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1、Recycle One,unit1unit3,Think a while,Students think about what we have learned at the Unit1,Unit2 and Unit3.(思考一下第一、二、三单元学过什么内容?),Unit1:How do you go to s.p.?I go to交通工具.Unit2:Where is the s.p.?It is+方位短语/方位介词+s.p.Unit3:Where are you going to do?Im going to.,lets read,Amy:How do we go to the

2、 park?Chen:We can go by bike!Go straight from here.Then turn right.Its next to the hospital.Come on!Lets go!Amy:No!Wait a minute.Its a red light.,Chen:Here it is,the north gate of the park.Amy:The north gate?I want to go to the pet shop at the south gate.There is a big ice-skating area.Chen:Its not

3、far from here.We can go to the pet shop first.Then,were going to ice-skate together.Amy:Yeah!,Explain this part one by one:,1.Go straight from here.from here 从这儿from(prep)从.2.Come on!come on 在此处意思为“快点”。come on 还有其他的意思:Come on,Jim,shouted everyone.大家一起喊:“加油,吉姆。”此处come on 的意思是“加油。,与come有关的短语:come out

4、出来,(花)开,发(芽)come in 进来come from 来自come back 回来,3.Wait a minute.wait a minute 等一下4.Here it is,the north gate of the park.1)here it is 到了(it 指代公园)2)door 与gate(1)door 习惯上指”通向房屋的门“,如房间、屋子的前后门等,它通常要比gate小,也可以指橱柜和车辆的门。eg:Our house has a front door and a back door.,(2)gate 一般比door 大,通常指“围墙入 口”,如城门、厂门、公园门等。

5、eg:Lets meet at the school gate.5.There is a big ice-skating area.1)ice-skating 溜冰2)area(n)地区,场所,Exercise:Read and tick or cross,Read and tick or cross.(1)Amy and Chen Jie go to the park by bike.()(2)The park is next to the restaurtant.()(3)The pet shop is at the south gate.()(4)The ice-skating area

6、 is the north gate.(),Unit1重点内容与句型复习,句型:How do we go to?We can go by.Sometimes by.I never/usually/always/often go by.交通工具与交通规则:,bike,bus,plane,on foot,ship,train,subway,Remember the traffic rules.,Stop at a red light.,Wait at a yellow light.,Go at a green light.,同步练习,1._?I go to school by bike.A.Wha

7、t are you goingB.How do you do C.How do you go to school答案:C,同步练习,2.I go there _bike.A.onB.toC.byD.take答案:C,Lets find out!,1.hurt(v)使受伤2.cart(n)手推车,pet pet shop at the south gate,hurt yourself hospital see a doctor,hungryrestaurantnear the west gate,read some books,go out the north gateturn rightthe post office,take a bus homego out the east gatethe bus stop,Hospital,Restaurant,Bookstore,Post office,Bus shop,Lets find out,Summary1.如何询问和回答人们日常出行的方式。2.如何询问路线并做简单回答。,Homework:Write the part of Lets read once and translate it.,Thank you!,


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