选修九 3.4Unit 3 Integrating Skills (I).ppt

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1、新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语选修(模块)9-3.4,Integrating Skills(I),Listening(page26),1.Wei Ping is studying at university in Australia.Just before the summer holidays his friend Bob Martins invites him to go camping.He is a little nervous about this.In a small group discuss what Wei Ping might be nervous about.,2 Lis

2、ten to the conversation between them and answer the questions.,What is Wei Ping worried about?Does Bob share his worry?Do you think by the end of the conversation,Bob has talked Wei ping into going camping?Why do you think so?,1 What is Wei Ping worried about?He is worried about snakes.2 Does Bob sh

3、are his worry?No.Because he does not believe they are likely to see any and he knows what precautions to take against being bitten.,3 Do you think by the end of the conversation,Bob has talked Wei ping into going camping?Why do you think so?He probably has talked him around because he assured Wei Pi

4、ng that there was very little danger.Also the fact that Wei Ping summarized the advice Bob gave him suggests that he has accepted bobs assurances.,How to avoid _ bitesWhen walking in long grass,wear _;make _ to frighten them away;_ any wood lying on the ground;If possible,_ in long grass.,3 Listen a

5、gain and complete the poster.,snake,boots and long trousers,a noise,do not move,avoid walking,Listen once more and discuss the following questions with a partner.,1 Why did Wei Ping misunderstand bob when he said“When we walk through the bush”?2 Why cant Wei Ping make a snake run away?,1 Why did Wei

6、 Ping misunderstand bob when he said“When we walk through the bush”?Because Wei Ping may think the bush means wild and dangerous land,but Australians use it to mean the countryside where there arent any houses or farms or other signs of humans.,Why cant Wei Ping make a snake run away?Because snakes

7、dont have legs(this is where the humor lies),Listening text,A CAMPING HOLIDAY Wei Ping(P)is studying at university in Australia.Just before the summer holidays his friend Bob Martins(B)invites him to go camping.Wei Ping is a little nervous about this.,B:Here is your coffee.P:Mmm.thanks.B:So have you

8、 finished all the work for this term?P:Yes,Ive just finished the last essay.Now I am really looking forward to the holidays.B:Oh?Have you got anything planned?P:No,not really.,B:Well,why dont you come camping with me and my friends?P:Oh,thats very kind of you but B:But?P:Well,you see Im terrified of

9、 snakes.B:Really?Oh,you dont have to worry.Snakes are scared of humans and they move away as soon as they hear you coming.Just remember to make a lot of noise with your feet.,P:Yes,but what if one is hiding under some wood and I disturb itB:Well,the best thing is not to move any large pieces of wood

10、.O,and as much as possible,avoid walking in really long grass where you cant see whats on the ground.And if you do have to walk through long grass,you should wear boots and long trousers that you can fold inside your boots.Then,if a snake did try to bit you,it wouldnt get to your skin.,P:I dont know

11、.It still sounds dangerous.B:Look,most snakes cant kill you anyway.And we always stay in camping grounds that have short grass so we hardly ever see snakes.And when we go into to the bush we always make a lot of noise.P:Bushes?Are we going to walk through bushes?,P:I dont know.It still sounds danger

12、ous.B:Look,most snakes cant kill you anyway.And we always stay in camping grounds that have short grass so we hardly ever see snakes.And when we go into to the bush we always make a lot of noise.P:Bushes?Are we going to walk through bushes?,B:No,the Bush!Thats what Australians call the part of the c

13、ountryside where there arent any houses or farms or other signs of humans.You know,the natural areas with trees and grasses.P:Oh,I see.So,when you go into the bush you must wear boots and long trousers.You shouldnt move anything that is lying on the ground and you must make a lot of noise so the sna

14、kes run away.,B:Youve got the right idea.But I sont think youll be able to make the snakes run awayP:But you saidB:Snakes dont have legs,mate.,Reading on page 27,AUSTRALIAS DANGEROUS CREATURES,A funnelweb spider,A box jellyfish,A brown snake,A great white shark,A saltwater crocodile,1.How many poiso

15、nous snakes and how many poisonous spiders are there in Australia?Are they all capable of killing humans?115 different kinds of snakes and 2,000 different kinds of spiders.Only a few kinds of spiders and snakes are capable of killing humans.,Answer questions in Ex 2,2.What effect do most jellyfish h

16、ave on humans?What about box jellyfish?Most jellyfish can cause severe pain to anyone who touches them but only the box jellyfish can kill a human,4.What kind of crocodile has occasionally attacked a human?The saltwater crocodile.,3.Why did George hire a car?Why do you think he joined up with Terri

17、and Peter?It was cheaper to hire a car with other people because they could share the cost.Also he probably enjoyed being in the company of other tourists.,5.What is Alcatraz Island famous for?The island used to be a very harsh prison for the most dangerous prisoners.,In your group discuss the best

18、ways to protect yourself from each of the dangerous animals in the reading passage.The following information may help you.,How to protect yourself from these dangerous animals?,Saltwater crocodiles are found a long way from settlements only in the far north of Australia near rivers and waterholes.Th

19、ere are usually signs to warn people that crocodiles are in the area.Crocodiles stay hidden in the water or on the land close to water.,Many beaches have shark nets to keep sharks away from swimmers.In hot weather,small planes fly along the coast looking out for sharks.If one is spotted an alarm is

20、sounded to warn peole to get out of the water.,Spiders are usually found in dark,dry places,under stones or amongst rubbish.The poison is slow acting so there is plenty of time to get to the hospital.,When jellyfish are close to the beach,you usually find a few dead ones on the beach.Vinegars can he

21、lp relieve the sting of jellyfish.If a person has trouble breathing or become unconscious,they should be taken to hospital immediately.,the beautiful scenery of the ThreeGorges Thesceneaftertheearthquakewashorrible.thehistoricalsightsofLondon Themountainhotelofferedmagnificentviews.,Debating,Austral

22、ia is a dangerous place to visit.,For,Against,VS,Writing,Read this email and write a reply.,Dear _,I am thinking of going on a camping trip in the Northern Territory.The trip is organized by a well-known tourist company with a good reputation.We will be camping some of the time in Dawin and some of

23、the time in Kakadu,National Park.It sounds like lots of fun and I would see lots of wildlife,but Ive heard so much about the dangerous creatures in Australia that Im a bit scared about going out of the city.Perhaps Id be better staying in Sydney.I know there are lots of interesting things to see the

24、re too.What do you think I should do?Best wishesLi Haidi,This email ask you for advice,so you should plan your replay carefully,you need to:,Tips,Dear Haidi,Thanks for you email.How wonderful for you that you are going to Australia.I think youll have a great time on the camping trip and youll get to

25、 see native animals in their natural setting.Also youll make some good friends on the trip,which is much more difficult while staying in a hotel in the city.Dont worry abut the dangerous creatures.They,Sample Writing,are not as dangerous as some people think and anyway youll be with an experienced t

26、our guide who will keep you safe.Just do everything the guide says and youll have a safe and enjoyable time.Do write again when you get back and tell me all about your trip.Your friend,John,Dear Haidi,Arent you lucky going all the way to Australia?Im sure whatever you do,youll have a good time.Perso

27、nally,I would rather visit Sydney.Im not very fond of sleeping in tents and I like to have my own nice,clean bathroom.Also there are mosquitoes in the National park and I always suffer from mosquito bites.,Sydney is a very nice city and the weather is usually good.There are all sorts of interesting

28、places to see,like the Sydney Opera House and the harbor bridge,and there are lots of wildlife parks you can visit to see native animals.Plus there are lots of great shops and restaurants in Sydney and the nightlife is pretty good too.I think you would have a good time whichever,holiday you went on.

29、Youre more adventurous than me so you would probably enjoy camping.Dont worry about the dangerous creatures-youll be quite safe on an organized tour.Have a good time wherever you go and write back and tell me about it.Love,Murray,Homework,There are a large number of wild animals in Australia.Please collect enough information of other animals in Australia and write a report.,


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