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1、,2013湖北卷请根据以下提示,并结合事例,用英语写一篇短文。We all know that sticks and stones may break our bones,but we should also be aware that words can hurt people,too.注意:无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;除诗歌外,文体不限;文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;词数为120左右。,话题材料,1.What?,There is an old saying.”Never judge a book by its cover.”What do you think of this sayi

2、ng?Write an article in 120-150 words to express your opinionon it.(2013年英语竞赛),You are discussing the following picture with your English friend Jim.Now you are telling him how you understand the picture and what makes you think so.,请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。You are discussing the following picture with your Eng

3、lish friend Jim.Now you are telling him how you understand the picture and what makes you think so.,Sometimes,bad words are to us what knives to our body.I learned this from one of my experiences that I went through during Senior One school life.One day,when I was playing volleyball with my classmat

4、es in my PE class,I missed several chances that I should have grasped to meet the ball.What surprised me most was that my best friend Peter called me“fool”.I was so hurt that I almost accepted the fact that our friendship came to an end.It was my classmates comfort and persuasion as well as Peters a

5、pology and explanation that helped me realize he did have a strong sense of cooperation and teamwork.It wasnt long before I forgave him and we were again close friends as ever.From this story,I am definitely convinced that bad words really have bad influence on us,and that only with a good understan

6、ding of them can we get through and get along well.,2.How?,评分方法:,结构(段落,衔接)内容(中心,说理,升华)语言(准确,地道,流畅,高级词汇,复杂句式),(高分卷特点:外在美,内容美,词汇美,句式美,衔接美),2.写作步骤:1)认真审题:根据提示,确定中心观点(及人称,时态)2)构思谋篇:第一段:开门见山提出中心。第二段:围绕中心组织材料,并说明中心。第三段:总结事例,升华主题3)遣词造句:罗列提纲,思考语言表达方式(词语,句 式,如 三大从句,倒装,虚拟语气,强调句 式,非谓语动词);组织语言,长短句结合,简单句,复合句结合 4

7、)打草稿,修改,誉正,通读一遍,查漏补缺。,注意事项 1.首句亮点画,开门见山表明观点,并扣准关键词,避免拖泥带水而冲淡了主题。2.叙事时,注意时间地点,人物,尤其是原因,结果,以便能更好阐明观点。3.准确引用谚语,格言,增加得分亮点。4.书写规范,保持卷面整洁,美观。(否则影响3-4分),例 一、practice makes perfect As is widely acknowledged,practice makes perfect.I learned this from one of my experiences that I went through during Senior On

8、e school life.One day,when I was playing volleyball with my classmates in my PE class,I missed several chances that I should have grasped to meet the ball.I was so frustrated that I almost accepted the fact that I would never play well.It was my classmates comfort and encouragement as well as the te

9、achers advice and instruction that helped me devote my spare time to practising playing every day.It wasnt long before I became one of the most important players on our school team.From this story,I am definitely convinced that each one of us is able to dong something well,and that the more you prac

10、tise,the more skillful you will become.,例二、confidenceAs is widely acknowledged,confidence is to us what ambition is to success.I learned this from one of my experiences that I went through during Senior One school life.One day,what surprised most was that I failed my first math exam for math is alwa

11、ys my favorite and advantage.I was so frustrated that I almost accepted the fact that I would never learn it well.It was my classmates comfort and encouragement as well as my teachers advice and instruction that helped me gain and finally build up my confidence.I was determined to devoted myself to

12、listening to the teacher attentively in class and to doing the homework seriously and patiently after class.It wasnt long before math again became my favorite and advantage.From this story,I am definitely convinced that confidence is the key to success,and that we must believe in ourselves and we mu

13、st believe that each one of us is able to do something well.,例三、courageAs is widely acknowledged,courage is to us what the key to a door.I learned this from one of my experiences that I went through during Senior One school life.One day,when my teacher took us to the pool to teach us how to swim in

14、my PE class,I was too scared to go into the water even though they tried to persuade me several times.I was so frustrated that I almost accepted the fact that I would never learn to swim well.It was my classmates comfort and encouragement as well as my teachers advice and instruction that helped me

15、gather my courage to overcome the fear and finally joined them and enjoyed myself swimming in the pool.It wasnt long before I became the best swimmer in our class.From this story,I am definitely convinced that courage is the key to success,and that only by facing the difficulty bravely can we solve it smoothly and calmly.,


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