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1、,Unit 4 Global Warming,Save the earth!,Period 1&2 Warmingup and Reading I,Energy sources?International relations?,Money?,Technology?,Which is the most important to a country?,Man power?,2.Sources of energy(ie.coal),We depend on energy to do many things in our daily lives.For example,energy lights ou

2、r cities and heats our buildings.Make a list of,1.Things that use energy around us or at any other places,(ie.light),Things that use energy around us or at any other places:,In a house,Mobile Pentium 4,hairdryer,induction cooker,Sources of energy,Windmills,renewable.,What?Renewable?,What?Renewable?,

3、A coal power station,non-renewable.,What?Renewable?,An oil refinery(精炼厂),non-renewable.,What?Renewable?,A nuclear power plant,non-renewable.,What?Renewable?,A hydro-electric dam,renewable.,Geothermal(地热的)Energy Plant,CoalOilNatural gasUranium化铀,Wind(wind power)Sun(solar energy)Water(hydro-electric p

4、ower)Plant waste植物性废物(biomass energy生物团能量)Hot springs or geysers间歇泉(geothermal energy)The sea(tidal energy潮汐能),Fossil fuels,Non-renewable,Renewable,What are fossil fuels?,Fossil fuels are Ancient animal and plant material below the surface of the earth with a high carbon content,such as coal,oil and

5、 natural gas,which can be burnt to produce energy.They are also known as non-renewable energy because once they are run out of/run out,they cannot be renewed.,What are these buildings made of and what are they called?,glass,A greenhouse is used for growing plants,especially during cold weather.,gree

6、nhouse,Whats the use?,The glass trapsthe heat from the sun,making the air warm so that plants can grow better.,How does it work,What are Greenhouse gases?,In the atmosphere surrounding the earth there are gases,which are called“greenhouse gases”,mainly including _,and water vapor(水蒸气).,carbon dioxid

7、e,Carbon dioxideMethaneWater vapor,What do you think greenhouse gases do?,Greenhouse gases perform the same function as the _in a greenhouse-They _the heat from the sun and therefore _the earth.It is known as_.,Nowadays our earth is becoming _.,greenhouse effect,trap,warm,warmer and warmer,glass,P26

8、The Earth is Becoming Warmer-But Does It Matter?,Fast reading,This article is from _.a.An enviromental magazine.b.A diaryC.A novel d.A story,It has a title,a first paragraph that is in bold,the main text in two columns,2 graphs,two quotes引用,引号.,What is the structure of a magazine like this and how i

9、s the text organized?,2.What is the purpose of the paragraph that is in bold?,To introduce the topic.,See the next page,3.What are the graphs for?,Questionnaires-I,1.What is the purpose of the title?,To tell us the topic of Global warming,4.Why are there two quotes?,Because they are important or int

10、eresting points.Their aim is to attract your attention and to make you read them,and therefore to make you interested enough to read the whole article.,Lets learn the main text,How many paragraphs does the main text consist of?And it can be devided into 4 parts.Please line out the correct numbers in

11、 the following table,Introduce the issue of global warming,Raising a question提出问题,illustrate举例说明;图解 how global warming comes about,Para._ Giving examples举例子,using Graphs列图表,Explanation 作诠释,List two different attitudes to global warming,Para._Giving examples举例子 Making contrast作比较,whether people shoul

12、d do something about global warming or not,Para._,1,2-4,5,6,leaving a question,the structure of the text:,Para.1,Para.2-4,I,II,Para.5,III,Para.6,IV,Introduction,Body,Conclusion,learning,The organization of an expository essay:,Introduction,A title,Body,Conclusion,Detailed-Reading,Read the article in

13、 details and finish the following task.,Read the passage again to find out the answers to the questions in Ex.1on P27,Task 1,1.Who wrote the magazine article?What is the name of the magazine?2.What are the two graphs about?,Sophie Armstrong,Earth Care.,Task 2,Read something more about the 2 graphs:,

14、Lets check it:,The 1st graph shows the global t_ between 1860 and_.The temperaturei_ and decreased over this period but on the whole it i_by around one degree Fahrenheit.During this time,the earth reached its l_temperature in about 1910 and its highest in_.There was a steady i_in the temperature dur

15、ing the 20 years after 1980.We can see from the graph that the earth has become w_since early last century.,emperature,2000,ncreased,ncreased,owest,2000,ncrease,armer,The 2nd graph,The 2nd graph shows the amount of c d in the atmosphere from to 1997.The Co2 c steadily i over this forty-year period.I

16、t went up from 315 to parts p million.,arbon,ioxide,1957,ontent,ncreased,370,er,Tip:While reading a graph,youd better pay attention to the numbers.,evidence,Evidence or phenomenon?,Question:What are the 2 graphs for?,4.What do they think about global warming?Do they agree with one another?,3.What ar

17、e the names of the three scientists mentioned in the article?,Dr Janice Foster,Charles Keeling,George Hambley.,some very different attitudes among scientists towards this issue,Task 3,The different ideas between Dr.Janice Foster&George Hambley,go up,catastrophe,very serious,positive,produce,a greate

18、r range of animals,rise by several metres,severe storms,droughts,famines,the spread of diseases,the disppearance of species,Other peoples idea,floods,Discussion:What effects maybe does global warming have on the earth?,Bad effects:,Maybe,1.The sea level will rise.,Maybe,2.There will be some disaster

19、s,such as,Flood!,Drought,Famine,Forest Fire!,Good effects:,1.Make plants grow faster,2.Crops will produce more,3.Encourage a greater range of animals,Debate,A,B,A:We shall do something about global warming.,B:We shall do nothing about global warming.,PK,Agreement&Disagreement,Exactly.All right.Thats

20、 right.Thats a good idea.I think so.I couldnt agree more.Thats exactly my opinion.,I dont think so.Im afraid not.Im afraid I disagree with you.Im afraid I have a different opinion.I think you are absolutely wrong.,Summary,Skim over the passage,and tell what you have learnt in class.,Try to talk in g

21、eneral terms概括地;一般地说 rather than in details详细地.eg:I learnt that the earth is becoming warmer.I learnt that global warming could have terrible effects on the environment.,What problems are the earth facing?,Take a break!,Overpopulation,water pollution,Deforestation and desertification,采伐森林 沙漠化,Energy shortage,Ozone(臭氧)loss and air pollution,


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