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1、专项练习之“完形填空与书面表达”一、阅读短文,从所给的四个选项中,选择最佳答案。(10分)Jim 1 from America. Now he is 2 China. He 3 at about 6:30 and eats his breakfast at 7:00 in the morning. After breakfast, he says “goodbye” 4 his parents and leaves (离开)home at 7:30. He usually walks to school. He gets there at 7:55. He 5 his first class

2、at eight. Morning classes are over at 12:10, and he eats lunch ten minutes later at about 12:20. After lunch he plays 6 his friends. Afternoon classes begin at 1:30. Usually there are two classes in the 7 . School is over at 3:30. Usually he plays games or do 8 things and gets home at about 5:15. He

3、 eats supper at 6:00 and then 9 , then he watches TV. He 10 at around 10:00.( )1. A. come B. is C. are D. be( )2. A. in B. at C. on D. of来源:学_科_网( )3. A. plays B. gets up C. goes home D. goes to school( )4. A. with B. for C. and D. to( )5. A. have B. has C. start D. begin( )6. A. with B. and C. to D

4、. or( )7. A. afternoon B. morning C. evening D. night( )8. A. another B. an other C. other D. othersx k b 1.c o m( )9. A. swim B. goes to bed C. takes D. does his homework( )10. A . goes to school B. goes to bed C. goes home D. goes to the room 二、阅读短文, 选出一个能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)Dear Betty,Let me tell y

5、ou 1 my school life(生活).I go to school 2 Monday 3 Friday. We have four 4 in the morning and two in the afternoon. On Monday _5_ Wednesday afternoon we have P.E. On Tuesday morning we have music. On Thursday afternoon we have art. On Friday we have science. We have 6 things to do after class. I often

6、 play basketball _7_an hour. Then I go to the music_8_.9 weekends I 10 go to school. I have a good rest(休息)。Love,Li Lei( )1. A. about B. of C. in D. on( )2. A. in B. on C. from D. to( )3. A. of B. at C. to D. on( )4. A. classes B. class C. lesson D. Lessons( )5. A. but B. so C. or D. and( )6. A. so

7、B. many C. much D. lot( )7. A. in B. for C. on D. of( )8. A. school B. people C. club D. family( )9. A. From B. At C. In D. On( )10. A. do B. not C. no D. dont三、阅读下面短文, 选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)This is a photo 1 my family. This is my father. 2 is 45 years 3 . This is 4 mother. She is not old. She i

8、s 5 English teacher . This is my brother. 6 name is Li Ming. He is fourteen. He is in 7 One, Grade Three. He is 8 good student. He 9 a friend at school. They _10 _ in the same(同样的) class.( )1. A. of B. in C. at D. to( )2. A. He B. It C. His D. Its ( )3. A. young B. new C. old D. small( )4. A. her B.

9、 his C. my D. our( )5. A. the B. an C. a D. /( )6. A. He B. His C. She D. Her( )7. A. class B. Class C. school D. School ( )8. A. a B. an C. the D. this( )9. A. is B. has C. have D. are( )10. A. have B. is C. are D. has四、阅读下面短文, 选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)A: Good morning! Can I help you? B: Yes, plea

10、se. I 1_ a computer.A: I think this is a nice one.B: _2 is it? A: _3 7000 yuan.B: 7000 yuan? Thats too expensive.A: Yes. But its very 4 .B: Do you have 5 computers? Im a student and I 6 much money.A: Yes, we 7 . These are all computers made(制造)in China.B: Well, this one looks good. Whats the 8 of it

11、? A: 3200 yuan.B: OK. _9 me try it(试一试). All right. Ill 10 it.( )1. A. have B. want C. dont have D. likes( )2. A. What B. How much C. How many D. How( )3. A. Theyre B. Its C. It D. Sell( )4. A. good B. new C. big D. dear( )5. A. small B. good C. cheap D. well( )6. A. have B. have no C. dont have D.

12、doesnt have( )7. A. are B. do C. can D. have( )8. A. money B. much C. price D. how much( )9. A. Have B. Let C. Want D. Give( )10. A. bring B. take C. sell D. play五、阅读下面短文, 选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)Hello, everyone! Im your new friend. My name is Mike. There are 1._ people in my familymy wife, my 2._

13、 and I. I was born 3._ the year 1976. my birthday is 4._ -New Years Day. I like soccer but I 5._ volleyball. I think it is 6._. My wife has a clothes store. 7._ clothes are at good prices. Many people come to 8._ clothes. My son is a student. He goes to 9._ every day. His school has a (an) 10._. It

14、is on March 11th. He likes music very much, so he is in the festival every year.( )1. A. two B. three C. four D. five( )2. A. brother B. sister C. daughter D. son( )3. A. in B. on C. at D. for( )4. January 1st B. March 8th C. April 1st D. July 1st ( )5. A. like B. doesnt like C. likes D. dont like(

15、)6. A. boring B. fun C. great D. interesting( )7. A. She B. Her C. Shes D. Hers( )8. A. buy B. bring C. sell D. make( )9. A. store B. room C. school D. bed( )10. A. School Day B. English party C. speech contest D. Music Festival六、阅读下面短文, 选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分) Today is June 4th, its 1 fine day.

16、It is Bettys birthday. She comes 2 and sees a new red box on her bed. She opens 3 . There is nothing but a piece of paper 4 it! Betty takes it out and 5 : “Dear Betty. Im your present(礼物). Come and 6 me in the front room.” Betty runs 7 front room. She finds her parents there. They look at her happil

17、y. She looks round and sees her present a nice 8 bike. “Happy birthday. Betty.” Her parents both 9 . Betty is very happy and says, “ 10 very much.”1. A. /B. theC. aD. an2. A. to homeB. homeC. the homeD. at home3. A. boxB. themC. itsD. it4. A. underB. behindC. onD. in5. A. readingB. readC. readsD. to

18、 read6. A. look forB. look afterC. look likeD. look7. A. in the B. for theC. to theD. out the8. A. newerB. newestC. newD. old9. A. speakB. sayC. talkD. ask10. A. Thanks youB. Thanks a lotC. ThankD. Thank you七、书面表达:(5分)根据提示写寻物启示和招领启示。提示:1.Lucy 丟了戒指,她的电话号码是536-2929。2.John捡到了一块手表。他的电话号码是368-1598。 Lost

19、_ Found_八、书面表达:(5分)请你根据下表提供的信息写一篇40词左右的小短文,向英语老师介绍你的两位同学在学科方面的喜好及原因。_ _ _ 九、书面表达:(10分)假设你是Ben的朋友,请你给Ben刚刚开张的服装店写一则广告。要求:内容包括服装、颜色、价格、优惠活动等。50词左右。_十、书面表达:(10分)利用你所学过的食物,如:fruit, vegetables, hamburgers等,写出你早饭吃什么;午饭吃什么;晚饭吃什么,不少于40词。_.十一、书面表达:(10分)假设Sally是你的好朋友,请根据下面表格提示,以My good friend为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍

20、一下Sally,可适当发挥。 NameAgeBirthdayclubLikesFamily membersSally14November,29thmusic;Englishbooks; tennis;strawberries; hamburgersfather(doctor )mother(English teacher )brother, (student )_答案:一、15 BABDB 610 AACDB二、15 ACCAD 610BBCDD三、15 AACCB 610 BBABC 四、1-5 BBBAC 6-10 CBCBB五、15 BDAAD 610 ABACD六、15 CBDDC 6

21、-10ACCBD七、Lost: My ring. My name is Lucy. Please call 536-2929Found: A watch. Is this your watch? Please call John at 368-1598.八、Peter and Anna are my good friends. Peters favorite subject is English. He thinks its very interesting. But he doesnt like history. He thinks its boring. Anna likes music

22、best because its relaxing. She doesnt like math. She thinks its difficult. 九、Hi, boys and girls! Have a look at Bens Clothes Store. Here is a great sale. Do you like socks? We have socks in many colors for only 2 yuan. We also have beautiful skirts for only 65 yuan. Pants, shoes and many other thing

23、s are also at very good prices. Do you like them? Come and see for yourself!十、I like healthy food. For breakfast, I have vegetables, like carrots and broccoli. For lunch, I have two eggs, some meat and rice. I dont like French fries and ice cream. I eat some fruit, like apples bananas. For dinner, I

24、 eat noodles.十一、Sally is my friend .Shes a girl. Shes 14. Shes a student in our school. Shes from England. Her birthday in on November 29th.she joins a music club and an English club. She loves music and English. English is her favorite subject. She has many hobbies: liking playing tennis and reading. She has a happy family, Her father is a doctor and her mother is an English teacher in a middle school. Her brother is a student. He is 12. she loves her family. She loves China too. We often play games together, she is my good friend.5


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