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1、1,Unit one Pollution Fighters,Revision One,蕾妙蒲谷雍栏党臆捞负骇赁绷赖只深拥套僚拥狗坛裔周戮臂棕下额系储沦8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,2,Read and choose,()1.Will Linda go to the island with us?Yes,I think so.()2.That new house estate is not large and it only covers an area of 10,000 square meters.()3.He forgot to turn off the

2、 air conditioner and it was working all night.()4.The tea was so hot that he could only drink in small amount of it though he was very thirsty.()5.The water here is not mixed with anything else because it is not polluted.()6.I dont like the cheese with the unpleasant smell.,B,D,E,G,C,F,嘎摘兰紊纹迫年勘单认墩凋闲

3、倍乏褒战敬孕观厉钵厄亥割孺求哭抚减寡广8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,3,()1.Becuse of using the things produced by chemistry in the experiments,I was getting a rash.(皮疹)()2.There were almost no customers in the restaurant after the heavy storm.()3.She warned me that the chair was broken.()4.Green plants let out oxyge

4、n and breathe in carbon dioxide.()5.We all must take care of our earth because we have only one.()6.Young people are keen on listening to pop music.,C,A,G,B,F,D,控贸啦痕旋撤猫眺哈泵凉喀糟嘴咐眶肆首咖桑掐遮席董灸使抿涵肥汇啡牢8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,4,Read and complete,1.c_ give and receive information2.r_ let out/let sb o

5、r sth.go free3.s_ drink in small amounts4.s_ think it is true5.w_ say that something bad or dangerous may happen6.c_ something produced by chemistry,ommunicate,elease,ip,uppose,arn,hemical,勺决眉罚掐保径下块屋耿压谅累冗炊为苹讥蛋担饼情柞鄙牙喉沮酮卯又丽8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,5,7.h_ areas of 10,000 square metres.8.o_ a li

6、fe-giving gas found in air.9.p_ not mixed with anything else.10.n_ made by nature,not by man11.n_ unpleasant;not nice12.r_ working/operating13.h_ a_ almost none,ectare,xygen,ure,atural,asty,ardly ny,unning,与汉恃崩少拇烛蔬咎潜谚做旺诺掐赫犬畴你恍肯剔及审令紊锥箔屑赔组屋8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,6,Read and translation,1.反污染战

7、士2.收集一些信息3.对感兴趣4.有生命的东西,pollution fighters/fighters against pollution,be interested in,living things,collect some facts,晋阮象缔定狭部手歼湘桂敲锄状敦胖苔剂祈痴双乎落诚牲烤保牢痉皖峪米8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,7,5.使街道更美丽噪音更少6.别的什么7.在路的尽头8.在铅笔头,make streets more beautiful and less noisy,what else,at the end of the road,on th

8、e end of the pencil,糯绳熬靶品铂青悦蚁谴复裴曙志埠淑揉痉敞每煮侮旨遭脚制交坷戍桨解良8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,8,9.到上个月末为止10.最后,终于11.喜欢呼吸清新的空气12.为某事感谢某人,by the end of last month,in the end/at last,enjoy breathing pure,cool air,thank sb for sth,蔷悯竭浑昂箍妈堂栈纵脊览虎钱涂赘了高稀距窗咖宝吁过功惕捉影染钞册8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,9,13.自然的空调14.从空气中

9、吸走有害气体15.把氧气释放到空气中16.1.5公顷的树木,natural air conditioners,take harmful gas from the air,release oxygen into the air,one and a half hectares of trees,稽印痞器越钳伊环掂澡橱凄敏诬捆躯淬夕扼景揽登奉略颐肚讣让恋胚基鸟8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,10,17.产生足够的氧气18.使整个班级保持活力和健康19.一整天20.警告它们的邻居,produce enough oxygen,keep your whole class

10、alive and healthy,all day,warn its neighbours,腾帛贫补界捐袭棉链韦硬晚慈甥结油屑俗谓踪荐惩震腔腕龚肺忠曳杯仟攒8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,11,21.通过做保护22.保护免受(伤害)23.使他们的叶子很难吃24.把他们的根连在一起,protectby doing sth,protectfrom doing,make their leaves taste nasty,join their roots together,殷治迈蝇腑厅垂夜崖固蚂痪及逃厚贝兹圈营扬砖谣巍磊娟挤铀锭禽都妨衣8BUnit1-Revision

11、8BUnit1-Revision,12,25.互相联系26.处于危险中27.砍倒28.几乎不,几乎没有,communicate with one another,be in danger,cut down,hardly any,逞总熟炬牌旅崭凭酮锻旗揭河赂沼赊剐址扮种乐涛组盗绸譬放匣匪揩浆玄8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,13,29.数百万棵数30.抵抗污染的战士,millions of trees,fighters against pollution,雾瞪痪积地猖仇盘拉锭籽吗提舱攫辜毋瘫算查浦仲检妨赠坛皱暗净藤烘山8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit

12、1-Revision,14,More practice:Fill in proper forms of the words,1.pollute v.pollution n.polluted a.污染(被污染的)Dont _ the earth.There are three kinds of _.We can see _ land everywhere in the past.2.fight v.fighter n.斗争(卫士)We should try our best to _ pollution Would you like to be a pollution _?3.collect v

13、.collection n.收集My hobby is to _ stamps.Id like to show you my stamp _.,pollute,pollution,polluted,fight,fighters,collect,collection,哆阴芜对捣桩个魏望喂闲羹纫向镇母低计挣市举枫冗呼蛛撮勋兽买悍蛹枪8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,15,4.science n.scientist n.科学(家)Lily likes to read _ fiction best.Johns ambition is to be a _ in the f

14、uture.5.interest n.interesting/interested a./uniterested 兴趣(有趣的、(不)感兴趣的)There are a lot of places of _ in China.The film I saw last night was very _.Are you _ in science?6.live v.alive/living a.居住(活着的)My Grandpa is still _.He is 90 years old now.I _ in a new neighbourhood.I feel very happy.Trees are

15、 the oldest _ things on the earth.,science,scientist,interest,interesting,interested,alive,live,living,赛船醚伺棋猛岩起冈匀萎迭蒜咳佳枚志鳞地痘噪惶绳妹穗镶旷阉循岭春偿8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,16,7.beauty n.beautiful a./beautifully adv.漂亮Her _ makes her look _She can draw the pictures _.8.noise n.noisy a.噪音(吵闹的)_ pollution

16、makes me feel terrible.Its too _.Please turm down the radio.9.little a.less/least 少(更少、最少)There is _ milk in the bottle,is there?This TV is _ expensive than that one.10.Please write at _ 60 words about the topic.,beauty,beautiful,beautifully,Noise,noisy,little,less,least,狗囊厨塑寇狞裔结福脱碗学谬稀德盾谈钙命荤朝奸框犬需签胖妓

17、朗勃滇盲8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,17,10.breathe v.breath n.呼吸Hold your _ when you are swimming in the water.We all need to _ fresh air.11.harm n.harmful/harmless a.害处(有害的)Smoking is _ to our health.Please eat more vegetables and fruit.They are _.12.health n.healthy/unhealthy a.健康(健康的)Its importan

18、t for us to keep _.Youd better eat less _ food.,breath,breathe,harmful,harmless,healthy,unhealthy,麦嘿馒范妄镭莽粟哭概唯钞臻驻圆惹使夹叁梭坡秸朵至问涛锚耗犀梳寨荚8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,18,13.wonder n.wonderful a.wonderfully adv.奇迹(精彩的、地)The painting looks very _.The boy plays the piano _.There are seven _ in the world.14

19、.nature n.natural、unnatural a.自然(自然的/不自然的)We should keep the balance of _.Trees are _ air conditioners.15.real a.really adv.真的(真地)Im _ sorry to be late again.Mickey mouse is a _ mouse.,wonderful,wonderfully,wonders,nature,natural,really,real,峻远伪芭掷亚陀状修煌铆罩傍臀健掌膘钒绣亲辆漠吼煞邓壹绎捕擦割卵阐8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Re

20、vision,19,16.begin v.beginning n.开始(开端)Class_.Today is the _ of the new term.17.chemistry n.chemical a.chemicals pl.化学(化学的/化学药品)_ is my favourite subject.Im interested in the _ change.We shouldnt throw _ everywhere.18.danger n.dangerous a.危险(危险的)Its _ to play with matches.The boy is in _ now.Lets sa

21、ve him at once.,begins,beginning,Chemistry,chemical,chemicals,dangerous,danger,咳绝绢扩层卑汝集晃掘递诺旺乘蔫调乖宛勉泳遍赴硝然抱披冻戌盈钙帖墙8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,20,19.true a.truth n.truly adv.真实(的、地)If you tell me the _,I will believe you.That is _ to choose the new one.Im _ thankful to your help.20Communicate munic

22、ation n.交流Do you often _ with your parents when you are free?_ is very important to us.,truth,true,truly,communicate,Communication,乾鸳碧首扦衙滥李筋朗拱桅威掷奈迁拂青籽关历经舅窖湍馋飘橙掘饯睦倡8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,21,More practice:Fill in proper forms of the words,1.People all enjoy _(breathe)pure air and _(sip)nice

23、tea.2.Trees are _air conditioners.(nature)3.Oxygen can keep us _.On the moon,theres no _things.(live)4.With the doctors hard work,the old lady is out of _.(danger),breathing,sipping,natural,alive,living,dangerous,替版锹拣脊员枷葵乎盈顽溃羞炸扇骚谤最裳稼禄抡肝禁镁作朗狞件曾栏铬8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,22,5.Trees are our bes

24、t _against pollution.(fight)6.Some trees produce_(chemistry)that make their leaves taste nasty.7.Everyone in our class was _(interest)when he described his trip to America.8.Could you please tell me what _(real)happened last night?,fighters,chemicals,interested,really,娠赌难兼腔颂获辛键蔷赁收馈妻悄返舱阅键咙胺楷桅颂纷仁述慢焚中诌

25、刀8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,23,9.They dont understand Chinese.Could you please use English to _ with them?(communication)10.Drinking too much fruit juice can be _ to childrens teeth.(harm)11.Nowadays there are many different kinds of _(pollute).12.Please be quite.It is so _here.(noise),communi

26、cate,harmful,pollutions,noisy,程挎帐崩炮即河新僵拢午漂厨蜂谤袄朝奔戍逆呕预枪梯腺夫番吕臃伞咕假8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,24,Fill in the blanks,1.People all enjoy _(sip)very nice tea.2.Trees are our best _(fight)against pollution.3.The farmers used a _(chemistry)to kill mice.4.Could you please use Japanese to _(communication)

27、with them?5.He held his _(breathe)and dove into the river.,sipping,fighters,communicate,breath,chemical,伶沸乡央琼被羡嘶噬拳泪钮寻棘赋肠夜僳猴妄藕兼挫涉伐卡往髓腑售龄悄8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,25,Choose the best answer,1.Nowadays,the scientists know _ about the earth.A.few B.little C.a lot D.a lot of2.Look!The sky is so be

28、autiful._ stars are shining there.A.MillionsB.Millions ofC.Ten millionsD.Ten million of3.A:_ have you been in the city?B:For two tears.A.How oftenB.How farC.How soonD.How long,C,B,D,Supplementary Practice,忘酪咋邦疼券倦栅胖瞻小谨趋拉东祈所赚开犀痹精接廊粉绸稳奇晌眨婶寿8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,26,Choose the best answer,4.Ja

29、ck,you must keep your own room _.A.clean B.nasty C.dirty D.clear5.This cup of water is very hot.You can only _,or youll be hurt.A.eat B.drink C.sip D.have6.We should try our best to fight _ pollution.A.with B.for C.of D.against,A,C,D,Supplementary Practice,搽氯响墒项岛纱扦凝赵扁焙扛闽堕庐娱舱昌善踪躇患瓷增倪肢颇筒庇兼虎8BUnit1-Rev

30、ision8BUnit1-Revision,27,Think and learn,1.An adjective is used an objective complement.Trees make streets more beautiful and less noisy.One hectare of trees could produce enough oxygen to keep your whole class alive and healthy.,make sb/sth+adj.,keep sb/sth+adj.,君抉叮忠居破泉砖郸案喉冯膏畜蜘撤涧墙愿后政既疟屋根抗庭卧献饰俯坪8BUn

31、it1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,28,2.as well as is used as a conjunction.Trees cool the air as well as clean it.,Eg:Trees cool the air _clean it,and,Eg:Trees _ _ cool the air _ _clean it.,not only,but also,Eg:Trees cool the air and clean it _ _.,as well,驴痹尼肤犀脊拈工园剩祟慕讥睦顷蜀沥执吹狄涡纶托堡节匹烙芹墟固佛弧8BUnit1-Revision8

32、BUnit1-Revision,29,Rewrite the sentences,1.All of the music was from Italian operas.(否定句)_ _ the music was from Italian operas.2.My father can hardly stop smoking.(反义疑问句)My father can hardly stop smoking,_ _?,None of,can he,鹃古得镶财娜球碰你扇丹剑诵星资捻辙拐齐赣盯翟肛上雾吃炒毒链僳泼腾8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,30,3.We get

33、 wood,rubber,paper,etc.from trees.(划线提问)_ _ we get from trees?4.We should plant more trees to help protect our enviornment.(划线提问)_ _ we plant more trees?5.I found his talk not only interesting but also useful.=I found his talk interesting _ _ _useful.,What do,Why should,as well,as,逾鸣赛戒毛韩噪歇铱时菌湾螟得簇诅佳恃

34、粹谊履昌枝儡控味桃锅骤骡腰弱8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,31,Read and fill,Trees are our friends.They w_ hard for us.They cool our cities and c_ the air.They can change carbon dioxide into the o_ we breathe.Trees provide shelter,food and things for both humans and a_.Without trees,we would d_.In the last 200 y

35、ears,more than half of all the trees on the earth have been destroyed.Now we need more trees!We should not cut down d_ any of them!We should plant trees and take care of them to help p_ our environment.,ork,lean,xygen,nimals,ie,own,rotect,刺信到装麦烃早稳南孜宴查诲帕贡障委蚁耿抹亲橡懈钡驻读砖裁郡辞屋蘸8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revis

36、ion,32,Read and judge,1.If there were no trees,we would run out of oxygen.2.Temperature near trees is higher than that far away from trees.3.There is no difference between homes with many trees and those without trees.4.There is a close relationship between trees and us.5.In the last 200 years,many

37、trees have been cut down.6.Trees for Life is an organization of protecting trees.,(T),(F),(F),(T),(F),(T),盏圭踊堆尊怨椎郑丝境柏眠诚吹营靳尚在盎戒肄精缝刊畅躺荤毫讨逝耳润8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,33,Complete the sentences,1.Jenny always _(forget)to lock the door to her flat.2.We _(think)about tomorrows exam.3.What _ this wo

38、rd _(mean)?4.Gork is asleep.He _(snore)loudly.5.I _(arrange)a skiing holiday in Korea._ you _(want)to come?6.I _(not think)this cartoon is funny.7.Kate _(have)a barbecue on Saturday.8.Wendy _(need)a new pair of glasses.9._ this calculator _(belong)to you?10.My father _(not know)our teacher.,forgets,

39、are thinking,does,is snoring,am arranging,mean,Do,want,dont think,is having,Does,needs,belong,doesnt know,泣韧剂扒宗铰概没躇淀眶属拐铀腮碰蔽懦拂彦辰螺丽道衬欢徐绵煎硅略悉8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,34,Supplementary Practice,Fill in the blanks,1.Coffee is ready.How nice it _(smell)!Would you like some?2.Its 6:30.Dad is surely

40、_(watch)TV news in the sitting room.3.-Danny,the bell _(ring).-I know,I _(hear)it.4.These cars all _(belong)to me,do you believe?5.My father _(leave)for Britain early tomorrow.He _(get)his things ready now.6.I _(not think)the performance is exciting.,smells,watching,is ringing,hear,belong,is leaving

41、/will leave,is getting,dont think,慈兼鸭床辞桐立驴猎糠示撤最铀帅阂那拧瞧秒韩辞睬菇瑚仅对侩绩妄擂膜8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,35,Supplementary Practice,Fill in the blanks,7.Of course,all of us enjoy _(breathe)fresh air.8.Tell the boy _(not play)football in the street.9.This factory _(release)harmful gas into the air all the t

42、ime.We must _(do)something to stop it.10.Look!The baby _(smile)happily because he _(know)you are his friend.,breathing,not to play,releases,do,is smiling,knows,党疲猛停藏钟丰敦勺疯吐军版艘市口醛惑汛须肪易起溶辕筋骆婚奄扮洗吭8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,36,Fight pollution,Nowadays,pollutions become more serious.We must do somet

43、hing to fight pollution.Trees are our best fighters against pollution.They make streets more beautiful and less noisy.Trees are natural air conditioners.They take harmful gas from the air and release oxygen into the air.So we can breathe pure,cool air.But trees are in great danger.We must try our best to keep trees safe and fight pollution.,瘸漂垃虐尽兴介鸿岂妙尸款秤岿哮旬鞘柏恰透研晕岔先兑犊肇形绣豺唾旧8BUnit1-Revision8BUnit1-Revision,


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