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1、Unit 8,Section APeriod 2(3a 3c),Review,Translate the phrases.,at the picnicbelong to pop musichair band attend a concertgo to a picnic pick up,在野餐属于流行音乐发带出席音乐会;欣赏一场音乐会去野餐 捡起,情态动词must,might,could,cant 后接动词原形,表示对现在的情况的推测.,must表示非常肯定的猜测.100%的可能性might/could 表示有可能的猜测.20%80%的可能性cant 表示肯定不可能.可能性几乎为零,主语 can

2、t be sbs.Because,主语 must be sbs.Because,主语 could/might be sbs.Because,belong to sb.,belong to sb.,belong to sb.,Fill in the blanks with must,might,could or cant,1.The notebook _ be Mings.It was on her desk.2.The homework _ be Carols.She wasnt at school today.3.The soccer ball _ be Johns or Tonys.The

3、y both play soccer,dont they?4.The French book _ be Li Yings.Shes the only one that is studying French.,must/might,must,might/could,cant,Challenge yourself,Fill in the blanks with must,might,could or cant,5.I cant find my schoolbag.It _ be still at school.6.The photo _ be Lus.Those are his parents.7

4、.The red bicycle _ be Hus.She has a blue bicycle.8.This ticket _ be my aunts or uncles.Theyre both going to the concert.,Challenge yourself,must/might,must,cant,might/could,1.What can you see in the picture?2.What can we know about the woman?,She is a little worried.,There is a woman looking out of

5、the window.,Look at the picture and answer the two questions.,A Small and Quiet TownStrange Happenings in My TownAnimals in Our Neighborhood,Read the article quickly and decide which might be the best title.,Read the article again and answer the questions.,What is the town like before?What is the un

6、usual thing happening in the town?,It used to be very quiet and nothing much ever happened there.,People heard strange noises outside the window every night.,3b,Read the article again and find words to match the meanings.,nervous or worried _young people _person in the next house _area where people

7、live _animal like a very large dog _person who makes noise _,uneasy,teenagers,neighbor,neighborhood,wolf,noise-maker,Reading,3c,Read the article carefully and write what people think about the strange noises.,They think it must be teenagers having fun.,They think it might be the wind.,She thought it

8、 was too big to be a dog.She thought that maybe it was a bear or a wolf.,She guesses it cant be a dog.,He thinks the noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.,Language points,1.noise n.声音;噪音;喧闹声 If you close that door,you can shut thenoiseout.你要是关上那扇门,就听不到吵闹声了。There was a

9、 lot ofnoisecoming from the classroom.教室传来一片哄闹声。,知识链接,noise,sound,voice这些名词均含“声音”之意。noise:通常指不悦耳的、令人烦恼的嘈杂声,隐含贬义。sound:普通用词,含义笼统,指人们能听到的各种声音,无褒贬色彩。voice:指人说话或唱歌时发出的声音。,We heard a strange sound outside.我们听到外面有一种奇怪的声音。Willyoupleasemakelessnoise,boysandgirls?孩子们,你们能不能小点声?Dontspeakinsuchahighvoice.说话声音不要

10、这么大。,【2010 福建 晋江】Lily has a silk _.Listen,she is singing in the next room!How nice!A.look B.noise C.voice【解析】look 可数名词,意思 是“相貌,样子,外表”,常用复数形式;noise 不可数名词,意思“噪杂声,吵闹声”;voice是可数名词,意思 是“嗓音,说话声”。,C,【2011四川德阳】Stop making so much _.The children are sleeping.A.voice B.noise C.sound【解析】voice 一般指人的声音,说话、唱歌。noi

11、se 意为“噪音、喧闹声”,常指不悦耳、不和谐的嘈 杂声。sound 作“声音,响声”讲时,可指人或动物发出的声音,或物体碰撞的声言。这个词的使用范围很大。句意“不要制造那么大的噪音,孩子们正在睡觉”。,B,(2011 大庆)Did you hear any strange _ when the quake happened?No,I was in my garden with my flowers and was enjoying the beautiful _ of my birds at that time.A.voice;noise B.noise;sound C.whisper;so

12、und D.sound;voice,D,2.it must be teenagers having fun.havingfun是分词短语,作定语修饰teenagers,相当于定语从句:who arehavingfun。The man reading a novel at the desk is my father.=The man who is reading a novel at the desk is my father.在桌边看小说的人是我父亲。,3.,but I couldnt see a dog,or anything else,either.either adv.也(用于否定句中)

13、Its not heavy,either.这也不重。If you do not go,I shall not go,either.你不去,我也不去。,知识链接,also,too,as well,either 均含“也”之意。also:比too正式一些,语气较重,只用于肯定句,一般紧靠动词。too:语气较轻,多用于口语,在肯定句中使用,通常位于句末。as well:一般不用否定句,通常放在句末,强调时可放在句中。either:用于否定句,放在句末,之前加逗号。,用aswell,also,too或either完成句子:1.Ifhedoesntgo,Iwontgo,_.2.Inthisfieldhe

14、hasknowledgeand experience_.3.Simonlikesplayingfootball,andhe_ likesplayingbasketball.4.Helikesswimming,andhiswifelikesit,_.,either,aswell,also,too,4.One woman in the area saw something running away,.“see+宾语+doing”是指“看见某人正在做某事”,不是全过程,表正在进行 I saw the boy singing.我看到这个孩子正在唱歌。“see+宾语+do”是指“看见某人做某事”,是看着

15、事情的发生全过程 I saw her come.我看到她来了。,知识链接,感官动词 see,watch,observe,notice,look at,hear,listen to,smell,taste,feel+do表示动作的完整性;+doing 表示动作的进行性,They knew her very well.They had seen her _ up from childhood.A.grow B.grew C.was growing D.to grow解析:题意为“他们看着她长大”,因此强调的是成长的过程,而非正在长的动作,因此用see sb.do sth.的句型。,A,汉译英:我看

16、见他昨天正在花园里干活。2.昨天我看见一个小偷偷一个钱包。3.我经常看见他在办公室里帮助别人。4.我看见他走出了商店。5.我们听见有人在读英语。,I saw him working in the garden yesterday.,I saw a thief stealing a wallet yesterday.,I often see him help others in the office.,I saw him walk out of the shop.,We heard someone reading English.,5.We have no idea.have no idea 一

17、点不知道;没办法 Ihave no ideawhat to do.我不知道该怎么办。Youhave no ideahow worried I was.你想像不出来我有多么担心。have an idea有个主意,(2001北京市)Lucy tried her best to find a good job in the city,but she had no _.A.trouble B.idea C.luck D.time【解析】have no idea是一个十分常见的习语,误选B的同学们大有人在;但此题并非对该习语的考查。全句译作:“露茜努力在城区找工作,可不走运。”,C,6.is havin

18、g too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.havingfun(in)doing意为“做某事很愉快”,in可以省略。Didyouhavefuncamping?野营好玩吗?havefun=haveagoodtime=enjoyoneself=haveawonderfultime,(2011贵港)WewenttothebeachlastSunday,andwehadgreatfun_ volleyball A.play B.playing C.played D.toplay 解析:havefun“过得高兴”,其后跟动词ing形式。,B,(201

19、0湖北十堰市)-Lisa,I will visit the 2010 World Expo(世博会)with my parents during the summer holiday.-_.A.It doesnt matter B.Its a pleasure C.Have fun D.Thats all right,C,用单词适当形式填空:Theyre going to have fun _(learn)and _(speak)English this term.,learning,speaking,用所给词的适当形式填空She is _(worry)about her grandmas h

20、ealth.2.He tried _(explain)it as clearly as possible.3.Did Maryhave fun_(play)in the water?,练一练,worried,to explain,playing,4.You feel_(easy)when receiving bad news.5.Her new glasses _(look)very nice.6.Mom,I cant find my dictionary.Dont worry.It might _(be)at your school.7.The teacher heard Jim _(rea

21、d)English when she came in.,uneasy,look,be,reading,根据所给首字母提示完成句中所缺单词。Many people usually pay more attention to the f_ result of the match.2.Someone phoned Mrs Li that her son was in hospital,so she was a_.3.She was w_ when her son didnt come back at the usual time.4.-Who is the o_ of the yellow backpack?-Maybe its Mikes.5.He didnt go to work b_ of his bad headache.,inal,nxious,orried,wner,ecause,


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