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1、考研核心词汇速记,课程体系,词根串讲近义词根反义词根仿声词根人与战争人的身体,词根串讲,act,interact ntrkt vi.相互作用影响activate ktiveit vt.使活动transaction trnzkn transactn.交易;业务;买卖 Would you tell us something about the new Education Act?,ag,agent eidnt n.代理人,经纪人agency eidnsi n.代理,中介agenda dend n.议事日程agitate diteit vt.搅动,鼓动agitation,2000年真题阅读,Sinc

2、e much of the variation is due to genes,one more agent of evolution has gone.因为大部分差异是由基因引起的,所以进化的又一个动力消失了。,2007年 Text4,Information protection is now high on the bosss agenda in businesses of every variety.信息保护现在高居各行各业老板的日程表。,alter,alter:lt vt.&vi.改变,更改alternate:lt:nit adj.轮流的,交替的vt.&vi.(使)交替,(使)轮换al

3、ternative:lt:ntiv adj.供选择的;选择性的;交替的 n.二中择一;供替代的选择,am,amateur mt adj.业余的,外行的n.业余爱好者amiable eimjbl adj.和蔼可亲的,ang/anx=折磨,anger n.怒气,怒火angry ri adj.愤怒的,生气的anguish wi n.(尤指心理上的)极度的痛苦The loss of his son anguished him deeply.,av,aviation eiviein n.航空,航空学;航空工业aviate eivieit vi.飞行,驾驶飞机;航空,bar,Bar b:n.律师业barr

4、ier bri n.栅栏,关卡,障碍embarrass imbrs vt.(使)局促不安,calc=石灰;石头,chalk t:k n.粉笔calcium klsim n.化钙calculate klkjuleit vt.&vi.计算,估计simulate,cand,candle kndl n.蜡烛candidate kndideit n.候选人graduate,cent/center=center,eccentric iksentrik adj.古怪的,怪癖的True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to the

5、mselves.,cret=to separate,secret si:krit n.秘密,机密discrete diskri:t adj.离散的,不连续的 n.分立元件;独立部件concrete,2003年考研翻译,Thus,the anthropological concept of“culture,”like the concept of“set”in mathematics,is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding.因此,人类学中“

6、文化”概念就像数学中“集”的概念一样,是一个抽象概念,它使大量的具体研究和认识成为可能。,clar,clarify klrifai vt.澄清;阐明clarity klriti n.清楚,明晰declare dikl vt.宣布,声明 The Congress declared a state of war with China.,clin-clinic,incline inklain vt.n.斜面;斜坡;倾斜decline diklain n.下降;衰退vi.下降;衰落I incline to his view on the matter.I am inclined to agree wi

7、th you.,clud/clus,disclose diskluz vt.揭露;公开enclose inkluz vt.把围起来conclude knklu:d vt.得出结论;断定preclude priklu:d vt.妨碍;排除;阻止The bad weather precluded me from attending the meeting.,include inklu:d vt.包含,包括inclusive inklu:siv adj.包括的,包含的exclude iksklu:d vt.排除;不包括在内exclusive iksklu:siv adj.排外的;独有的;专一的n.独

8、家新闻,独家报道,cruc=cross,cruise kru:z vi.乘船巡游 n.乘船游览cruiser kru:z n.巡洋舰crucial kru:l adj.决定性的,紧要关头的These negotiations are crucial to the future of our firm.,cur,accurate kjurit adj.精确的,准确的accuracy kjursi n.精确(性),准确(性)inaccuracy inkjursi n.不准确 PrivacyHis account of what happened yesterday was not accurate

9、,secure sikju adj.安全的 vt.保护 security sikjuriti n.安全Public Security Bureausecurity guardSecuring a job is your job now.1996年阅读Text1,52题B选项I secured a position in NOS at$400 a week.,dign,dignity diniti n.尊严indignant indinnt adj.愤怒的decent di:snt adj.正派的;得体的For a week I didnt have a decent meal.,dome-ho

10、me,dome dum n.圆屋顶domestic dmestik adj.本国的,国内的;家庭的domestic violenceGDPGross Domestic Product,dom,domain dumein n.范围,领域;版图dominate dmineit vt.控制,支配,统治dominant dminnt adj.占优势的predominant pridminnt adj.占主导地位的,don/dow=to give,donate duneit vt.&vi.捐赠,赠送endow indau vt.捐钱,捐赠,资助dose dus n.(一次)剂量,一剂,一份using h

11、igh doses of morphine to control terminally ill patients pain,dox=doct,paradox prdks paradoxicaln.悖论,反论;似非而是的论点 More haste,less speed is a paradox.Orthodox:dks adj.正统的;传统的 orthodox medical treatmentsEastern Orthodox Church,duc/duct,induce indju:s vt.引诱;引起deduce didju:s vt.推论,推断;演绎productivity,prdkti

12、vti n.生产力;生产率;生产能力deduct didkt vt.扣除,减去,conduct kndkt vt.管理;表现;引导n.行为;进行;实施intentionally worked to“lure”him to“engage in conduct against his will.”2006年阅读新题型故意“引诱”他“作出违背自己意愿的行为”。,dur=to last,durable djurbl adj.持久的,耐用的duration djurein n.持续,持续的时间endure indju vt.忍耐;容忍 vi.忍耐;持续,equ,equal i:kwl adj.相等的,同

13、样的equate ikweit vt.使相等;视为平等 equator ikweit n.赤道equatorial ekwt:ril adj.赤道的equation ikwein n.方程式,等式adequate dikwit adj.充分的,足够的,2002年Text4,One of the problems in end-of-life care is inadequate treatment of pain.,fant=to appear,fantasy fntsi n.想像,幻想fancy fnsi vt.想像,设想;想要,喜欢,emphasize emfsaiz vt.强调-fant

14、asyemphasis emfsis n.强调,重点phase feiz n.(月亮、行星的)位相阶段,时期 Luckily her disease was discovered in an early phase.phenomenon finminn n.现象,fend,fence fens n.栅栏,篱笆;围墙defend difend defendantvt.辩解 defense difens n.防卫 offend fend vt.冒犯offensive fensiv adj.冒犯的;攻击的,National Missle Defense【军】国家导弹防御系统 Theater Miss

15、ile Defense【军】战区导弹防御,form,formal f:ml adj.正式的uniform ju:nif:m n.制服conform knf:m vi.遵守,符合;顺应,一致Most people willingly conform to the customs of society.reform rif:m n.改革,改良,改造 vt.改善transform trnsf:m vt.&vi.改变,formula f:mjul n.公式,准则 formulate f:mjuleit vt.用公式表示;明确地表达;规划,2005 Text 3,A century ago,Freud

16、formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears.一百年前,弗洛伊德系统的阐述了一条革命性理论:梦是人们潜意识中的欲望和恐惧经伪装后的反映。,found=base 基础,foundation faundein n.建立,创办;基础;基金(会)fund fnd n.基金,专款fundamental fndmentl adj.基本的;重要的,必要的 profound prfaund adj.深远的,force,enforce

17、inf:s vt.实施,执行;强迫,迫使reinforce ri:nf:s vt.增强;加强,front,frontier frnti n.边界,边境confront knfrnt vt.遭遇;面对,gen=产生、开始,gender dend n.性;性别generate denreit vt.生成,产生degenerate didenreit vi.衰退;堕落;退化generation denrein n.一代人,一代;产生,发生,genius di:njs n.天才ingenious indi:njs adj.灵巧的,善于创造发明的pregnant prennt adj.怀孕的,怀胎的pr

18、egnancy,gene di:n n.基因genetic dinetik adj.遗传(学)的energetica genetic disease homogeneous hmdi:njs adj.同性质的,同类的homosexuality,greg=herd 群,segregate serieit vt.分开,隔离aggregate rieit vi.聚集;集合;合计vt.聚集;集合;合计n.合计;总计,hibit=to take,exhibit izibit vt.展览 n.展览品,陈列品exhibition eksibin n.展览,展览会inhibit inhibit vt.阻止;抑

19、制prohibit prhibit vt.禁止;阻止,Environmental worries and diminishing oil reserves would prohibit mass car use.,habit=to have,habit hbit n.习惯,习性inhabit inhbit vt.居住于,栖居于inhabitant inhbitnt n.居民,住户;(栖息在某地区的)动物habitat hbitt n.(动物的)栖息地I prefer to see animals in their natural habitat,rather than in zoos.,loc

20、=place,locate lukeit vt.位于;查找的地点location lukein n.位置,场所allocate lkeit vt.分配,分派;把拨给,meter=to measure,metric metrik adj.公制的diameter daimit n.直径centimeter sentimi:t n.厘米symmetry simitri n.对称(性);匀称,整齐,thermometer mmit n.温度计geometry dimitri n.数几何(学)geographyNobody uneducated in geometry should enter here

21、.,migr=move+ground,migrate maireit vi.迁移;移往emigrate emireit vt.移居国外emigrant mairnt n.(从本国移往他国的)移民immigrate imireit vi.移入immigrant imirnt n.移民,miss/mit=to send,promise prmis n.许诺,允诺 compromise kmprmaiz n.妥协,和解vt.妥协;危害 vi.妥协;让步premise premis n.前提,Major premise:All humans are mortal.Minor premise:Socra

22、tes is a human.Conclusion:Socrates is mortal.,mission min missionaryn.使命,任务;代表团,使节团commission kmin n.授权,委托;委员会;佣金,回扣 vt.委任,委托dismiss dismis vt.解雇;撤职;使退去;解散;自心中摒除,不再考虑或谈论,admit dmit vt.许可submit sbmit vt.提交,呈递vi.屈服,认输from sub under(see sub-)+mittere let go,send(see mission).,omit umit vt.省略;遗漏;删除;疏忽My

23、 new girlfriend had omitted to tell me that she was married.emit imitemissionvt.发出,放射;发行;发表transmit trnsmittransmission vt.传播,传染,commit kmit commit crimesvt.犯罪;犯错;承诺;托付;交付committee kmitin.委员会;全体委员Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee Development and Reform Commission,2000年 Text2,There is another way

24、to commit evolutionary suicide:stay alive,but have fewer children.,integr=whole,integral intirl adj.构成整体所必需的integrate intireit vt.使结合成为整体integrity interiti n.正直;诚实,诚恳;完整,完全,完善,integer intid n.整数;整体;完整的事物contact kntkt n.接触,联系intact intkt adj.完整的;原封不动的;未受损伤的It has been very difficult to integrate all

25、of the local agencies into the national organization.,join/junct=to join连结;使结合,adjoin din vt.联合joint dint n.关节;接合处,接合点,journ=day,journey d:ni n.旅行;行程journal d:nl n.日志,日记;杂志,期刊 journalist d:nlist n.新闻记者,2001年Text3,The organization is deep into a long self-analysis known as the journalism credibility

26、project.该组织正在深入的进行一次长期的自我剖析式的调查即新闻可信度调查项目。,latitude ltitju:d n.纬度lateral ltrl adj.侧面的,横向的 longitude lnditju:d n.经度;经线altitude ltitju:d n.高度attitude titju:d n.态度,2001年真题阅读,A lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress prompted me to abandon my relatively high profile career.a

27、 high/low profile 惹人不惹人注目,labor=to work,labor leib n.劳动,工作,劳工laboratory lbrtri n.实验室collaborate klbreit vi.合作 elaborate ilbreit adj.复杂的;精心制作vi.详尽说明 vt.详细制定的,liter,literal litrl adj.照字面的;逐字的literate litrit adj.有读写能力的illiterate ilitrit adj.文盲的 n.文盲literary litrri adj.文学(上)的 literature litrit n.文学,文学作品

28、,文献,lus=light,illustrate ilstreit vt.说明,阐明illusion ilju:n n.幻觉,错觉;错误的观念或信仰Even he still lives under the illusion that country life is somehow superior to town life.illuminate ilju:mineit vt.使明亮;照亮lumen lu:mn n.流明(光通量单位),machinery mi:nri n.(总称)机器mechanic miknik n.技工,机修工mechanical miknikl adj.机械的,力学的;

29、机械似的;呆板的mechanism meknizm n.机械装置;机制,merg/mers=to sink,merge m:d mergervt.使深陷于,min-mountain,prominent prminnt adj.突起的,凸出的;杰出的,著名的,卓越的eminent eminnt adj.(人)知名的;受人尊崇的,mod=manner 方法,样式,model mdl n.模型;模范;模特modify mdifai vt.&vi.修改,更改commodity kmditi n.商品,accommodate kmdeit v.给.方便;能提供.膳宿accommodation kmdei

30、n n 住处,膳宿,2003年考研完形,Teachers need to be aware of the emotional,intellectual,and physical changes that young adults experience.And they also need to give serious thought to how they can best accommodate such changes.,mot/mob,promote prmut vt.提升,提拔motivate mutiveitmotive vt.刺激;激发的积极性 motion mun n.运动,m

31、obile mubail adj.易于移动的mobilize mubilaiz vt.动员起来,调动mob mb n.暴徒,mut=change,commute kmju:t v 乘车往返于两地commuter kmju:t n.(远距离)上下班往返的人mutual mju:tul adj.相互的,彼此的Mutual understanding is essential to friendship.,mid-15c.,from L.commutare to often change,to change altogether,from com-,intensive prefix(see com-

32、),+mutare to change(see mutable).,common,communicate kmju:nikeit v.通讯;相通communication kmju:nikein n.交流,交际,通讯,mun=service,immune imju:n adj.免疫的,不受影响的municipal mjunisipl adj.市政的principalcommunism kmjunizm n.共产主义community kmju:niti n.社区,社会,1995年考研完形,The rats develop bacterial infections of the blood,as

33、 if their immune systems-the self-protecting mechanism against disease-had crashed.,neg,negative netiv adj.消极的negotiate niuieit vt.协商,neutr=neither,neutral nju:trl adj.中立的,不偏不倚的,作者态度题永陪选项,indifferent/suspicious/questionablepuzzled/scared/neutral/sensitivegloomy/biased/contemptible/disappointed,nom/n

34、ym=name,nominate nmineit vt.提名nominal nminl adj.名义上的anonymous nnims adj.匿名的famousunlike,norm,normal n:ml adj.正规的;标准的 normalization n:mlaizein n.正常化,标准化normalizeabnormal bn:ml adj.反常的,异常的;变态的enormous in:ms adj.巨大的,极大的,nourish nri vt.养育,喂养,滋养nurse n:s n.护士 vt.培育nutrition nju:trin n.营养(安利纽崔莱),monstr=to

35、 show,monster mnst n.怪物adj.巨大的,庞大的 ministerfrom root of monere warn(see monitor).monstrous mnstrs adj.巨大的;怪异的;畸形的demonstrate demnstreit vi.举行示威游行(或集会)vt.说明,演示;论证,证明,nov,novel nvl adj.新奇的;新颖的 n.小说novelty nvlti n.新奇;新奇的事物innovate inuveit vi.改革;创新;革新innovation,inuvein n.创新,革新renovate renuveit vt.革新;更新,

36、order/ordin=order,orderly:dli adj.安排好的;整齐的;有秩序的disorder dis:d n.混乱,凌乱mental disorder,subordinate sb:dinit n.下属,下级;部属,属下 adj.次要的;从属的vt.使居下位;使服从coordinate ku:dineit coordinationvt.使协调;使调和 adj.同等的,并列的,part,partly p:tli adv.部分地particle p:tikl n.微粒,物粒子partner p:tn n.伙伴,同伙partial/impartial,impart imp:t vt

37、.给予,传授;告知,透露 department dip:tmnt n.部,部门,系compartment kmp:tmnt n.间隔,(列车车厢的)隔间counterpart kauntp:t n.与对方地位相当的人,与另一方作用相当的物,2000年阅读真题,In addition,far more Japanese workers expressed dissatisfaction with their jobs than did their counterparts in the 10 other countries surveyed.,participate p:tisipeit vt.

38、&vi.参加,参与participant p:tisipnt n.参加者,参与者Participating is more important than winning.,apart p:t adv.相距,相隔;分离,分开depart dip:t vi.离开;出发departure dip:t n.离开,离去portion p:n n.一部分,一份 proportion prp:n n.比例;部分A large proportion of the country is desert.,patr=father,patron peitrn n.赞助人,资助人patriotic ptritik ad

39、j.爱国的patriot peitrit n.爱国者pilot,pun/pen=to punish,punish pni vt.罚,处罚penalty penlti n.惩罚,处罚-safetypenal pi:nl adj.刑事的;刑罚的,poli(t)=state,city,politics plitiks n.政治学political plitikl adj.政治的politician plitin n.政治家;政客historianpolicy plsi n.政策,方针metropolitan metrplitnmotheradj.大城市的American,prin/prim=firs

40、t,prince prins n.王子principal prinspl adj.最重要的n.负责人,校长;资本,本金principle prinspl n.原则,原理I take this seriously.Its a matter of principle.municipal,prime praim adj.首要的;主要的primary praimri adj.首要的;主要的;最初的;初级的primitive primitiv adj.原始的,早期的;简单的;粗糙的,priv,private praivit adj.私人的;个人的deprive dipraiv vt.剥夺,使丧失priv

41、ilege privilid n.特权,propprivate,property prpti n.财产;资产;所有物proper prp adj.适当的;恰当的appropriate pruprieit adj.适当的,恰当的vt.挪用;占用;盗用,rad(i),radio reidiu n.收音机;无线电radiate reidieit vt.发射出(光、热等)radiant reidint adj.发光的;辐射的nuclear radiationa nuclear power plant,radical rdikl adj.根本的;彻底的;激进的 n.激进分子I do not share

42、his radical views.,rode=to bite,erode irud vt.侵蚀,rupt=to break,bankrupt bkrpt adj.破产的abrupt brpt adj.突然的,意外的interrupt ntrpt vt.&vi.打断corrupt krpt adj.堕落的,腐败的disrupt disrpt vt.使混乱,扰乱erupt irpt vi.爆发,喷发,The war erupted after the negotiation.The violence spread by the Internet has corrupted the minds o

43、f young people.The war interrupted the trade between the two countries.abrupt death,sacr/sanct=神圣的,sacrifice skrifais n.牺牲sacred seikrid adj.神圣的,sanction skn n.批准,认可sanctify sktifai vt.使神圣化;把奉献给神;使圣洁;认可Saint seint n.圣人paint Official sanction has not yet been given.,sal/san=health,insane insein adj.(

44、患)精神病的,精神失常的sane sein adj.心智健全的;神志正常的,serv=to keep,conserve kns:v conserve natural resourcesvt.保护,保藏,保存conservative kns:vtiv n.保守的人reserve riz:v vt.保留储备某物reservation rezvein n.保留的座位住处等;预订preserve priz:v vt.保存reservoir rezvw:n.水库,考研真题,The defense of the Church became a rallying cry for the conservati

45、ve forces.Dr.Worm acknowledges that these figures are conservative.捍卫教会成为保守势力的战斗口号。,observe bz:v vt.观察资料,观察数据deserve diz:v vt.应受,应得This law must be strictly observed.,sign=to mark,signal sinl n.信号signature sinit n.签名,签字signify sinifai vt.表示的意思,意味significant sinifiknt adj.重要的,重大的 significance sinifik

46、ns n.重大意义,重要性,assign sain vt.分配;指派 resign rizain vt.&vi.辞职designate dezineit vt.指派,委任;标明,指明adj.指定的;选定的Churches are designated on the map by crosses.,simil/sembl=similar,similar simil adj.类似的;相似的simulate simjuleit vt.模仿,模拟assimilate simileit vt/vi.吸收;同化,resemble rizembl vt.像,类似于assemble sembl vt.装配si

47、multaneous simlteinjs adj.同时发生的,Your school may have done away with winners and losers,but life has not.In some schools they have abolished failing grades;theyll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer.This doesnt bear the slightest resemblance to anything in real life.,sens/sent,

48、sense sens n.感觉sensible sensbl adj.可感觉到的;明智的 be sensible ofsensitive sensitiv be sensitive toadj.敏感的;灵敏的sensation sensein n.感觉;轰动,The scandal about the president caused a sensation.,sentiment sentimnt n.感情,情绪;观点;多愁善感consent knsent vi.同意;赞成n.准许,同意,赞成resent rizent vt.怨恨;愤恨;厌恶reserved consentscent sent

49、 n.气味,香味,sper=hope,despair disp n.绝望;vi.绝望desperate desprit adj.不顾一切的,拼命的;极想望的,极需要的 prosper prsp vi.繁荣,昌盛prosperity prsperiti n.繁荣,成功Americans stopped taking prosperity for granted.,Hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of Hope and you can make your life a splendid one.,sting sti vt.天性from in-o

50、n+stinguere prick,distinguish distiwi vt.&vi.辨别,区别distinct distikt adj.截然不同的,distinction distikn n.区别,差别;卓越,优秀,struct,structure strkt n.结构,构造infrastructure infrstrkt n.基础设施construct knstrkt vt.修建,建立construction knstrkn n.建造,建设destruction distrkn n.破坏,毁灭destructive distrktiv adj.破坏性的,毁灭性的,instruct in


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