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1、Look Ahead II Unit 5 The Rules of the road 导学案Class_Name_ No._ Date_Problems with vehiclesPeriod 1 Traffic signsNew words for communication: car parks 停车场parking meters 汽车停放计时器 traffic warden 交通监管员parking tickets违章停车传票pay a fine 付罚金taxi rank 出租车候客点;出租车搭乘站suggest a solution提出解决办法Identifying traffic s

2、igns What does these signs mean? Please write down the meaning of them. _ _ _ Pair Work:Make dialogues to discuss your understanding of the above signs Examples:1) What can/cant you do when you see the sign? 2) What do you have to do when you see the sign?3) What must you do when you see the sign?4)

3、 What mustnt you do when you see the sign?Difficult new words: possibilityexplanationobligationEx. 1 Listen and answer the questionsEx. 2Match sentences with the explanations of cantEx. 3Listen, read and answer the questionsEx. 4 Match sentences with the explanations of dont have to PracticeComplete

4、 the dialogue:Warden: Excuse me!Rita:Yes?Warden: (not park)Rita:But its only for a few minutes. Im waiting for a friend.Warden: This is a taxi rank. _( park) in the car park. Its just round the corner.Rita:But (at work) at nine oclock.Warden: The car park is very near here and (pay). Are you going t

5、o move or do you want a parking ticket?Rita:No, no, Ill move. Im going now. Sorry.Ex. 7 Work in pairs to act out the above conversation.Homework: Look up the new words in a dictionary , write down the pronunciation and make sentences with them.Period 2 Parts of a motor bikeNew words for communicatio

6、n: ride a mopeds 骑摩托自行车wear a crash helmet 戴上头盔a driving licence 驾照ride on motorways 骑在高速公路上ride on cycle paths骑在自行车道上carry a person on the back 车后搭载一人tyre(BE)=tire(AE) 轮胎handlebars把手,车把brakes n.制动器,闸;刹车indicators指示灯,转向灯petrol tank油箱wheel车轮pedal 脚踏板,脚蹬rearview mirror 后视镜 Ex. 8. Work in pairs , ask a

7、nd answer questions on P39 and P118Ex. 9.Look at the pictures of Alans motorbike and label the parts Ex10. Listen to Alan, whats wrong with his motorbikeEx11.Work in pairs. Ask about the problem and suggest a solution.HomeworkGo over the new words and phrases from the articles and then have a dictat

8、ion.Period 3On the RoadNew words and phrases from the articlesBaden-Baden巴登-巴登,是德国巴登-符腾堡州的城市,位于德国的西南部,黑森林的西麓,奥斯河谷,邻近卡尔斯鲁厄, 距离德国与法国边界的莱茵河仅7.5公里。巴登-巴登是著名的温泉疗养地、旅游胜地和国际会议城市。learner driver 学开车的人(driving )instructor驾驶教练have a heart attack 心脏病突发drive through. 驾车穿过(行)keep calm. 保持镇定,沉住气pensioner n.领取退休、养老金

9、或抚恤金的人;退休的人drive down (along)/past/ through/contact sb lead sb off 引领某人下了。do a U-turn 掉头行驶crash into the back of a car 追尾the fast lane of the motorway高速公路的快车道be amazed to do sthbe /get hurt受伤a babys carrycot手提式婴儿床on the roof of a car 在车顶上be in a hurry 匆匆忙忙turn round 转过身来scream at sb 对某人尖叫so.that.for

10、tunately=luckily幸运地Sth happens to sb某人发生了某事。Ex. 1Look at the pictures and describe themEx.2Read the articles quickly and match them to the headlines and the picturesEx3. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the four articlesEx.7.Match these words from the articles with their definitionsHome

11、work 1) Go over the new words and phrases from the articles and then have a dictation.2) Recite the four articlesPeriod 4The simple past tenseEx. 4. Look at the articles again and find the past simple verb forms.Ex. 8.Complete the sentences with the correct form of one of the verbs below.Ex.5 Look a

12、t the articles and find past simple forms of the verb have to have/ has to dohad to doSb have/ has to do sth.sb. had to do sthSb. dont/ doesnt have to do sthSb.didnt have to do sthDo/ Does sb have to do sth?Did sb have to do sth?What do/ does sb have to do?What did sb have to do?Ex.6 Complete the se

13、ntences with the correct form of have toHomework 1) Look up the simple past tense in your grammar book and take some notes2) Make sentences with the past form of have to .Period 5Development(1)Watford沃特福德:英格兰东南部的自治镇,在伦敦西北方向。是商业和印刷业中心。人口74,7001) on duty 2) three shifts 3) on averagedeal with4) be inj

14、ured5) clear the road6) Accidents occurred7) overtake on the left8) be illegal9)pedal cyclist10)motorcyclist11) pedestrians12)agricultural vehicle13)have a varied day14) from one day to the nextEx.1 Look at the photographs and answer the questionsEx.2Read the article and answer the questions.Ex.3Com

15、plete the chart to show the use of motorways in Britain.Ex. 4Read the diagram and understand the law for overtaking in Britain.PracticeFill in the blanks to make the whole article complete and correct.Mark Hill is a traffic police o in Watford, near London. He works on some of the b ways in Britain,

16、 the M1 and the M25. There are traffic police on d twenty-four hours a day. There are three s , and each shift is eight hours. On a we have to d with three to four a each shift. We deal with anyone in the accident who is I . Thats the first thing. Then we have to c the road and get the traffic m aga

17、in. Most accidents o because people drive too fast-especially when the roads are wet. Sometimes accidents happen because drivers dont f the rules. For example, Ive seen a number of c of drivers o on the left. Drivers cant do that in Britain. If you want to overtake, you have to go into the fast l on

18、 the r .I like my job. I have a v working day-I never know what Im going to do from one day to the n . And I meet all k of people. I dont think any other job can give you s experience like that.Homework1) Go over the phrases from the article and have a dictation.2)Recite the whole article.Period 6De

19、velopment(2)Ex. 5Listen to this radio announcement about traffic problems. Which picture shows what the radio announcer suggests?Ex.6Tell your partner about something that happened on the road. Perhaps it happened to you or you saw it or read about it. Answer your partners questions about it.pileup n. (交通事故中)连环相撞tailgate v. 紧跟前面车辆行驶,在前面车辆后追尾行驶crash into the back of a car 撞尾overtake on the right 右道超车Reverse driving 逆向行驶Ex. 7 Write a short article about your partners experience. Use these questions to help you.What happened?What did you see?When and where did it happen?What happened next?6


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