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1、颜乐天纪念中学英语导学案 八(上)Unit4 Reading B 编写人:邓游珍、王雄霞 2012-10-26Unit 4 Historical stories Reading B Crown-maker in prison!班别_ 小组_ 姓名_ 评价_【learning aims】(学习目标)1、 能认读和拼写8个生词:crown-maker, kingdom, slave, object, displace, palace, kilogram, silver2、 能理解3个重点短语:be made of, pourinto, send to prison3、 能掌握4个语言点:1) be

2、 made of ;2) 区分excited& exciting;3)become的用法 4)a little4、 能运用阅读微技能,逐步读懂故事大意。【learning steps】(学习步骤)课前准备 一、知识链接 (同学们,你可以查阅书籍或通过网络获取“阿基米德”的相关资料)1、阿基米德:古希腊哲学家、数学家、物理学家,享有“力学之父”的美称。2、阿基米德原理(浮力定律):物体在液体中所获得的浮力,等于它所排出液体的重量。3、阿基米德名言:给我一个支点,我能撬动整个地球。(杠杆原理)二、预习新单词(先独学,再群学。课堂上咱们来PK!看谁准备得最充分!)单词我会音标我会翻译我会默写crow

3、n-makerkingdomslaveobjectdisplacepalacekilogramsilver课堂导学 一、 Words revision (Answer the question as quickly as you can)二、 While-reading(一)The first reading:Skimming(快速浏览课文P52,选择正确答案)(B,C层)( )1. What kind of crown did the king want?A. gold B. silver C. paper ( )2. Who was Archimedes?A. A king B. A sc

4、ientist C. A crown-maker ( )3. _ was sent to prison in the end. A. Archimedes B. The crown-maker C. The slave(二)The second reading: Scanning(在原文找出相关的句子,选择正确答案)(A,B层) ( )4. What happened when Archimedes got into the bath? A. He felt cold. B. Some water came out of it. C. Nothing happened. ( )5. How h

5、eavy was the crown? A. 1 kg B. 3 kg C. 5 kg ( )6. The king sent the crown-maker to prison, because the crown was made of_. A. gold B. silver C. both gold and silver 三、Post-reading(一)在课文中划出下列词组并翻译。(A, B, C层)1. ask sb. to do _ 2 be made of . _3. think about _ 4. pour . into . _5. come out of ._ 6. a l

6、ot of _7. a little _ 8. bothand_9. become angry_ 10. send sb. to prison _(二)语言点(Language points)(A,B,C层)1., he asked himself, “Is the crown made completely of gold?” 他问自己,“这个皇冠是不是完全由金子做成的呢?” (P52) “be made of”意为_(看得出原材料),同义短语是“be made from(看不出原材料)”,试比较: This table is made of wood. 这张桌子是由木材做成的(看得出原材料

7、是木材)。 Paper is made from wood. 纸是由木头做成的(看不出原材料是木头)。 【同步练习】用of或from填空。(1) The old bridge is made _ stones. (2) What are plastic bags made _? Rubbish, I think. (3) 这把小刀是铁做的。(完成句子)The knife _ _ _ metal. 2. How excited Archimedes was! (P52) 阿基米德多么兴奋啊!excited和exciting都有“兴奋的”之意,但以_结尾一般描写人,而以_结尾一般描写物。如:Foo

8、tball fans always feel _ when they watch an _ football match.类似用法的词还有interested和interesting, amazed和amazing等。【同步练习】这个故事很有趣。我对它很感兴趣。(完成句子) This story is very _. I am very_ in it.3. King Hiero became very angry when he heard this. 当Hiero国王听到这消息时,他变得非常生气 (P52) “become”意为“变得”,是连系动词,后面跟_词。类似用法的连系动词还有be,

9、feel, sound, smell, taste, look等。如:The food tastes delicious. 这个食物尝起来很美味I feel hungry now because I didnt have breakfast.我现在感到很饿,因为我没吃早餐。【同步练习】( ) (1) Guangzhou has changed a lot. It becomes _ every year. A. more and more beautifully B. beautifully C. more beautiful D. more beautifully ( ) (2) The c

10、ook always says his dishes look _ and smell _. A. good; good B. well; well C. good; well D. well; good4. A small object will displace only a little water. (P52)一个小的物体仅能排出一点点水。 a little和 a few 的意思都是_, 都表肯定意义; little和 few 的意思都是_, 都表否定意义。little 和a little都是接_(可数名词复数/不可数名词);few 和 a few都是接_(可数名词复数/不可数名词)。

11、 注意 若句中出现only, just等表“仅仅,只有”之意时,要选用a little或a few,如:Only a few people can speak Japanese. 【同步练习】 ( ) There is only _ oil(石油) left in the bottle. We need to buy some. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few 练兵一、单项选择:( ) 1. King Hiero asked a crown-maker _ him a gold crown. A. make B. to make C.made D.

12、making( ) 2.Is the crown made completely _ gold?. A. of B.from C.in D. by( ) 3.A small object will displace only_ water. A. a few B. a little C. many D. a lot of( ) 4. They were all _ by the _ news. A. excited;excited B. exciting;exciting C. exciting;excited D. excited;exciting( ) 5. King Hiero beca

13、me very _ when he heard this. A. happy B. happily C. angry D. angrily( ) 6. King Hiero sent the crown-maker _ prison in the end. A. for B. to C. in D. of二、完成句子:1.这张桌子是用木头做的。The desk _ _ _ wood.2.不要把脏水倒进井里。 Dont _ dirty water _ the well.3.最后,警察把贼人送进了监狱。 At last, policemen _ the thief _ _.4. King Hier

14、o变得很生气。 King Hiero _ very _.5.它是用金子和银子做的。 It is made of _ gold _ silver.6. Archimedes是多么兴奋啊! _ _ Archimedes was!小测 同学们,大显身手的时刻到啦!看看你能拿几分!(每题20分,共100分) 我的成绩是_单项选择:( ) 1. The old bridge is made _ stones. A. of B.from C.in D. by ( ) 2. What are plastic bags made _? Rubbish, I think.A. of B.from C.in D.

15、 by ( ) 3. Guangzhou has changed a lot. It becomes _ every year. A. more and more beautifully B. beautifully C. more beautiful D. more beautifully ( ) 4. The cook always says his dishes look _ and smell _. A. good; good B. well; well C. good; well D. well; good( ) 5. There is only _ oil(石油) left in the bottle. We need to buy some. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few 课后巩固1、默写本节课6个生词和10个短语2、复习本导学案“语言点”部分内容课后反馈:学完这节课,我还有这些问题不懂:_5Everyday English: I understand completely.我完全明白。


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