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1、Book Four Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural WorldPeriod 1 Introduction & Vocabulary 一、学习目标通过自主阅读本模块教材,能够熟练读出和正确默写教材中的新词汇。二、学习内容:Introduction & Vocabulary三、学习过程Step 1 (一)Words:汉互译【名词】1、怪物_2、脚印;足迹_3、动物;生物_4、爪_5、指甲_6、杂志;学报;期刊_7、(珍奇动物的)目击_8、海豹_9、表面;水面_10、(动物头上的)角_11、毁坏_12、皇帝_13、长袍_14、名誉;名声_1

2、5、边境;国界_16、身份;特性_17、神话故事_18、运气;命运;财富_【动词】1、攻击;袭击_2、存在_3、声称_4、潜水_5、占地(多大面积)_6、适应;适合_7、不见;消失_8、进化;演变_9、象征;暗示_【形容词】1、多毛的_2、吓人的_3、灰色的_4、锋利的_5、神秘的_6、怀疑的_7、不可能的_8、火山的_9、绝种的_10、凶猛的_11、大方的_12、变化莫测的_13、正面的_(二)Phrases:英译汉1、die out_ 2、throw light on_3、come straight to the point_ 4、due to_5、attack sb with sth_

3、6、be attacked with a disease_7、make an attack on/upon_ 8、a heart attack_9、come into existence_ 10、a struggle for existence_11、calm down _12、sb. is unlikely to_13、It is unlikely that_ 14、be likely to._15、be related to_ 16、relate sth to sth_17、There happens to be_ 18、There appears to be_19、There seems

4、 to be_ 20、have the fortune (luck) to do sth_21、make a fortune_ 22、try ones fortune_23、come to light_ 24、bring to light_25、beside/off the point_ 26、to the point_27、be on the point of_ 28、go for_29、adapt oneself to_ 30、according to_31、be connected with_ 32、in order to = so as to_33、stick out_ 34、shar

5、p nails_35、exist on_ 36、be generous to sb_37、be generous with sth_ 38、live up to ones reputation_39、have a good reputation_Step 2 .联想记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇以及相关短语)1attack vt.& n袭击;攻击under _受到攻击 2claim vt.声称_to do sth.宣称做某事3calm adj.平静的;v.(使)平静;(使)镇静_ down平静下来4adapt vi.适应;适合;改编_ to适应adaptable adj.适应性强的;可改编的5g

6、enerous adj.有雅量的;大方的;心地高尚的be _ to对慷慨6come straight to the point开门见山_ out 指出7due to由于_ to因为;由于8stick out 突出;伸出_ by坚持忠于;不离弃;信守,遵守,贯彻(承诺、计划等)9get close to 靠近;接近a _game势均力敌的比赛10be skeptical about 对表示怀疑be doubtful _不确定;怀疑11a sense of national identity民族感in a _ 从某种意义上说 12throw light on/upon帮助弄清楚;阐明某事bring

7、 sth.to _揭露;显露.构词记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇及其派生词)1exist vi.存在_ n存在2sharp adj.锋利的;尖的_ v(使)变得锋利;加强;使尖锐3mysterious adj.神秘的_ n神秘的事物;谜4unpredictable adj.变化莫测的_ adj.(反义词)可预见的;可预料的;意料之中的_ n预言;预测_ adj.预测的;预言的_ v预言;预告;预报5indicate vt.象征;暗示_ n象征;表明.语境填词(根据提示用适当的单词或短语填空)1The _(神秘的) _(多毛的) _(怪物) likes _(攻击) other _(动物;生物) a

8、t night.2The_(凶残的) _(皇帝) _(声称) that no one could _(存在) without him.3The _(有雅量的;大方的) manager has a good _(名声) and has a _(积极的) effect on his staff.4Im _(怀疑的) of his _(身份),but he appears to be _(镇静的)5The _(海豹) soon _(适应) to its new home and it liked _(潜水) into the water.Step 3Finish exercise 2 on P51

9、and then check up the answers in groups.Step 4 巩固检测.单词拼写1The animal is mild,and never _(袭击)tourists or other animals.2There was enough evidence _(表明)that the man was guilty.3Teens are good at _(适应)to the changing environment.4He was being very _(神秘的,诡秘的)about where he was going.5If we continue to de

10、stroy the habitats of some rare animals,they will be endangered and become _(绝种的)6The company has made a new _(财富)even in the present declining economy.7He is a wellrespected teacher and has won a good _(名誉,声望)for all he has done for the kids.8It was really _(慷慨的)of him to pay for both of us.9Some p

11、eople are really _(怀疑的)about what they have read in the newspaper.10The quiet village,as the police claimed in the morning paper,was an _(不可能的)setting for such a crime.完成句子1她声称那只戒指是被偷的,而不是遗失的。She _ the ring was stolen, not lost.2他努力使自己适应新的情况。He tried hard _ the new conditions.3一种新方法提供一个答案,并且有可能帮助弄清楚

12、更大的问题。A new approach offers an answer, and may _ an even bigger question.4因为我们没有足够的时间,让我们谈正题吧。Lets _ because we dont have enough time.5我们幸福的童年应归功于父亲的辛勤工作。Our happy childhood is _ our fathers hard work.Period 2 Reading一、学习目标1、通过自主翻译课文,能够分析课文中重要句型的结构。2、通过自主阅读课文,能够透彻理解课文内容。二、学习内容:The Monster of Lake Ti

13、anchi三、学习过程Pre-reading你了解这些图片吗?请试着连接它们的描述。 _ is a monster that lives high up in the Himalayas. Its about two meters tall and has powerful arms and legs. It often gets angry and will attack anyone who goes close to it. Local people and people traveling in the mountains have many stories to tell about

14、 it. _ got its name because of its large footprints.It lives in the mountainous forests of northwest America and probably looks like a very large monkey - tall and hairy with big arms and legs. Native Americans believe it is a spirit and has no physical form. _ is a frightening creature that lives i

15、n Scotland. Climbers say they have seen it on the mountains. It is tall and has a grey face and long claws instead of hands. One of the most famous monsters in the world is the _ . It lives in a deep lake (a loch) in the north of Scotland and it is very old. It has a small head and a long tail and s

16、ome people believe it is a dinosaur. Step 1 Fast Reading (一)Read the passage on P42 quickly and silently ,decide where it comes from .A. A tourist guide B. A newspaperC. A dictionaryD. A scientific journal(二)Read the passage on P52 again and match the idea with each paragraph .Para.1: Another sighti

17、ng of the monster .Part 2 Para.2: The second sighting of the monster .Para.3: The first sighting of the monster .Part 3 Para.4: Geographical features of Tianchi .Part 4 Para.5: Different opinions on monster .Step 2 Careful Reading (一)Read the first Paragraph on P52 carefully and silently,answer the

18、following questions . 1. According to the text, what did the monster look like?_2. How many people saw it?_(二)Read the second Paragraph on P52 carefully and silently,answer the following questions .1. Who else saw the animal?_2. What were they doing?_3. What did it look like?_(三)Read the third Parag

19、raph on P52 carefully and silently,answer the following questions .1. What did Li Xiao he see?_2. Why could they see the animal clearly?_(四)Read the 4th Paragraph on P52 carefully and silently,answer the following questions .1. How long was the history of reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi?_2. What

20、 do many people think?_3. What do the scientists think?_(五)Read the 5th Paragraph on P52 carefully and silently,answer the following questions .Information about Lake Tianchi:Height:_Area:_Depth:_(六)Analyse and translate these sentences .1、Although no one really got a clear look at the mysterious cr

21、eature,Xue Junlin,a local photographer,claimed that its head looked like a horse 。这是一个主从复合句。although 引导_;a local photographer作Xue Junlin的_,指的是同一个人;that引导_,在句中作claimed的_ 。自主翻译:_2、Mr Li Xiaohe said that he and his family were able to see the monster clearly because the weather was fine and the lake wa

22、s calm .said 之后的that 引导是_;clearly 作_修饰see;because 在宾语从句中引导_。自主翻译:_3、There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last century ,although no one has seen one close up .There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi是 _句 ; since引导_; although引导_。自主翻译:_Step3 SummaryD

23、escribe the three sightings according to the text .SightingWitnessPlaceDescriptionSighting 1Sighting 2Sighting 3Period 3 Language Points一、学习目标1、通过本节课学习,能够记住课文中重要知识点。2、通过本节课练习,能够运用这些知识点。二、学习内容:Language Points of “The Monster of Lake Tianchi”三、学习过程Step 1Check up the answers to exercise 4 on P53 in Boo

24、k .Step 2 Language Points 1、attack vt.攻击;进攻;侵袭;(工作,任务等的)开始n.攻击;进攻;(疾病等)发作;着手(P51)attacker n攻击者 attackable adj.可腐蚀的,可侵蚀的launch/make an attack on/upon. 对发动进攻attack sb. with sth. 用某物攻击某人attack sb. for (doing) sth. 因某事攻击某人be attacked with a disease 患/害病under attack 受到攻击a surprise attack 奇袭;突然袭击a heart a

25、ttack 心脏病发作【反馈检测】 The soldiers made a strong _ the enemy.战士们向敌人发起猛烈进攻。 The doctor predicted that the disease that often _ children would be prevented.医生预言将能预防经常侵袭儿童的疾病。 He_words.Awas attacked at Battacked by Cattacked Dwas attacked by The article attacked the government_its policy_education.Aon;for

26、Bfor;on Cwith;of Dof;with2、go / get close to(介词) 接近;靠近(P51)【反馈检测】 The roof fell down as I was walking out .I came close to _ .A. have been killed B. being killed C. be killed D. killed3、frightening adj.吓人的,令人恐惧的(P51)frightened adj.(用于指人的感受)受惊的,害怕的be frightened at 对感到恐惧be frightened of (doing)sth 害怕(

27、做)某事frighten sb into doing sth 吓唬某人做某事frighten sb out of doing sth 吓得某人不敢做某事give sb a fright 吓某人一跳4、exist vi. 存在;出现,在场(P51)exist in 存在于exist on 靠生存exist as 作为而存在,以的形式存在existence n. 存在,生存in existence 存在的,现存的come into existence 开始存在,出现,产生,形成bring sth. into existence 使某物产生/出现【反馈检测】 Lots of opportunitie

28、s _ our company for experienced engineers.我们公司为有经验的工程师提供很多机会。 You cant _ only 500 calories a day.你一天仅摄入500卡的能量是无法生存的。 Water can _ liquid, vapour and solid.水以液态、气态和固态的形式存在。 It is the only copy of the book that is still _.这是该书现存的孤本。 Sudan _ at the end of 1800s.苏丹国于19世纪末形成。 The _ system needs to be cha

29、nged.A. exists B. to exist C. existed D. existing5、The “Monster of Lake Tianchi” in the Changbai Mountains in Jilin province, northeast China, is back in the news after several recent sightings.在最近几次露面后,中国东北吉林省长白山的“天池怪物”再次成为新闻话题。(P52)be back in the news 再次成为新闻,再次被新闻关注6、A third report came 另一个消息来自(P5

30、2)a third 意为“另一个”,有another的意思。在英语中“不定冠词+序数词”表示“再一,又一”的意思。【反馈检测】 In order to find _ better job,he decided to study _second foreign language .A. the ; a B. a ; a C. the ; the D. a ; the 7、 He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water. After three or four hundred meter

31、s it dived into the water.他声称看见一个圆形黑色的东西在湖面快速游过三四百米后潜入水中。(P52)to have seen 是动词不定式的完成形式,表示动作发生在谓语动词claim之前。to have done是不定式的完成式,主要有两种用法:不定式所表示的动作发生在谓语动作或状态之前。表示过去未能实现的愿望、打算、计划等。常用形式为:wanted / planned / hoped / intended / meant / to have done。dive into 投入;跳入claimv声称,宣称;要求,索取,主张 n断言;权利;要求权;所有权claim(tha

32、t)从句 声称,主张It is claimed that 有人主张claim to do sth. 声称做某事claim sth from sb for sth 因为某事向某人索要某物claim on 索赔,索取lay claim to sth. 坚持对某物的所有权make a claim for sth 要求make a claim to sth 认领某物;提出要得到某物【反馈检测】 They put in a _ the insurance for the stolen luggage.他们在行李被偷后向保险公司提出索赔要求。 Now they are returning to _ wha

33、t was theirs.现在他们要回来索要原来属于他们的一切。She claimed _ met by the president.She claimed _ met by the president.她宣称曾被总统接见过。 He _ his homework.他假装已经完成了作业。 I wanted to _ at the airport yesterday, but I was too busy. 昨天我本打算去机场接你,可我太忙了。 I cant claim _ this poem completely. A. understand B. understanding C. to und

34、erstand D. to understanding So far,no organization has stood out_the responsibility for the car bombing.Aoffering Bclaiming Casking Dmaking You were careless not _ your car.A. to lock B. to have locked C. locking D. having locked8、calm adj.静的;平静的(指天气、海洋等);镇静的;沉着的(指人) vt. (使)平静/镇静 n. 平静,宁静(P52)remain / stay / keep calm 保持镇静calm down


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