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1、Unit 1 Encyclopaedias一、教材分析本单元围绕着“百科全书”的话题来展开听、说、读、写的训练。教材介绍两篇来自百科全书的短文为载体,帮助学生了解百科全书的特点和用法。作为初二年级的学生,了解和使用百科全书对于提高学生的自学能力有一定的帮助。语法方面A部分数量词some和any为训练目标,。B部分重点讲授不定代词somebody, anybody, nobody的用法,并培养学生在完成一篇有关baby dinosaur的短篇故事尝试正确使用这些词。具体课型、课时安排如下:单元板块课时单元总课时全书总课时Reading2.588*8=64Listening0.5Grammar1.

2、5Speaking0.5Writing0.5More practice1Study skills/Project1Culture corner and Self -assessment0.5二、教学对象分析1. 学生通过初一的学习,对工具书的使用有一定的了解,通过对百科全书的介绍和用法,提高学习的自学能力,有利于开展本单元的听、说、读、写任务。2. 学生在初一就已经接触过了some 和any 以及不定代词somebody, anybody, nobody的用法,本单元再通过系统地复习,在学习方式上引导学生学习归纳总结。三、单元教学目标1.认知目标: 学习水平学习内容学习水平的描述语音1. 能掌

3、握在句子中的重音。2. 能流利地朗读课文及与课文水平相当的短文,语音、语调、句子重音和停顿基本正确。词汇1. 重点词汇Human, dinosaur, inventor, musician, scientist, born, countryside, intelligence, ability, perhaps, invention, notebook, include, even, however, suddenly, nobody, win, dollar;词组:2. 拓展词汇Encyclopaedia, Italian, artistic, fossil3短语:in the countr

4、yside, human being, die out, find out, go for a walk句型Useful sentences:1. What is/are the .? 2.What do you know about? 3was born in/on4.For example, 5.as as6.some, some ,others 7.However,. 8.something important 9.Do you know anything about ?10.When and where was he born?语法1. Learn how to use some an

5、d any.2. Learn how to use somebody, anybody, nobody, etc.读(reading)1. Read two short articles from an encyclopaedia。2. 熟练朗读及背诵课文。3. 运用课文中所学,借助百科全书谈论一个有趣的人或事情。听(listening)1.Listen to a radio programme about the “Human Encyclopaedia”.说(speaking)1. Learn to stress the important words in a sentence。2. T

6、alk about an interesting person or thing from an encyclopaedia.写(writing)1.Complete a short story about a bady dinosaur.2. 能笔头回答课文内容提出的问题。3. 能用本单元学习的重点词汇、句型进行造句。4. 能写简短故事。2. 思想情感目标:1)通过谈论“交友”的相关话题,帮助学生快速适应新环境以及找到新朋友。2)结合课文的内容,引导学生通过邮件的形式结交更多的笔友,拓展自己的视野。3. 能力发展目标:1)能够在听、说、读、写等语言综合实践活动中运用本单元的重点词汇、句型与语

7、法。2)在学习中提高交流和传递信息的能力,在写作中正确运用连词使文章更连贯和流畅。3)通过指导学生在模拟交际中运用所学的知识,培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力。四、单元教学重点1. 学生熟练掌握重点词语,词组及句型。2指导学生利用所学句型正确表达思想、进行交际活动。3指导学生归纳、总结数量词some and any及不定代词somebody, anybody, nobody的用法,并在实践运用中熟练运用。五、单元教学难点1. 百科全书的用法。2. 数量词some and any的归纳整理及运用。3. 不定代词somebody, anybody, nobody的归纳整理及运用。六、教学

8、策略 1. 引导学生积极主动的通过预习完成可以自己学会的部分,课堂学习完成学习的重难点,通过复习及归纳总结完善单元的学习。2. 在教学中以旧带新,引导学生用正确的句子表达思想。 3. 适当补充与课文话题相关的内容,拓展学生的阅读视野。七、学习策略1初步接触略读(skimming)和找读(scanning)这两种阅读策略。2学会在阅读过程中通过上下文来猜测生词含义的方法。3关注对话中特殊疑问句的提问和相应的回答,以便准确记录相关信息。八、媒体的选择与设计1充分利用和发挥基本的教学媒体,如录音机,教师的body language、板书的作用。2适时、合理地使用多媒体,增大课堂的容量,更好地辅助教学

9、。九、各课时教学内容安排建议课时教学内容及课型教学目标及简单教学环节设计第1课时Reading A 新授课一、定位: input-based,训练各种听与说的语言微技能,并给予阅读学习策略的指导,读为主。二、教学设计:Step 1 Warming up1. Ask a few Ss the following questionsQ1: Do you know something about Leonardo da Vinci and Dinosaurs?Q2: How do you know themf?(write down some words Ss have mentioned on t

10、he Bb) Q3: If we have something that we didnt know or have questions, how do you do?2:Cartoon talkLet the Ss look at a cartoon picture on page 1 and say something about encyclopaidia.Step 2 Leading in 1.Ask Ss questions on A on page2. 2.Ask Ss to Match the hobbies with the pictures(A1 Page 2) and fi

11、nish exercise on page 2 . Then chect the answers.3.ask ss: If you have something you want to know, how do you do?4. Today we are going to Read two short articles from an encyclopaedia。Step 3:Pre-reading1) Ask Ss to look at the pictures ,and the titles on page 3. Then finish exercise B on page 3.2)Te

12、ach som new words by showing pictures.3)Get ss to finish C1 on page 4 and check the answers.4)Get ss to try using the new words and phrases.(finish C2 on page 4)Step 4:While-reading 1.First reading Get ss to read fast to complete: D1 on page 52.Second readingAsk Ss to read the blog carefully again a

13、nd find the facts (D2 on page 5. then Check the answers. (Ask Ss to practice in pairs)Step 5 Post readingGroup work:Ask Ss to talk in groups and then share their opinions in class.1. What else do you know about Leonardo da Vinci?2. Why did the dinosaurs die out suddenly?Step 6: Language points1) key

14、 points:a) be born in/on 出身于b) From an early age 从很早的时候起c) Show great intelligence and artistic ability in doing sthd) For example e) Human beingsf) As+adj/adv(原形)asg) 数字+million/billion/thousand/hundredh) die out (拓展:find out; look out, work out)2)Difficult points:i) a) As+adj/adv(原形)asStep7:Consol

15、idationDo some related exercise of words and translations.Step 7 Homework1) Go over what youve learned today.第2课时listening 一、定位:1.input-based,训练各种听与说的语言微技能,并给予听的学习策略的指导。Objectives:1.Teach the Ss how to listen for specific information about an e-friend2.Teach the Ss how to take notes while listening

16、to an e-friend.二、教学环节设计:Step 1 Pre-listening1. Tell Ss that they are going to do some listening exercises. Ask some of the Ss what they will do before listening.2. Learn the study tips with Ss by asking Ss to read the tips on their book carefully.(Pay attention to wh-questions when listening.3. Ask

17、Ss to read the table on page 6 carefully and predict what kind of information they could fill in the blanks. Ss can discuss in groups and write down their answers with pencils.4. Ask Ss what they must pay attention to when they write. Eg: their spelling, the first letter of the word, how to write a

18、number etc.Step 2 While-listening1. Play the recording for Ss to listen and complete the table.2. Play the recording again for Ss to listen and ask them to check their spelling.3. Check the answers and see how well they did in the prediction.Step 3 Post-listeninga) Give Ss some time and get them to

19、summarize the skills of completing a table of information and finish the related listening exercise in Book B. Step 4: Summary: ask the ss to conclude what weve learned today.Step 5 HomeworkFinish Students Times of Unit 1 listening exercise.第4课时language一、定位:input-based,训练各种读与说的语言微技在语言知识中的运用二、教学环节设计:

20、 Step 1 Revision1. Although he s rich,he spends_ on clothes. A. little B. fewC. a little D. a few2. The composition is well written; it has mistakes. A. little B. fewC. a little D. a few3. There are few people in the room, _? A. are there B. arent there C. are they D. arent they4. I have little mone

21、y, _? A. havent I B. dont I C. do I D. havent you5. I know only _ about it. A. a few B. a little C. little D. few6. -Would you like some more soup? -Just _, please. A. little B. a little C. a few D few7. 虽然她没有钱,但他有几个好朋友。 She has _ money, but she has _ _ good friends.8. 他是个沉默寡言的人。 He is a man with _

22、words.9. 冰箱里没有橙汁了,你能帮我买一些吗? There is _ orange juice left, could you help me to buy some?10. 他不会说英语,是吗?He can speak little English, _ _?Step 2 Language A1.We use some and any to talk about amounts. 2.What kind of words do you often use when you talk about amounts?Little, a little, few, a few, enouth,

23、 a lot of/lots of, a number of, plenty of, a great deal of , too much, too many, too little, too few, enough etc.3.Write some sentences with some and any on the blackboard.Eg:I have some questions about dinosaurs.She does not have any questions about dinosaurs.Do they have any questions about dinosa

24、urs?Yes, they have some questions about dinosaurs.4.Ask Ss to read the sentences below and work out the rules.一、用法:some意思为:一些。可用来修饰可数名词和不可数名词,常常用于肯定句.any意思为:任何一些。它可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词,当修饰可数名词时要用复数形式。常用于否定句和疑问句。注意:1、在表示请求和邀请时,some也可以用在疑问句中。 2、表示“任何”或“任何一个”时,也可以用在肯定句中。 3、和后没有名词时,用作代词,也可用作副词。5.Get Ss to fini

25、sh the exercise exercise in A1 on page 7 and A2 on page 8, then check the answers.(pair work)6.Consolidation-Pair work:Exercise:a.There are ( )newspapers on the table.b.Is there ( )bread on the plate.c.Are there ( ) boats on the river?d.-Do you have ( ) brothers ?-Yes ,I have two brothers.e.-Is ther

26、e ( ) tea in the cup?-Yes,there is ( ) tea in it ,but there isnt milk.f.I want to ask you ( ) questions.g.My little boy wants ( )water to drink.h.There are ( ) tables in the room ,but there arent ( )chairs.i.Would you like ( ) milk?j.Will you give me ( ) paper?答案:a.some b.any c.any d.any e.any, some

27、f.some g.some h.some, any i.some j.someStep 3 Language B1. Show Ss some sentences using somebody, anybody, nobody from their textbook. Ask Ss to discuss in groups and find out the usage of somebody, anybody, nobody, Ask them to give some more examples. 2. Get Ss to work out the rules:Step 4: Consoli

28、dation: Get Ss to finish exercise 1):Ask Ss to finish exercise below:1. 用somebody,anybody,anything,nobody, everybody填空。1). -_broke the window last night. -Did_see or hear_? -I didnt hear or see_. -I heard a big noise and I looked out, but I didnt see_.2). _ is here except Tom.2. I have nothing _. Wh

29、at about you? A. do B. doing C. to do D. did3. Im sure it must be left _. Did you see it_? A. somewhere, anywhere B. anywhere, somewhere C. nowhere, anywhere D. somewhere, everywhere4. Listen! Whos knocking at the door? -It must be _. A. anyone else B. someone else C. no one else D. everyone else5.

30、Her hair is longer than _ in China. A. somebody else B. somebody else C. anyone else D. anybody elses6. This one is quite expensive. Could you give me _? A. anything cheap B. something cheap C. anything cheaper D. something cheaper7. I could hear nothing, _? A. could I B. couldnt I C. could you D. c

31、ouldnt you8. Nobody likes the food, _? A. does she B. dont they C. do they D. doesnt he9. -Can you work out this maths problem? -Sure. _ can do it. It is a piece of cake. A. Anyone B. Someone C. No one D. None10. I am crazy about computers. I love _ better than playing computer games on line all day

32、. A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something Step 5. Summary Summarize the usage of some, any ,somebody, anybody, nobody to finish exercises on Book B.Step 6: HomeworkFinish a paper.(建议收集近几年的中考题中数量词及不定代词的考题)第5课时speaking一、定位:practice-based,启发学生, 归纳语言知识,开展各层次、专项、强化性和综合性练习,多样技能结合训练, 说为主.二、教学环节设计

33、:Step 1 Speaking A Talk timeWe have learnt a lot of things in reading A, and let me see how well you know about them. Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.Q1: What does Leonardo da Vinci do?Q2: Where does Leonardo da Vinci come from?Q3: Where was Leonardo da Vinci born in?Q4:

34、What is the most famous painting?Q5: Today where can we find dinosaurs ?Q6: What did dinosaurs eat?Q7: How long did dinosaurs live on Earth before they disappeared?Q8: How can we learn about dinosaurs today?Step 2 Talk timesentence stressWhen we speak, we usually stress the important words(nouns, ve

35、rbs, adjectives, adverbs and numbers)in a sentence. We do not usually stress unimportant words, e.g. a, the, he, of, is, and, have and can.Ask Ss to practice in pairs introducing themselves to each other first, and then choose some of them to introduce his or her partner to the class. Step3Speak upG

36、et Ss to finish exercise B on page 10 and then check the answers.Step 4: Summary: Get Ss to summarize what they have learned today.Step 5: Homework : Do some related exercise in Student Times.第6课时writing一、定位:output-based,结合听与读,训练多项说与写的语言微技能,并指导说写学习策略, 写为主.二、教学环节设计:Step 1 RevisionAsk Ss to read the t

37、ext in reanding A and then remind them of the letter format.Step 2 Writing A1. Get Ss to look at the pictures below on page 12, Then complete the story. 2. Ss finish the rest parts of A and ask them to recompose their answers in pairs. Teacher should walk around and give some help. Ask some Ss to sh

38、ow their work and give some comments.Step 3 Writing BSs finish B on page 12. And then ask Ss to recompose their letter with their partner. Choose some letters as examples.Step 4: Summary: Get Ss to summarize what they have learned today.Step 5: Homework : Do some related exercise in Student Times.第7

39、课时More practice一、定位:output-based,训练多项听说读写的语言微技能,以实际应用为主。二、教学环节设计:(Choose more practice as listening and reading practice. Leave study skills as Ss homework.)Step 1 More practice A1. Ask Ss to look at the photo and read the text anawer the questions below:Eg: When was the Big Banana built? Why was th

40、e Big Banana built? Why are merionos important to the famers in Australia?What can you find inside the Big Merino?What can you do inside the Big Merinos head?2. Play the recording for Ss to listen, and ask Ss to write the answers .Check the answers.3. Ask Ss to read the five questions on Page 13 fir

41、st. Play the recording again for Ss to finish the exercises. Check the answers.4. Now ask Ss to read the passage and see how to describe a thing Underline some sentences they like. Step 2 More practice BGet Ss to finish exercise on page 13.Do you enjoy reading encyclopaedia articles?What can you fin

42、d in encyclopaedia?Tell you classmates about some interesting things in encyclopaedias.Step 3 More practice Explain these two parts to Ss, and leave them as their homework. Give some comments and choose some best ones as examples. Share them with all the Ss in class.Step 4: Summary: Get Ss to summarize what they have learned today.Step 5: Homework : Do some related exercise in Student Times.Study skills建议:可以不单独作为一个课时来处理,在学习生词或者学生遇到生词提问时插入学习。老师也可以在和学生讨论学习方法时指导学生使用工具书及学习使用工具书的方法。第8课时TestHave a test about this unit.


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