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1、第10期 Unit 4 自我测试题 答案及解析答案. 15 BCBCB 610 CACAC 1115 ACACB. 1620 AAACC. 2125 BCAAB 2630 ABCDC. 3135 ADBCB 3640 ADCBA. 4144 ACCA 4548 CDAB 4952 DCDC. 5357 CDABE. 58. interesting 59. talent 60. decided 61. with 62. make up63. worse 64. why 65. But 66. gave 67. everybody. 68. fresh 69. beautifully 70. se

2、riously 71. theater 72. act 73. winner . 74. played a role 75. looked for 76. is up to you 77. getting more and more popular 78. thought of. One possible version:There are four restaurants in our neighborhood. Pizza House has the friendliest service, but its food is not so good. Jasons has delicious

3、 food, but the service is very poor. I think that Dream Restaurant is a good restaurant. It has the best food and service, but its also the most expensive. As for Fresh Food, its the most popular restaurant. Its food is delicious and its cheap as well. Everybody likes eating there. So I think that i

4、f you enjoy delicious food, you can go there.解析单项选择21. B。考查介词及固定搭配。have . in common表示“有相同特征”。句意为“他是我最好的朋友并且我们有许多相同特征。”22. C。考查不定代词。none意为“没有一个”;nobody意为“没有人”;everybody意为“每个人”;everything意为“一切事情”。句意为“每个人都要去爬山。妈妈,我也可以去吗?”“恐怕不行,等到你年龄足够大,亲爱的。”23. A。考查名词辨析。talent意为“天赋”;idea意为“主意”;mind意为“心智”;heart意为“内心”。句意

5、为“我姐姐在音乐方面很有天赋,她四岁就能弹钢琴了。”24. A。考查动词辨析。choose意为“选择;挑选”;touch意为“触摸”;decide意为“决定”;share意为“分享;共享”。句意为“我想买一个新的CD唱机。”“好的,我们有好几个型号可从中选择。”25. B。考查形容词的最高级。根据下句句意“是的,它是这个夏季最坏的天气。”和限定范围this summer,可知用bad的最高级形式。26. A。考查动词短语辨析。make up意为“编造(故事、谎言等)”;get up意为“起床”;cut up意为“切碎”;put up意为“举起”。句意为“你能用英语编小故事吗?”“当然可以。”2

6、7. B。考查副词辨析。loudly意为“大声地”;carefully意为“小心地,谨慎地”; comfortably意为“舒适地”;cheaply意为“便宜地”。句意为“萨姆是一个学习努力的孩子,他总是在课堂上认真地听老师讲课。”28. C。考查动词固定搭配。take.seriously表示“认真对待”。句意为“医生说什么?”“他告诉我的母亲认真对待她的健康问题。”29. D。考查形容词的最高级。根据下句句意为“对,我通常和我的朋友去那儿。”和限定范围in my town,可知用comfortable的最高级形式。句意为“我认为月亮剧院是我们这儿拥有最舒服座椅的剧院。”故选D。30. C。考

7、查交际用语。句意为“你为什么认为绿色餐厅是最好的?”“因为它有最好的服务。”根据问句可知只有C项符合语境。完形填空【文章大意】短文介绍了约翰的狗是如何利用自己的天资帮助约翰看家的。31. A。约翰吃完饭(meal)后,他决定去开心剧场观看一个才艺表演32. D。因为剧场的座椅非常舒适(comfortable)。33. B。他的宠物狗Barky在家里仔细地(carefully)照看每一件事物。34. C。约翰刚刚离开,一个坏人打破(break)窗户。35. B。然后他通过(through)窗户进入屋内。36. A。他选择(choose)一个盒子并且发现里面有许多钱。37. D。他取出钱,但是当他

8、正要离开(leave)时,他听到一只狗的叫声。38. C。当约翰到家时,Barky正要咬坏人。when表示“当时”。39. B。约翰让Barky坐下并告诉坏人:“跟我去镇上最近的(closest)警察局,否则Barky将咬你。”40. A。Barky在看家方面有一种天赋(talent)。阅读选择【文章大意】罗莎、吉娜、詹森住在同一个镇上。他们喜欢在周末的时候去看电影。现在他们正在讨论镇上的电影院。41. A。细节理解题。根据Rosa一栏中最后一句可知答案。42. C。细节理解题。根据Gina一栏中最后一句可知答案。43. C。细节理解题。根据Jason一栏中“.but I can ride m

9、y bicycle to go there. ”可知答案。44. A。细节理解题。根据Jason一栏中“Although its the cheapest, it has the most comfortable seats.”可知答案。【文章大意】本文介绍了约翰和乔伊两个人是怎么利用自己的天资的。最终约翰从乔伊那了解到我们最大的天赋不是用于我们自己,而是要帮助别人。45. C。细节理解题。根据第二段John used all of his talents to find a good job. 可知约 翰使用他的天赋找到一个好工作。46. D。词义猜测题。根据下文他认为他应该帮助别人。他总是

10、在忙于寻找方法去帮助别人。可知他一直带着一个繁重的责任。responsibility意为“责任”。47. A。细节理解题。根据第四段内容可知乔伊总是尽自己最大努力去解决各种问题。他想了一些方法并不让坏事情发生在他镇里的人们身上。可知帮助别人使乔伊比约翰更出名。48. B。主旨大意题。短文主要介绍了约翰和乔伊是如何利用自己的天赋的,所以B项我们应该如何对待我们的天赋符合文章标题。【文章大意】你有没有读过吉尼斯世界纪录这本书?吉尼斯世界纪录记录了许多有趣的世界纪录,包括自然界、人类世界等12个部分。让我们一起来看看关于这本书的介绍吧。49. D。细节理解题。由文章第三段可知,人们想要打破世界纪录不

11、是为了把他们的名字记载到书里,也不是为了遇到更多的人,而是为了展示他们是最好的。50. C。细节理解题。由文章第四段可知,吉尼斯世界纪录这本书大约是在1954年开始记录的,到今年为止已62年了。51. D。细节理解题。由文章倒数第三段可知,世界上最长的猫有1.23米长。52. C。主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了吉尼斯世界纪录一书。听力录音材料. 对话理解。听对话,根据你听到的内容从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。每段对话听两遍。听第1段对话,回答第1小题。W: Tommy, did everyone watch the school talent show yesterday?M: No, V

12、era didnt.听第2段对话,回答第2小题。M: Tom studies harder than Jane.W: But Anna studies much harder than Tom.听第3段对话,回答第3、4两个小题。W: Hi, John. Do you often go to the supermarket on Chongqing Street? M: Hi, Tina. Yes. Its the best in town and I go there twice a week.W: I see many restaurants in town. Which is the b

13、est? M: Martins sells the best sandwiches. Dumpling House has the best service, and its the closest. W: Really? I love dumplings best. Maybe I should go there and have a try. Oh, how about Millers?M: Its the worst. The hamburgers there are terrible. W: Thanks for telling me. M: No problem.听第4段对话,回答第

14、5至7三个小题。W: Lin Tao, I want to see a movie. Would you like to go with me?M: Sure. W: How many movie theaters are there in our city? M: Im not sure. Maybe there are four.W: Which is the closest?M: Screen City is. Its about twenty minutes by bus. W: Whats the best movie theater?M: Its Movie Palace. It

15、has the most comfortable seats in it. You can really enjoy the wonderful movies in it.W: Is it far from here?M: Its not far. Its about twenty minutes ride.听第5段对话,回答第8至11四个小题。M: Can I ask you some questions? W: Sure. M: Does Jasons have the cheapest clothes?W: No, it sells expensive clothes. But it h

16、as the best clothes.M: How often do you go there?W: Once a week.M: Do you often listen to the radio?W: Yes, in the evening every day. M: Whats the best radio station? W: Pop Music 106.2 FM. M: How do you usually go to work? W: By bus. Its faster than riding a bike.听第6段对话,回答第12至15四个小题。W: Did you watc

17、h the talent show last night?M: Yes, I did. It was held in Shahe Cinema. And you?W: Me, too. How do you like it?M: It was really wonderful!W: Who was the best in the talent show?M: I think Vince was the best. She played the piano very beautifully.W: Youre right. But I think Ted and his bird were the

18、 funniest.M: I think so. I couldnt stop laughing! What about Lisa?W: She played the violin at the show.M: What do you think of her music?W: Her music was the most interesting.M: Who was the worst in the show?W: I think Hector was the worst. He performed very badly. How do you like the Rock Band?M: W

19、ell, I think the Rock Band was the loudest! I dont like it at all.W: But I like it very much. 短文理解。听短文,并从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。短文听两遍。In my town, there are some good places to go and many things to do. Many clothing stores are in Guangming Mall. Today Clothing Store has the most beautiful clothing. But t

20、he clothes there are very expensive. Snow Fashion is the most popular among young people. The clothes there are beautiful and the price is not high. The best restaurant in my town is John Restaurant. I think the beef noodles there are the most delicious. Dongfeng Theater is the best cinema because i

21、ts screen is the biggest and it has the most comfortable seats. Welcome to our town!第12期 Unit 5 自我测试题 答案及解析答案. 15 BCACC 610 ABBBC 1115 ACACB. 1620 ACBBA. 2125 AACDB 2630 CCBBA. 3135 DBADA 3640 DCBAC. 4144 ABAD 4548 CDCD 4952 ADBC. 5357 ECDBA. 58. in 59. cartoons 60. meaningless 61. educational 62. c

22、ultures 63. happening 64. expect 65. hopes 66. is ready to 67. famous. 68. discussion 69. appeared 70. lost 71. meaningless 72. unlucky 73. action. 74. came out 75. dressed up 76. tried my best 77. did a good job 78. took my place. One possible version:There are many programs on TV. I like talent sh

23、ows, because they are interesting and exciting. I like news, too. It can tell me what is happening around the world. But I cant stand soap operas. They are boring and the things in them arent real at all. As for the sports shows, I dont mind them. My favorite programs are talk shows. I can learn som

24、ething useful from them. They are educational.解析单项选择21. A。考查介词。learn.from.表示“从中学到”。句意为“你为什么喜欢看最强大脑?”“因为我可以从中学到很多。”22. A。考查形容词辨析。simple意为“简单的”;necessary意为“必需的;必要的”;hard 意为“困难的”;serious意为“严肃的;稳重的”。句意为:这个问题不像你想象的那么简单。你需要仔细考虑一下。根据句意可知选A。23. C。考查情态动词。need意为“需要”;should意为“应该”;might意为“可能;可以”; must意为“必须”。句意为

25、“下周日你想做什么?”“我不确定。我可能去看电影。”根据答语前半句“我不确定”可知,后句应该是表可能,故选择might。24. D。考查动词辨析。care意为“在意;关心”;enjoy意为“喜欢”;mind意为“介意”;stand意为“忍受”。句意为:教室里太热了。我们不能忍受这炎热的天气。25. B。考查plan的用法。plan是动词,意为“计划,打算”,plan to do sth表示“计划/打算做某事”。句意为“我们一家人计划在这个寒假去海南度假。”“听起来很棒。”26. C。考查expect的用法。expect sb. to do sth意为“期望某人做某事”。句意为:她想要成为一名作

26、家,然而,她的父亲期望她成为一名音乐家。27. C。考查短语辨析。make out意为“理解;辨认出”;work out意为“解决”; find out意为“查明;弄清”;bring out意为“使显现;使表现出”。句意为“你能在互联网上弄清是谁发明了中国象棋吗?”“当然。”28. B。考查短语辨析。be ready to do sth意为“随时愿意做某事”。句意为“这个女孩随时愿意帮助别人。”“当她在公共汽车上时,她总是给有需要的人让座。”29. B。考查主谓一致。news意为“新闻,消息”,是不可数名词。news作主语时,谓语动词应该用单数形式,故选择is。句意为:人们常说没有消息就是好消

27、息。30. A。考查交际用语。问句句意为“你觉得游戏竞赛节目怎么样?”答语应该是对节目的评价、感受等。只有A项“我对它们不介意。”符合语境。完形填空【文章大意】短文介绍了作者的同学Grace,她是一个不同寻常的女孩。文中讲述了她在生活中与寻常人不一样的几个方面。31. D。我认为她不是一个普通的(common)女孩,因为她真的不同于其她女孩。32. B。be different from是固定短语,意为“与不同”。这里是指Grace与其她女孩不同。33. A。当她遇到一些问题时,她从来不与我们的同学进行讨论(discussion)。 have a discussion with.意为“与进行讨

28、论”。34. D。我们都想知道她怎么能把所有的科目都学得好。do a good job为固定短语,意为“干得好;做得好”。35. A。晚上她睡得很晚。但是(but),令我惊讶的是,她看起来很健康。上下句是转折关系,故选A。36. D。Sonia,Mary和我计划(plan)一起去参加那个聚会。37. C。但是Grace没有在聚会出现(appear)。38. B。Vera不开心,她让我们去弄清(find out)Grace干什么去了。39. A。Grace是一个电影迷,所以我们去了她家附近的电影院(movie theater)。40. C。我们看到她打扮(dress up)成了一个男孩正在练功夫

29、。阅读选择【文章大意】表格围绕“孩子们应该参加才艺选秀节目吗?”这一话题进行了讨论,并列举了四位同学对这一话题的不同看法。41. A。细节理解题。根据表格Faiza的对应栏中的“Talent shows can help children become more confident.”可知选A。42. B。细节理解题。根据表格Gabbriella的对应栏中的“They have other things like their studies in schools.”可知选B。43. A。细节理解题。根据表格Jessica的对应栏中的“And I dont think kids need to

30、compete with adults. There should be Kids Have Got Talent.”可知她认为应该有专门给孩子们的才艺选秀节目,故选A。44. D。主旨大意题。根据表格Faiza的对应栏中的“And no matter how young you are, you can have talents.”可知D选项是能从讨论中得到的正确信息。【文章大意】这篇文章主要讲制作一部电影需要很长的时间,是很辛苦繁琐的工作。一部电影是摄像师,演员和导演等工作人员共同的心血。这其中最重要的还是导演。45. C。细节理解题。根据文章第一句“Making a film takes

31、 a long time and is very hard work.”可知选C。46. D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“The director of the film, however, is the most important person in a film studio.”可知选D。47. C。推理判断题。根据文章第二段中的“Hundreds of people work together to make one film. Some of these people are the actors and actresses.”可知C选项错误。48. D。主旨大意题。阅读全文可知

32、讲述的是关于电影的拍摄前前后后相关的内容,故D选项是最佳标题。【文章大意】这篇短文中作者主要介绍了一些昆虫和动物如何利用颜色来保护自己的方式。49. A。推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Brown bears, tigers and other animals move quietly through forests. They cant be found easily by others. This is because they have colors similar to the trees.”可知A选项正确。50. D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“but it is not always

33、an easy job for birds to eat them.The reason is that the colors of locusts change with the colors of crops.”可知选D。51. B。细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Did you ever find the ink fish can send out some very black ink when it faces danger? As the ink goes over, other fish will find themselves in a dark world.”可知选B。52. C

34、。主旨大意题。通读文章可知主要讲述了一些昆虫和动物可以利用颜色避开危险。故选C。听力录音材料. 对话理解。听对话,根据你听到的内容从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。每段对话听两遍。听第1段对话,回答第1小题。W: Mike, what do you think of game shows?M: They are wonderful.听第2段对话,回答第2小题。M: Helen, did the first cartoon with sound and music come out in New York in 1918?W: No. It came out in 1928.听第3段对话,回

35、答第3、4两个小题。M: Grace, do you often watch the news?W: No, I dont. Its boring. How about you, Rick?M: Oh, I watch it every night, because I want to find out whats going on around the world. By the way, what do you plan to watch tonight?W: I plan to watch Running Man on Zhejiang TV Station. M: Why do you

36、 like it?W: Because its very, very interesting. Im sure you will keep laughing while watching it. M: OK. Lets watch it together after supper. W: See you then.听第4段对话,回答第5至7三个小题。W: John, what do you want to watch on TV tonight?M: I hope to watch a talk show. But I also want to watch a game show. What

37、about you? Do you want to watch a talk show or a game show?W: Oh, I want to watch a talk show. Its educational.M: Then lets watch a talk show.听第5段对话,回答第8至11四个小题。W: Hi, Tim! It rained last night. Where did you go?M: I went to a TV show.W: Really? What kind of TV show was it?M: It was a game show.W: W

38、hat did you do there?M: We played a game and danced.W: What do you think of the show?M: I like it. I was very happy.W: I hope to join you next time.M: OK.听第6段对话,回答第12至15四个小题。W: What are you doing, Kevin?M: Im watching TV.W: Can you go shopping with me? M: What would you like to buy? W: Id like to bu

39、y a pair of glasses for our mother.M: Why do you want to buy our mother a pair of glasses?W: Today is June 12th. Tomorrow is our mothers birthday. Dont you remember?M: Oh, I forgot it. Id like to go with you. But .W: But what?M: Id like to watch Sports News.W: When does it begin?M: At 6:00 pm.W: Now

40、 its 4:20 pm. We can come back at 5:30 pm.M: OK. Lets go. 短文理解。听短文,并从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。短文听两遍。We had a discussion about TV shows when we had lunch today. I said I liked game shows, but Peter said he liked sports shows. He liked to watch football matches on TV. Grace said she couldnt stand them. She l

41、oves soap operas. She likes to follow the story and see what happens next. She always cries or laughs with the story. Peggy said her favorite TV shows were the news and talk shows. She watches the news on TV every morning. When she comes to school, she always talks about the news. And Peggys favorit

42、e talk show is The Oprah Show.第14期 Units 4-5 自我测试题 答案及解析答案. 15 AACBB 610 ACBAC 1115 BCABB. 1620 ABCBC. 2125 ACBBA 2630 BCDAB. 3135 DADBC 3640 BCABD. 4144 CDAD 4548 ADCB 4952 BBAC. 5357 EDACB. 58. sixth 59. left 60. famous 61. along 62. successful 63. become 64. still 65. because of 66. might 67. lea

43、rn. 68. becoming 69. unlucky 70. happen 71. reporter 72. quickly 73. worst. 74. made up 75. is up to 76. take my place 77. take these shows too seriously 78. play an important role . One possible version:My townHi, everyone! Im Liu Fei, from a small town. My town is famous for its beautiful scenery.

44、 It has a river with the clearest water. It also has the loveliest mountain. You can go fishing in the river or climb the mountain. You can enjoy the freshest air here. You can eat farm food, stay at a farmers house and enjoy the happiness and quiet life of the countryside. Whats more, youll find ev

45、erything here much cheaper. All in all, its a good place to visit. Welcome to my town.解析单项选择21. A。考查介词及固定搭配。be famous for意为“以出名”;be ready to意为“愿意做某事;为做准备”。句意为“澳大利亚以悉尼歌剧院出名。”“当然。我准备这个暑假去那里参观。”22. C。考查不定代词。none意为“没有一个”;anyone意为“任何人”;everybody意为“人人;每个人”; no one意为“没有人”。句意为“你在新学校过得怎么样?”“我进展很好仅因为每一个人都友好且乐

46、于助人。”23. B。考查情态动词。can表示“能;会”;may表示“也许;可能”;must表示“必须;一定”;need表示“需要”。句意为“听!有人正在隔壁房间里唱歌。可能是谁呢?是李艳吗?”“不,不可能是她。她现在在学校呢。”这里只是一种猜测,所以may符合题意。24. B。考查动词辨析。act意为“扮演(角色)”;expect意为“预料;期待”;appear意为“出现”;ask意为“请求;要求;询问”。句意为“中国的家长们想让他们的孩子做什么?”“多数家长希望看到他们的孩子们整天学习。”25. A。考查动词辨析。plan意为“计划”;remember意为“记住”;forget意为“忘记”

47、;follow意为“跟随”。句意为“你愿意这个星期日和我一起去博物馆吗?”“对不起,我不能。我阿姨要来我家。我计划那时举行一个欢迎派对。”26. B。考查短语辨析。get up意为“起床;站起”; dress up意为“装扮;乔装打扮”;make up意为“编造(故事、谎言等)”;put up意为“搭起;举起”。句意为“你去酒吧不需要装扮,只穿牛仔和T恤就可以了。”27. C。考查短语辨析。go out意为“外出(娱乐)”; blow out意为“吹灭”;find out意为“查明;弄清”; bring out意为“使显现;使表现出”。句意为“请帮我查明吉尔的火车将在何时到达火车站。”“好的。她的火车将在下午三点到达。”28. D。考查比较级和最高级。句意为“这件T恤衫对我来说太小了,你能给我看看更大的吗?”“对不起,它是最大的了。”第一空是和小的这件T恤衫二者对比,要更大的,用比较级;第二空是表达这件就是最大的,用最高级。29. A。考查as. as的用法及形容词的比较级。as . as中间要接形容词或副词的原级形式,表示在


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