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1、,1.Add up your score and see how many points you get.(P1)合计一下你的得分,看看是多少。用add的适当形式或构成的词组填空Will you add some more students to this project?Tom,what do ten,twenty and five add up to?,What he did has added to difficulties.The badweatherin Taiwan the Chinese mainland tourists rescue difficulties.A.added

2、up toB.added toC.add upD.add,【解析】选B。add to增添,增加;add up to总计,加起来是;add up加起来;add 加。句意为:台湾当地的糟糕天气给中国大陆游客的搜救增添了困难。,Please the numbers and Im sure they will _ more than 1,000.2011唐山高一检测A.add up;add B.add up;add upC.add up;add up toD.add;add up【解析】选C。第一个空考查add up“加起来”;第二个空考查“总计”。句意为:请把所有的数字加起来,我确信它们将总计1 0

3、00多。,add up 总计,加起来add to 增添;增加add.to.把加到add up to 总计;加起来是add that.补充说,add up to 虽为及物动词短语,但不能用于被动语态!,2.Your friend comes to school very upset.(P1)你的朋友来上学时心情很不好。阅读下列句子,体会黑体部分单词,在括号内写出其汉语意思He was upset at not being invited.(心烦意乱的)The rain upset our plans for a picnic.(打乱)Dont upset yourselfno harm has

4、been done.(使不安/心烦)A large wave upset the boat.(打翻)She suffered a big emotional upset.(打击),天气的骤变打乱了我的全部计划。All my plans were upset by the sudden change in weather.这坏消息使我心烦意乱。(汉译英)The bad news upset me.,She was about what you said yesterday.A.upsetB.concernedC.dustyD.ignored【解析】选A。句意为:你昨天所说的话令她非常不安。ups

5、et心烦意乱的,不安的;concerned 担心的,关心的;dusty 落满灰尘的;ignored被忽略的。,Whats the matter with Rod?I think hes stillthat we forgot his birthday.2011赣州高一检测A.unfairB.stubbornC.reliableD.upset【解析】选D。考查形容词辨析。句意:罗德怎么啦?我想他仍旧因我们忘记了他的生日而心烦。upset心烦意乱的;不安的;unfair不公平的;stubborn顽固的;reliable可信赖的。,upset词性含义,upsetup(向上)+set(下落)心中七上八

6、下的/不安的,3.You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.(P1)你会不顾上课铃,去一个安静的地方,使你的朋友平静下来。用ignore的适当形式填空a.It is a pity that her ignorance leads to her sad life.b.We can not believe that some teenagers are ignorant of(=dont know)some basic living skills.c.Your suggestion isnt i

7、gnored.It is still under discussion.,The driver _ the traffic lights and nearly caused a traffic accident.2011福州高一检测A.ignoredB.checkedC.dislikedD.obeyed【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意:这个司机忽视交通灯,几乎造成一场交通事故。ignore忽视,不理睬;check检查;dislike不喜欢;obey服从。,I told myself to calm down(冷静下来).选词填空calm/silent/quiet/stilla.Everyone

8、 should keep calm in time of danger.b.The old man stood quite still,except that his lips moved slightly.c.One man shouted at the boy,“Quiet,boy!Whats the matter with you?”d.He is a shy boy and always keeps silent in class.,1)ignore vt.不理睬;忽视ignore sb./sth.忽视某人/某物ignorance n.无知;愚昧ignorant adj.无知的;不知情

9、的be ignorant of sth.不了解;不明真相,2)calm v.(使)平静,(使)镇定adj.平静的,镇定的,沉着的calm(.)down(使)平静下来,(使)镇定下来,4.You will tell your friend that you are concerned about him/her and you will meet after class and talk then.(P1)你会告诉你的朋友你很关心他(或她),下课后你们会见面交谈。用concern的正确形式填空,a.As the youth,we should concern anything around us

10、,not only the things that we are concerned in.b.The teacher showed great concern for the wounded boy.c.Please tell me something concerning this matter.,The meeting was concerned reforms and everyone present was concerned their own interests.A.with;forB.with;withC.for;about D.about;with【解析】选A。前半句句意为“

11、会议与改革有关”,因此第一个空应填介词with;后半句句意为“到会的每一个人都关心自己的利益”,因此第二个空要用介词 about/for,故选A。,Our English teacher is ill and we are all her health.2011嘉兴高一检测A.concerned aboutB.careful ofC.interested in D.look after【解析】选A。句意:我们英语老师病了,我们都担心她的健康。be concerned about sth.担心/挂念某事;be careful of小心,注意,当心;be interested in 对感兴趣;lo

12、ok after照顾,照看。,concern vt.涉及;关系到;(使)担忧n.关心;关注;(利害)关系(1)concern oneself with/in 忙于;从事,干涉show concern for/about 担心/关心as far as.be concerned 就而言,be concerned about/for sth.担心/挂念某事be concerned in sth.和某事有牵连be concerned with sth.与某事有关(2)concerning prep.关于(=about),5.While walking the dog,you were careless

13、 and it got loose and was hit by a car.(P1)当遛狗的时候,你一不小心松了手,狗被汽车撞了。While(he was)reading the text(在他读课文时),he wrote something on it from time to time.,While watching television,.2011聊城高一检测A.the doorbell rang B.the doorbell was rungC.we heard the doorbell ringD.we heard the doorbell rings【解析】选C。由状语从句的省略

14、形式while(we were)watching television可判断后面主句主语一定是we。根据hear sb.do sth.排除D项,故选C。,When asked about why he made the same mistake again,he kept silent.When he was asked about the reason why he made the same mistake again,he kept silent.,While the dog,you should take care not to.Otherwise,it may be dangerou

15、s to strangers.2011临沂高一检测A.walking;get loose B.walk;be looseC.walking for;get it looseD.walked;get loosing【解析】选A。由“while doing.”作状语,可知A、C 项的walking是正确的,但walk for搭配不对。get loose(结等)松掉。,状语从句的类似省略除了连词while之外,还会有哪些连词?when,if,until,unless,after,though等,1)时间状语从句的省略所具备的条件:(1)主从句主语一致或从句的主语是it;(2)从句中含有be动词的某种

16、形式。例如:If possible(If it is possible),Ill call on you tomorrow.如果可能的话,我明天就会去看望你。,2)walk vt.(使)走walk a horse 遛马walk a bicycle 推着自行车走walk a patient 扶着病人走3)loose adj.松的;松散的,松开的loosen vt./vi.解开;放松;变松let/set loose 释放;放出;发出,6.or would not understand what you are going through?(P2)或者会不理解你目前所处的困境吧?用go的相关短语完成

17、下列句子He had left his wallet on the table,so I went after him.What he did went against his parents wishes.,As months went by,the work seemed endless.After finishing the letter,he went on to read a book.Go through your work carefully before you hand it in.,go through经历;经受;仔细阅读或研究;仔细 查看;通过;穿过go after 追求

18、go back 回来;追溯go by 走过;流逝,go on 继续go out 外出;熄灭go over 检查;复习,7.I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do.(P2)我不愿意像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账 我记录下了那时发生的每一件事。I set down everything that happened then.我已将详细内容记到了我的笔记本上。I have the details set down here in my notes.,用适当的介、副词填空 The citizens i

19、n London are setting about making preparations for the 2012 Olympic Games.You had better set aside one hour each day to review what you have learned.It is necessary for you to set up a good example for your son.,It is a custom that in many places people like to set off fireworks.已经为语言实验室准备好了一系列预先录制好

20、的磁带。(series,prepare)A series of pre-recorded tapes has been prepared for language laboratory use.,1)set down 写下;记下set aside 留出;把放在一边;存储set up 竖立;创设;开办set off 出发;动手;引爆set about(doing)sth.着手干某事,set out to do sth.着手干某事set out for 出发;动身同义短语为:write down,put down,take down,note down。,2)a series of一连串的;一系列

21、;一套(1)series单复数形式相同,类似的单词还有means,deer,species(种类),sheep等。(2)“a series of+名词(单数或复数)”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。,8.I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.(P2)我不知道这是否是因为我已经很久没能去户外,我变得对一切与大自然界有关的事物都无比狂热。,It was I who came acro

22、ss them in the library two days ago.It was them that I came across in the library two days ago.It was in the library that I came across them two days ago.It was two days ago that I came across them in the library.,对下列句子的画线部分进行强调:,你在房间找到了什么?What is it that you have found in the room?我给你的100美元花到哪上面去了?

23、What did you do with that$100 I gave you?,It was not the lady took off her dark glasses I realized she was a famous actress.A.when;that B.until;thatC.until;whenD.when;then【解析】选B。not until结构的强调句型为:It is/was+not until.+that+句子的其他部分。原句为:I didnt realize she was a famous actress until the lady took off h

24、er dark glasses.。,强调句型:It is/was+被强调部分+who/that+其他部分。(1)被强调部分通常是主语、宾语、状语等,一般不能用来强调谓语。(2)如果被强调部分是表示人的词,用who/that 都可以。其他情况一律用that。(3)此句式去掉“It is/was”和“who/that”后,句子意思和成分依然完整。,(4)强调句的一般疑问句结构Is/Was it+被强调部分+that+其他。(5)强调句的特殊疑问结构:疑问词+is/was it that+其他。强调“not until短语或从句”的强调句型为:It is/was+not until.+that+句子

25、的其他部分。,9.,I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.(P2),我熬到十一点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮。用 purpose的相关词汇填空a.I am sure that he didnt do it on purpose then.b.Did you come to London for the purpose of studying?,Did Tom take your schoolbag?No.He took it

26、by mistake.2011西安高一检测A.on purposeB.of purposeC.of designD.face to face【解析】选A。根据下句“他是误拿的”,可知上句应该是“汤姆是故意拿走包的吗”。on purpose“故意”正合题意。,She arrived early in order to get a good seat(为了占个好座位).我同意妈妈的建议是为了不让她伤心。I agreed to my mothers suggestion in order not to upset her.,In order to make our city green,.A.it

27、is necessary to plant more treesB.many trees need to plantC.our city needs more treesD.we must plant more trees【解析】选D。本题考查in order to 引导目的状语时,不定式的逻辑主语同句子主语一致的原则。目的状语的意思是“为了使我们的城市变绿”,make的逻辑主语是人(we)。,1)on purpose 故意,有目的地do sth.on purpose 故意做某事for the purpose of 为了的目的with the purpose of doing 故意做,2),(

28、1)in order to的否定形式:in order not to(2)in order to 引导目的状语时,不定式的逻辑主语同句子主语保持一致。,10.;it was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.(P2);这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚这是我第二次参观上海世博香港馆。It is the second time that I have visited the Hong Kong Pavilion in Shanghai Expo.这是我第三次参观颐和园了。It was the

29、 third time that I had visited the Summer Palace.,When I met him last weekend,it was the first time that we each other since we were at school.A.saw B.have seen C.were seeing D.had seen【解析】选D。It was the first time.意为:“某人第一次做某事”。was 与 had done对应。故选D。,第一次去中国,我就被她的美丽迷住了。The first time I visited China,I

30、 was struck by her beauty.=When I visited China for the first time,I was struck by her beauty.,(1)It/This/That+is(was)+the first/second/.time that sb.has(had)done sth.某人第一次/二次/次做某事。从句的谓语动词常用现在完成时或过去完成时。is与has/have done 对应;was 与 had done对应。,(2)It is(about/high)time that-clause.到了干某事的时间了。该从句的时态要用一般过去时

31、或(should+)动词原形。(3)the first time第一次,用作连词,后接时间状语从句。(4)for the first time 第一次,介词短语用作状语,可以单独使用。,1.to get it repaired.(P1)让别人修理用所给动词的适当形式填空Let me try now.Ill get the car going(go).My radio was broken,and I must get it repaired(repair).Ill get him to do(do)the work.,It is said that the workers get by the

32、 hour.A.paidB.payC.payingD.to pay【解析】选A。get paid by the hour 按小时付给工资。,2.I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky,the song of the birds,moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.(P2)我记得非常清楚,曾有一段时间,湛蓝的天空,鸟儿的歌唱,月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往过。句子仿写:我还记得那对他来说是一个艰难的时期,他当时病得很重。I can w

33、ell remember it was a hard time for him when he was badly ill.,I met him at the Grand Theater yesterday afternoon,so he your lecture.A.couldnt have attendedB.neednt have attendedC.mustnt have attended D.shouldnt have attended【解析】选A。后半句句意为:他那时不可能去听你的讲座。此句是对过去的否定推测,用 couldnt have done。其他三项意义不妥。,He the

34、 new job,but he missed the chance because he was late for the interview.A.might getB.could getC.could have gotD.might have got【解析】选C。句意为:他本能够得到那份新工作的,但由于面试迟到而错过机会。could have done 过去本可能做却未做。意为“本来可以做”。,(1)could never have done 结构表示“对过去情况的否定推测”,意为“不可能”。(2)其否定副词never也可根据情况用not,hardly等词替换。,.用适当的介、副词填空1.A

35、t dusk we can enjoy the beauty of the sun setting.2.The scientist went through a hard life in her childhood.3.You can fold the paper like this.4.He attended a series of important committee meetings this week.,5.Lily,calm down and go on with your work.6.He joined an English club in order to improve h

36、is English.7.To my anxiety,the police set down my car number.8.One thing I am concerned about/for is my mothers health.,.完成句子1.In order not to miss the first train(为了不错过第一班火车),my mother got up very early this morning.(order)2.As far as Im concerned(就我个人而言),I disagree with what you did.(concern)3.Whi

37、le crossing the street(当过街的时候),you must be careful.(while),4.My watch doesnt work.Ill get it repaired(找人修理它).(get)5.It/This was the second time that she had visited(她参观)Shanghai Expo site.(visit)6.It was by sea/ship that(是乘船)John came to China for sightseeing.(it),.单项填空1.The money he spent during th

38、e trip more than 50 dollars.2011杭州高一检测 A.addedB.added to C.was added toD.added up to,【解析】选D。考查动词短语辨析。句意为:这次旅行他总计花了50多美元。add up to总计;add to 增添,增加(一般不用于被动语态)。,2.When to recite the text,he still kept.A.asked;silentB.asking;still C.being asked;quiet D.asked;calm【解析】选A。第一个空考查状语从句省略(he was);第二个空考查keep sil

39、ent 不作声,不说话。still不动的,强调“静止状态”;quiet安静的,宁静的,多指不吵闹,不焦虑;calm指人“沉着,镇定”,指自然“无风无浪”。,【规律方法】快速掌握状语从句中的省略在英语学习过程中,我们经常遇到状语从句中的省略用法,现将主要用法总结如下:一、如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致且从句的谓语含有 be 动词的某种形式(am/is/are/was/were),可同时省略从句的主语和 be 动词的某种形式。,1.when,while 引导的时间状语从句。例如:Do be careful when(you are)crossing the street.过马路时一定要小心。2.i

40、f,unless,once 引导的条件状语从句。例如:Ill not go to the party unless(I am)invited.如果不被邀请,我就不参加那个派对。,3.though,although,whether,no matter whether/what/how/who 等引导的让步状语从句。例如:He was happy,though/although(he was)poor.他虽穷,却很幸福。4.as if,as though 引导的方式状语从句。He stood up as if/though(he wanted)to leave.他站起来好像要离开。(注意:as i

41、f/though+to do 表示一个将来的动作),二、以 if 从句为代表的状语从句中的特殊省略用法:通常省略 it is,that is,there is/are。例如:If(it is)possible/necessary,this old temple will be rebuilt.如果可能/必要的话,这座古庙将会被重建。,三、as 引导的方式状语从句,其省略用法较复杂,因具体情况而定。例如:You should do the experiments as(you are)told to(do the experiments).你应该按你被告知的那样做实验。,3.To my disa

42、ppointment,he always my opinions.A.ignoredB.acceptedC.concernedD.understood【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意为:令我失望的是,他总是忽视我的意见。ignore忽视,不理;accept接受;concern担心,挂念;understand理解。,4.It was the first time that he this driving test.A.takeB.have takenC.had takenD.has taken【解析】选C。It was the first time.意为:“某人第一次做某事”。was 与 had

43、 done对应。故选C。,5.I am concerned,we can walk or take the bus rather than call a taxi.2011黄冈高一检测A.Now that B.As soon as C.So long asD.As far as【解析】选D。考查连词短语辨析。as far as.be concerned 就而言。句意为:就我个人来看,我们宁可步行或乘公共汽车也不愿意坐出租车。now that既然,由于;as soon as一就;so long as只要。,6.It was on June 11th,2010 the 2010 FIFA Worl

44、d Cup took place.A.whenB.sinceC.beforeD.that【解析】选D。考查强调句型。强调句型的基本结构为“It is/was.that/who.”。,【规律方法】强调结构应该把握的几个核心要点强调句型的结构为:It is/was+被强调的部分+who/that+其他部分。(1)被强调部分通常是句子的主语、宾语、状语等,一般不能用来强调谓语动词。(2)如果被强调部分是表示人的词,用who/that 都可以。其他情况一律用that。,(3)此句式去掉It is/was.who/that.后,句子意思和成分依然完整。(4)强调句的一般疑问句结构只需把上述中的is/wa

45、s提前。(5)对特殊疑问句强调的句式是:疑问词+is/was it that+句子其他部分。,7.Will you fetch me a of todays evening paper in a minute?2011杭州高一检测A.seriesB.setC.coupleD.copy【解析】选D。考查名词辨析。a copy of一份,一本;a series of一连串的,一系列,一套;a set of一套,一组,一副;a couple of一对,一双。句意:你一会儿去给我拿一份今天的晚报好吗?,8.Whenever they went out together,she would feel,b

46、ecause she thought he was not to be trusted.A.reliableB.upsetC.calmD.spellbound【解析】选B。考查形容词辨析。upset“心烦意乱的,不安的”;reliable“可靠的,可信赖的”;calm“平静的,镇定的,沉着的”;spellbound“着迷的,入神的”。,9.I think youd better what the teacher said on paper.A.settle downB.turn down C.set downD.bring down【解析】选C。动词短语辨析。set down 记下;settl

47、e down 安定下来;turn down 调小,拒绝;bring down(使)减少,降低。句意为:我认为你最好把老师说的记在纸上。,10.Those who have floods and sandstorms know the importance of environmental protection.A.gone throughB.gone over C.gone across D.gone down【解析】选A。考查有关go的短语。go through 经历,经受;go over复习,检查;go across 穿过,横过,走过;go down下降,平静下来。句意为:那些经受过洪水和

48、沙尘暴灾害的人懂得环境保护的重要性。,Everyone needs friends.As the old saying goes,“No man is an island.”In other words,no one can survive without the help and friendship of others.One can hardly live without a friend.Society is made up of people,and making friends is a very important part in our life.,Friends can gi

49、ve you a lot.Firstly,if you have trouble with some problems,you can talk to your good friends and exchange opinions.Thus you will feel comfortable and encouraged.Secondly,if you wish to do some physical exercises,such as playing table tennis,you can play with friends and have a good time.In short,we

50、 need friends.,But what is true friendship?Some people think friends are people whom you can play with,others believe true friendship lies in similar interests.However,in my opinion,“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”True friends can encourage you when you are in difficulties.True friends can giv


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