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1、Unit2 Cloning,Period 1 Warming up&Reading,What will you think of?,cloning,A strawberry plant,The plant produces its own runners.,A stem Take cuttings from growing plants to make new ones.,They are identical in sex and appearance,who are produced from the same original egg.,She was c_while the others

2、 were born naturally.It is the exact copy of another sheep and the first cloned mammal.,different from,loned,Dolly the sheep,Its name is Andi,the first genetically modified monkey.,Dog Snuppy was created by Korean and American scientists,Cloning is a way of making an exact _ of another animal or pla

3、nt.,What is Cloning?,copy,What is the difference among them?,clone,Clone,also called reproduce asexually(无性生殖/繁殖),is the creation of cells or whole animals using DNA from a single“parent”,without using the normal reproductive(有性生殖)process.The clone has the exactly same DNA to the parent.It includes

4、natural and man-made clone.,Whats clone?,Prediction,What do you think the article is about by reading this headline?,CLONING:WHERE IS IT LEADING US?,What is the main idea of the passage?,The passage tells us that animal cloning raised _ and scientists are not sure about its_.,arguments,future,What i

5、s the writing style?Expositive(说明文)Descriptive(记叙文)C.Argumentative(议论文),Skimming,_.Cloning has two major uses and successful clone._.Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal and plant(definition)_.The effect of Dolly._.It is forbidden to clone human beings._.The problems of Dolly.,

6、1,2,3,4,5,making an exact copy,commercial,straightforward,breakthrough,plants species,animals,Dolly the sheep,complicated,True of false:,Four female sheep participate in the cloning of a new sheep.Electricity is needed in the procedure.Sheep B provides a somatic cell for the clone.The lamb is the ex

7、act copy of sheep A.,T,F,T,F,Which of the following statements about cloning is NOT true according to text?A.Cloning is something that has been developed quite recently.B.Twins that look exactly the same are originally from the same egg.C.Cloning is used by gardeners to make more money.D.Animal clon

8、ing is much more difficult than plant cloning.,The cloning of Dolly the sheep succeeded because_.A.its easier to clone a sheep than other animals B.the scientists were determined and worked hard with patience C.the scientists were rewarded and got lots of money D.many other attempts to clone mammals

9、 failed,The determination and patience of the scientists was rewarded/paid off.,objections,human beings,normally,natural,6,original,imagination,serious illnesses,media,a lamb,moral,forbade,themselves,accumulate,Cloning is valuable for _ research on animals.,medical,Problems of cloning,Animal clones

10、may develop the _ of older animals,illnesses,Animal clones may die _ than the original animals.,younger,_ _may want to clone themselves.,There are_ _to cloning human beings.,Advantages of cloning,Medical cloning could produce _for serious illnesses in humans.,cures,Cloning plants can produce large _

11、 of plants for _.,quantities,Cloning plants can be useful for research on _ _ _.,species,Evil leaders,plant,sale,moral,new,objections,We can conclude _ Cloning is good for us.Cloning has two aspects.If cloning is used in a correct way it can bring many convenience to us.If cloning is used in an evil

12、 way it can cause much trouble.,We should use cloning in a wise way!,As a coin has two sides,everything has two aspects.On one hand,if cloning is used in a correct way it can bring many convenience to us.On the other hand,if cloning is used in an evil way it can cause much trouble.Therefore,we shoul

13、d use cloning in a correct way.,Languge Points,1.In pairs,look at these pictures and discuss which ones are natural clones and which ones are man-make.Explain how they differ.,1.differ vi.different,difference,她的方法跟我的没有很大不同。Her method _.现代飞机跟早期的在很多方面有所不同。Modern airplanes _ early ones _ many aspects.对

14、于如何解决问题,我跟他的意见不一致。I _ how to solve the problem.,doesnt differ much from mine.,differ from,differ with him,in,differ是不及物动词,主要有两个义项:“不同,相异;不同意,意见相左”。,1).sb.differ from/with sb.on/about sth.;2).sth.and sth.differ in;3).sth.differ from sth.,2.这种现象也发生在动物身上,从同一个原生卵产生性别与外貌相同的双胞胎也是克隆。It also happens in anim

15、als when twins _ are produced from the same_.,identical in sex and appearance,original egg,3.研究克隆的科学家们沮丧地发现多莉得的病更容易发生在年老的动物身上。Cloning scientists _ that Dollys illnesses were more _ a much older animal.,were cast down to find,appropriate to,不要这么沮丧,打起精神来!Dont _.Just keep up your spirits.发现事情的真相使他很沮丧。_

16、,be so cast down,Finding out the truth cast him down.,undertake vt.着手做,从事,进行;担任,承担,答 应科学家从事这项实验。The scientist _.我愿意承担这些变革的责任。I can _ for the changes.那个律师接了一个新的案子。The lawyer _.,4.这个过程很难实施。,The procedure is difficult to undertake.,undertakes the experiment,undertake the responsibility,undertook a new

17、case,5.多莉看来是在正常地成长着,这事很令人鼓舞。The fact _ she seemed to develop normally was encouraging.然后传来了多莉得了重病的令人烦恼的消息。Then came the disturbing news _ Dolly became seriously ill.,that,that,disturb vt.扰乱,使不安,弄乱;disturbed adj.被扰乱的,动乱的,不安的;disturbing adj.令人不安的。,外面的噪音妨碍我睡觉。The noise outside disturbed my sleep.,6.多莉的

18、出现引来了巨大的反对,激发了传媒的热炒和公众的想像力。Dollys appearance _ and _ the media and public imagination.,raised a storm of objections,had a great impact on,object v.objection n.,我极不愿意早起。I feel a strong objection _.你反对我打开窗子吗?Have you any objection _the window?,to getting up early,to my opening,object vi.我反对这项计划。I obje

19、ct to the plan.我们抗议这种待遇。We object to being treated like this.object vt.我提出反对意见:他太年轻不适合那个职位。I object that he is too young to take that position.,object 作不及物动词时后接介词to或against.作及物动词时可接that引导的从句。objection是名词,常与have,take,feel 等连 用构成词组:have objection to take objection to feel objection to,sth.doing sth.sb

20、.to do sth.sb.sththat,7.政府开始感到不安,有许多政府禁止对克隆的研究。Governments became _and many _ human clothing.,nervous,forbade research into,forbidforbad/forbadeforbidden,2).The school _(禁止学生吸烟).3)He is forbidden _(进入这个房间).,forbids students to smoke,to enter the room,1).公共场所应禁止吸烟。Smoking should be forbidden in publi

21、c places.,8.有些国家比如中国和英国继续收集克隆能提供丰富的医疗帮助的证据。Some countries such as China and the UK continued to _ of the _ medical aid that cloning could provide.,accumulate vt.Vi accumulation,accumulative,accumulate evidence,abundant,他因努力工作而积蓄了一笔财富。He _ by hard work.我不在期间灰尘积聚了起来。_ during my absence.,accumulated fo

22、rtune,Dust accumulated,What problems may _ when humans are cloned?Dollys appearance _ a storm of objections.and religious leaders _ moral questions.,arise,raised,raised,2.Cloning plants is straightforward _ the cloning of animals is more complicated.The procedure is difficult _.At first it was not a

23、ccurate enough and many attempts _ failed.,but,to undertake,to clone mammals,3.Female sheep B _ a somatic cell _ the clone.The nucleus of this cell contains all the genes _(need)to produce a new sheep.,4.The nucleus from sheep B and the egg cell from sheep A are joined _(use)electricity.,5.Then _ th

24、e disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill.,provides,for,came,needed,using,6._ her problems,Dolly successfully produced a lamb in a natural birth.It suddenly opened everybodys eyes to the possibility of _ cloning to cure serious illnesses,and even _ human beings.,Despite,using,producing,1

25、 In many respects natural clones greatly _ from man-made clones.2 He was much _ by the failure of his cloning experiment.3 Dust had _ during the years when the house was deserted.4 Robert suggested that I should _ the job of decorating the ceiling of the hall.5 Her memory is _,and she seldom goes wr

26、ong.6 She wasnt _ pleased with her decision,but she had no other choice,differ,cast down,accumulated,undertake,exact,altogether,1 Compared with her brother,she is so honest about her opinions2 The decisions of the factory leaders that had been made without any reason caused anger among the workers.,

27、straightforward,arbitrary,Is your new factory in the business area of Beijing?Do you support the governments plan to build more railway lines?5 This is the way we arrange for you to have your teeth out.,commercial,Are you in favour of,procedure,6 I dont agree to your plan because it will cost too mu

28、ch money.7 Your mother and I will not allow you to stay out so late when you have homework to do.,I object,will forbid,When Freddy the frog grew older he wanted to _ cloning so that his musical career could continue.The doctor explained that cloning was a _ question that he should consider seriously

29、.So Freddy asked his friends and noted with _ that they agreed with him.However,shortly after he did some research,he felt _when he discovered the fate of the _clone,3,undertake,controversial,satisfaction,cast down,breakthrough,Dolly the sheep.The dream that one could live forever now seemed impossi

30、ble.So Freddy made up his mind to enjoy his singing and _ many happy experiences so that when he retired he would be able to look back on his life with great pleasure.,accumulate,1 What is your point of view about human cloning?2 How can you prove a clone is authentic?3 How do gardeners benefit from

31、 cloning?,4,C,F,D,How differently do people think of the cloning of plants and that of animals?What was the breakthrough in the history of cloning?6 Why do some people object to human cloning?,E,B,A,Cloning is a way of making an(1)_ copy of another animal and plant.(2)_(clone)plants is straightforwa

32、rd but the cloning of animals is more difficult(3)_(undertake).The fact(4)_ the cloned sheep Dolly seemed to develop normally was very encouraging.But cloning scientists(5)_(cast down)to find that she became,exact,Cloning,to undertake,that,were cast down,seriously ill and the illnesses were more(6)_

33、(适合的)to a much older animal.On the other hand,Dollys appearance raised a storm of(7)_(object)and had a great impact(8)_ the media and public imagination.The research(9)_ human cloning of human beings is specifically(10)_(forbid)by law in most parts of the world.,appropriate,objections,on/over,into,f

34、orbidden,4.为什么有些人反对克隆人类?Why do some people _ human cloning?5.她后来得了严重的肺病的问题让科学家们很烦恼。The problem that she later_ a serious lung disease _ scientists.6.多莉的死,正如她的出生一样,必将引发人们的担心。Dollys death,like her birth,_.,object to,developed,bothered,was bound to raise worries,1作者的观点是赞成还是反对克隆?Is the writers point of

35、view _ _ _ cloning or against it?2.做了一些研究以后没多久,当他发现取得了突破性成功的克隆物多莉羊的命运时,觉得很沮丧。_ after he did some research,he felt _ when he discovered the _ of the breakthrough clone,Dolly the sheep.3.这两个字的字义完全一样。The two words are _ meaning.,in favor of,Shortly,cast down,fate,identical in,7.科学家相信克隆人类只是时间问题,不过克隆人是否已

36、诞生的设想还未得到证实。Scientists believe human cloning is just _ but the _ that human clones have already been born hasnt been proved yet.8.他赞同工厂女工五十岁退休的规定。He agrees to the _ that women workers _ at 50 in the factory.,a matter of time,assumption,regulation,retire,9.克隆凶猛和灭绝的野生动物的可能性一直使电影制片商感到兴奋。The possibility

37、 _ has always excited film makers.10.要想克隆灭绝动物,我们还有很长的路程要走。We are _ able to clone extinct animals.,of cloning fierce and extinct wild animals,a long way from being,We are far from being able to clone extinct animals.,11.不时地会有人提议,克隆技术将有可能使地球上已经灭绝的动物(如恐龙)复活。_ people suggest that the animals that have d

38、isappeared from the earth,like dinosaurs,can possibly _ through cloning.12.另外一些能存活下来并且把这种抗病能力传给下一代。Others will survive and _ the ability _ that disease to their children.,From time to time,be brought back to life,pass on,to resist,13.就我们现在所知,你不可能克隆那些已经绝种了一万年以上的动物。_ we know now,you cannot clone anima

39、ls that have been extinct longer than 10,000 years.,Based on whatAs far as,The writer of the text_ is excited by the possibility of cloning fierce and extinct animals B.believes that extinct animals can be brought back to life by cloningC.thinks it impossible or unsuitable to clone extinct animals l

40、ike dinosaurs D.dreams of dinosaurs returning to the earth,2.We can infer from the text that_ scientists are experimenting to clone dinosaursB.dinosaurs will never return to the earthC.cloned animals will only live in the zooD.the DNA of dinosaurs can only survive 10 000 year,Why shouldt you clone a

41、n extinct animal unless there is enough diversity in the group?There will not be enough genetic variation in the group to be able to resist new illnesses.,2.Why is it wrong to clone an extinct animal if it would have to live in a zoo?It is not a good idea to clone an animal that would have to live i

42、n a zoo because it is not a suitable habitat to develop and increase its numbers.The zoo is not a natural environment for a wild animal.,3.Why cant you clone the DNA of animals that have been extinct longer than 10,000 years?The DNA of animals more than 10,000 years old is not suitable for cloning,f

43、or it cant survive so long.,一、单词拼写The brothers d_ widely in their tastes.2.The question is quite s_,while that one is much more complicated.3.It is quite d_ to hear the bad news.4.Smoking is f_ in public places.5.His suggestion sounds quite r_ to most of us.,iffer,traightforward,isturbing,orbidden,e

44、asonable,6.The film was a _(商业的)success.7.Id like to come,too,if you have no _(反对).8.He _(仅仅)asked us our names.9.There were strong _(争论)for and against the plan.10.He always managed to _(得到)what he wanted.,commercial,objection,merely/just,arguments,obtain,二、句型转换11.At the beginning,he was against my

45、 proposal.However,in the end,he was for it.At first he disagreed with my suggestion,but at last he was _ _ _ it.12.Later they learnt that an earthquake had taken place in that area.Then _ _ _ that the area had been hit by an earthquake.,in favor of,came the news,13.Although he was not strong,he join

46、ed in the work._ _ weakness,he took part in the work.14.We are still far from being able to clone extinct animals.We are still _ _ _ from being able to clone extinct animals.,Despite his,a long way,15.They dont know if the new policy is in their favor.They _ _ this new policy can bring benefit to th

47、em.16.Have you any objection to my opening the window?Would you _ _ my opening the window?,wonder if/whether,object to,使沮丧 _反对_赞成;支持_一定;注定(做)_不时;偶尔_使复生_偿清;取得成功_一直;总是_,cast down,object to/have objection to,in favor of,be bound to do,from time to time,bring back to life,pay off,all the time,另一方面_引起道德问

48、题_对产生巨大影响_一阵强烈的反对_医疗救助_在20世纪50年代_生产;产出 _科学突破_,on the other hand/at the same time,raise moral questions,have a great impact on,a storm of objection,medical aid,in the 1950s,give birth to,a scientific breakthrough,自然生产方式_禁止人类克隆_抵制做某事_承担一个项目_适合于 _,in a natural birth,forbid human cloning,resist doing st

49、h,undertake a project,appropriate to,1.He quickly_最近积蓄了很多有关克隆方面的知识(accumulate)2.He is not a man _.他不是那种会被失败击垮的人。(cast down)3The _ of the factory owners caused anger among the workers.工厂主们随意的/霸道的决定在工人中引起了愤怒。,accumulated much knowledge about cloning,to be cast down by failure,arbitrary decision,4The s

50、core was 80 to 78 _ the guest team.比分是80比78,客队获胜。5.The weather _ tomorrow.明天天气一定会变好。6.My uncle comes to have dinner with us _.(有时)7.Finally his efforts _.(有了回报),in favor of,is bound to clear up,from time to time/now and then/at times,paid off/was rewarded,8.我的意见和他的相同.Our opinion _ his.9.我们双方对应当怎么办的看


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