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1、2015年邯郸市初中毕业生升学模拟考试(一)文综2015年邯郸市初中毕业生升学模拟考试(一) specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by d

2、ividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.

3、1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample

4、sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample size,%; MO-the or

5、iginal weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML-sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second det

6、ermination, the absolute valuespecifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weigh

7、t of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen

8、: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on

9、weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample size,%; MO-the original weight of

10、the sample, g; Sift the ML-sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the a

11、bsolute valuespecifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. T

12、o sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 1

13、00. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurat

14、e to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample size,%; MO-the original weight of the sample, g; Si

15、ft the ML-sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value2015

16、年邯郸市初中毕业生升学模拟考试(一) 文科综合试题参考答案 卷?(选择题,共50分) 本卷共23题,1,19题每题2分,20,23题每题3分,共50分。 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 答案 D D C C A B A D C A C D B C 题号 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 答案 B A B D C D C A A 卷?(非选择题,共70分) 24(社会话题简说。(6分) (1)诚信(1分) 安全权、知情权、公平交易权。(写出其中两项即可,2分) (2)?漫画行为人要自觉履行公民法定义务,法律禁止做的坚决不做?要增强义务观

17、念,自觉维护他人权利?要自觉做到对人守信,对事负责,做一个诚实守信的人(3分,如没有从道德角度作答,扣1分) 25.社会热点分析。(9分) (1)?完善和推动了国家法治建设?提高公民的法律和维权意识?维护了社会的公平正) 义?爱岗敬业,有强烈的社会责任感(言之有理即可,每点1分,3分(2)?国家健全完善立法,为公民的生命健康等权利提供法律保障。?为公民学习法律知识提供了有效途径,增强公民的法律尤其是宪法意识。?加大对违法犯罪的执法力度,维护社会公平正义和公民利益。(紧扣材料角度,答出任意,点即可得分,3分) (3)结论:党和国家在不断完善法治目标,推进依法治国的进程(或依法治国是党领导人民治理

18、国家的基本方略)(1分) 关系:材料二表明国家不断落实多种措施,推进依法治国进程,努力实现社会主义法治国家的总目标;材料三不断完善建设社会主义法治国家的总目标,为我国法治建设进一步明确了方向。(或材料二是材料三目标的落实,材料三为材料二指明了方向)(结合材料做出回答,符合题意即可得分,2分) 26.社会现象探究。(10分) (1)?科学(通讯)技术的发展?经济(商业)发展水平的提高?人民生活水平的提升?传统节日观念淡化,忽略了与家人沟通(3分,要求学生紧密结合材料做出回答,每点1分) (2)?政府积极履行职责?民众的环保和责任意识不断增强?绿色、文明、健康的环保氛围已日渐浓厚?传统习俗应该与时

19、俱进(3分,必须紧密结合材料做出回答,每点1分) (3)(2分) 自觉控制玩手机时间和频率,多与父母、亲温馨春节,符合 友沟通交流,让亲情成为春节的主旋律,学题意得分。1分, 生能够结合实际,行动得当即可得分。1分, specifies a method of screening method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of

20、 starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the sieve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weigh

21、t of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly

22、, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weigh

23、t of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample size,%; MO-the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML-sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential an

24、alyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value(4)?结合时代的发展变化特点不断创新?依据国情、民俗?政府积极正确的引导?全民积极参与(2分,至少答出其中2点) 推论2:直径所对的圆周角是直角;90的圆周角所对的弦是直径;27(读图,回答问题。(6分) (1)机器大生产取代工场手工业生产,成为主要的生产方式。(2分)反映了英国海外贸易遍及全球各地。(2分) sin(2)蒸汽机的改进和使用推动英国最早完成工业革命,英国凭借工业革命带来的强大经济和军事实力,把廉

25、价优质的工业产品销往更广阔的世界市场,海外贸易遍及全球。所以,二者之间存在因果关系。(2分) 弦和直径: 弦:连接圆上任意两点的线段叫做弦。 直径:经过圆心的弦叫做直径。28(阅读材料,回答问题。(9分) (1)艰难曲折。(2分) (1)一般式:(2)政府制定政策、措施,鼓励发展实业。(3分) 增减性:若a0,当x时,y随x的增大而增大。(3)第一次:帝国主义列强的侵略掠夺(或“一战后帝国主义经济势力卷土重来”)。(2分) 第二次:日本侵华战争的破坏。(2分) 29. 探究问题。(12分) (1)二战末期,中国战场抗击着日军总数的近六分之一兵力,中国军民消灭日军人数超过日军战死总数的五分之一,

26、因此中国是抗击日本法西斯的重要力量;(2分)中国战场是二战中亚洲和太平洋战场的一部分,中国军民和英、美、苏等国际反法西斯力量的共同斗争,最终赢得抗击日本法西斯侵略的伟大胜利。(2分) (2)材料二说明:日本投降前,在中国战场上还保持着强势地位;(1分)美国具有强大的军事实力,在打败日本的过程中发挥了最为突出的作用。(2分) 94.234.29加与减(二)4 P49-56原因:中国实力衰弱,美国实力强大。(2分) (3)战争中实力对比是决定因素。只有具备强大的国家实力,才能在战争中发挥出更大作用,才能保卫国家免遭侵略,才能在国际关系中取得应有的地位。(3分。符合题意、言之有理即可酌情给分。) (

27、2)圆周角定理:圆周角的度数等于它所对弧上的的圆心角度数的一半.30. 阅读材料,综合运用所学知识回答问题。 (18分) 1、开展一帮一活动,让优秀学生带动后进生,促使他们的转化。(1)立法(或发表宣言、颁布法令)。(2分) 改革废除农奴制,农奴获得自由和土地,调解了农民和地主之间的矛盾;让农奴获得自由,为资本主义发展提供了大量自由劳动力,调解了封建统治和资本主义发展的矛盾;让农民交纳高额土地赎金,维护封建贵族、地主的利益,调解了沙皇和贵族、地主的矛盾(或调解了统治集团内部的矛盾)。(6分。每点2分,符合题意、言之有理即可酌情给分。) (2)如圆中有直径的条件,可作出直径上的圆周角.(直径添线

28、成直角)(2)靠深化改革。(1分) 6、增加动手操作的机会,使学生获得正确的图形表象,正确计算一些几何形体的周长、面积和体积。文化建设(精神文明建设);经济建设(物质文明建设);政治建设(政治文明建设)。(共3分,顺序颠倒不得分。) (3)?我国地区之间教育文化等方面发展不平衡。?我国社会生产力水平还比较低。?社会主义具体制度还不完善。?我国仍处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段(或总体小康、主要矛盾、发展中国家任选其一)。(每点1分,共4分) (4)?立法改革?制度改革(或完善制度)?立足国情改革(2分,每点1分。符合题意即可酌情给分。) specifies a method of screen

29、ing method for the determination of fineness of starch this standard applies to dried into a powder of refined starch. 1, definitions and principles of fineness of starch: starch samples sample screening samples obtained by dividing the weight of the sieve. To sample by dividing the weight of the si

30、eve the sample weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight. Principle: the samples with a sample screen screening, get the sample by dividing the weight of the sieve. 2, instruments and scales: the precision of 0.1g. Sample screen: screen number 100. Step 3, analysis sample preparation:

31、samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: mix weighing the sample 50g, accurate to 0.1g, evenly pour the sample sieve. Screening: shake the sample sieve evenly, until the screen down so far. Carefully pour out the sample sieve residue on weighing, accurate to 0.1g. Determination of the number: m

32、easured on the same sample twice. 4, the results of the calculation method applied to sample by sample sieve weight expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the sample, as in the formula: x-sample size,%; MO-the original weight of the sample, g; Sift the ML-sample weight of residue on the sieve, g. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Results one decimal. 6.2 allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value


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