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1、Module 4 RevisionPart 1 Speaking(口试部分). Look and say(看一看,说一说):1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Quick response(读一读,答一答):1. Dont pick flowers.2. What do horses eat?3. What do you have?4. Where is your father?5. How many days are there in a week?. Sing a song or say a rhyme(想一想,演一演):Part 2 Listening (听力部分)40% . Liste

2、n and choose(听一听,选出听到的单词或词组,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):5% ( ) 1. A. thisB. thatC. these( ) 2. A. binB. boxC. bag( ) 3. A. sunnyB. rainyC. windy( ) 4. A. like cornB. like grassC. like hay( ) 5. A. in JanuaryB. in SeptemberC. in February. Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的句子,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):4%( ) 1. A. There are some cam

3、eras.B. Are there any cameras?C. There are not any cameras.( ) 2. A. How is the weather in December? B. How is the weather in October?C. How is the weather in November?( ) 3. A. Dont throw the stones.B. Please throw the stones.C. You can throw the stones.( ) 4. A. Its far away from our school.B. Is

4、it far away from our school?C. It isnt far away from our school. Listen and choose(听问句,选答句;听答句,选问句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):5%( ) 1. A. I like Sunday.B. They like sunny days.C. He likes March.( ) 2. A. They like hay.B. They like meat.C. They like fish.( ) 3. A. Its rainy.B. Yes, its rainy.C. No, its rainy.( )

5、 4. A. What do horses eat?B. What do cows eat?C. What do dogs eat?( ) 5. A. How is the weather in April?B. Is it warm and sunny?B. Do you like warm and sunny days?. Listen and number(听一听,用“16”给下列图片编号):6%( )( )( )( )( )( ). Listen and choose(听小对话和问题,选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):4%( ) 1. A. I like June.B. I

6、like July.C. I like April.( ) 2. A. Its rainy.B. Its windy.C. Its cloudy.( ) 3. A. Its black.B. Its blue.C. Its brown.( ) 4. A. There is a ball.B. The ball is big.C. I have a ball. Listen and tick(听一听,在相应的空格内打勾):6%SundayTuesdayThursdayFridaySaturday. Listen and fill in the blanks(听一听,填入所缺的单词完成对话,每线一

7、词):5%A: Hi, boys and girls. Lets go to Century Park and have a picnic.B: Where is Century Park, Miss Fang?A: Its far _ from our school. We can take the _ bus there. Are you ready, boys and girls? B: Yes, we are.A: What _ you have, Danny?B: I have a _ and a bottle of water. A: What do you have, Kitty

8、?B: I have a camera and two _.A: Lets go now. Listen and judge(听一听,判断下列句子是否符合听到的内容,用T或F表示):5%( ) 1. There are four seasons in China.( ) 2. Summer comes in May, June and July in China.( ) 3. Summer comes in December, January and February in Australia.( ) 4. Christmas is in winter in China.( ) 5. Its

9、cold in December in Australia. Part 3 Reading and writing (阅读部分)60%. Copy the words and sentences(正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子,抄写句子时注意大小写和标点符号):6% Miss Zhang skateboard always an animal at Century Park _ how is the weather in australia its hot in december_. Look and write(按要求写出下列单词的变化形式):6%1. April(同类词)_2. founta

10、in(复数形式)_3. sun(形容词)_ 4. China(同类词)_5. this(复数形式)_6. dont(完整形式)_ . Look and write(根据图意,填上适当的单词完成句子,每线一词):5%(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)1. - What do they eat?- They eat some _.2. - Please _ climb the tree.- OK.3. - What month is it?- Its _.4. - How is the weather?- Its _.5. - Where are the birds?- They are in the

11、 _. Read and judge(读一读,判断划线部分的发音,用T或F表示):5%1. 2. 3. 4. 5. mask fish scarf skate smoke swing that the this path . Read and choose(读一读,选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):8%( ) 1. Spring is _ and green in Shanghai.A. hotB. coolC. warm( ) 2. Look, the boy is not _. Hes fat.A. thinB. tallC. big( ) 3. _ walk on the ch

12、air.A. NotB. DontC. Cant( ) 4. Sheep like _.A. cornB. hayC. grass( ) 5. _ is the weather?A. WhatB. WhoC. How( ) 6. Its hot in winter in _.A. ChinaB. AustraliaC. Japan( ) 7. There are _ bins on the floor.A. oneB. someC. any( ) 8. My father _ a new skateboard.A. hasB. isC. have . Read and write(读一读,填上

13、适当的单词,每线一词):5%1. There are seven days in a week. I like _ and _.2. There are four seasons in a year. We like _ and _.3. There are twelve months in a year. They like _ and _.4. - Do you like sunny days?- No, I like _ and _ days.5. - Whats in the pond?- There are some _ and a _. Rewrite the sentences(

14、按要求改写下列句子,每线一词):10%1. Please play on the grass.(改为否定句)Please _ _ on the grass.2. The duck is in the pond.(根据划线提问)_ _ the duck?3. This is an old office.(改为复数句)_ _ old offices.4. Its sunny in China.(根据划线提问)_ is the _ in China?5. What do you have? (根据实际回答)I _ _. Read and choose(读一读,选择合适的应答句,将字母代号写在前面的括

15、号内):5%( ) 1. What do you have?A. I am very tired.( ) 2. What do you like?B. I like shopping.( ) 3. How do you feel?C. I have some caps. ( ) 4. How old are you?D. I am in the supermarket. ( ) 5. Where are you?E. I am sixteen years old. Read and judge (阅读对话,判断正误,用T或F表示):5%Miss Li: There are four seaso

16、ns in a year. What are they?Danny: Theyre spring, summer, autumn and winter.Miss Li: Very good, Jill. Hows the weather in spring?Jill: Spring is nice. Its warm. Its not cold. The plants grow and grow. The leaves are green. The grass is green too. And we can see many beautiful flowers.Miss Li: Do you

17、 like spring, Peter?Peter: No, I dont. I like autumn.Miss Li: Hows the weather in autumn?Peter: Its cool and dry. The leaves fall and fall. We can fly kites in the park and play football in the playground.Miss Li: What season do you like, Alice?Alice: I like winter. Its cold, but I can ice-skate and

18、 ski. I am happy.( ) 1. There are four seasons in a year.( ) 2. Spring is warm. Its green and cold.( ) 3. Alice can ice-skate in winter. But she cant ski.( ) 4. Peter likes summer.( ) 5. We can fly kites in autumn. . Write at least 5 sentences(请介绍一个你熟悉的场所,可以说说大小、摆设、位置等等,先把题目补充完整,至少5句话,2种以上句型):5%A (A

19、n) _Module 4 RevisionPart 2 Listening (听力部分) . Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的单词或词组,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):1. These are my yellow and purple flowers. 2. Please put the rubbish in the litter bin. 3. How is the weather? Its rainy. 4. Look, horses like hay very much. 5. I like flying kites in September. (1. C 2. A

20、 3. B 4. C 5. B). Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的句子,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):1. Are there any cameras?2. How is the weather in December?3. Dont throw the stones.4. It isnt far away from our school.(1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C). Listen and choose(听问句,选答句;听答句,选问句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):1. What do they like? 2. What do tigers eat?

21、3. Is it windy in June? 4. They like hay. 5. Yes, I like warm and sunny days. (1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C) . Listen and number(听一听,用“16”给下列图片编号):1. - Dont throw the stone.- OK.2. - Dont open the window.- All right.3. - Dont deed the bird.- Im sorry.4. - Dont pick flowers.- All right.5. - Dont walk on

22、the grass. - Im sorry.6. - Dont litter.- OK.(436152). Listen and choose(听小对话和问题,选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):1. A: Eddie, what month do you like? B: I like April. I like riding a bicycle. A: Peter, what month do you like? B: I like June. I like swimming. A: Danny, what month do you like? B: I like July. I

23、like eating ice cream. Q: What month do you like, Peter? 2. A: How is the weather in Shanghai? B: Its cloudy. A: How is the weather in Hangzhou? B: Its windy. A: How is the weather in Bejing? B: Its rainy. Q: How is the weather in Hangzhou? 3. A: What do you have? B: I have a blue sketchbook. A: Do

24、you have a black camera? B: Yes, I have a camera. A: What colour is your cap? B: Its brown. Q: What colour is your camera? 4. A: Whats that? B: Its a ball. A: Can you play with a ball? B: Yes, I can. A: Where is it? B: Its on the desk. A: Is it small? B: No, its big. Q: What do you have? (1. A 2. B

25、3. A 4. C). Listen and tick(听一听,在相应的空格内打勾):A: There are seven days in a week. B: Yes. How is the weather on Sunday?A: Lets have a look. How is the weather on Sunday?B: Oh, its windy and dry.A: How is the weather on Tuesday?B: Its rainy and wet.A: How is the weather on Thursday?B: Its sunny and dry.A

26、: How is the weather on Friday?B: Its sunny and dry, too.A: How is the weather on Saturday?B: Its cloudy and wet.(1. Sunday: windy, dry 2. Tuesday: rainy, wet 3. Thursday: sunny, dry 4. Friday: sunny, dry 5. Saturday: cloudy, wet) . Listen and fill in the blanks(听一听,填入所缺的单词完成对话,每线一词):A: Hi, boys and

27、 girls. Lets go to Century Park and have a picnic.B: Where is Century Park, Miss Fang?A: Its far away from our school. We can take the school bus there. Are you ready, boys and girls?B: Yes, we are.A: What do you have, Danny?B: I have a cap and a bottle of water.A: What do you have, Kitty?B: I have

28、a camera and two sketchbooks.A: Lets go now.B: OK.(1. away 2. school 3. do 4. cap 5. sketchbook). Listen and judge(听一听,判断下列句子是否符合听到的内容,用T或F表示):In China, there are four seasons. Spring is warm, summer is hot, autumn is cool and winter is cold. Spring comes in March, April and May. Winter comes in Dec

29、ember, January and February. In Australia, summer comes in December, January and February. And there is no snow at Christmas. The sun shines and shines, and it is very hot. People often go to the beach at Christmas. They go swimming and have a Christmas party. Its fun! They like Christmas very much.

30、(1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F)Part 3 Reading and writing (阅读部分). Miss Zhang skateboard always an animal at Century Park How is the weather in Australia? Its hot in December. 1. May, 2. fountains 3. sunny 4. Australia, 5. these 6. do not. 1. corn 2. dont 3. October 4. windy 5. aviary. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A. Omitted. 1. dont, play 2. Where, is 3. These, are 4. How, weather 5. have, books, . 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. E 5. D. 1. T 2. F 2. F 4. F 5. T. Omitted


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