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1、Im going to study computer science,我打算学习计算机科学,Be going to do表示将来,be going to是一般将来时的一种表现形式,表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,意思为打算,将要。其中be会根据主语的人称变化成is,am,are等形式。to是不定式符号,跟在它后面的动词必须是动词原形。,Be going to do式一般将来时的各种句式,1.肯定句:be going to模样是:主语+be(am/is/are)+going to+动词原形+其它例句:I am going to work hard this term.我打算这学期努力

2、学习。,Be going to do式一般将来时的各种句式,2.否定句:主语+be(am/is/are)+not+going to+动词原形+其它。例句:I am not going to play football.我不打算踢足球。,Be going to do式一般将来时的各种句式,3.一般疑问句:Is/are+主语+going to+动词原形+其它例句:Are you going to do your homework at home next Sunday?下星期天你们打算在家做作业吗?,Be going to do式一般将来时的各种句式,4.特殊疑问句:疑问词+is/are+主语+g

3、oing to+动词原形+其它例句:What are you going to read this week?你这周打算读什么书?,be going to与will两者都可表示将要发生的事、将要去做某事,请问该怎么区分它们?,be going to 与 will 有如下几点区别,1.be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些,如:He is going to write a letter tonight.He will write a book one day.,be going to 与 will 有如下几点区别,2.be going to 表示

4、根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情,will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。He is seriously ill.He is going to die.He is seriously ill.He will be twenty years old.,be going to 与 will 有如下几点区别,3.be going to 含有“计划,准备”的意思,而 will 则没有这个意思如:She is going to lend us her book.He will be here in half an hour.,练习题,1.你打算今天下午做作业吗?_ you _ _ _ your homewo

5、rk _ _?2.-学生们准备明天干什么?-帮助农民摘苹果。-What _ the students _ _ _ _?-They _ _ _ _ farmers _ apples.3.-下周有次英语测试吗?-是的,在下周二。-_ _ _ _ _ _ English test _ _?-Yes,_ _ _ _ _ one next Tuesday.4.瞧那些云彩,要下雨了。Look at the clouds.It _ _ _ _.参考答案.Are,going to do,this afternoon 2.are,going to do tomorrow,are going to help,pi

6、ck 3.Is there going to be an,next week,there is going to be 4.is going to rain,Section A,cook 名词,“厨师”P41He is a cook.Cook 动词,“烹饪;煮(烘烤,煎,炸等)Cooker 名词,”厨具(锅,炉灶等),表示人的名词,以-er结尾:reporter,writer,reader 以-or结尾:doctor,actor,visitor 以-ist结尾:artist,scientist,dentist,表示人的名词,Section A,Well,Im going to keep on

7、writing stories,of course.keep on“继续”,后跟动词时要用V-ing形式Dont give up,keep on trying.Keep+sb/sth+adj.使某人/某物处于某种状态Keep.sb.doing.Sth使某人一直做某事,Section A,My parents want me to be a doctor,but Im not sure about that.Be sure about/of:“确信;对有把握”其后可接名词,代词或V-ing形式,句子主语人,不能是物。Are you sure about the result?,Sure的其他用法

8、,1.be sure that从句:表示“肯定;有把握”主语是人。2.be sure to do sth:表示“一定;肯定”,通常表示说话者的推断或判断;主语可以是人,也可以是物。3.be sure 用于祈使句:表示“务必,一定”,后面常跟动词不定式,表示说话者向对方所提出的要求。,Section A,Yes,youre right.(P42)youre right意为“你说得对”妙辩异同:1.youre right“你说得对”,用于对别人的说法表示赞同2.all right“好的;不错”常用于表示同意对方的命令、请求、建议或安排等3.thats right“那是对的”,表示判断对错。4.th

9、ats all right“没关系,别客气”,常用于回答别人的道歉或感谢。,Section B,Its a kind of promise(P45)Promise名词,意为“承诺;诺言”Promise动词,意为“许诺;承诺;答应”,Promise的搭配,1.make a promise答应;许诺2.keep/break a promise遵守/违背诺言3.promise(not)to do sth答应/允诺(不)做某事4.promise sth to sb.=promise sb sth许诺给某人某物。,Section B,When we make resolutions at the beg

10、inning of the year,we hope that we are going to improve our lives.Beginning名词,意为“开头;开端”At the beginning of 在的开始From the beginning of 从头到尾,Section B,Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement.have to do with意为“关于;与有关系”This book has to do with computers.联想:have nothing to do with与没有关系。,Section B,The first resolution has to do with my own personal improvement(P47)Own形容词,意为“自己的;本人的”Everyone has his own idea.搭配 of ones own属于某人自己的 on ones own独自地;独立地,


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