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1、仓库安全管理是一系列管理规则和最佳实践的组合,来帮助 员工确保一个安全的工作环境和加强安全的作业行为。从可 持续运营的立场来看,健康与安全需要放在非常优先的位置, 根据美国国家职业健康安全局发布的伤亡数据,仓库的伤亡 事故率高于全行业的平均水平。Warehouse safety is a set of regulatory guidelines and industry best practices to help warehousing personnel ensure a safe work environment and reinforce safe behavior when work

2、ing in warehouses. For sustainable warehouse operations, health and safety should be prioritized as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) revealed that the fatal injury rate for the warehousing industry is higher than the national average for all industries.本文内容提要This article feat

3、ures:仓库安全的重要度 the importance of warehouse safety;.美国职业安全局的仓库标准及仓库安全指导OSHA warehousing standards and warehouse safety guidelines;八种常见安全风险及如何消除风险the 8 most common safetyhazards in a warehouse and how to eliminate them;最重要的三条的安全提示及实践top 3 warehouse safety tipsand best practices;仓库安全项目 培训及主题warehouse sa

4、fety program, training, and topics; and仓库安全点检项目 free warehouse safety checklists you can download, customize, and use.为什么仓库安全是重要的?Why is Warehouse Safety Important?仓库是一个危险的工作区域。理解常见的风险就非常重要, 因为这些能导致伤害乃至死亡风险。根据美国劳工局的统计 显示平均美国每年16起仓库死亡事故,仓库伤残比例达到员 工总数的5%oWarehouses can be dangerous places to work in.

5、It is important to understand common warehouse dangers and hazards because they can cause injuries and in extreme cases death. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported an average of 16 fatalities every year in the U.S. warehousing and storage sector and a reported injury and illness rate of 5 out

6、of every 100 warehouse and storage workers.美国职业健康安全局规定与仓库安全原则OSHA Warehouse Regulations and Warehouse Safety Rules其实没有明确界定仓库安全规定和仓库运营,不过这些在总 体管理要求里分别体现,参考一下的相关要求:While there are no explicit OSHA warehousing regulations, warehouse operations fall under the general industry requirements which include

7、the following OSHA standards:风险沟通Hazard Communication -仓库运行方需要准备同 时执行一个书面的沟通函,使仓库作业人员了解自身所曝露 的风险,以及他们如何防护自己。Warehouse operators should prepare and implement a written Hazard Communication (HazCom) program and warehouse workers who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals should know about them and how

8、to protect themselves.应急处置计划Emergency Action Plan (EAP) -如果仓库业 主没有自己的消防队,他们就需要指定一个仓库或者或者其 他应急事件的预案。If warehouse owners do not have an inhouse fire brigade, then they should have a detailed plan describing the actions warehousing employees should take in the event of a fire or other emergency situati

9、ons.火灾防范Fire Safety -仓库如果雇佣超过10个员工,就需要指定一个书面的火灾预防计划,将其保存于仓库里,让仓 库员工学习确认。Warehouse management employing more than 10 workers should have a written fire prevention plan, kept in the warehouse and made available to warehouse personnel for review.紧急通道Exit Routes -仓库至少需要两个以上的紧急通道。 这些通道需要远离可能被烟火封堵的路线,需要定期

10、检查、 维护等。Warehouses should have at least two well-designed and well-constructed emergency exit routeslocated as far away as practical from each other in case one is blocked by fire or smoke一that are regularly inspected for maintenance, safeguards, and operational features.行走通道或者工作面Walking / Working S

11、urfaces -仓库员 工如果是高位作业人员特别是升降平台,需要设置保护系统 来防止坠落。这些坠落事故是非常显著的严重伤亡事故来源。 Warehouse and storage facility workers working at heights, especially on elevated platforms, should have fall protection systems to protect themselves from falls which is among the leading causes of serious work-related injuries and

12、 deaths.医学急救装置Medical and First Aid -美国职业健康安全局 要求仓库运营者需要提供急救装置。OSHA requires warehouse operators to provide medical and first- aid personnel and supplies commensurate with warehouse hazards such as faulty pallet racks and racking falls due to unsafe use of forklifts, among others.仓库安全风险以及如何处理Warehou

13、se Safety Hazards and What to Do When You Encounter Them 以下是8类常见安全风险以及安全提示Here are 8 of the most common warehouse safety hazards and safety tips and resources to help you identify and control them:1 .叉车 Forklifts叉车是仓库运营的关键设备。可是如果不正确地使用,可能 导致操作人员和周边行人以及财产损失。不安全的操作叉车 是最经常的安全事故-根据健康安全局的数据。Forklifts are

14、 critical pieces of equipment used in warehousing and storage facilities. However, when operated incorrectly can cause serious damage to operators, nearby workers and property. Unsafe use of forklifts is the most often cited hazard in warehousing operations by OSHA. Below are a few basic warehouse s

15、afety tips to follow in forklift use:确保叉车司机是经过培训且胜任的。需要保持经常的培训, 评估司机是否安全操作叉车。Ensure all forklift operators are competent and have completed certified training. Perform regular refresher training and evaluation when an operator is observed operating the vehicle in an unsafe manner.需要执行日常的班次前点检。Perfor

16、m daily pre-start forklift equipment inspections to check for controls and equipment damage.2 .装卸跳板Docks一个非常危险的事故是员工被卡在叉车和装卸月台之间。比 较常见的是叉车离开月台,撞击到行人。One of the worst accidents a worker could suffer when working in a warehouse is being pinned or crushed between a forklift truck and the loading dock.

17、This typically occurs when a forklift runs off the dock and strikes a person. Follow the tips below to ensure the safety of workers:司机需要保持警惕,尤其是装卸月台区域,确保跳板边缘整 洁且安全,能够达到额度承载能力。FOrklift operators must be attentive and drive slowly on dock plates, make sure dock edges are clear and safe to support load

18、s.确保提示标识清楚,同时防止人员接近装卸月台。Always ensure that warning signs and mechanisms are in place to prevent people from getting near docks.3 .输送带 Conveyors输送带是经常在不同仓库之前运输。可是输送带经常容易导 致严重的安全事故,比如被输送带卡住或者被坠落物体砸伤。 为了确保仓库安全,以下事项需要注意:Conveyor equipment is commonly used in the transportation of goods from warehouse to

19、 warehouse. However, conveyors pose serious dangers to workers including getting caught in equipment and being struck by falling objects. To ensure warehouse safety, it is important to do the following:确保适当的保护装备来分隔人员和输送线,来防止衣服、人 体部位或者头发 Ensure proper safeguarding equipment between the conveyor and t

20、he worker to protect against the entanglement of clothing, body parts and hair.采用恰当的上锁挂牌装置,来处理输送线的维护保养 Follow proper lockout tag-out procedures during conveyor maintenance and repairs.4 .物料存储 Materials storage不恰当地将货物堆放在货架上,可能导致货物坠落或者伤害 到周边的工作人员。Improper stacking of loads and storage of materials on

21、shelves can result in unintended slip and trip hazards for nearby workers.保障通道或行人道路通畅,防止行人滑倒或摔倒Keep aisles and passageways clear and in good condition, this prevents workers from slipping, tripping, or falling.货物需要平稳和规范放置,重的货物放到低处。牢记一次只 处理一个货物负载。Loads should be placed evenly and properly positioned,

22、 heavier loads must be stacked on lower or middle shelves. Always remember to remove one load at a time.5.人工处理 Manual lifting/handling最常见的人体受伤是不恰当地手工提升或搬运货物。不能遵 循正确的方法,可能导致肌肉受伤,尤其是一些非常不舒适 的姿势,重复作业或者用力过猛。保障人力作业的安全,需 要采取以下行动The most common cause of physical injuries in warehouse and storage facilities

23、 involves improper manual lifting and handling. Failure to follow proper procedures can cause musculoskeletal disorders, especially if done with awkward postures, repetitive motions, or overexertion. Warehouse safety during manual lifting or handling can be ensured by doing the following:提前计划和尽量减少举升

24、,通过合理的工艺设计技术。Plan ahead and determine if the need for lifting can be minimized by applying good engineering design techniques.探察发现合理的人体工程学姿势来搬运货物。如果货物太重, 需要请求他人帮忙。学习一些人体工程学的基本知识。Observe proper ergonomic posture when carrying or moving loads. If products are too heavy, ask assistance from a co-worker

25、. Learn more about the principles of ergonomics in the workplace.6 .化学品安全风险Hazardous chemicals当处理危化品时,需要建议一个有效的风险沟通或宣贯机制。 这个机制要覆盖有效的培训来识别潜在化学品风险,来恰当 存储和搬运这些化学品。需要确保员工和管理团队能够有效 地检查安全风险、适当地处理和存储危化品,从而确保仓库 安全。When handling hazardous chemicals in your warehouse or storage facilities, a hazard communicat

26、ion program should be implemented. Your hazard communication program should cover effective training on identifying chemical hazards; proper handling, storage, and disposal of chemicals; and the use of appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment). It is imperative that workers and management team

27、s be knowledgeable in conducting better safety inspections and proper handling and storing of hazardous chemicals to ensure warehouse safety.7 .充电或加油站Charging stations充电房或加油站是用来给仓库动力设备补足能力的设施。这 些设备需要加油或气,或者电池充电。如果仓库安全规则未 能被遵守,可能导致火灾或爆炸。Charging stations in warehouse facilities are used to refuel orr

28、echarge all powered equipment to function. Units may be powered by gasoline, liquid petroleum gas (LPG), or battery. If warehouse safety guidelines are not followed, fires and explosions can occur.充电或加油站不允许明火。不允许吸烟。灭火器需要保持一 个良好的状态。Charging stations should be away from open flames. Smoking should be

29、prohibited. Fire extinguishers should be available and in good working condition in case of fire.需要一个通风系统来处理有害气体。需要恰当的个人防护装 置。An adequate ventilation system must be installed to disperse harmful gases. Proper PPE should be worn. Eye-washing and shower facilities should be present should employees ge

30、t exposed to acids and chemicals.8 , Energized equipment挂牌上锁系统需要在仓库运营采用,确保动力设备在维保期 间切断动力。A Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) program must be implemented in all warehouse operations to ensure that all energized equipment is properly shut off and to prevent employees from being caught between mechanical parts or

31、being electrocuted. All affected workers must be trained on LOTO procedures and how to apply and remove LOTO devices after performing maintenance to ensure warehouse safety. Check out this collection of digital LOTO checklists to learn more.最重要的三个仓库安全提示和最佳实践Top 3 Warehouse Safety Tips and Best Pract

32、ices根据不同类型的商业,有些特别的安全守则。无论如何安全 手册必须得到员工的遵循。以下是一些通用的安全守则。Depending on the type of business, there are specific safety rules to be followed due to hazards that are also specific to the type of work people do. However, there are also warehouse safety rules that should be adhered to by workers in any wa

33、rehouse. Below are a few general tips to follow to ensure warehouse safety, regardless of business or industry.强化合适的人体工程学 Reinforce proper ergonomics at all times.仓库员工经常要举重和处理货物,所以需要恰当的训练来避 免伤害。仓库安全项目需要涵盖人体工程学。除了在举升或 搬运货物时,其他时间也要注意人体工程学。Warehouse employees do a lot of heavy lifting, and it is import

34、ant that they are trained in the proper lifting procedures so that they avoid hurting others and themselves. Your warehouse safety program should cover ergonomics in the workplace. Aside from proper lifting and operation of lifting tables, remind employees to maintain proper posture in general. If t

35、hey have to do manual lifting, train them in the proper techniques that will help protect the back and knees from injury.确保火灾风险最小化,保持恰当的火灾对应设施Ensure that all fire hazards are minimized and that appropriate fire SafetymeaSUreSarein place.当运行仓库时,你需要所有必须 的保健器材,消火栓,和喷淋管路等。这些设施必须处于良 好状态,即使未经培训的人员也能使用。定期检

36、查和培训确 保人员和设施处于良好的准备状态。If you have an operating warehouse facility, you probably have all the necessary fire alarms, extinguishers, and sprinklers as required by safety regulations in your area. While this is all well and good, it won,t matter if the people in the warehouse aren,t trained in their pr

37、oper use. Schedule regular training and inspections to ensure that all employees are knowledgeable in fire safety processes and that all fire safety measures are in place and functioning as required.最小化割伤风险,强化安全处理锋利物体的机制。Minimize cutting dangers and enforce safe handling of sharp ObjeetS.员 工在仓库里经常要处

38、理包装或未包装的物体。经常会有一些 尖锐的钢铁或者塑料等。这就是为什么一定要适合的PPE , 来防止伤亡。Workers in a warehouse environment handle a lot of packing and unpacking tasks; they constantly use a lot of corrugated, metal, and plastic straps and plastic pallet wrappings. This is why it,s vital that they use proper PPE and safety knives to a

39、void serious injury or death. Safety knives should retract automatically, limit the exposed cutting surface, and not require too much sharpening. All workers should also be trained in the proper cutting techniques to ensure warehouse safety at all times.仓库安全项目,培训和主题Warehouse Safety Program5 Training

40、, and Topics设立和位置一个持续进行的流程来管理仓库安全培训,来识 别安全风险点,从而去除危险点。任何仓库必须根据现实来 制定安全项目。Setting and maintaining warehouse safety programs is an ongoing process of identifying barriers to safe work and removing them from the warehouse operations. Any warehouse safety program should be tailored to the current condit

41、ion, needs, and culture of the warehousing workers, but it should at least contain:仓库安全规范Warehouse Safety Rules -包括法定安全规范, 如安全防护设备PPE ,强制安全标识,风险沟通机制及防火 措施和紧急处理预案。includes OSHA requirements such as appropriate PPE, mandatory safety signages,HazCom program, fire prevention plan, and emergency action p

42、lan仓库标准作业流程 Warehousing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)-特别适用于那些机械设备相关的作业。 especially applies to certain job tasks and for operating specialized pieces of machinery or new equipment仓库安全培训Warehouse Safety Training -包括叉车作业 资格,危险品存储和处理及恰当的人机工程学和危险品识别 等。generally includes forklift operator certifica

43、tion, hazardous material handling and storage training, and proper ergonomics and hazard identification in warehousing仓库安全主题Warehouse Safety Topics -主要包括,但不限 于PPE ,叉车,危险材料,高位作业及挂牌上锁和防火措施 等。typically covers but is not limited to PPEz forklifts, hazardous materials, working at heights, LOTO procedures

44、, and fire safety仓库检查及记录保持 Warehouse Inspections and Recordkeeping -关键在于检查检查5S ,日常叉车检查,这些记录 需要恰当保持。包括会议小结,改装措施及培训,事故报告 及调查艮告。crucial warehousing checks such as racking inspections, 5S audits, daily pre-use forklift inspections, and warehouse tools and equipment preventive maintenance should be adequ

45、ately documented and kept for a certain period, including safety meeting minutes, corrective actions to safety concerns, training initiatives, incident reporting, and investigative reports仓库安全委员会Warehouse Safety Committee -最好能够包 含不同部门以及一线员工代表。ideally composed of members from different departments as

46、 frontline ambassadors of safety on the warehouse floor如果忽视仓库安全规程去降低成本,就可能导致员工处于风 险之中。提供员工恰当的培训,执行安全检查,仓库安全措 施等,可以帮助维护一个安全健康的工作环境。If safety procedures and workplace hazards are disregarded in warehouses to cut costs, it exposes workers to serious risks of accidents and injury. Providing workers training on hazard awareness, conducting safety inspections, and implementing warehouse safety measures can help maintain a safe, secure and healthy working environment.


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