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1、Unit 6 When was it invented?,Section APeriod 2(3a3c),An Accidental Invention,Whats the most traditional drink in China?,What kinds of tea do you know?,1.Green tea,2.Black tea,3.Wu long tea,4.Long jing,Tie guanyin,What are the effects(功效)of tea?,Make you more beautiful Help you lose weight Make your

2、brain clear.,Paragraph1,the most popular drink in the world by accident 偶然;意外地was first drunk 第一次被喝 It is said that 据说the first to discover tea第一个发现茶boil/bil/v.煮沸;烧开 drinking water饮用水.over an open fire户外的火上.fall(fell)into the water remain(remained)there a nice smell,It was invented about 5000 years

3、ago.,It was invented by the Chinese rulerShen Nong.,It was invented by accident.,2.Who was it invented by?,3.How was it invented?,1.When was it invented?,Para 1:,1 A Chinese ruler Shen Nong,2 boil(煮)the drinking water,4 some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and remained(留在)there for some

4、time.,3 over an open fire在篝火上,5 produce(产生)a nice smell(气味),The tea was invented by accident.(偶然地),First,.was boiling overfireSecond,fell intoandremainedThen,producedFinally,tastedand it was,Para1.How tea was invented by accident?,Four steps,saint/seint/n.圣人 the saint of tea take place 发生;mention 提到

5、 how tea plants was growed and used to make tea where the finest tea leaves were producedwhat kinds of water were used,Paragraph 2,1.Who is Lu Yu?2.What is Cha Jing about?,The saint of tea,It describes how tea plants were grown and used to make tea.It also discusses where the finest tea leaves were

6、produced and what kinds of water were used.,Para 2:,It is believed that 据说was brought(bring)to Korea duing the 6th and 7th centuriesnational(国家的)drink tea trade take(took)placeThe popularity(popular)of teadoubt/daut/n.疑惑;疑问 v.怀疑 without doubt,Paragraph 3,Para3:How tea spreads to other countries,Duri

7、ng the 6th and 7th centuries,Around 1660,In less than 100 years,In the 19th century,was brought to,had become,appeared,took place,time,events,This refers to,the tea trade.,Tea didnt appear until around 1660 in England.,Whats the result?,Read the 3rd passage and fill in the country and time,tea,disco

8、vered in nearly,China,5000 years ago.,Korea,Japan,England,Western countries,During the 6th and 7th centuries.,The year of 1660.,19th century.,to,to,to,to,1.What does the writer think of tea(the status of tea 茶的地位)?,Tea is the most popular drink in the world.,Its one of the worlds favorite drinks.,2.

9、Who knows the tea culture best?,The Chinese are without doubt the ones who best understand the nature of tea.,Chinese people,Skim and match the main idea with each paragraph.,Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3,Lu Yu and his book Cha Jing,How tea spread to other countries,How tea was invented by accid

10、ent,An Accidental Invention,3b Read the passage again and answer the questions.,1.When was tea first drunk?2.How was tea invented?3.Who is called“the saint of tea”?,Tea was first drunk about 5,000 years ago.,It was invented by accident.,Lu Yu.,4.What is Cha Jing about?,It mentioned Shen Nong.The boo

11、k describes how tea plants were grown and used to make tea.It also discusses where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used.,5.When was tea brought to other countries?,Tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries.In England,tea didnt appear until a

12、round 1660.,1.One of the worlds favorite drinks was _ by accident.2.Tea was first _ by Shen Nong about 5,000 years ago.3.A nice smell was _ when the tea leaves dropped into the hot water.4.Tea was _ to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries.5.Tea is now _ between many different countries.,

13、3c.invent drink bring produce trade,invented,drunk,produced,brought,traded,Summaries,1.一项偶然的发明2.偶然,意外地 3.据说4.一位叫神农的中国统治者5.最早做某事6.烧水7.在露天的火堆上 8.茶树上的叶子,An Accidental Inventionby accidentIt is said thata Chinese ruler called Shen Nongthe first to do sth.boil drinking waterover the open fire leaves from

14、 a tea plant,9.落入水中 10.在那保留了一段时间11.宜人的气味12.棕色的水13.数千年后14.茶圣15.泡茶16.最好的茶叶17.据信,人们认为,fall into the water remained there for some timea nice smellthe brown watera few thousand years laterthe saint of teamake teathe finest tea leavesIt is believed that,18.在6、7世纪期间19.不到,少于19.国民饮料20.茶叶贸易21.发生 22.传播茶的受欢迎度2

15、3.茶文化24.毫无疑问 25.最了解茶的本质的人,during the 6th and 7th centuriesless thanthe national drinkthe tea tradetake place spread the popularity of tea tea culturewithout doubtthe ones who best understand the nature of tea,1.and remained there for some time.,some time 一段时间;一些时间Ill stay here for some time.我将在这儿呆一段

16、时间。,sometimes是个频度副词,意为“有时”;sometime是个副词,意为“将来的某个时间”,Eg:They will comesometimenext week.some time是名词短语,意思是“一段时间”,在句中常与for、take等词连用。some times是名词短语,意为“几次(倍)”,对它提问用 how many times。How many times do you watch TV every week?Some times,请记住下面口诀:分开是“一段”,相连为“某时”;分开s是“倍、次”,相连s是“有时”。,2.takeplace和happen的用法1)tak

17、eplace表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排 TheOlympicGamesof2008tookplaceinBeijing.,2)happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件 Whathappenedtoyou?注意:happen与takeplace通常都没有被动语态。,What _ her?她发生了什么事?2)I _ meet my friend in the street.我碰巧在街上遇见了我的朋友。3)When will the wedding _?婚礼什么时候举行?,happened to,happened to,take plac

18、e,3.without doubt 毫无疑问;的确Without doubt this is the best.无疑地这是最好的。,doubt n.怀疑;疑惑 v.怀疑;不信任His honesty is beyonddoubt.他的诚实毫无疑问。This question remains in doubt.这个问题依然非常值得怀疑。,in doubt 怀疑;拿不定主意no/without/beyond doubt 无疑地;必定;当然,believed that 据认为 It is reported that 据报道 known that 众所周知 supposed that 据推测,It i

19、s believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries.,一、选词填空。,Exercises,smell,remain,ruler,boil,national,1.October 1st is _ Day in China.2.Humans are the _ of the earth.3.When fish goes bad,it _ terrible.4.They _ in that forest for a year.5.Water _ at 100.,National,rul

20、ers,smells,remained,boils,二、根据汉语提示完成句子。,1.I found the key _(偶然)when I was cleaning the house.2.The May 4 Movement _(发生)in Beijing in 1919.3.Hell succeed _(毫无疑问)this time.4._(据说)Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink.5.Tea _(被带到)Korea and Japan during 6th and 7th centuries.,took place,by accident,without doubt,It is said that,was brought to,1.Read the passage after school.2.Make sentences with these words:by accident,it is believed that,take place,without doubt,be used for,fall into,


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