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1、Unit 2 English around the world,晨读狂背,类型:发言稿典例:介绍英语学习的情况和对英语教学的建议模板:(2010江苏)Dear teachers and schoolmates,Its a great pleasure for me to be here today and share my experience of learning English with you.,目的 Im interested in English and hope to be an interpreter in the future,so its very important fo

2、r me to learn English well.方法Since vocabulary is an essential part of language,just like bricks in a building,I usually memorize twenty new words a day and put them to use whenever possible.,After class,not only do I listen to English programs on TV and on the radio but Ive also learned a lot from t

3、he Internet and other sources.建议Now Id like to make some suggestions on English teaching and learning in our school.Firstly,we should be given more opportunities to use what weve learned in order to have a better grasp of it.,Secondly,I hope our teachers can recommend more interesting books and maga

4、zines and give us more free time to read them.Finally,I suggest we have more English activities,such as English contests and festivals.Thank you for listening.,词汇过关,_ n.电梯,升降机2._ n.汽油3._ n.航海;航行4._ n.公寓住宅5._ n.卡车,一、单词拼写,elevator,petrol/gas,voyage,apartment,lorry,6._ n.本身;身份7._ n.口音;重音8._ n 街区;块9._ n

5、.用法;词语惯用法10._ n.词汇;词汇量/表,identity,accent,block,usage,vocabulary,11._vt.辨认出;承认;公认12._ n.要求14._ adj.本地/国的 n.本地/国人15._ adv.直接adj.笔直的,straight,recognize,command,request,native,(A)单词派生 写出下列单词的派生词。_ adj.实在的,真实的 _ adv.实际上;事实上,actually,actual,2._adj.逐渐的;逐步的 _ adv.逐渐地;逐步地3._adj.流利的;流畅的 _ adv.流利地;流畅地,gradual,

6、fluently,fluent,gradually,4._adj.频繁的;常见的 _ adv.常常;频繁地5._ v.表示;表达 _ n.词语;表示;表达,express,frequently,expression,frequent,_ adj.东方的;东部的 _ n.东方 _ adv.向东,eastern,eastward,east,(B)灵活运用 用所给词的适当形式填空。We must learn to speak English _(fluent).1.修饰谓语动词speak,作状语,用副词。2.Im not really a country girl,but I suppose Im

7、_(gradual)getting used to looking after the animals.2.修饰谓语动词am getting,作状语,用副词。,fluently,gradually,3.From the changing _(express)on speakers faces and the tones of their voices,they can tell lies from truths.3.作介词from的宾语,用名词。4.It is often cheaper to buy goods on the internet.However,we cant _(actual

8、)see the products we want or check their quality.4.修饰谓语动词see,作状语,用副词。,expressions,actually,5.Theyll trade with Central Asian and _(east)European countries.5.作定语,表示“东方的,东部的”,用形容词eastern。,eastern,1._ 因为;由于2._ 走近;上来;提出3._ 与交流4._ 利用;使用5._ 扮演一人角色;参与,because of,come up,communicate with,make use of,play a

9、part(in),6._以为基础7._现在;目前8._例如;像这种的9._比以往任何时候10._信不信由你,believe it or not,be based on,at present,such as,than ever before,四、短语运用 我走上前去就如何学好英语征求老师意见。1.I went up to the teacher and ask him for advice on how to learn English well.2.目前学习英语的最好方法是使用英语。2.At present,the best way to learn English is to use it.

10、,3.经常运用英语在英语学习中起着重要作用。3.Using English frequently plays an important part in English learning.,4.我应该充分利用每一个机会用英语同他人交流,如我的老师、同学和室友等。4.I should make good use of every opportunity to communicate in English with other people,such as your teachers,your classmates and your roommates.,5.任何方法都建立在努力的基础上。Any m

11、ethod is based on hard work.6.信不信由你,用这种方式学习一段时间后,你会发现英语学习比以前容易多了。Believe it or not,after you have learned it in this way for some time,youll find English learning is much easier than ever before.,and that youll make rapid progress in it.,连句成篇This morning I went up to my teacher and asked her for adv

12、ice on how to learn English well because of my lack of correct method.She said that at present,the best way to learn English is to use it and that using it frequently plays an important part in English learning.,She suggested that I should make good use of every opportunity to communicate in English

13、 with others,such as my teachers,my classmates and my roommates.She also pointed out that any method is based on hard work.Finally,she said to me,“Believe it or not,after you have learned it in this way for some time,youll find English learning is much easier than ever before.”,1.Later in the next c

14、entury,people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world and because of that,English began to be spoken in many other countries.后来,在17世纪英国人开始航海征服了世界其他地区。于是,许多别的国家开始说英语了。(B1P9)同义:as a result of,due to,thanks to,运用:用because 或because of填空。He came late to school again _ he got up too

15、late.The girl cried _ what the teacher said.We have to cancel our trip _ the bad weather.,because,because of,because of,2.It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.当时的英语更多的是以德语为基础,而现代英语不是。(B1P10),present sth.to sb./present sb.with sth.把交给某人;向某人颁发 at present=at the present time

16、=now 目前,现在 be present at 出席;到场(反义:be absent from),运用:All the people _ _(出席晚会的)were her supporters.The mayor presented a gold cup _ the winner in the competition yesterday.,present at theparty,to,3.Id like to come up to your apartment.我想到你的公寓来。(B1P10)come up 走近;上来;长出;发芽,运用:(1)The water _ my neck.(2)T

17、he boy _ a new idea of solving the problem.(3)He _ the policeman and asked the way.,came up to,came up to,came up with,4.English is also spoken in Singapore and Malaysia and countries in Africa such as South Africa.新加坡、马来西亚、和非洲其他国家,比如南非,人们也说英语。(B1P10),运用:(1)I like drinks _ tea and coffee.(2)Many gre

18、at men have risen from poverty(贫穷)Lincoln and Edison _.,for example,such as,5.So by the 1600s Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before.所以到17世纪,莎士比亚所用的词汇比以前任何时候都大。(B1P10),运用:我们应该充分利用每一分钟。We should try to _.,make good/full use of every minute,mand n.掌握(B1P12),运用:(1)She h

19、as _very good command of the English language.He commanded me _(leave)at once.He commanded that I _(leave)at once.,should leave/leave,a,to leave,联想:像command一样,其后的名词性从句的谓语用“(should)+动词原形”的常用词有:一个“坚持(insist)”;两个“命令(order,command)”;三个“建议(suggest,advise,propose)”;四个“要求(demand,ask,require,request)”。,7.re

20、quest v&n.请求,要求(B1P12),运用:He requested me _(write)a letter of recommendation.He requested that I _(write)a letter of recommendation.The passengers _(request)to show their passports.,are requested,to write,should write/write,8.recognize vt.认出;承认(B1P13),运用:I recognize him _(他是个聪明人).Though they hadnt m

21、et for many years,they _(认出了对方)at the first sight.,recognized each other,as a clever man/to be a clever man,1.Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.以英语为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以相互交流。(B1P10)句型:even if=even though 即使,一、美句诵写,仿写:即使失败,我也不灰心。I woul

22、dnt lose heart even if _.即使困难重重,你也不能放弃。Even if there are many difficulties,you _.,shouldnt give up,I should fail,2.It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.当时的英语更多的是以德语为基础的,而现代英语不是。(B1P10)句型:more.than.比更;与其说不如说,仿写:(1)他看起来比他弟弟更像父亲。He looks more like his father _.(2)幸运的是,他受的伤不重

23、,只是受惊了。Luckily,he was more _ than _.,hurt,than his brother,frightened,3.This is because in the early days of radio,those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English.这是因为在早期的电台节目里,人们期望新闻播音员所说的英语是最好的英语。(B1P13)句型:This/It is because.(+原因)这是因为比较:This/It is why.(+结果)这就是的原因。,仿写:(1)他失败了,这

24、是因为他不够努力。He has failed._ he didnt work hard enough.(2)我想这就是他来参加晚会的原因。I think this is _ he came to the party.,This is because,why,二、难句分析 Then gradually between about AD 800 and 1150,English became less like German because those who ruled England spoke first Danish and later French.然后,渐渐地,大约在公元800年到11

25、50年期间,英语不那么像德语了,因为那时统治英国的那些人起初讲丹麦语后来讲法语。(B1P10),结构分析:主句的主干(主语和谓语动词)English became less like German;其后because引导一个原因状语从句,在这个原因状语从句中,who ruled England是一个 _ 从句,修饰_。,those,定语,三、语篇运用:用上述句型翻译下列短文。当他接到大学录取通知书的时候,他父亲与其说是高兴,不如说是发愁。那是因为即使他家倾其所有也拿不出这么多钱交学费。,His father was more worried than happy when he receive

26、d the admission notice from college.Thats because even if his family poured all their savings,they still couldnt afford his schooling.,课文回顾,一、课文填空 So why has English changed over time?Actually all languages change and develop 1 _cultures meet and communicate with each other.,1.引导时间状语从句,表示“当的时候”。,whe

27、n,At first 2 _ English spoken in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different 3_ the English spoken today.It was based more 4 _ German than the English we speak at present.,2.特指。3.搭配:be different from与不同。4.搭配be based on。,the,from,on,Then gradually between about AD 800 and 1150,English be

28、came 5 _(little)like German because those 6 _ ruled England spoke first Danish and later French.,5.由语境可知。6.引导定语从句,先行词是表示人的those时,只能用who。,who,less,These new settlers enriched the English language and especially 7_vocabulary.So by the 1600s Shakespeare was able to make use of a 8 _(wide)vocabulary tha

29、n ever before.,7.指“the English language的”。8.由than可知,用比较级。,its,wider,Later in the 18th century some British people 9_(take)to Australia too.English began 10 _(speak)in both countries.,9.指被带到。10.不定式的被动式。,were taken,to be spoken,二、课文概括,Originally,English was only spoken in England,but with the conquer

30、of the British in other countries,English began to be spoken in many other countries.Today English is the most widely used language.,熟读深思大声朗读,并仔细观察句,思考人称代词的用法;观察 句,思考物主代词的用法;观察 到 句,思考反身代词的用法:,人称代词、物主代词和反身代词,He loves her.他爱她。2.This is my pen.Yours(=Your pen)isover there.这是我的钢笔,你的在那边。3.The bag near th

31、e table is hers.桌子旁边的那个包是她的。4.She is teaching herself English.她在自学英语。,5.He lives by himself in the country.他独自住在乡下。6.The work itself is easy.这项工作本身很容易。7.I dont know whats the matter with me.Im not myself today.我不知道怎么啦。今天我感觉不舒服。,人称代词有主格和宾格之分,主格在句中作主语(如He),宾格在句中作宾语(如her)。物主代词有形容词性和名词性两种,形容词性物主代词只能在名词前

32、作定语(如my);名词性物主代词在句中可作主语(如Yours)、宾语和表语(如hers)等。,归纳总结,反身代词可作动词(teach,enjoy,dress,express等)或介词(by,for等)的宾语;或者作主语或宾语的同位语,起加强语气的作用,译作“亲自,本身,本人”。注意:反身代词不能单独作主语;在be,feel等系动词后作表语,表示身体或精神状态处于正常。,一、单句填空 用适当的代词填空。She did not hesitate for long:althoughher father smoked a pipe only once in awhile,she knew that t

33、his was a presentwhich was bound to please _.她给父亲买礼物,根据常识其目的应是“使她的父亲高兴(please her father)”,替代her father,在句中作宾语,用人称代词的宾格,故填him。,灵活运用,him,2.It is said that a short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty(960 1279)was very anxious to help _rice crop grow up quickly.2.由文中的his crop,the crop等可知,名词crop前填限定词;这个急性子

34、人当然是急于使“他的”禾苗长得快,故填his。,his,3.When the time came for me to say goodbye to my friends in the village,I wanted to reward the old woman for the trouble I had caused _.3.由cause sb.trouble(给某人造成麻烦)可知,定语从句(that)I had caused中缺间接宾语,指代the old woman,用宾格her。,her,4.Tom felt that he knew everybodys business bett

35、er than they knew it _.(1996全国)4.反身代词themselves作主语they的同位语。,themselves,5.This man might have needed the umbrella for _ later during the day but preferred to give it to me.5.用反身代词,指this man本人,意思是他“本人”可能也需要这把伞。,himself,6.Our neighbours gave us a baby bird yesterday that hurt _ when it fell from its ne

36、st.6.句中引导定语从句的that指代the baby bird,它从鸟巢里掉下来时,它自己摔伤了,故填itself。,itself,7.Isnt it amazing how the human body heals _ after an injury?7.指the human body“自愈”,故填itself。,itself,8.To save class time,our teacher has _ students do half of the exercises in class and complete the other half for our homework.8.因为作

37、动词has的宾语,要用宾格代词;由our可知,要用us作students的同位语,作has的宾语。,us,9.I intended to compare notes with a friend,but unfortunately _couldnt spare me even one minute.9.因前面的a friend是泛指朋友中的一个,句意是“我本想打算找个朋友交换意见,但不幸的是他们都抽不出时间”,故填they。,they,Is your camera like Bills andAnns?No,but its almost the same as _.10.与it(=my came

38、ra我的照相机)相比的应是“某人的照相机”,故填yours(=yourcamera)。,yours,二、语篇填空 用适当的代词填空。Dear Mr Johnson,I saw 1 _advertisement in the newspaper about your finding a small white dog with some black hair on 2 _ head.The dog is 3_ and I can prove it.4 _had a brown path on one of its hind legs.5_ wife was very unhappy that w

39、e had lost 6 _ dog.,our,your,its,mine/ours,It,My,We are grateful that 7_ found our dog and are keeping 8 _.Can I come and collect it from you at 9 _ address given in the advertisement?Please let 10 _ know.Thank you,Barney Jones,me,you,it,your,三、语法填空 If I have a learning strategy,Id say its imitation

40、.I like watching Disney cartoons.They are so interesting that I watch 1 _ again and again.1.在动词watch后作宾语,用宾格,指代前面的Disney cartoons。,them,I dont remember when I began to imitate the dialogues,2 _I do remember that one day 3_English teacher said that my pronunciation and intonation were quite good.2.连接

41、并列句,表示转折。3.在名词English teacher前作定语,用形容词性物主代词,表示“我的”。,but,my,I think 4 _ imitation,I get not only beautiful pronunciation and intonation,but also 5 _ kind of“feeling”for English.My strategy is guessing the meaning of words in the context,and I got 6_ quite occasionally.4.表示“通过”做过事。5.表示对英语的“一(种)”感觉。6.指

42、代前文内容guessing the meaning of words in the context(在语境中猜测词义)。,by,a,that,Once I 7_(read)an English story when I came across a new word.But I was so involved in the story that I didnt want to stop8_(check)its meaning.So I looked around the word and guessed its meaning.7.指在阅读一个英语故事的过程中偶然遇到了一个生词,表示某事发生的背

43、景,用过去进行时。8.指停下来的目的,作目的状语用动词不定式。,were reading,to check,Later,when I looked 9_up,I found that I was right!Since then,I began to practice this strategy.By doing this,my guessing 10_(able)improves and moreover,my reading speed increases!9.指代the word。10.在句中作主语用名词,这里的 my guessing ability指“我的猜词能力”。,it,abil

44、ity,走近高考,高考完形填空怎么考在保证语境充足的情况,将名词、动词、形容词和副词留空。四个选项必须是:(1)词类相同。即四个选项要么都是名词,要么都是动词,要么都是形容词,要么都是副词。,技巧点拨,一、完形填空,?,?,(2)语法形式相同。即四个选项,如果是动词,要么都是-ing形式,要么都是-ed形式,要么都是原形;如果是名词,要么都是单数,要么都是复数;如果是形容词或副词,要么都是原级,要么都是比较级,要么都是最高级。(3)正确选项的分布基本均等。即A、B、C、D四个选项各自所占比例基本相同。如15个小题,A、B、C、D各占34个。,(2010辽宁)When I first enter

45、ed university,my aunt,who is an English professor,gaveme a new English-English dictionary.I was 1 to see that it was an English dictionary,alsoKnown as a monolingual dictionary.A.worried B.sad C.surprised D.nervous,真题演练,1.C通读全文可知,作者是一个中国大学生,中国人学英语,尤其是初学者习惯使用英汉词典。当作者看到英英词典的时候,他感到“吃惊”。,Although it was

46、 a dictionary intended for non-native learners,none of my classmates had one but,to be honest,I found it extremely 2 to use at first.I would look up words in the dictionary and still not fully understand the meaning.2.A.difficultB.interesting C.ambiguousD.practical,2.A最初用英英词典,不习惯,所以作者感觉用起来“很难”。,I wa

47、s used to the 3 bilingual dictionaries,in which the words are 4 both in English and Chinese.3.A.new B.familiar C.earlier D.ordinary3.B固定搭配be used to 表示“习惯,对作者来说习惯了双语词典,或者说是英汉词典。这里指双语词典的使用对他来说是熟悉的。4.A.explainedB.expressed C.describedD.created4.A此句是一个in which引导的定语从句,其中words是主语,根据常识在词典中单词的意思是被“解释出来”的,所

48、以用explained.,I really wondered why my aunt 5 to make things so difficult for me.Now,after studying English at university for three years,I 6 that monolingual dictionaries are 7 in learning a foreign language.5.A.offered B.agreed C.decided D.happened5.C我真想知道我姑妈为什么决定这么为难我。6.A.imagine B.recommend C.pre

49、dictD.understand6.D过去不理解,经过一段时间后,明白了(understand)。7.A.natural B.better C.easier D.convenient7.B此句中monolingual dictionaries和bilingual dictionaries比较,A和D项没用比较级,better强调更好,更实用,而easier则不可能。,As I found out,there is in fact often no perfect equivalence(对应)between two 8 in two languages.My aunt even goes so

50、 far as to 9 that a Chinese“equivalent”can never give you the 10 meaning of a word in English!8.A.wordsB.namesC.ideas D.characters8.A词典上重点的内容应该是单词。9.A.hopeB.declareC.doubt D.tell9.B我姑妈甚至还声称汉语意思绝不能给出一个英语单词的确切意思。10.A.exactB.basicC.translated D.expected 10.A前面的a Chinese equivalent和the meaning of a word


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