bikes, which are environmentally friendly, _ quite popular among big cities in China since las

3、t April.A. became B.have become C.will become3、 -Where is Jane? -I dont know. I _ her since yesterday morning.A. havent seen B.didnt see C.wont see 4、 Since we began to use the Internet, our lives _ a lot.A. change B.had changed C.will change D.have changed 4. I used to see him reading in the librar

4、y every day.see sb. do sth . 看见某人做了某事 指整个过程即:指动作经常发生或刚刚完成。 see sb. doing sth .看见某人正在做某事。 指当时正在进行的动作。 及时精炼 When I came into the school , I saw some boys basketball on the playground . A. play B.playing C.plays D.to play -My watch doesnt work. Could you mend it, please? -Sorry. But the workers in that

5、 watch shop may be _. A.kind B.friendly C.nice D.helpful 类似用法的单词还有:hear sb. do sth. / hear sb. doing sth .watch sb. do sth . / watch sb doing sth .5.19-year-old 十九岁的,复合形容词名词必须用单数 He is an boy . (八岁的)6.She took up singsing to deal with her shyness. take up开始从事; 占用; take up doing sth 开始做某事 这张桌子占了太多空间。

6、 The table _ _too much _ _ . 常见的take短语有: take care 当心; take care of 照顾; take part in 参加; take off 起飞,逃脱; take away 拿走,带走; take out 掏出; take turns 轮流; take down 记下,写下;take place 发生; take a walk 散步; take a look 看一看1、I decide to _ doing exercise to keep fit. Atake upBtake off Ctake out Dtake away deal

7、with “处理,应付”,常与 连用 do with 处理 常与 连用。 2、I dont know how to with this math problem . You can solve it listening carefully in class .A do, by B deal , by C do , in D deal , with 3、 Mr.Lee, wait a moment, please. I dont want to _ much of your time. But I really have something important to tell you.A. gi

8、ve up B.take up C.end up D.set up7.She dared to sing in front of her class.dare 敢于胆敢:dare用作实义动词,常有结构:dare to do sth;在疑问句或否定句中,to 经常被省略。且dare有人称和数以及时态的变化。如:she dared to sing in front of her classShe doesnt dare (to) meet her teachers eyes. 她不敢与老师对视。 dare用作情态动词时,后接动词原形,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中。或与whether, hard

9、ly等连用。如: Dare you ask him? 你敢问他吗? -Yes, I dare / No, I darentShe dare not go out alone. 她不敢单独出去。I dont know whether he dare try. 我不知道他敢不敢试及时精炼 How did you dare her about that ? ( tell ) 8. imagine v. 想象 imagine(doing)sth .类似用法的词还有 等We never imagined that John would become a doctor.9. you really requ

10、ire a lot of talent and hard work to success.require v. 需要,要求 通常不用于进行时,常用句型为; require sb. to do sth .要求某人做某事 .他要求我保持沉默。10. You have to be prepared to give up your normal life. 你不得不准备放弃你的正常生活。 give up“放弃”,give up doing sth. “放弃做某事”。 give 短语: give in 屈服,让步; give up 放弃; give sb. a hand 帮某人忙; give away

11、捐献,捐出; give out 分发,散发; give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 给某人某物。 It was a difficult time for the quakehit victims in Yaan, but they didnt _ hope. A give upBgive off Cgive in Dgive out -Song Joong-ki is a movie star in Asia now. -Thats true. He was once an excellent skater but had to _ skating because

12、of an accident.A. give up B.go on C.take up11、Only a very small number of people make it to the top.a number of +可数名词复数“许多,大量=many”做主语时动词为 。(单数/ 复数) The number of +可数名词复数 “的数量”做主语时动词为 。(单数/ 复数) The number of the books in the library 3,000. A number of people in the bus . A number of visitors _ visit

13、ing the West Lake and the number of the visitors _ increasing.A. are;is B.is;are C.are;are12.I dont have much private time any more. no more=notany more 不再一般指动作或行为不再重复或发生。 no longer=notany longer 不再指情况或状态不再存在或延续。我再也不年轻了 . 13.He often felt lonely and unhappy. lonely adj. 孤独的,寂寞的,用作表语或定语。 alone adj. &

14、 adv. 单独,独自 当形容词讲时 只能作表语(be alone)。 The old man lives , but he doesnt feel . 14. advise v. 建议 n. give sb. some advice 给某人提建议 advise sb. to do sth . 建议某人做某事advise doing sth . 建议做某事 The teacher advised us more reading . (do) -Youd better advise him _ anything out of the window while driving. -I will.

15、He has to know its dangerous.A. not throwing B.no throwing C.not to throw D.dont throw15. He failed his examinations.fail v. 失败,不及格 n. ;fail to do sth, 未能做某事 . 他未能在上海见到他的老师。 -Whats the matter? -I studied for the math test for the whole night, but I _.A. failed B.passed C.lost D.requested16.seldom ad

16、v. 不常,很少 表示否定含义。1、He is seldom absent , he ? A. isnt B.is C.doesnt D.does 2、 -Joan has made great progress in speaking Chinese. -She _ works hard at it, you know.A. never B.seldom C.always4、 -Would you like some green tea? -No, thanks. I _ drink green tea. It hurts my stomach.A. almost B.seldom C.on

17、ly D.still5、 Professor Tu Youyou never stops doing research on Chinese medicine, _?A. is she B.does she C.isnt she D.doesnt she 17. influence v.& n. 影响 influence on sb. / sth . 对某人/ 某物的影响 have a great / good /bad influence on sb.对某人有很大/ 好/ 坏的影响 . 她的这些朋友对她的影响很坏。“One Belt,One Road” will have a great _

18、 on the trade between China and European countries. A.influence B.decision C.conversation 18.think of 考虑,想到 think about 仔细考虑 What do you think of ?你觉得怎么样?= ?用来征求对方意见 19. in the last / past +一段时间 “在过去的里”用于现在完成时。 My life a lot in the last ten years . A. change B.changed C.has changed D.have changed 20

19、introduce v.介绍n. introduction introduce oneself 自我介绍 introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人 . 他把这位新老师介绍给了我们。 21take pride in.=be proud of以为荣如:We are proud of our motherland. =We take pride in our motherland.be proud to do sth “因做某事而自豪”如:I am proud to be a Chinese.22. cant afford to do sth. 支付不起cant afford st

20、h. 支付不起如:I cant afford to buy the car.I cant afford the car. 我买不起这个辆小车。一、用所给词适当形式填空1.I am interested in _ (tell) a story. 2.He dares _ (watch) the show.3.He is able _ (travel) in the countryside.4.He is _ (prepare) to take risks in his life.5.He gave up _ (drive).6.I didnt use_ (be) popular. 7.I _ (

21、use) to water my flowers.8.The book is very _,and it _ a lot (help).9.I am afraid of _ (be)alone at night.10.China is an_ country, and we come from _ (Asia).11.The boy is often in _,and he is often_ in class.(silent)12.The girl took up_(give) a speech in public_(deal)with her_(shy).13.The man is pre

22、pared_(go) fishing.14.Hanging out is almost_ for her, because she is too busy.(possible)15.He often gives _(speak) in the university.16.It is hard _ (understand) this book.17.We are _ (pride) of our study.18.He advises me _ (put) them away.19.We are afraid of _ (do) many things.20.It will _ (take) f

23、ive days to complete my work.21.Its _ (exact)what I want.22.Helen failed _ (pass)the exam.23.Tom made a _ (decide)to hang out with his friends.24.His _(happy)influenced his schoolwork. 25.His parents had much more_(communicate)with him.二、根据汉语意思完成句子1、我只是偶尔去超市。 I only go to the supermarket _ _ _ _.2、你

24、如何处理这些文件? How do you _ _ these papers?3、 不要在公共场合大声喧哗。Dont speak loudly _ _.4、 你过去常常下午喝茶吗? Did you _ _ drink tea in the afternoon?5、 我已经两年多没见过她了。 It is over two years _ _ _ her.6、 刚才我看见他正在图书馆里看书。 I _ _ _ a book in the library just now.7、 去年我放弃了学医,开始学物理。 Last year I gave up medicine and _ _ physics.8、

25、 只有少量的人能够得到这些奖品。 Only _ _ _ _ people can get the prizes.9、 作为明星他不得不放弃他正常的生活。 As a star, he had to _ _ his normal life.10、 莉莎说她能够独立完成这项工作。Lisa said that she _ _ _ finished the work on her own.11、 钱学森是中国人民的骄傲。Qian Xuesen is the _ of the _ people.12、抱歉,我今天没法决定。 I am sorry. I cannot _ _ _ today.13、我希望你在

26、这里,还让我亲自向你道歉。 I wish you were here so that I could thank you _ _.14、中国终于有了第一艘自制的航空母舰,这确实值得骄傲。 China has owned its first homemade aircraft carrier finally. Thats really something to be _ _.15、那个男孩够大了,能照顾自己了。 The boy is old enough to _ _ _.16、 我想感谢父母为我所做的一切。 Id like to thank my parents for _ _ they di

27、d for me.17、 莉莉建议我加入美术俱乐部,但是我没有听她的。 Lily _ _ _ join the art club, but I didnt listen to her.18、 Linda缺席了昨天晚上的聚会。 Linda was _ _ yesterdays party.Grammar Focus- used to do sth.用法小结 1.used to do sth.表示“过去常常做某事”,只表示过去和现在对比,暗示现在不做了。to为动词不定式符号,后接动词原形。eg:He used to go to school at six oclock.他过去常常六点去学校。 2.

28、 used to do sth.的否定形式: usednt to do sth. 主语+ used not to do sth. didnt use to do sth. eg; He used to watch TV all day.他过去常常整天看电视。 He usednt to watch TV all day. He didnt used to watch TV all day.他过去不常常整天地看电视。注意:usednt= used not 3. used to do的疑问形式及其答语: (1)Used+主语to do.? 回答:Yes, sb. used to.No,sb. use

29、dnt to. eg:Tom used to read books.一Used Tom to read books? Yes, he used to.No, he usednt to. (2) Did十主语use to do.? 回答:Yes, sb. did.No, sb. didntEg: I used to do homework after school. Did you use to do homework after school? Yes, I did. /No,I didnt. 4.used to do的反意疑问句形式也有两种,类似于否定句形式。 Eg: -They used

30、to go to the concert on Sunday, usednt/didnt they? 一Yes, they used to.No, they usednt to.(一Yes, they did.No,they didnt.) 5.used to也可用于there be结构,表示“过去常有”Eg:There used to be a meeting every Monday morning last month.上个月每星期一上午总要开会。 6.sb. get/be used to ( doing) sth. 某人习惯于(干)某事; use sth. to do sth. 用某物

31、做某事; sth. be used to do sth. 某物被用于做某事; be used for(doing) sth. 用于做某事;be used by sb. 被某人所用。即学即练根据括号内的汉语提示,完成下列英语句子,每空词数不限。1)Mr. Black _ (以前是一位医生), but now he is a singer.2)Did your father _ (过去常常看电视) after supper?3)You used to have long curly hair, _ (不是吗)?4) I _ (以前常常骑自行车去上学), but now I _ (习惯走着去). (

32、)5.He used to _in a small village, but now he is used to_ in the city.A. live, living B. live, live C. living, living D. leaving, liveuse v.& n. 使用,用途 adj 有用的useless 无用的 use sth. to do sth .用某物做某事 农民用马干农活。 used to do sth . 过去常常,过去曾经做某事。 I used to sleep in class 否定句 . 一般疑问句 ? be/get used to(介词)+ n. /

33、 pron. /doing 习惯于 . 我习惯早起。跟踪练习(1) He_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _after school. 放学后他习惯去踢足球。(2) He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 他过去不吸烟。(3)He used to play football. (改为一般疑问句,再否定回答) _ _. (4) They used to be workers, _ _?(反意疑问句)单项选择1、We used to _ in the evening, but now we are used to _ early in the morning. A.exercise;exercise B.exercise; exercising C.exercised;exercise D.exercising; exercise2、I used to _ to school on foot, but now I take a bus. A.go B.goes C.went D.going3、She used to _ a bus to school, but now she is used to _ to school. A.taking;walk B.take;walk C.taking;walking D.take;walking


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