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1、Unit5 Theme parks,主备人:庞春秀,常考单词,various;preserve;advance,冷点词汇,常考短语,no wonder(三年3考);get close to;come to life,amusement;attraction;unique;be modelled after;minority,常考句式,not only.but also.,教材原句There are various kinds of theme parks,with a different park for almost everything:food,culture,science,carto

2、ons,movies or history.有各种各样的主题公园,不同的公园有不同的主题,但几乎囊括了一切:食物、文化、科学、卡通、电影或历史。,词块积累各种各样的形状和规格,various shapes and sizes,关键一点a variety of 复数名词作主语时,谓语动词使用复数;the variety of复数名词作主语时,谓语动词使用单数。语境串记There are a large variety of flowers on sale in the market,while the variety of what he prefers is limited.,市场上销售各种各

3、样的鲜花,但是他能中意的品种却不多。,The variety of food at the restaurant is limited,but the amount of each dish is fairly large.(2011湖南卷阅读A)虽然餐馆里饭菜的种类是有限的,但是每道菜的量却相当大。The colors vary from yellow to red.颜色从黄到红各不相同。,various,a variety of,varieties of,典例填充 The price of the holiday varies_500 Yuan _1200Yuan,depending _t

4、he time of the year.,from,to,on,教材原句You can even see beautiful bald eagles in the worlds largest bald eagle preserve.你甚至可以在世界上最大的秃鹰保护区见到漂亮的秃鹰。,保留习俗,preserve custom,protect from,回顾已学,词块积累,What can we do to preserve the company from ruin?我们怎么做才能保护这家公司不破产?,reserve tickets 保留票seat reserved 预定的座位,关键一点和pr

5、eserve仅一“字”之差的reserve表示意见、看法等的“保留”或座位等的“预订”。,.基础题 选词填空:preserve,reserveI think these interesting old customs should be.There is a card saying“table”You can meat or fish in salt.,preserved,reserved,preserve,Make sentence:我认为应该保留这些传统习俗。,I think these traditional custom should be preserved.,preserve,.能

6、力题 根据英汉提示完成小片段在这个自然保护区中,所有的稀有植物都保存良好,但是仅有两个寺庙保养得很好。In this nature,all the rare plants are,but only two temples are in a good state of.,preserve,wellpreserved,preservation,教材原句This science and technologybased theme park in France uses the most advanced technology.这个以科技为基础的法国主题公园使用了最先进的技术。,(1)advance

7、on/upon/towards 朝前进(2)in advance 预先;提前(指事先)in advance of 在前面;超过 make great advances in.在方面取得巨大进步,Everything was fixed in advance.一切都是预先安排好的。advanced worker Advanced worker 先进的工作者 高级工程师,先进的国家,advanced country,提前两周,two weeks in advance,Make sentence:你必须预付书钱,You must pay for the book in advance.,词块拓展,i

8、n advance,.基础题 完成句子暴风雨正向这座城市袭来。The storm the city.当我课前将规定告诉给学生们时,他们中有些人并不高兴。When students were told my rule the class,some of them were not happy.(2011北京阅读C),is advancing towards/on/upon,in advance of,教材原句With all these attractions,no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.有这么多引

9、人入胜的东西,难怪哪里有迪斯尼乐园,哪里的旅游业就会发展。,(1)It is a wonder that 奇怪的是 in wonder 惊讶地(2)Wonder vt.&vi 对感到疑惑;想知道 I wonder/wondered if/when/where/why/how 我想知道 wonder about/at 对感到惊讶,仿写他十分勤奋(diligent),难怪被北京大学录取。He is diligent.he has been admitted to Beijing University.,No wonder,层级训练.基础题 完成句子他今天早晨到得这样准时,真是怪事。he was s

10、o punctual this morning.难怪他拒绝今晚出去放松。he has refused to go out to relax tonight.Make sentence:他日日夜夜努力学习。难怪,他被清华大学录取。,It is a wonder that,It is no wonder/No wonder that,He studied hard day and night.No wonder,/It is no wonder that he was admitted to/into TsingHua university,.三年高考单选题(2011陕西高考)Jack,you s

11、eem in high spirits._We won the match 40.AGuess what?BSo what?CNo wonder.DNo doubt.答案:A,.能力题 翻译句子我想知道您是否能给我一些如何学习英语的建议。_ _,I wonder if you could give me some advice on how to learn English.,教材原句Visitors can get close to parts of the world they have never experienced,going to the bottom of the ocean,

12、flying through the jungle or visiting the edges of the solar system.参观者可以接近他们从来没有经历过的世界角落,比如潜入海底、飞越丛林或者参观太阳系的边缘地带。,靠近某人离学校很近,get close to sb.,be close to school.,词块积累,层级训练.基础题 完成句子成本接近100万美元。The cost$1 million.消防员无法靠近大楼,因为梯子太短。The firemen cant the building because the ladders are too short.Make sent

13、ence:不要靠近火,危险。,was close to,get close to,Dont get close to fire.Its dangerous.,(get close to),对点训练:When I _her,I realized that she was not Jane.got close with B.got close toC.closed to D.was close at,When the children heard that their teacher Zhang Lili came to life,the whole class came to life at o

14、nce.当孩子们听说张莉丽老师苏醒过来时,整个班立刻活跃起来了。,Translate:When it comes to education,the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study._,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习。He had always been so vital,so full of life and energy.他总是那样生气勃勃,_和精力。,说到教育,充满着活力,层级训练Make sentence:下雨后,花儿们恢复生机。.能力题 根据英汉提示完成小片段当谈及到文学,他马上来了精神;他在文

15、学方面的才能最近已被发现。literature,he immediately,and his talent for literature has recently come to light.,After raining,flowers came to life.,When it comes to,comes to life,came to life,not only/just.but also.“不但而且”;其中的also有时可以省略。其功能如下:(1)用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者。Yet through his painstaking efforts,he changed

16、not only his own fate but also the history of America.(2012浙江书面表达)然而通过艰苦努力,他不仅改变了自己的命运,还改变了美国历史。,(2)Most of the meals can serve two people and are under$10,so not only is it affordable but practical as well.大部分饭菜花不了10美元就够两个人享用,因此它不仅实惠而且实用。,可连接两个并列的句子;若not only位于句首时,notonly后面的句子要用部分倒装。,若连接的两个成分作主语,其谓

17、语通常与靠近的主语保持一致。就近原则,(3)Not only you but also he has to leave.,.基础题 用所给动词的适当形式填空Not only(do)he speak English correctly,but he also speaks it fluently.Not only the students but also their teacher_(like)playing football.,does,likes,Make sentence他不仅聪明,而且勤奋好学。(倒装句),He is not only clever but also hard-work

18、ing.,Not only is he clever,but also he is hard-working.,1.Whichever and whatever you like,there is a theme park for you!仿写不管发生什么情况我都要镇静。_,I must be/keep calm.2With all these attractions,no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.,Whatever happens,Homework,Make sentence:,1.我认为应该保留

19、这些传统习俗。,I think these traditional custom should be preserved.,2.你必须预付书钱,You must pay for the book in advance.,3.他日日夜夜努力学习。难怪,他被清华大学录取。,4.不要靠近火,危险。,He studied hard day and night.No wonder,/It is no wonder that he was admitted to/into TsingHua university,Dont get close to fire.Its dangerous.,5.下雨后,花儿们

20、恢复生机。,After raining,flowers came to life.,1amusement n消遣;娱乐(活动)Much to our amusement,no one appeared at the party.令我们感到极其好笑的是,竟然没有人来参加聚会。2attraction n有吸引力的事物;吸引Venice is one of the great tourist attractions of the world.威尼斯是世界上令人向往的旅游胜地之一。,3unique adj.独一无二的;仅有的be unique to对特有的/独有的The problem is uniq

21、ue to the country.这个问题只有在这个国家才能碰到。4be modelled after根据模仿;仿造5minority n少数;少数民族Only a minority of British households do not have a car.英国只有少数家庭没有汽车。,1(2013芜湖高三质检)Wed better consider all the possibilities _ before we work out the plan.Ain advanceBby chanceCon purpose Don time解析:考查介词短语。句意:在制订计划前我们最好事先考虑

22、所有的可能性。in advance“预先;提前”,与句意相符。by chance“偶然;意外地”;on purpose“故意地”;on time“按时;准时”。答案:A,2(2013海口高三质检)My favorite singer died yesterday._ you look so blue.AWhat for?BSo what?CNo doubt DNo wonder解析:考查交际用语。句意:“我最喜欢的歌星昨天去世了。”“难怪你看起来如此伤心。”What for?“为了什么?”;So what“那又怎么样?”;No doubt“毫无疑问”;No wonder“难怪”。答案:D,3(

23、2013山东省实验中学高三质检)Tim,dont _ the fire or you will get burnt.All right.Alook forward to Bpay attention toCget close to Dbelong to解析:考查动词短语。句意:“蒂姆,不要靠近火,否则你会被烧伤的。”“好的。”get close to“接近;靠近”,符合句意。look forward to“期待;盼望”;pay attention to“注意”;belong to“属于”。答案:C,4(2013泰安高三质检)Not only _ a school for his hometow

24、n that year,but _ a helping hand to the people in one of the flooded areas.Ahe built;he lent Bhe built;did he lendCdid he build;did he lend Ddid he build;he lent解析:考查倒装。句意:那一年他不仅为家乡建了一所学校而且向遭遇洪水的一个地区的人们伸出了援助之手。not only.but also.在连接并列分句时,若not only放于句首,其所在分句使用部分倒装语序。答案:D,5(2013厦门高三质检)Tents of _ shapes

25、 and sizes in the store attracted many customers.Agenerous Bvarious Cobvious Dcurious解析:考查形容词词义。句意:这家店里各种形状和大小的帐篷吸引了众多顾客。various“不同的;各种各样的”,符合题意。generous“慷慨的;大方的”;obvious“明显的;显而易见的”;curious“好奇的”。答案:B,6(2013绍兴名校模拟)At minus130C,a living cell can be _ for a thousand years.Aspent Bprotected Cpreserved D

26、developed解析:考查动词词义。句意:在零下130摄氏度,一颗活细胞可以保存1 000年。preserve“保存;保留”,符合句意。spend“花费”;protect“保护”;develop“发展”。答案:C,7(2013合肥高三质检)Learning that Father would come to see her,Helen _.Acame into existence Bcame to lifeCcame to power Dcame into being解析:考查动词短语。句意:得知爸爸要来看她,海伦变得活跃起来。come to life“活跃起来”,符合题意。come int

27、o existence“开始存在”;come to power“当权;上台”;come into being“形成;产生”。答案:B,.根据提示翻译句子1泰山上有各种(various)名胜(tourist attraction)。_2其中名胜之一是独特的(unique)日出。_3我们事先(in advance)在网上订购了门票。_,There are various tourist attractions in Mountain Tai.,One of the attractions is the unique sunrise.,We booked the tickets online in

28、advance.,4为了节省(preserve)体能,我们选择最近的道路。_5最后(at length),在天亮前我们到达了顶峰。_6当第一缕阳光(the first ray of sunlight)出现时,所有的游 客都兴奋起来(come to life)。_ _7难怪(no wonder)每年有这么多游客到这里来。_ _,We chose the shortest way to preserve our energy.,At length,before daybreak,we reached the peak.,When the first ray of sunlight appeared

29、,all the tourists came to life.,No wonder there are so many visitors coming here every year.,.加入适当过渡词,联句成篇参考范文:_,There are various tourist attractions in Mountain Tai,one of which is the unique sunrise.First,we booked the tickets online in advance,and then we chose the shortest way to preserve our e

30、nergy.At length,before daybreak,we reached the peak.With the first ray of sunlight appearing,all the tourists came to life.No wonder there are so many visitors coming here every year.,演练知能提升见“限时集训(二十)”,【教师用书独具】whatever,whichever,who(m)ever既可引导让步状语从句,又可引导名词性从句。正是这种双重功能,让它们成为命题热点;同时也成为同学们的易错点。【变式训练】Al

31、l the books I have are here.You may borrow _ you like.Awhatever BwhicheverCwhenever Dhowever解析:考查whichever引导名词性从句。用what(ever)提问时,一般不限定范围,而which(ever)则用于限定范围的选择。答案:B,【教师用书独具】名词性从句中的连接词what是近几年高考的热点;它在高考中的常考意义为:的事/话/内容等。【变式训练】_ is obviously right is to give all children equal opportunities to develop their special gift.AIt BAsCThat DWhat解析:考查主语从句的连接词。句意:很明显,正确的做法是给所有的孩子平等的机会来发展他们的特殊才能。what引导主语从句,且在从句中作主语。答案:D,


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