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1、七年级下册Units 46,重点词汇与短语,1.as观察思考 We have a job for you as a waiter.我们有一个作为服务员的工作给你。Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister.刘英不像她姐姐一样擅长运动。My friend wears the same clothes as I do.我的朋友穿着跟我同样的衣服。His mother looked after him as well as she could.他的妈妈尽她所能地照顾好他。,归纳拓展 as 介词 意为“作为”。as 连词 意为“同样,一样”,as.a

2、s意为“与 一样”,中间加形容词或副词的原级。not as/so.as意为“与 不一样”。as 连词 意为“像一样;由于”。相关短语:as soon as 一就;as usual 像平常一样;regard.as把看作;as.as possibleas.as sb.can尽可能地;the same as与一样;as a result 因此。,即学即用1:()(1)We regard our science teacher _ our friends.We like to talk with him when we are in trouble.A.to B.as C.with D.like()(

3、2)Now our homework is not _ before.A.as many as B.as much so C.as many so D.as much as()(3)_,the child went to school.A.As usually B.As usual C.like usual D.usual,B,D,B,2.let观察思考 Lets go at six oclock.让我们六点钟走吧。归纳拓展 let 动词 意为“让”,常用于let sb.(not)do sth.表示“(不)让某人做某事”。let 后跟不加to的动词不定式,但在被动语态中to要保留,be let

4、 to do sth.意为“被迫做某事”。类似用法的词有:make使,see看见,hear听见,watch观看,notice注意等。,注意:lets“让我们”包括听话者;let us“让我们”不包括听话者。因此以lets与let us开头的祈使句的反意疑问部分也不一样:Lets.,shall we?;Let us.,will you?相关短语:let sb.in/out让某人进来/出去。,即学即用2:(1)Mr.Black let Jim(clean)the classroom again.(2)Lets go to the movies,?(3)让我们不要担心我们的问题,而是去面对挑战吧。L

5、ets about our problem.Lets the challenges instead.,clean,shall we,not worry,face,3.bad观察思考 The weather is bad.天气不好。归纳拓展 bad 形容词 意为“坏,糟,严重”。注:badly是bad的副词,意为“不好地,差”,也可以表示程度,意为“严重地,非常,极度”。bad,badly共有比较级worse和最高级worst。,即学即用3:(1)I had a headache last night.昨晚我的头疼得很厉害。(2)His arm was hurt.他的胳膊严重受伤了。,bad,b

6、adly,重点句型,1.What do you do?典例体验 What does he do?他的职业是什么?He is a teacher.他是一个老师。归纳拓展 这是个询问职业的句型。另有句型:What be主语?或What be sbs job?注:表达想要从事什么职业常用句型:want to be.,即学即用4:()_?He is an English teacher.A.Whats he doing B.Is he an English teacher C.Who is he D.What does he do,D,2.What are you doing?典例体验 What ar

7、e they doing?他们正在做什么?Theyre studying.他们正在学习。归纳拓展 这是一个现在进行时的特殊疑问句。其结构:疑问词be动词ing其他?其答语用现在进行时回答。现在进行时结构:助动词be(is/am/are)v.ing。一般疑问句则把be动词提前,否定句则在be动词后加not。注:表位移的动词(come/go/arrive/leave等)可以用现在进行时表将来。,即学即用5:(1)The young men(listen)to the music now.(2)They(leave)for Shanghai tomorrow.,are listening,are l

8、eaving,3.How is the weather?典例体验 How is the weather?Its raining./Its rainy.天气如何?下雨。归纳拓展 这是询问天气的句型。Whats the weather like?其答语可用表天气状态的形容词(sunny/snowy/windy/wet/foggy等)或现在进行时表示(is raining/snowing等)。,即学即用6:()(1)_?The sun is shining.A.What is the weather B.How is the weather like C.What is the weather li

9、ke D.Which is the weather()(2)Its _.We have to stay at home all day.A.rained B.rainy C.rain D.rains,C,B,4.Some are taking photos,others are lying on the beach.典例体验 There are many people in the park.Some are reading under the tree,others are fishing by the river.公园里有很多人,一些人在树下看书,其他人在河边钓鱼。归纳拓展 Some.,o

10、thers.意为“一些另一些”,是固定搭配,其中的others指除去一部分之后的另一些,但不是剩余的全部。Some.,the others.表示特定范围内的“一些,另一些”。其中的the others 指除去一部分之后的剩余的全部。,即学即用7:()After school many students like playing sports on the playground.Look,some students are running,_ are playing volleyball.A.others B.the others C.others students D.the other st

11、udents,A,易混辨异,1.put on,wear,dress,in观察思考 He put on his coat.他穿上了他的外套。The girl is wearing a red skirt.那女孩穿着一条红色的短裙。Please dress the children right now.请立即给孩子们穿上衣服。John is in white today.约翰今天穿白色的衣服。,归纳拓展put on 主要表达“穿”的动作。后接衣服。反义词为take off。wear 主要表示“穿、戴”的状态。后接衣服。be wearingbe in。dress 意为“给.穿衣”,后接“人”。相关短

12、语:get dressed穿戴好,dress up(as)装扮(成),be dressed inbe in。be in 表示穿着的状态。后接“衣服”,或“颜色”。接颜色表示“穿着某一颜色的衣服”。,即学即用8:(1)The old man a pair of glasses is my grand father.(2)your sports shoes.Its time to do sports.(3)He is old enough to himself.(4)The man black is a football coach.,wearing,Put on,dress,in,2.surpr

13、ise,surprised,surprising观察思考 We want to give you a surprise.我们想要给你一个惊喜。To his surprise,this phone call changed his life.出于他的意料之外,这个电话改变了他的生活。I dont want to surprise him.我不想吓到他。I am surprised to see him.我惊奇地看见了他。The surprising thing was to hear how many animals are in danger.令人惊讶的事情是听到如此多的动物濒临灭绝。,归纳拓

14、展surprise 名词 意为“惊讶”,to ones surprise“出于某人意料之外”(一般作插入语,放在句首,用逗号隔开);in surprise“惊讶地”表示方式和态度。surprise 动词 意为“使惊讶”。surprised 形容词 意为“感到惊讶的”,描述人的情绪或状态。surprising 形容词 意为“令人惊讶的”,描述物或事。,即学即用9:()(1)To our _,he failed in the test.A.surprised B.surprising C.surprise D.surprises()(2)We are _ to hear the _ result.

15、A.surprised;surprised B.surprising;surprising C.surprised;surprising D.surprising;surprised,C,C,3.Thats right.Thats all right.All right.观察思考 I think we must help the old man.我想我们应该帮助这位老人。Thats right./Youre right.说得对。Im sorry.对不起。Thats all right.没关系。Please tell me something about it.请把此事告诉我。All right

16、.好吧。,归纳拓展Thats right意为“对的”,表示赞同对方的意见、看法或行为,肯定对方的答案或判断。Thats all right.意为“不用谢”、“没关系”,用来回答对方的致谢或道歉。All right.意为“行了”、“可以”,表示同意对方的建议或要求。有时还可以表示“身体很好”。,即学即用10:()(1)Thanks a lot._.A.Thats right B.Thats all right C.Youre right D.All right()(2)Its too late.Lets go home now._.A.Youre right B.All right C.That

17、s right D.Thats all right,B,B,对点训练,.单词拼写1.The little boy is not old enough to(穿)himself.2.I was really(惊讶的)to find that the fiveyearold boy had learnt more than 20,000 words.3.Some people like pop music,and(其他的)like classical music.4.Its(危险的)to run across the road,when the traffic lights are red.5.A

18、re you feeling better today,dear?No,even(坏),dress,surprised,others,dangerous,worse,.单项选择()1.Where is Grace?She _ in the yard.A.reads B.read C.is reading D.was reading 解析:考查动词时态。我们常用现在进行时回答某人 正在哪儿的问话。,C,()2.Everybody should remember it is not _ to swim in the river alone.A.healthy B.safe C.possible D

19、.comfortable 解析:考查形容词辨析。由下文“独自在河里游泳”可知是“不安全的”。safe安全的。,B,()3.Thank you for your help._.A.Thats all right B.No,thanks C.Thats right D.Of course 解析:考查交际用语。对于别人的感谢用“Thats all right 不客气”回答。,A,()4.Most British high school children _ uniforms at school.A.wear B.dress C.put on D.dress up 解析:考查动词辨析。句意“大多数英国

20、高中生在校时穿着 校服”。“wear uniforms穿着校服”表状态。,A,()5.The evening party was really fun.We had _ great time.A.a B.an C.the D.不填 解析:考查冠词。固定短语have a great time玩得高兴。,A,()6._ do I save the document on the computer?Please click“save”and write a name for it.A.What B.How C.When D.Where 解析:考查疑问副词。根据答句句意:“请单击保存并写上名字”。可知

21、是询问“如何在电脑上保存文档”。how如何,怎样。,B,()7.I think English is _ math.Yes,I think so.A.much important than B.so important as C.as important as D.as more important as 解析:考查形容词。A、B、D三项本身为错误项。,C,()8.I saw Ann _ a green dress at the school meeting.I think she looks better _ red.A.dressed;in B.put on;wear C.wearing;

22、in D.wear;put on 解析:考查固定用法。固定搭配see sb.doing sth.或see sb.do sth.故排除A项;put on穿上,强调动作,故排除B项;red等颜色 前通常用介词in,表“穿着某种颜色的衣服”。故选C。,C,()9.How did your parents like your idea?They always let me _ what I think is right.A.to do B.does C.doing Ddo 解析:考查动词不定式。let sb.do sth.让某人做某事。,D,()10.David,look at the man in

23、white over there.Can you tell me _?He is a doctor.A.who is he B.who he is C.what is he D.what he is 解析:考查宾语从句。根据答句可知询问的是职业,且须用 陈述句语序。,D,()11.Im sorry I didnt win in the race._!Well,you cant win every time.A.Congratulations B.Well done C.Bad luck D.Wonderful 解析:对别人的失败可用“Bad luck!”表示遗憾或安慰。,C,()12.Come

24、 and work _ the restaurant _ a cook.A.for;for B.for;as C.as;for D.to;on 解析:考查介词。work for.as.做为为谁工作。,B,写作训练 感悟提高,请你以学校学生会的身份,写一份有关即将在本校举办2012年英语夏令营活动的通知,内容如下:时间:7月29日至8月1日 地点:学校礼堂 内容:1.演讲、辩论;2.谈学习英语的经验;3.师生英语晚会;4.游览城市。要求:1.欢迎广大同学踊跃参加夏令营活动;2.活动后写一篇日记,谈谈你的感想。注意:1.词数80100左右;2.意思连贯,语言通顺,避免逐条翻译;3.开头部分已给出,

25、不计入总词数。,Dear students,The English Summer Camp will _ 思路点拨:本文可分为三段来表达:第一段首先点明夏令营的时间及地点;第二段描述夏令营将要举办的各项活动内容;第三段向同学们发出邀请。时态以一般将来时为主。,参考短语及句式:make a speech(give a lecture)做演讲;have a debate辩论 be held,from.to.,do well in,an English party,in the end,have a chance to.take active part in,think of There is a.

26、Dont forget to.,参考答案Dear students,The English Summer Camp will be held in the school hall from July 29 to August l.Many interesting activities are waiting for you to join in.During the camp,you can give a lecture and have a debate.Besides,the students who do well in English study will talk about their experience.There is also an English party between teachers and students.In the end,youll have a chance to visit the city.Everyone is welcome to take an active part in it.Dont forget to tell us what you think of the camp in your diary.,


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