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1、Units 1-3,总复习,一、写出下列单词的正确形式:,memory v._ pronounce n._ different adv._frustrate adj._ speak adj._ solve n._ real v._ adj._ fear adj._ complete adv._ easy adv._ friend adj._ n._ agree 反义词_ n._ develop n._ important 否_ psychology n._ terrify adj._ die adj._ n._chance 同_ sleep adj._ achieve n._ succeed

2、n._ adj._adv._,memorize,afraid,realistic,realize,solution,spoken,friendship,friendly,achievement,sleepy,success,frustrating,pronunciation,successful,successfully,development,disagree,easily,completely,differently,disagreement,psychologist,opportunity,terrified,unimportant,death,dead,add _ make_ laug

3、h_take _ deal _regard_lose _ try _ break _chew _chat _die _ cause _pay _ waste _ pierce_stay _concerntrate _ reply _obey _ achieve _ teach _succeed _,二、写出下列动词的过去式:,made,replied,paid,chatted,broke,tried,lost,dealt,took,taught,五.重点句子:1.He is too young to take care of himself.=He is _himself.=He is _hi

4、mself.2.Can you show me how to use the machine?_the machine?3.I learn Engish by studying grammar.The best way to learn English is_ grammar._is the besy way to learn English.The best way _ _your English is to study grammar.,not old enough to take care of,so young that he cant take care of,how I can u

5、se,by studying,Studying grammar,of improving,4.I have trouble_ notes in Enlish class(take).They have fun _in the water.(play)He has a lot of experience _with the teenagers.(deal)5.We will have a picnic unless it rains.=If it_,we_have a picnic.6.He used to live in the city.She _have long hair,did she

6、?(否)He is used to _in the countryside.(live)A key is used to _the door.(open)7.Every one of the books belongs to me.Everyone likes milk,doesnt he?(dont they),taking,playing,dealing,doesnt rain,will,didnt use to,living,open,8.It seems that she has a sister.=She _a sister.9.My life has changed a lot i

7、n the last few years.He has made some great movies over the years.The other day,I met an old friend.10.She looked after her son as well as she could.=_.11.Students should be allowed to make their own decisions.Parents should allow their children to make their own decisions.Smoking isnt allowed here.

8、,seems to have,as well as possible,12.-They have a lot of rules at home.-So do we.-She hasnt been to the Great Wall.-Neither have I.-What a funny actor he is!-So he is13.Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.14.I found it difficult to watch English movies.=I found it was difficult to

9、watch English movies.=I found watching English movies really difficult.,Unit 4-6 复习,一、写出下列单词的正确形式:,medicine adj._ worry adj._ energy adj._ permit v._ annoy adj._ _ help adj._ knowledge adj._ correct 反._ final adv._own n._ noise adj._ honest 反_ suggest n._ photograph n._ _ taste adj._,medical,incorre

10、ct,knowledgable,helpful,annoyed,annoying,dishonest,noisy,permission,worried,suggestion,photography,owner,finally,energetic,photographer,tasty,二、写出下列动词的过去式:,bother _ cover_ burn_ hurt _ offer _refuse_treat _ drop _ chase _catch _ escape _lift _ pretend _,caught,dropped,hurt,burnt/burned,remind_sink _

11、interest _ miss _suit _ expect _ taste _fry _increase_shock_attempt _ prefer _hide _ _,sank,fried,preferred,1,hidden,hid,五、重点句子:1.If I _a bird,I would fly in the sky.(be)I dont know if he _here tomorrow.(come)If he_,I will call you.2.What if he _to turn off the lights?(forget)3.My mother is easy_.(相

12、处)The baby is difficult_.(照顾)4.I stayed at home all day rather than_ basketball.(play)I stayed at home all day instead of _ basketball.(play)5.We would rather _than take a bus.(walk)6.Put the burned area under cold running water.,forgets,were,will come,comes,to get along with,to take care of,play,pl

13、aying,walk,7.The guitar must belong to_,because he is the only one who can play the guitar.(Tim)8.The hair band cant be_ because she has short hair.(Linda)9.Whose French book is this?=Whose is this French book?10.Do you know this English test makes up 30%of the final exam?11.What does“die”mean?=What

14、_“die”_?(do you think)12.They must_a movie.(在拍电影)13.There could be students _for exercises.14.In my dream,I was swimming in an ocean of paper.,Tim,Lindas,do you think,means,be making,running,填入适当的关系词:16.I like traditional music _I can sing along with and my best friend prefers loud music_ she can da

15、nce to.17.We like Moyan _wrote realistic stories.18.The man_ my teacher is talking with is my father.19._you do,dont miss the exhibition.=No matter what20.People _eat a balanced diet should be healthier than those_ only eat biscuits and hamburgers.21.I like places _there are beautiful sights.22.This

16、 is the museum_ I visited the other day.,Whatever,that,that,who,whom,who,who,where,that,单项选择1.-_will you tell Danny the news,Linda?-By _ hime an e-mail.A.How;sending B.How;send C.What;sending D.What;send2.Why not send your mother this new kind of camera as a birthday present?-It is too expensive.Im

17、afraid I cant _ it.A.afford B.cost C.offer D.spend3.I have trouble _ my new computer.-Don t worry.Ill show you how _ it.A.use;to use B.using;to use C.to use;using D.using;used,4.Somking _ in the hospital.Please stop_.A.allowed;smoking B.allows;to smoke C.isnt allowed;to smoke D.isnt allowed;smoking5

18、.May I surf the Internet now?-No,_ you have finished doing the dishes.A.if B.unless C.because D.when6.The little girl is a little shy,and she is usually _ making speeches in public.A.afraid to B.terrified of C.proud of D.used to7.Can you tell me the _ time now?-OK,Its half past ten.A.final B.correct

19、 C.daily D.complete,8.My friend Paul moved to Qindao to _ the hot weather in Jinan this summer.A.escape B.stand C.enjoy D.frustrate9.The light in Mr Wangs room is still on.Im sure he _ now.-I agree.He usually stays up late every night.A.might work B.must be working C.must work D.can be working10.You

20、ve stayed in the school for several days,havent you?-Yes.I think Ill be here for _ more days.A.few B.a few C.little D.a little,11.Do you still remember that accident,Danny?-Of course.It was terrible.I will never forget it _ it happened so long ago.A.only if B.even though C.only when D.ever since12.I

21、f it _Sunday tomorrow,I _ go to visit my friends there.A.were,would B.were,will C.was,would D.is,would13.They may _get there a little later,because the traffic is so busy at the moment.A.hardly B.diffferently C.possibly D.slowly,14.If we go on wasting water like this,well _ soon.-Yes,you re right.We

22、 should try our best to save it.A.mix it up B.use it up C.look it up D.give it up15would you like to give me a piece of paper _?-Sure.Here you are.A.write B.to write C.to write on D.writing on16.Helen,why dont you listen to BBC to practice your listening/.-I think its difficult_ for me _ follow.They

23、 speak too fast.A.enough,to B.so,that C.such,that D.too,to,17.Nobody will become a hero without the help of others.-Thats true._.A.Practice makes perfect B.It is less of problem to be poor than to be dishonest C.One tree cant make a forest D.Where there is a will,there is a way.18.The idea to eat in

24、 KFC_ wonderful.I believe I can have fun enjoying it.A.tastes B.smells C.seems D.looks.19.Tom is the _ of his parents.He always comes top in every one of the races.A.challenge B.attention C.pride D.circle,20._my surprise,he had two weeks _.There must be something serious happening.A.to,off B.to,of C

25、.for,off D.about,from21.-May I use your computer to look for some information?-Certainly._ A.Dopnt mention it.B.Here you are C.Youre welcome D.Good luck to you.22.Stay away from the junk food,Please.It is bad for us _ for the young children.A.recently B.especially C.probably D.nearly,23.Zhou Libo is

26、 Shanghais favourite funny man.He si good at making people laugh.His lively shows were _ hot that tickets were sold out in minutes.A.very B.too C.such D.so24.When you have difficulty,do remember to_ Two heads are better than one.A.make a decision B.give up C.ask for help D.give advice25.Excuse me,is

27、 the library open all day?-_.Only from 1:30pm to 5:30pm.A.Yes,of course B.Thats right C.Sorry,Im not sure D.Sorry,Im afraid not.,26Peter,there is enough room here.You can stand at _ side of the road.-Thank you all the same.I want to stand with my mom.A.both B.either C.each D.neither27.Jack,could you

28、 please help me _ when the plane will take off(起飞)the Internet?-Im sorry,my computer doesnt work.A.get out B.look out C.take out D.find out28.Hi,Tony!Whose notebook is this?-It _ be Amys.It has her name on the cover.A.must B.could C.cant D.neednt,29._the Forbidden City is almost 600 years old,it is

29、still very beautiful.A.Because B.Since C.Although D.For30.Tony,where is Tom?I havent seen him for days.-Oh,he _ from Nanjing for a week.A.has been left B.has been away C.has gone D.has left31.The newly-designed car is on the show now.I wonder_.A.how much does it cost B.who designed it C.where was it

30、 made D.that the car will be sold in China.,32.-Dont bother her.She is feeling blue these days.-_.A.Why?B.Never mind C.Come out D.Im sorry to hear that33.The students _ not to talk loudly in the reading-room.A.have told B.are told C.will tell D.are telling34.I cant afford the white dress.Can you sho

31、w me something cheaper?-What about the orange one?The price is a little_.A.cheaper B.lower C.higher D.more expensive,1.The glass _ from the shelf and broke.2.Start a day with a plan,or ou will end up _ most of your time.3.Its silly of you _ the train,boy.4.He loves cats.So he _Mimi as his family mem

32、ber in the last few years.5.Stephen hawking would rather _his problems instead of worrying about them.6.Look!The ground _with heay snow.7.Jack is a smart and confident young adult,so I believe he _if he works hard.,waste,regard,cover,face,succeed,catch,drop,dropped,wasting,to catch,has regarded,face

33、,is covered,will succeed,作文:同学们,你喜欢阅读英文美文吗?你喜欢积累名篇佳句吗?在英语学习中,正确的阅读方法可以提高阅读理解能力。如:猜测词义,辨别词语含义。查找主题句,快速理解文章大意。获取关键信息,合理推断作者意图。请你围绕“中学生如何阅读英语文章”展开思路谈谈你的感想。How to read English articles better?,假如你是李华,最近你对你的初三学生的体育活动进行了调查,调查情况如下(35%参加体育活动;65%未参加体育活动),60%50%40%30%20%10%0%,too much homework,less time,know little about training,others,请根据调查情况,用英语写一篇关于学生体育锻炼的报告,并简要陈述你的观点。参考词汇:设施facility Recently I made a survey of the Junior Three students about their physical training,


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