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1、介词专练就读学校 姓名 得分 Part A 介词专题(知识点)一.时间介词的用法辨析1.表示时间的at、on、in的用法区别at主要表示: (1)在某具体时刻之前; (2)在固定短语中; on用来表示: 在天; in用来表示: (1)在某年、某月、某季节; (2)在段时间之后2.时间介词in与after 的用法辨析介词in + 一段时间用于一般将来时; 介词after + 一段时间用于一般过去时; 介词after + 时间点常用于一般将来时。3.时间介词for与since的用法辨析for 表示一段时间 如:I have lived here for 10 years. 介词since 表示从过

2、去某一时间以来如:I have lived here since 2000.二. 方位介词与地点介词的用法辨析1. 方位介词on, over的用法辨析on表示一物放在另一物上面, 两者紧贴在一起; 介词over表示一种垂直悬空的上下关系。2. 方位介词in、on、at的用法辨析in表示“排、行、组”; on表示“左、右”; at表示“前、后”。3. 地点介词at与in的用法辨析at表示较小的地方, 如家、村、乡村等; in表示较大的地方,如大城市、国家、洲等。4. 地点介词at与on的用法辨析.at用于门牌号;on用于路名。三. 其他易混介词的用法辨析1.表示“用”的with, by, in的

3、用法with多指用工具, 用身体的部位或器官; by表示使用的方法、手段; in指使用某种语言。2. in front of和 in the front of.前者表示在某一范围之内的前部, 后者表示某一范围之外的前面。四. 介词的省略表示时间介词at, on, in 的省略(1) 在 next, last, this, these, today, yesterday, tomorrow, one等词前,一般不用 at, in, on.(2) 在某些名词词组前,可以省略(也可不省)如: (on) that day, (in)the year before last五、常见搭配1.动词+介词 2

4、.形容词+介词 3.名词+介词 / 介词+名词正确使用介词的关键:先记住介词的汉语意思,然后参照例句来加深理解,并在学习中多积累,勤实践,细心体会介词应用当中的细微差别,灵活应用就一定能把介词掌握好。Part B 介词专题(练习)一.用适当的介词填空。1. Whats wrong _ your bike 2. Try _ this dress. Its pretty.3. Mum, whats _ our breakfast 4. Hes good _ English.5. We begin our lessons _ 8:30.6. Dont throw it _ this. 7. My g

5、randfather and grandmother live _ a small town.8. Dont worry! I can get the kite _ you. 9. Id like some bread. What _ you10. Dont read _ the sun. Its bad _ your eyes.11. There is a ten-minute rest _ the classes.12. Tom is playing football _ his classmates.13. I usually write an e-mail _ my pen frien

6、d on Sundays.14. Put your bag _ . You must look _ your things.15. Do you know the girl _ white16. I was born _ the night _ September 15, 2000.二. 选择正确的答案。( ) 1. -Thank you _ the beautiful flowers!-Not at all.in B. on C. at D. for ( ) 2. Can you answer this question _ Englishby B. in C. with D. from(

7、) 3. Look _ the map _ China _ the wall, please.after, of, in B. at, of, in C. after, in, on D. at, of, on ( ) When did Mr Green arrive in London - He arrived there _ the evening of Dec 6th.at B. in C. on D. to( ) 5. -Please remember to come to my birthday party. -OK. Ill come _ Saturday evening.in B

8、. at C. on D. for( ) 6. Lets hurry,or well be late _ schoolto B. at C. with D for( ) 7. They will have a math test _ two daysfor B. at C. in D. after( ) 8. I learn French _ the radio every dayon B. in C. from D. at( ) 9. He went to the football match _ lunch last SundayA. to B. without C. behind D.

9、between( ) 10. A little monkey is playing _ a tree and there are a lot of bananas _ it.A. on, on B. in, on C. on, in D. in, in三. 介词填空。from with on about for to1. Monday morning , the traffic was heavier than Sunday .2. Mr Smith comes Australia. 3. Can you show me the way _ the library4. Do you need

10、help your homework 5. Jim plays football _ school.6. I want to buy an interesting book _ animals.Part C 综合练习一. 根据首字母的提示,填入合适的单词。1. Dont wash the face with your hands, use this t .2. May I have a p of newspaper3. Ann likes books very much. Look, she is r a picture book.4. What are your parents d at t

11、his time5. I want to buy some apples, so Im l for a fruit shop.6. I cant play cards with them. Im b .7. Hes showing his stamps to his c now.8. It is very hot now. Please t o the sweater, and p o the T-shirt.二. 从A,B,C,D中找出能替换画线部分的选项。( ) 1. Im new here.A. Im wearing new clothes. B. Im beautiful.C. Im

12、clean. D. Im a stranger.( ) 2. You can do it. You can sue to Ann for help. A. ask B. think C. find D. give( ) 3. -Whose go is it next - Its your go now. A. turn B. time C. watch D. excuse( ) 4. There are a hundred and one books in this small room. A. 101 B. some C. much D. many( ) 5. - All right. Le

13、t me do it. - Thats the boy. A. Young child B. Good boy C. Lucky child D. Big boy( ) 6. Tommy doesnt go to play with us. Because (因为) some of us dont give him the time of day. A. dont let him go B. dont like him C. dont take him D. dont look after him.( ) Oh, the two young men are my boys. - They lo

14、ok the same. A. friends B. students C. sons D. teachers( ) 8. Whats that - Its a lily. I like it very much. A. girls name B. flower C. picture D. cup三. 阅读理解。Dicks grandmother is very rich. She has many shops. The old woman begins to learn drawing when she is sixty years old. And she loves it very mu

15、ch. She draws a lot of pictures for twelve years.One day, the old woman is ill. She stays in hospital. Before she dies, she says to Dick,“I want to give my picture to a school. Then the students will remember me forever. But I dont know which school Ill give them to. Can you help me”“Well,” says Dic

16、k. “You can give them to a blind(盲人) school.”( ) 1. Dicks grandmother likes _. A. buying pictures B. selling pictures C. drawing pictures D. teaching how to draw pictures( ) 2. How old is the old woman when she dies A. Sixty years old. B. Sixty-two. C. Seventy D. Seventy-two.( ) 3. Whats the Chinese

17、 for “rich” in the passage A.富饶的 B.胖的 C.富有的 D.爱帮助人的( ) 4. Dick thinks the pictures are _. A. ugly B. nice C. beautiful D. very good( ) 5. Why does the old woman give her pictures to a school Because _. A. She loves children B. Dick is studying in the schoolC. She wants the students to remember her D

18、. She doesnt like the pictures any more五.你乘过飞机吗你知道飞机票上都提供哪些信息呢阅读下面这张机票,回答问题。Issued(发行) by HONG KONG AIRWAYS LIMITEDName of passenger: JONG CHAN Flight No.(航班)DateTimeFrom: HONG KONG 401 3rd Aug.11:50To: SINGAPOREFare: Y 3000What is the name of the airline company(航空公司) Whose ticket is it Where is he

19、 going How much is the fair When will the plane take off(起飞) Part D Homework一.根据图意和提示在方框内写出单词,并按序号用单词组成适当词语完下列成句子12345 11:306mtaspopthohipsiocngnpsophinhcul1. They are Chinese _. 2. Mike likes _ _.3. He often _ model _ after school. 4. Su Hai and Su Yang _ collecting _.5. Does Davids mother _ _ in a

20、 supermarket 6. We _ _ at half past eleven every day.二.下面是Ted和他爸爸的一组对话,其中一些句子出现了表达错误,请你仔细读一读,找出其中的错误并改正,其中只有一处正确A: Ted, where is the big empty boxes 1. B: There are in the next room. 2. A: Can you bring them here I want to carry these books in them. 3. B: Sure! Here you are. 4. A: Thank you. Now let

21、s begins. 5. B: OK! Dad, these boxes full now. 6. A: Good. Lets carry they out. 7. B: Dad, what about my toys There are not any boxes to them. 8. A: Put them in the bags and bring it here. 9. B: Dad, theyre heavy too. I cant carry them. Could you help me 10. A: Certainly.三.你知道下面这些英语习语吗 请将它们对号入座( )1.

22、 from sun to sun A. 害怕;胆寒( )2. blue moon B. 破釜沉舟( )3. burn ones bridges(桥) C. 不可能的事;难遇到的事( )4. have cold feet D. 从日出到日落( )5. kiss the hares foot E. 撒谎( )6. My foot! F. 全盘招供( )7. put on airs G. (口语)吹牛;夸夸其谈( )8. tell a story H. 迟到( )9. hot air I. 装模作样( ) clean J. (口语)胡说四. 下面是录音机的功能键,请写出中文意思1. PAUSE 2.

23、 STOP/ES 3. FF 4. REW 5. PLAY 6. RECORD 参考答案Part B 介词专题(练习)一、 2. on 3. for 4. at 5. at 6. like 7. in 8. for , for 11. between 12. with 14. down, after 15. in 16. on, of二、 3. D 5. C 7. C 8. A 三、 2. from 4. with 5. for 6. aboutPart C 综合练习一、1. towel 2. piece 3. reading 4. doing 5. leaving 7. classmate/

24、cousin 8. take off, put on二、1. D 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. B三、1. C 2. D 3. C 四、 (1) everything, green, coming, falling, winter(2) run, climb, fish, frog, elephant, stronger五、1. Hong Kong Airways Limited.2. Its Jong Chanss going to Singapore.4. Its 3000Y 11:50, the 3rd of Aug.Part D Homework一、

25、1. stamps 2. taking photos 3. makes ship 4. like coins 5. go shoping lunch二、1. are 2. They 3. put 4. / 5. begin 6. are 7. them 8. for 9. them heavy三、 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. H 6. J 7. I 8. E 9. G 四、1.暂停 2. 停止 3. 快进 4. 倒带 5. 播放 6. 录音代词填空人称代词我我们你,你们他她它他们主 格宾 格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词人称代词和物主代词练习:(我) am a teacher. fat

26、her is talking with _(我).(他) often plays basketball after school.(他的) teacher is good.(我们) buy a pair of shoes for _(他). show _(我们) the map of Shenyang.(他们) are listening to the radio. is _(我的) book. That is_(他的) (他的) chair is blue. _( 我们的) is yellow.(我们的) classroom is ( 你们的) is small.(他) often play

27、s basketball after school.(他的) teacher is good. _(她的)is good too. book is blue. _(you) is red. chair is better than _ ( they). will give the presents to_(they). books are_(I), and those are_(you). ruler is long. _ ( you ) is short. bike is broken. May I borrow_ ( she) you show _(I) your books time f

28、or _(they) to go home. Green often tells _(we) some stories. are not your desks. They are _(our). is not my shirt. Its _(he) saw _(she) in the shop yesterday. is my friend. 他是我的朋友。 dog likes _. 我的狗喜欢她。 is there Its _. 是谁啊是我。 with _. 跟我来。 classroom is bigger than _. 你们的教室比我们的要大。 are Chinese. 我们是中国人。

29、want to buy some balloons for _. 我想买些气球送给他。 are _ photos. 这些是我们的照片。 like _ very much. 他们非常喜欢它。 _ give _ a book. 让我给你一本书。 is _ father. 这是我的爸爸。 that bike _ Yes, its _. 那辆自行车是你的吗是,它是我的。 like _ car. 我喜欢他们的小汽车。 school is here, and _ is there. 我们的学校在这儿,他们的在那儿。 bike is this Its _ (= _ _). 这是谁的自行车是她的。 that car _ Yes, its _. 那辆车是你的吗是的,它是我的。


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