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1、Module 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 1 Lets try to speak English as much as possible.1.You should always speak English in class.should 动词原型 - “ 应该做某事”2.Why dont you write it down?Why dont you 动词原型 “为什么不 ”= Why not 动词原型Eg. Why dont you go to school? = Why not go to school?3. Try to do sth 尽力去做某事Try not

2、to do sth 尽量不要去做某事4.Welcome back to swh.欢迎回到.5.Lets try to speak English as much as possible.让我们尽量说英语 As much as possible =as much as sb can 6.Why not write down our mistakes in our notebooks?为什么不把我们的错误写在笔记本中? Why not +do(动词原形), 7.Dont forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes.不要

3、忘了在错误旁写下正确的答案。Forget to do sth.8.Its a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day.每天拼写并且大声拼读新单词是一个不错的主意。Its a good idea to do sth.9.You dont need to understand every word.你不必明白每一个单词。Dont need to =dont have to 10.Thats the same for reading.阅读也是一回事。11.I get to know a lot about the worl

4、d through reading.通过阅读我逐渐对世界知道了很多。 Get to know about sth.A12.Who has some advice?谁有更多的建议?13.practise doing sth 练习做某事 我怎样练习讲英语? How can I practise speaking English ?14.be good /bad for 对有利/ 好处 (有害) 它对你的词汇积累有好处。 Its good for your vocabulary .15.say hello to sb 向某人问好 say sorry to sb 向某人道歉 say goodbye t

5、o sb 向某人道别 向他们问好怎么样?How about saying hello to them ?16.look for 寻找 (强调过程) find 找到 ( 强调结果)为什么你不在你城镇找一些讲英语的人呢?Why dont you look for some people who speak English in your town ? 17.take / show sb around sw 带某人参观/游览某地尝试交朋友并且带他们参观你们的城镇。Try to make friends and show them around your town .18.invite / ask s

6、b to sw 邀请某人到某地来 invite/ ask sb to do sth邀请某人做某事19.你应该邀请你的新英国朋友到你的俱乐 部来. You should invite your new English friends to your club !20.Best wishes 最好的祝愿21. What else? 别的什么? else与other (别的,其它的)的 else与other (别的,其它的)的用法:else作形容词时,通常放在疑问词或anything , something, nothing, nobody, something等之后; else作副词时,通常放在疑

7、问副词之后。 other作形容词,通常放在被修饰的名词之前; other还可作代词。Unit 2 You should smile at her!1. sendto 发送 , 送 2. Many students ask for advice about improving their English. 很多学生对怎样提高他们的英语征求别人的意见。 ask for advice about sth. / doing sth. 向某人征求意见做某事3. I enjoy watching English films and listening to real English songs. 我喜欢看

8、英语电影和听地道的英文歌。 enjoy+动词的-ing形式 I enjoy watching TV / listening to the music.4. But it takes a long time. 但要花很长的时间。 It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人多长时间做某事 A: It takes me twenty minutes to go to school. B: It took him half an hour to do his homework. C: It will take her an hour to finish her wor

9、k.5. Just enjoy yourself!玩的尽兴! enjoy oneself 玩得很愉快 I enjoyed myself at the party yesterday.6. be shy 害羞的 Dont be shy when you speak English. 7. What should I do? 我该怎么办?8. These are good questions to start a conversation. 这些都是开始一段会话的好问题。 This /That is a great way to do sth /These are good questions t

10、o do sth9. take a deep breath 深呼吸 Take a deep breath before you swim.10. Write them on pieces of paper and place them in your bedroom. 把它们写在纸上,然后贴在卧室。 a piece of paper 一张纸 two pieces of paper 两张纸 some pieces of paper 几张纸 place/put in 放在 He places his bike in the hall./ on the playground.11. How abou

11、t counting the English words.数一数 Can you count the stars in the sky? counter 柜台 accountant 会计表示提建议的句型有:1.How/What about ?2.Would you like ?3.Lets 4.Why dont you?5.Why not?6.You should/shouldnt 7.Its a good idea to do.常用的回答是:Thats a good/great idea.OK./ All right.重点短语1. look up查;查找2. make a mistake犯错

12、误 3. talk about谈论;讨论 4. speak English讲英语 5. write down写下;记下 6. next to在旁边;紧挨着 7. listen to the radio听广播 8. be good for对有好处 9. write to给写信 10. a little有点 11.agree with sb.同意某人 12. talk to跟交谈 13. send.to sb.把(发)送给某人 14. ask for请求(给予) 15. watch films看电影 16. be from来自 17. smile at冲微笑 18. go to bed去睡觉 19

13、. get up起床 20. think about考虑 21. make friends with sb.与某人交朋友 22. take sb. around带领某人参观 23. a few几个;一些 24. invite sb. to邀请某人到 25. be good at擅长 26. for example例如Module 2 My home town and my country.Unit 1 Its taller than many other buildings.1.How was your weekend? Pretty good! pretty good表示“相当好”。用于对H

14、ows ?/What do you think of ?In fact, it only became important in the 1980s. Its getting bigger and busier. 1) in fact 表示“事实上”。 e.g. In fact, Taiwan is a part of China. 事实上,台湾是中国的一部分。2) in the 1980s 表示“在20世纪80年代”。 结构为“in the + 年 + s”。 e.g. in the 1930s 在20世纪30年代3)become important 表示“变得重要”。 getting bi

15、gger and cleaner 表示“变得更大和更干净”。 become 和 get 表示“变得”,用法 等于 be。become,get,go,grow这几个词作连系动词时,都可以表“变成”,但也有些区别: become较正式, get和go较口语化。此外become和get可由好变坏,也可由坏变好,而go通常是由好变坏。例如: The situation has become even betterworse. 情况变得更好糟了。 They are getting richer and richerpoorer and poorer.他们越来越富了穷了。The woman had gon

16、e mad. 那女人疯了。 grow作“变成”时,有“逐渐变成新的状态”的意思。例如: My younger brother is growing tall. 我的弟弟渐渐长高了。 4. Thats larger than the population of many other cities in China. population 表示“人口”,一般用单数。 e.g. Whats the population? 表示“人口有多少?” Whats the population of America? 美国的人口是多少? China has a large population。 中国的人口庞

17、大。5. Its streets are much wider and cleaner too. much后面加比较级,用来修饰比较级,表示“更”。e.g. Tom runs much faster than Mike.汤姆比迈克跑得更快。Unit 2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England.1.I came from Cambridge, a beautiful city in the east of England. in the east of表示“在的东方”。 类似的表达如下: in the west of表示“在的西方

18、”。 in the south of表示“在的南方”。 in the north of表示“在的北方”。2. It is on the river Cam and has a population of about 120,000. 1) on the river Cam 表示“在康桥河畔”, on表示在河的沿岸。 2) have a population of 表示“有人口”。指人口的多少用large或small。3. There are lots of old buildings and churches to visit. lots of 表示“许多,大量的”,后面加可数名词或不可数名词

19、。 例如:lots of buildings4. England itself is part of an island, be part of 表示“是的一部分”。 e.g. Taiwan is part of China.台湾是中国的一部分。5. My home town is especially famous for its university. be famous for 表示“因而闻名”,后接闻名的原因。 e.g. Now York is famous for its high buildings. 纽约以高楼大厦而闻名。 He is famous for his novels.

20、 他因他的小说而出名。 本课小结:1. 形容词的比较级:(1)定义:(2)变化规则: 一般的直接在词尾加er。 以e结尾的,直接加r。 以辅音字母加y结尾的,先改y为i再加er。 双写最后的辅音字母再加er。(3)形容词比较级的结构:(4)形容词比较级的修饰词: 在比较级前常用 much (得多) ,even (甚至),still (更),a little (一点),a bit (有点)等来修饰形容词,表示“程度进一步加深”。2. 重点短语:1. pretty good相当好;很好 2. in fact事实上 3. in the 1980s在20世纪80年代 4. one day有一天 5.

21、come from来自 6. lots of许多 7. be famous for以而闻名 8. part of 的一部分9. more than超过;多于 10. on the coast在海岸边 11. in the east/south/west/north of在的东/南/西/北部Module 3 sportsUnit 1 Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis.1. Whats the score? 比分是多少? Spain scored a minute ago.西班牙(队)一分钟前得分了。 在第一个句子中,score 是名词,意

22、思是“比分, 进球数” ; 第二个句子中的score 是动词, 表示“得分, 进球”。 2. So this weeks match is already more exciting. 因此, 这周的比赛早已更令人激动。 英语中的形容词有很多为多音节词, 如: dangerous, difficult, exciting, expensive, beautiful, popular 等, 其比较级形式是在该形容词前加 more。除了多音节形容词变比较级要用 more 之外, 部分双音节形容词, 如 careful, tiring, boring 等比较级也是在其前加 more。由此可见, 多音

23、节形容词及部分双音节形容词比较级的句式结构为:A + 谓语 + more + 多音节形容词/部分双音节形容词 + than + B。 This picture is more beautiful than that one. 这张照片比那张照片漂亮。 He is more careful than the others.他比其他人更仔细。 The football match is more exciting. 足球赛更激动人心。 Your shirt is more expensive than mine. 你的衬衫比我的贵。3. But you enjoyed watching the O

24、lympic on TV, right? 但是你喜欢在电视上观看奥运, 是吗? enjoy 欣赏; 享受; 喜爱+v.-ingI enjoyed _ these books very much.我很喜欢读这些书。Tom doesnt enjoy _ to cinema.汤姆不喜欢看电影。4. And staying at home was easier than going to the stadium. 呆在家里比去体育馆容易。 stay at home “呆在家里”,在句子中作主语,因此要用动名词或不定式形式。 课文中像这样的句子还有:Watching is not dangerous a

25、nd its more relaxing too! 试一试。选出恰当的选项。1. It was a _ day and she feel very _. A. tiring; tired B. tiring; tiring C. tired; tiring D. tired; tired2. How do you like your new job in the bank? Its _. I do exactly the same thing every day. A. interesting B. exciting C. surprising D. boring3. Li Na won th

26、e first place in the final tennis game. Nobody else played _! A. well B. better C. best4. Of the two coats, shed like to choose the _ one to save money for a book. A. cheapest B. cheaper C. more expensive D. most expensive 5. After practicing for several months, I can swim much _ now. A. slower B. s

27、lowest C. faster D. fastest6. Its so cold today. Yes, its _ colder than it was yesterday. A. some B. more C. very D. much7. Which do you like _, summer or winter? I prefer summer. A. good B. well C. better D. best Unit 2 This year we are training more carefully.1.win与beat这两个词都有“获胜, 打败”的意思, 但其后宾语不同。b

28、eat是“打败, 优于”的意思, 后面接人或队。如:We beat them. 我们打败了他们。win 指“赢, 获胜”, 后面接比赛、名次。如: We won the match /game /race the first place. 我们赢了这场比赛/获得了第一名。2. I am in our school team and we are going to play against another school next week. 我是校队成员,我们(队)下周将要和另一学校比赛。against 为介词,表示“反对,与对抗” 。例如:1) Germany are playing agai

29、nst Brazil in the World Cup final tonight. 今晚德国将与巴西争夺世界杯冠军。2) We will fight against the enemy.我们将与敌人交战。3) They are strongly against the idea他们强烈反对这个主意。4) Are you for or against my proposal?你们是同意还是反对我的计划?3.That means we will have a better chance ofwinning 这就意味着我们获胜的机会更大。have a chance of doing sth. 表示

30、“有做某事的机会”.例如:1) You will have a better chance of passing the exams if you work harder. 如果你们再用功一点,通过考试的机会就更大一点。4. It is good to have our fans around. They cheer us on loudly and we feel more confident to win the game. 有我们的球迷在周围真好,因为他们为我们欢呼加油。cheer sb. on 的意思是“为欢呼加油” 。形容词的比较级(2)上一模块我们学习了单音节形容词和部分双音节形容

31、词的比较级构成形式和比较级句子的表达方式。那么,还有部分双音节和多音节形容词,它们的比较级是如何构成的呢?也是在词尾加-er 吗?不是的,一般这类形容词的比较级是在其前加 more 构成。例如:1) Football is _ than baseball in most countries. 在很多国家,足球比棒球更流行。2) Nothing is _ than playing tennis. 没有什么比打网球更令人愉快的了。3) Its _ to practise in winter (than in summer).冬季训练(要比夏季训练)难度更大。副词英语中的副词该如何使用呢?应该放在句

32、中的什么地方呢?一般来说,副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词、副词或其他结构。例如:1) She plays the piano _. 她钢琴弹得很糟。2) Im _ tired after last nights tennis match. 昨晚网球赛后我真的很累。3) The teacher speaks very _ and _. 这位老师讲得很慢、很仔细。注意副词与形容词在位置及功能上的不同,试比较: 1) The teacher speaks _. 这位老师讲得很仔细。2) The teacher is _. 这位老师很细心。 副词修饰动词时通常出现在行为动词(实义动词)后,而形容词通常位

33、于系动词之后或名词之前。另外, 有许多副词是由形容词+ly构成的。如: careful + ly carefully quick + ly quickly safe + ly safely busy + ly busily heavy + ly heavily需要注意的是,有些词既可作形容词也可作副词。如: fast, early, late 等。常用形容词、副词比较级不规则变化如下:原级 比较级 原级 比较级good, well better bad / ill, badly worsemany / much more little lessfar farther / further“the + 比较级,the + 比较级” 是比较级表达中的一个固定句式,表示“越, 越” 。 例如:The more carefully you drive, the safer it is.开车越小心越好。重点短语:1. sit down坐下 2. stay at home待在家里 3. bad luck坏运气 4. watch TV看电视 5. lose matches输掉比赛 6. next time下一次 7. be good at擅长 8. play against对抗


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