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1、Reading AA new school newspaper,Unit 1 Newspapers,How to read newspapers,One of the best teachers in the world is the newspaper.And reading newspapers is the best way to learn.Here is how to read them properly:Step 1 Read the headlines first.Choose where to read.Select your important story and discu

2、ss it with your friends.,Step 2 Find examples of how people get along with each other.Step 3 Skim through the newspapers to find more information.Note all good words and phrases.It is helpful to make your writing and language skills better.,1.vote for 投票赞成2.take charge of 主管;掌管3.ask for 要求;请求4.take

3、notes 记录5.be responsible for 负责;有责任6.talk over 详谈;讨论7.make a list of.把列成清单,短语收藏夹,8.be free for(someone)对(某人)免费9.pay for 付费10.make a decision about 对作出决定11.ought to 应该12.agree to do(sth)同意做(某事)13.in one weeks time 一周后14.a bit 一点儿;有点儿,Before readingBrain stormMaking a small survey.1.Do you often read

4、newspaper?2.What kind of newspaper do you like reading?3.What do you usually read them for?why.?4.Which famous newspaper do you know?List them.,A1 Before you read the report,quickly read the introduction and look at the picture.Then say whether you agree(A)or disagree(D)with these statements.1 The r

5、eport is probably about a school newspaper.2 The students in the picture are having a meeting.3 The students hands are up because they want to ask a question.,A,A,D,While reading Skim the report and answer the questionWhat should the students do before publishing a newspaper?,Read the whole article

6、carefully andanswer the questions.1.What did some Grade Eight students at Mayfield School want to do soon after the term started?2.Who took charge of the meeting?3.How many students attended the meeting?Who were they?,They wanted to publish a newspaper.,Joyce.,There were five.They were Lucy,Tony,Joy

7、ce,Jessica and Ben.,4.What was the last question at the meeting?5.How soon will the students hold the next meeting?6.Will the students make a decision about the name of the newspaper at the next meeting?,“What should the students call the newspaper?”,They will have the next meeting in one weeks time

8、.,Yes,they will.,Read the following words and phrases from the article and choose the best meaning from those listed below 1.publishA.make the information or an opinion known to the public by sending sheets.B.prepare and print a magazine,book,etc.2.chief editor A.the senior writer and the decision m

9、aker of a newspaper.B.A person who takes charge of a meeting.,3.suggestA.recommend something to someone.B.put forward a plan or idea for someone to think about.4.experienceA.something that you do or that happens to you,especially something important that affects you.B.skill and knowledge gained from

10、 doing something.,5.secretaryA.the person who looks after workmates.B.the person who looks after a committees paper work and records.6.sectionA.an official document.B.one of the parts into which it is divided.7.concludeA.finish,come to the end of.B.say something true.,Read the article again and comp

11、leteexercise A3 and A4 on page 3.A31.Lucy,Tony,Joyce,Jessica and I were at the meeting.2.She was an editor of her class newspaper last year.3.You will be responsible for different sections of the paper.4.Should they pay for it?5.What should we call it?,Ben,Joyce,Lucy,Tony,and Jessica,readers,The sch

12、ool newspaper,A4 Read the report on page 2 again andanswer these questions with one or more words.1.Why did the students elect Joyce the chief editor and Ben the secretary?They both had _.2.Was Joyce a popular choice as the chief editor?_.Everyone _ her.3.What is the role of the secretary?The secret

13、ary should take _.,experience,Yes,voted for,notes,4.What are the editors of the newspaper responsible for?They are responsible for _ of the newspaper.5.Did the students easily agree on the name for the newspaper?_.They all had _.6.When people cannot agree on ideas,what does Joyce ask them to do?She

14、asks them to _ longer.,different sections,No different ideas,think about it a bit,Language points,Then Joyce took charge of the meeting.然后乔伊斯主持会议。(P2)You will be responsible for different sections of the paper.你们将负责报纸不同的栏目。(P2)第一句中的take charge of 意为“主管、掌管”,相当于be in charge of,可以互换。第二句中的be responsible

15、 for意为“负责”。两者有所区别:take charge of着重“管理”,而be responsible for则强调“责任”。,请对比:Who takes charge of this company?=Who is in charge of this company?谁掌管这家公司?I will be responsible for your safety.我要对你的安全负责。,根据中文意思完成句子。,1.我爸爸负责这个工厂的管理工作。My father _ _ _ this factory.2.作为老师,我要对你的学习负责。As a teacher,I will _ _ _ your

16、 study.,takes charge of,be responsible for,I started taking notes.我开始做记录。(P2)take notes 意为“记录”,可以用make notes替换。例如:I always take notes/make notes carefully in class.我上课总是认真做笔记。,根据中文意思完成句子。3.课堂上做笔记对学习很有好处。_ _ in class is very good for the study.4.我们要学会怎样做记录。We should learn how to _ _.,Taking/Making no

17、tes,take/make notes,Should it be free for readers,or should they pay for it?读者是免费阅读报纸还是应该付费?(P2)pay for意为“付钱买”。表示“某人花(钱)买某物”。常用的句型有:1)sb.pay+(money)+for sth.;2)It takes sb.+(money)+to buy sth.;3)sb.spend+(money)+(in)buying sth./on sth.;4)sth.cost sb.+(money).,例如:我昨天花了六十元买这本字典。I paid sixty yuan for t

18、his dictionary.It took me sixty yuan to buy this dictionary.I spent sixty yuan(in)buying this dictionary/on this dictionary.This dictionary cost me sixty yuan.,把下面句子换成同义句。,5.I spent sixty yuan on the English-Chinese dictionary yesterday.I _ sixty yuan _ the English-Chinese dictionary yesterday.6.How

19、 much did you _ the new dress?A.take B.cost C.spend inD.pay for,paid for,D,We arranged to have the next meeting in one weeks time.我们计划一周后再开一个会。(P2)in one weeks time意为“一周后”,也可以说in one week。此结构用来表示“一段时间后”,具体什么时间视具体情况而定。例如:三天后 in three days time=in three days 五年后 in five years time=in five years,根据中文意思

20、完成句子。7.我两个小时后可以完成这项工作。I can finish the work _ _ _ _.,in two hours time,We ought to elect a secretary now.(P2)我们现在应该选举一位秘书。ought to表示“应该,应当”,后面跟动词原形,否定形式为ought not to,转换为一般疑问句时,把ought提前,意思与should基本相同。,根据中文意思完成句子。,8.他说你应该向警察汇报。He said you _ _ _ the police.9.你应该抽这么多烟吗?_ you _ _ so much?,ought to tell,O

21、ught to smoke,You will be responsible for different sections of the paper.(P2)你们将对报纸的不同版块负责。be responsible for.意为“对负责”,responsible是形容词,它的名词形式为responsibility。,根据中文意思完成句子。,10.出席率低是因为天气不佳。The bad weather _ _ _ the small attendance.11.你应该对你的行为负责。You ought to _ _ _ your behaviour.,is responsible for,be r

22、esponsible for,根据句子意思和首字母填空。,1.Cherry will c_ everything carefully before making a decision.2.Tony is the e_ of the school newspaper this term.He is responsible for the sports section.3.People can get f_ guidebooks on places of interest.It means they dont have to pay for them.,onsider,ditor,ree,4.Mi

23、ss Guan has taught English in our school for more than 30 years.She has lots of teaching e_.5.Stephen forgets things easily.So every time he goes to buy things,he will make a shopping l_ of what he wants to buy.,xperience,ist,Fill in the table(每空不限字数)Lucy,Tony,Joyce,Jessica and Ben wanted to _ a new

24、spaper,so they _ a meeting after school.Tony _ Joyce as the _ because she had _.Then we all _ her.And they _ Ben to be the _.Lucy,Tony and Jessica would be _ of the paper.They would be _ different _ of the paper.,publish,held,suggested,chief editor,experience,voted for,elected,secretary,editors,responsible for,sections,Group work:After we read the newspaper,we ought to,Homework:1.B册 P1 1、22.说说国内及著名的英美报纸的名称并说出各个栏目的名称。,


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