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1、Module 4 A Social SurveyMy Neighbourhood社会调查我的社区,.单词盘点根据词性和汉语意思写出词汇1._(vi.)听起来2._(vt.)打扰;烦扰;麻烦3._(vt.)接近(n.)方法;接近,sound,bother,approach,4._(vt.)交换5._(vt.)买得起;有能力支付6._(adj.)有吸引力的;吸引人的 _(vt.)吸引_(n.)吸引7._(adj.)幸运的;吉祥的 _(adv.)幸运地 _(n.)运气;财富8._(vi.)饿死 _(adj.)快要饿死的 _(n.)饥饿,exchange,afford,attractive,attra

2、ct,attraction,fortunate,fortunately,fortune,starve,starving,starvation,9._(adj.)失业的;没有工作的 _(vt.)雇用 _(n.)就业;工作;职业10._(vi.)死里逃生;大难不死 _(n.)幸存 _(n.)幸存者11._(vt.)联络;联系(某人)(形近词)_(v.)收缩;签合同(n.)合同,unemployed,employ,employment,survive,survival,contact,contract,survivor,【品词自测】根据所给词的适当形式填空Twenty million people

3、in Africa faced _ last year so a vast emergency aid programme was launched in order to save the _ people.Otherwise more would have _ to death.(starve)Only two passengers _ the air crash.When the two _ were interviewed,they said their _ was a miracle.(survive),starvation,starving,starved,survived,sur

4、vivors,survival,.短语回放1.修建 _2.偿还;归还 _ 3.到目前为止 _4.摆脱 _ 5.许多;大量 _,put up,pay back,so far/up to now/till now,get away from,a great many/a number of,6.结果 _7.做成;成功 _8.上升 _,as a result,make it,go up,.句式扫描1._(自从以来有六年了)we last saw each other,you know.2.And _(这是第一次)Ive visited your hometown.3._(我感觉住在这儿很幸运).4.

5、_(有的时候)I need to get out into the countryside.,Its been six years since,this is the first time,I feel very fortunate living here,there are times when,【仿句自测】根据下面句式仿写句子it+is/has been+时间段+since.自从以来有多长时间仿写:我与公司签合同已有五年了。_feel/be very fortunate(in)doing sth.做某事很幸运仿写:他真幸运,有份好工作。_,Its been five years since

6、 I signed the contract with the company.,Hes/feels fortunate(in)having a good job.,1.approach vt.接近;找商量(或联系);着手处理 n.接近;方法We turned to see the approaching car slow down.我们转过身,看到靠近的车慢下来。When Mr Green approached me about the job,my first reaction was disbelief.当史密斯先生和我商量那份工作时,我的第一反应是不相信。We are trying a

7、 new _ _ language teaching.我们正在尝试一种语言教学的新方法。,approach to,【点津】approach作为名词时,后面常跟介词to,表示“的方法”。而way,method,means表示“方法”时,后面常跟介词of。,【熟词生义】根据语境选择最佳汉语意思Before trying to solve the puzzle,let us consider the best way to approach it.A.接近 B.着手处理 C.找人商量答案:B,2.exchange vt.交换,调换,兑换 n.交换,交易所,汇兑We exchanged our opi

8、nions about the event at the meeting.在会上,我们就此事交换了意见。I exchanged that pair of trousers for a larger size.我把那条裤子换成了较大号的。,They were given food and shelter in exchange for work.他们用劳动换取食物和栖身之处。A fair exchange is no robbery.谚公平交易并非强行夺取。,【拓展】翻译以下短语:exchange ideas/views/information _exchange words _rates of

9、 exchange _exchange students _,交换看法或信息,争吵,兑换率,互派留学生,【助记】,3.survive vi.死里逃生;大难不死;幸存vt.在之后仍然生存;从中逃生;比活得长survival n.幸存survivor n.幸存者The family are struggling to survive on very little money.这家人靠这么少的钱艰难生存。,Mr Smith survived his wife by 49 years.史密斯先生比他妻子多活了49年。His doctor says its a miracle that he _.他的医

10、生说他大难不死真是奇迹。Only eight passengers _ _ _ _.只有八位乘客从这次飞机坠毁事故中逃生。,survived,survived the plane crash,【助记】Only five children survived the school bus accident.They were taken to hospital where the doctors said one of the survivors had a 40%chance of survival because of his serious injury.这次校车事故中只有五个孩子幸免于难。

11、他们被送往医院,在医院,医生说其中一位幸存者由于伤势过重只有40%的幸存机会。,4.contact vt.联络;联系(某人);接触 n.联系;接触We are unable to contact him by telephone.=We are unable to make contact with him by telephone.我们不能通过电话和他取得联系。I have lost contact with most of my college friends.=I have not kept/stayed in contact with most of my college friend

12、s.我已经和我的大部分大学同学失去了联系。,【归纳】make contact with sb._lose contact with sb._ keep/stay/be in contact with sb._ get into/in contact with sb._,联系某人,与某人失去联系,与某人保持联系,与某人取得联系,5.put up 修建;住宿;举起;提高;提供(资金);张贴在括号中写出下列put up短语的含义:John was in the garden putting a fence up.()She put up a notice about the school Engli

13、sh contest.()The family has put up$15,000 toward the cost of the childs medical treatment.()Could you put me up for the night when I come to Beijing?()Is it right to put up the price of houses?(),架起,张贴,提供,提供住宿,提高,【拓展】put.away 把收起放好put.down 放下;记下;镇压put.forward 提出;将提前put on 穿上;上演put out 扑灭,【真题链接】2011浙

14、江,12He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of _ at a hotel for the night.A.putting down B.putting offC.putting on D.putting up【解析】选D。考查动词短语辨析。句意:他决定一直开车回家而非暂住旅馆过夜。“put up at.”表示“在某处获得食宿安排/暂住”。put down记下,镇压;put off推迟;put on穿上,上演。,6.get away from 摆脱;逃离;离开I wanted a divorce.I wanted to

15、 get away from the family.我想离婚。我想摆脱这个家庭。I think were getting away from the point.我认为我们正在偏离主题。,【拓展】补全下列“get”短语:get _ 四处走动;(消息)传开get _ 让人理解get _ 与相处;进展get _ 开始做get _ 到达;收获;收集get _ 用完;完成;(考试 测验等)及格,about,across,along/on with,down to,in,through,7.a great many 许多;大量A great many good films have been made

16、in China in the past few years.在过去的几年中,中国拍摄了很多部优秀电影。Helen has _ _ _ friends indeed,but she does not think she has any to share her secrets with.海伦固然有许多朋友,可是她认为没有一个是可以谈贴心话的。,a great many,【想一想】我们已经学过很多表示“许多”的单词和短语,你能不能根据下面的三种情况(即修饰可数名词、修饰不可数名词和既修饰可数名词也修饰不可数名词)把它们分类?,【拓展延伸】(1)修饰可数名词:many,a great/good m

17、any,a great/large/small number of,large numbers of,scores of,dozens of。(2)修饰不可数名词:much,a great/good deal of,a large/small amount of,large/small amounts of。(3)既修饰可数名词也修饰不可数名词:a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a great/large/small quantity of,large quantities of。,特别提醒:(1)great/large quantities of无论跟不可数名词,还是跟可

18、数名词的复数,作主语时,谓语动词都要用复数形式。(2)large/small amounts of后面跟不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。如:Small amounts of land were used for keeping animals.(3)many a/an后接可数名词单数作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:Many a young man wants to speak English,8.Its been six years since we last saw each other,you know.你知道自从上次我们见面以来已经六年了。It+be+时间段+since.句型

19、意为“自从以来已经有多长时间了”。在本句型中若be为is/has been,则从句用一般过去时;若be为was,则从句用过去完成时。It has been 10 years since we graduated from this middle school.自从我们从这所中学毕业已有10年了。,【辨析】理解下列区别并选词填空,it+is/has been+时间段+since.,自从以来已有多长时间,it+was/will be+时间段+before.,多久之后才/就,it+was/will be+时间点+when.,当某事发生时是什么时间,这是强调句型,时间状语是被强调部分,it+is/wa

20、s+时间状语+that.,Well,_many years _ we first met.How time flies!嗯,我们好多年没见了。时间过得真快!_ some time _ the government looked into the case.一段时间后政府才调查这个案子。_ 12 a.m._ I got up.当我起床时,已经是中午12点了。_ yesterday _ the news was broadcast on TV.是在昨天电视上播放了这条新闻。,its,since,It was,before,It was,when,It was,that,9.And this is

21、the first time Ive visited your hometown.这是我第一次到你的家乡来参观。this/it is/was the first/second.last time+that 从句“这是某人第一/二/最后一次做某事”,在口语中that常省略。(1)在此句型中,主句用一般现在时,that从句中的谓语用现在完成时;(2)主句用一般过去时,that从句中的谓语用过去完成时。,This is the first time we have talked face to face.这是我们第一次面对面地交谈。It was the first time I had won si

22、nce Id learnt to play chess.自从我学会下国际象棋以来,这是我第一次赢。It is the last time I _ _such computer games.这是我最后一次玩这样的电脑游戏。,have played,sound v.听起来;(使)发声 n.声音 adj.健全的;合理的;(指睡眠)酣的She thought that her doctors advice sounded pretty good.她认为医生的建议听起来很好。He sounded his horn to warn the other driver.他按喇叭提醒对方司机。,We heard

23、 sounds of laughter from the next room.我们听到隔壁房间传来的阵阵笑声。They have got home safe and sound.他们已平安到家。,【辨析】理解下列区别并选词填空,泛指自然界的一切声音。作动词时,表示“听起来,发声”;作形容词时,表示“健全的”。常见的固定搭配有:safe and sound健康的,完好的;sound effect音响效果;sound as if/as though听起来好像。,多指人发出的声音。作动词时,表示“表达”。常见的固定搭配有in a(n).voice用的声音;at the top of ones voi

24、ce高声地。,指令人不愉快的噪音。作动词时,表示“发出噪音;谣传”。常见的固定搭配有make noise发出噪音。,How sweet the music _!He _ the feelings of the crowd.Whats wrong with my car?The engine makes funny _.He told me that he had a _ nights sleep at the top of his _.,sounds,voiced,noise,sound,voice,(1)up to now 所在句子的时态判断(2)make it 的多种意思(3)bother

25、 打扰,1.2010山东,30Up to now,the program _ thousands of children who would otherwise have died.A.would save B.savesC.had saved D.has saved【解析】选D。考查时态。根据时间状语up to now可知,此处用现在完成时。故选D。,2.在括号中写出下列句中的make it的意思How can I wake up so early?Set the alarm for 5 oclock,and youll make it.()We are glad to see our son trying to make it as a fashion photographer.()I didnt make it home as usual yesterday.(),做到,成功,到达,3.用所给动词的适当形式填空You neednt bother _(come)to my office.We had a lot of bother _(find)a vacant apartment.,to come,finding,


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