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1、关于奋斗的英语演讲5篇 关于奋斗的英语演讲1beating in the darkness, such as paint, let the darkness of endless fear in the hearts, but it is still the eastern end of the horizon, no hurry do not delay a trace of light; squally showers, the wind off revealing the end its still a shiny sky rainbow. eventually at the end o

2、f the night, demos will be sunny, life it not so?experienced the baptism of the sky, will be more air out, more blue; experienced suffering setbacks in life, will be more eye-catching shine. western show, wang luo, life is full of legendary, filling the suffering of his life, and his life to accept

3、enrons pain kiss. wandering in the west, wandering in the sand in the sky, like a storm in the olive, with a demos will be clear, the faith, dedication to watch their dreams. finally, he returned to meet not only the clear sky after rain, there was the warm sun, there is that tired swing spring. dem

4、os will be clear, is a firm belief, is an optimistic aspiration. like wang luo, difficulties always maintained a positive and optimistic beliefs, sincere look forward to a better tomorrow, and the fate of his feedback, it is the brightest future.all the rain will stop, all the difficulties are tempo

5、rary, and the darkness will not always be around, eventually there will be the last day. but many people are intimidated by the minds of wind and rain, gave up the right to greet the light. xiang yu defeated, empty since the sigh, do not die when the adverse come zhui, who are familiar with somethin

6、g unexpected victory or defeat military strategists, including shame shame a man named ren. bad luck did not last forever, nor always a failure. however, this force nukiyama come gas guise of the hero has forgotten demos will be sunny, storm, rainbow, suicide in the wujiang river edge, left us not o

7、nly a deep sigh, there is heavy thinking.one philosopher said: do you mind decide how far you go. that holds a demos will be clear, the belief, like the dark, looked up saw the star, while not bright, but enough to give us the courage to move on. index finger once wrote, i believe the future, brough

8、t us to lifes tenacity and toughness. in such a dark era, the poet is suffering caused by mad, still have the demos will be clear conviction that flock to the horizon with your fingers the wave. whether beating in the darkness, such as ink, or thunder and lightning, and the total dissipation of the

9、day, everything is pass by and everything will pass.关于奋斗的英语演讲2Life doesnt always give us the joy we want. We dont always get our hopes and dreams, and we dont always get our way1. But dont give up hope, because you can make a difference one situation and one person at a time.生活并非总是如你所愿。希望有时会落空,梦想有时会

10、破灭,我们不能一切都随心所欲。但别放弃希望,因为事物并非一成不变;不同时间,不同场合,你会呈现不同的面貌。Look for the beauty around you, in nature, in others, in yourself,and believe in the love of friends, family, and humankind2. You can find love in a smile or a helping hand, in a thoughtful gesture or a kind word. It is all around, if you just loo

11、k for it.处处留心你身边的美丽:自然之美,他人之美,自我之美。请相信,美来自朋友、家庭乃至全人类的融融爱意。英语短文一个微笑,一双援助之手,一个关心的举止,一句友善的话语,无不传达着爱。如果你有心去寻找,爱无所不在。Give love, foringiving it you will find the power in life along with joy, happiness, patience and understanding. Believe in the goodness4 of others and re-member that anger and depression

12、can be countered by love and hope.奉献爱心吧,从中你会发现生活的力量,感受生活带来的幸福快乐,学会忍耐和理解。相信人性本善。记住,爱心和希望能化解一切愤怒和沮丧。Even when you feel as though there isnt a lot you can do to change unhappiness or problems, you can always do a little and a little at a time eventually makes a big difference.哪怕生活中挥之不去的不快和困难将你重重包围,让你力不

13、从心,你仍可以尽力而为。累积点滴努力,最终你将扭转乾坤。Hope is always available to us. When we feel defeated, we only need to take a deep breath and say Yes and hope will reappear6.希望一直就在我们身边。当我们遇到挫折时,请深呼一口气并对自己说:我可以做到!希望就会重现。关于奋斗的英语演讲3It is only when a seed grows that it can produce more seeds. It is only when you express jo

14、y and satisfaction in your own life that you can help others to know joy and satisfaction in their lives.种子只有在生发时,才能结出更多的种子;你只有在自己的生命中表现快乐和满足时,才能帮助他人懂得其生活中的快乐和满足。Its no use making yourself miserable for the sake of helping others. The best way to help others is from a position of strength and fulfil

15、lment rather than from a position of weakness and despair.为帮助他人而使你自己痛苦是没用的,帮助他人的最佳方式是立于坚强和实现目标的意志,而不是软弱和绝望。The goals, dreams and desires you have are yours for a reason. They are there to show you and force you to make the most of your life.你的目标、梦想和愿望理应属于你,它们的存在告诉并且敦促你充分把握利用好自己的生命。It is not selfish

16、to be your very best. Whats truly selfish is to let your huge potential go unrealized.你力求成为最佳不是自私,真正的自私是让你巨大的潜能悄然消逝,不为人知。What have you always wanted to know, always wanted to have always wanted to do, and always wanted to be? It is never too late to honestly answer this question, and to answer it wi

17、th all the colorful details and passion that it deserves.你一直想懂得什么、一直想拥有什么、一直想做什么、一直想成为什么样的人?诚实地回答这个问题,用丰富的细节和激情回答它,犹未为晚。The answer to that question is your truly beautiful and unique gift to life. Never stop reaching for the best you can imagine; for when you fulfill your highest potential, you rais

18、e the whole world with you.对那个问题的回答是你给生命的真正美丽又独特的馈赠,尽自己的所能永不停止地力求最好;因为,一旦你发挥出自己的最高潜能,你不但提升了自己,还提升了整个世界。关于奋斗的英语演讲4It is a matter of course that industry will bring us success, wealth and good luck. I am sure that a hard-working person can always succeed in the work which he wants to do. This is uncha

19、ngeable truth.Idleness is the opposite of industry. It is the source of all evil. An idle man only enjoys playing and making pleasures. That he is doomed to failure is of no doubt. We should not follow his example.关于奋斗的英语演讲5distinguished leaders, dear students, hello, everyone:i come from the centra

20、l universitys 0501 class ring measured li fei-fei.march of the spring breeze brushed the winter cold, rains of the eight honors and eight shame singing. proud of the hard work in order to shame indolent; to take pride in hard work in order to extravagance and dissipation ashamed this sentence makes

21、i think many, many. thought of the sweet casino 10000 bees spend their hard work results; thought vigorous, upright in pinus taiwanensis, yao ding aoyama do not relax, he served as east and west north and south korea fighting spirit of the wind; thought edisons genius is 99% sweat and 1% inspiration

22、; thought of the self-sharpening blade of sword out, plum blossom incense from the bitter cold over there. thought more of us.early morning, flying willow lake, there is the sound of reading aloud in order to improve the standard of english students to study; night, self-study room, there are effort

23、s to learn from the students of knowledge nectar; holidays, there is the social practice in order to enhance their ability or to reduce the burden on parents busy doing the hard work part-time students. in these process, the dream will be merciless to disturb alarm clock, will their brains to think

24、independently to endure loneliness, even in difficult working environment, the boss suffered criticism and blame. but more the joy, because the same too hard work, hard work is the sweet taste of fruits. however, there are around us, such as students, some classroom pour over and sleep all day nothi

25、ng to harvest; some in the restaurant to buy a lot of meals, but eat a small portion of the remaining one upside down, ignoring the labor of the peasants; some self-righteous naive, rather than to tough place to sharpen. perhaps because young people are always leading the consumer the latest market

26、trends, and some students will not be a reasonable, moderate, planned consumption, the formation of blind comparisons, pathological consumption, blind rush tide, resulting in two to three months of living expenses for one semester will be nothing left flowers, or to the surrounding classmates for he

27、lp, or to the parents of thousands of miles in hue.as the new century, younger audiences, the heart has its own lofty ideals, are eager to start flying on the wings of the ideal dream of the sky. the ideal realization of the need for wholehearted enthusiasm, the real wisdom, solid action, but the ne

28、ed for hard labor, hard work. because of the success of the flower is by striver with hard work and sweat to the works. diligence is a valuable asset, is an immortal spirit, is a golden key to open the door to the ideal, is against pleasure-seeking mentality, stop jiaoshe living weapon.engels once s

29、aid: the highest state of life make a difference. students, action bar! clear about our side of the wing and shame, to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. with the fiery youth compose ordinary lives, depicting a beautiful life with hard work, hold high the ideal goal of sailing to a higher struggle to become the people and the community do something to contribute to people.关于奋斗的英语演讲5篇


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