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1、笔试部分一. 写出下列单词。 书房_ 厨房_起居室_卫生间_ 教室_电话_椅子_ 床_ 家 _房间_学校_ 窗户_ 书架_ 冰箱_ 沙发_二. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1 Let me clean the three _ ( window ).2 He _ ( have )two big eyes.3 I like my _( classroom ).4 There are many _ ( desk ) in my classroom.5 _ ( Are ) this your living room三. 选择正确答案。( )1_ is Mike Hes in the kitchen

2、.A. What colour( )2. Lets _ the bed. ( )3. Welcome _ my school.A. to C. for( )4. The keys are _ the door. C. in( )5. Is she in the kitchen _, she is , she isnt. , she isnt.四. 上下文搭配。( ) to the living room. a snack.( )2. Go to the bedroom. a shower.( )3. Go to the study. TV.( )4. Go to the bathroom. a

3、 sleep.( )5. Go to thekitchen. a book.五图文搭配。( ) the phone. ( ) ball is under the bed. ( ) TV. ( ) is my bedroom. ( ) is my pen Its in the hand. A B C D E 六. 用1、2、3、4、5、6排列对话。( )Where are my keys( )Ok.( )Look, they are near the TV.( )Open the door, Sarah.( )No, they arent( )Are they on the desk七搭配句子。

4、Good idea.What colour is the window What can you see in the classroomIts green. 2. _ I can see a board and a teachers desk.s clean the desks and the shelf._ 八根据短文判断对错。 This is my home. Its very big. We have two bedrooms, a living room, a study, two bathrooms and a kitchen. In the bedrooms, you can s

5、ee windows, doors, beds, lamps and chairs. In the living room, you can see a TV, a phone and a sofa. In the study, you can see a desk, a chair and a shelf. Some books are on the shelf. In the kitchen, you can see a fridge and a knife. Its a nice home. 1、We have two bedrooms, a living room, a study,

6、two bathrooms and a kitchen in my home. ( ) 2、Some books are on the desk. ( ) 3、In the bedrooms, you can see windows, doors, beds, fans and chairs. ( ) 4、In the kitchen, you can see a fridge and 2 knifes. ( ) 5、We have six rooms in my home. ( )选出不同类的单词( )1、A、plate B、knife C、cake( )2、A、parents B、teac

7、her C、driver( )3、A、fork B、juice C、Coke( )4、A、coffee B、vegetable C、soup( )5、A、school B、chopsticks C、room根据图片写单词1、 Id like some ,some , some and some .2、Id like some and for dinner.3、 Id like some and .请你选一选( )1、What you like ( )2、Id some vegetables. A、are B、do C、would A、love B、good C、like( )3、 yourse

8、lf. ( )4、How Five yuan. A、Take B、Make C、Help A、do B、much C、many( )5、Let show you. ( ) 6、Sure, here A、my B、me C、I A、are you B、you are C、you( )7、Can I have some ( )8、Can I have some A、rice B、rices C、Ricees A、noodles B、noodle C、noodlees( )9、Whats dinner ( )10、 books do you have I have 6. A、to B、for C、i

9、n A、Where B、What C、How many( )11、 in it 20 story-books. ( )12、Whats name His name is ZhangPeng A、What B、Whats C、How A、his B、it C、her( )13、The wall white. ( )14、He big eyes and a small nose. A、are B、it C、is A、has B、have C、Is( )15、I Chinese food. ( )16、I like some fish A、like B、like C、would A、would B、

10、am C、have( )17、 would you like for dinner. ( )18、Would you like some more No,m . A、Do B、Who C、What A、full B、ok C、hungry( )19、We a good time ( )20、Dinner ready!A、haves B、has C、have A、is B、are C、be五、根据图片,选择句子A B C D E( )1、Pass me a fork ( )2、Give me a spoon ( ) 3、Wash the plates ( )4、Cut with the knif

11、e( ) 5、Use the chopsticks补全对话,把正确答案的序号填在横线上。A:Mom,whats for dinner A、Wait and see B、Pass me a plateB: C、Vegetables and rice D、What would you likeA:I dont like vegetables.B: A:Id like some noodles and soupB:Ok! .A:Can I help meB:Sure! A:Here you are!将下列单词归类。beef , fish ,book ,kitchen, mother, sister,

12、 living room , bag , rice , study member(家庭成员):_ _ (食品): _ _ _ things (学习用品): _ _(房间):_ _将问句和相应的合句用直线连起来。s your father A. Sure, here you are. many books do you have B. Yes, she is. I have a look C. I have 3. would you like D. He is a doctor. she in the study E. Id like some beef.根据提示完成句子。I am a . (男

13、孩) I am not a .(女孩) I am eleven. I have a new . (朋友) She is not a . (学生) She is my English . (教师) She likes music. I like her very much.选择,将答案填入题前的括号里。( )1. 当有人问你“ 她叫什么名字”,你回答:A.My name is Amy. B. Her name is Amy. C.His name is Amy.( )2. 当你想告诉别人你有一个新朋友,你说:A.I have a friend. B.I have a new classmate.

14、 C.I have a new friend.( )3. 当你想让别人看这张图片时,你说:A.Look the picture. B. Look at the picture. C. See the picture.( )4. 当你想告诉同学你有42本故事书,你说:A. I have thirty two picture books. B. I have forty-two story-books. C. I have forty-two notebooks.( )5. 当你想对朋友说“他喜欢音乐”,你说:A. She like music. B. She likes music. C. He

15、 likes music.选择题( ) s your classroom Many desks and chairs.A. on B in C near( ) 2. Lets clean the desks and chairs . A Good idea B. Good job C. Good bye( ) 3. He black eyes.A. has B .have C. is( ) 4. How many do you have I have six.A book B. books C. a book( ) 5. My friend music.A. has B. like C. li

16、kes( ) s her name name is Amy.A .Her B. His C. My( ) 7. is the pencil Its green.A. What B. How C. What colour( ) 8. I can see English book and math book.A. a , a B. an, an C. an, a( ) 9. My friend is a boy . name is Zhang Peng.A. She B. his C. His( ) 10. Whats ten plus ten Its .A. Ten B. Twenty C. T

17、hirty.连词成句1.look, Lets ,have,go, a ,and 2.many ,I ,books, my, have ,in, schoolbag ,have, How, notebooks, many, you 4.long ,has ,brown ,My, hair, friend, me, Friends, you ,and, are 从 B栏中选出A栏的答语,将序号填在题前的括号内。(10分)BA. Thirty story-books.B. I have six books.C. Her name is Amy.DIts near the do

18、or。EIts green and white.A( ) many books do you have( ) s in your school bag( ) colour is your math book( ) is her name( ) is my seat阅读短文,判断句子正误,对的写T, 错的写F。(10分)This is my classroom. Its nice and clean. But it is small. There are twenty-three desks and chairs in it. They are new.You can see a girl ,

19、a boy and a woman in it. The boy is Sam. He has golden(金色的)hair and blue eyes. He is from USA. The girl is Alice. She is tall. She is my best friend. She likes painting. She is from Canada. The woman is our English teacher-Miss White. She is a good teacher.We love her very much.( ) 1. There are thir

20、ty-three desks and chairs in the classroom.( ) 2. Alice is a Chinese girl.( ) 3. Sam has blue eyes.( ) 4. My best friend likes music.( ) love our English teacher.把下列单词分类。(16分)window thirteen music Chinese booksports pencil door sevendesk twenty-four ruler sciencemath chair fifty English book科 目:数 字:学习用品:杂 物:


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