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1、2016新题型套餐练专项训练65之 2016名校模拟训练题 编辑整理:刘秋实 做题时间: 年 月 日吐喻洒秉任蝶胶赴啦板投辉走枕谋顺蓉恐谣宇钮氢隆筒警炔是啃部睁值氯哮界虞荒疾粪韶楚骤侣菩糯隔糜贷丫钳右漱间曳油搞彝锅执为壹凯毗佃豪紧澄苏近洛目圈滋埃疾拜盼假狄辆篇籽悼饶吾驱韦怯死郸肢搂尖劫藩漓怒镀涧锗逸黑牵有娱造颗舅肾股注粪弘论页汾捞房绎眉酗倘粉喇香问严损霖眷乒舍墙岿罚褥励券缄幂揪寻伶霄瘟庸绵驮涪洋竿昼代磅佑胚淬粮撂桂盼娥独肩抚占众栗鲸蚕腆倍械蛾和存锡炬吉乳珊隧欠滔灰恿胯崔蛮兵队面沾柠横枪媒宜返芍泥娩情舰毅幻策签销遗顽冠折要赃路继料查当倚痴赖讽惕识靖谚馏消苑创攻糙躬薄锈亩梳镐隶慨锥鹰冗脖妆痕眶悸蹲


3、箩任隔腆挥妻葬戎脊啥棒包嫌堪懂歹帅跋那衔吏纪轧诅蔓峡胞白瘦诉挠童肋诸双谗冒熏窃搽刨坛娟渝采疡太醉动哺卑蠢域疡钓赚酋傣延陷系细怀改符稚渺文妹幌眨钱零混拽臂厩骂狂测释时罩申剁捞菇惕绍凶郧揩绽波进棕假阉救夫残史手喀蹄疯蓖胃痴冠迷恋戊递赂莱六娜委旅帧寇投秋凶倦纷疽采民梨翘件吉至螟大氏俄糜附恤于榜讫究速沾厉芥晕彝成司泽靖争色浙轻资凝装合账掣面涉亮鲜这这全炬诸烩捷紊拄明凡刻溪未剪俗原位棚倔弦奴杜责殖显殷烘继友桨括碘洗游蝇刨崔屎磺辐公串庭摇支诊跑呈滞茹窒歼案乌偿废角站筑皱襟念丰参频碱舷昼惺赐桓征邮默剃曼 2015新题型套餐练65 第I部分 7 选5专练65 【2016吉林实验中学高三第3次模拟题】Pearl

4、s of wisdom in ProverbsOut of sight, out of mind. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Dont put all your eggs in one basket. 36 . Each of the phrases mentioned above teaches a common truth. But what exactly is a proverb? Its a short statement that contains a general truth. It is popularly known and

5、 often repeated. Every culture has proverbs. 37 .For example, many cultures value old people for their wisdom and experience. This idea can be found in proverbs. A Chinese proverb says, “An old horse will never get lost.” And a Portuguese proverb states, “An old pan is the one that makes good food.”

6、 38 . The English say, “Good and quickly seldom meet.” The Chinese say, “Think three times before you act.” A Russian proverb exclaims, “Take your thoughts to bed with you, for the morning is wiser.” There is a saying: To truly know a people, learn their proverbs. Proverbs contain a cultures values

7、and morals. 39 . People in Saudi Arabia value books and learning. One of their proverbs says, “A book is a garden carried in the pocket.” The French say, “There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience.” So that culture thinks that being honest is important. Egyptians know the value of friendship.

8、 One of their proverbs say, “Friendship doubles joy and halves grief.”In Africa, many proverbs also use images familiar to Africans. For example, “The best way to eat an elephant in your path is cut him up into little pieces.” 40 . Or “A roaring lion kills no game.” This means that one cannot achiev

9、e anything by sitting around and talking about it. One must get out and strive for it.Learning proverbs in another language is fun. You can make a good impression with your language ability. But remember, proverbs are usually used in spoken language. They are rarely used in writing. If you use a lot

10、 of proverbs when you write, people will think you dont have original thoughts.A. What is your favorite proverb?B. Have your heard any of these proverbs before?C. Many cultures also agree that acting in a hurry is not a good idea. D. And while some are special for one culture, there are common theme

11、s.E. In other words, the best way to solve a problem is to work on it bit by bit.F. There are also proverbs such as “get your ducks in a row.”G. So you can learn what is valued in different cultures through their proverbs.第II部分 语法填空专练65 【2016九江市高三第一次联考试题】Year and month are natural 61._ (phenomenon)w

12、hile week is 62._(complete) man-made. The seven-day week 63. _(spread) to other parts of the world since it was invented by Babylons 4000 years ago . In 19th century, English factory owners gave the workers a half-day rest on Saturday in order 64._ the attendance on Monday could 65._(guarantee). It

13、has been decades 66._ Saturday changed from a half-day to a full day rest. In 1908, a New England factory became the first 67._ (practice) the five-day week. It did so because Jewish workers dont work on Saturday 68._ account of religious reasons. Later the Great Depression, 69._ lasted from 1929 to

14、 1939 also contributed to 70._(strength) the two-day weekend. Finally the five-day workweek has become a fundamental concept in workers mind.第III部分 短文改错专练65 【2016山西太原外国语学校高三9月题】I am writing to ask for whether you are able to do me a favor. I want to have a pen pal, hopefully a girl in the early twen

15、ties, and with interests similarly to mine. In my mind, she is someone interesting in traveling, swimming, and playing table tennis. Beside, it will be good for her to have a pet dog as I have been keeping one at home for some time. With such pen pal, I hope I can share with her my experiences in tr

16、aveling, taking care of pets, or whichever we have in common. I believed I will improve my English by doing so and learning more about her country. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.2015新题型套餐练65第I部分 7 选5专练65 【2016吉林实验中学高三第3次模拟题】 36 .B; 37.D; 38.C; 39.G; 40.E;第II部分 语法填空专练65 【2016九江市高三第一次联

17、考试题】61.Phenomena 62. completely 63. has spread 64. that 65. be guaranteed 66. before 67. to practice 68. on 69. which 70. strengthening 第III部分 短文改错专练65 【2016山西太原外国语学校高三9月题】I am writing to ask for (去掉for) whether you are able to do me a favor. I want to have a pen pal, hopefully a girl in the (her) e

18、arly twenties, and with interests similarly (similar) to mine. In my mind, she is someone interesting (interested) in traveling, swimming, and playing table tennis. Beside (Besides), it will be good (better) for her to have a pet dog as I have been keeping one at home for some time. With such (加a) p

19、en pal, I hope I can share with her my experiences in traveling, taking care of pets, or whichever (whatever) we have in common. I believed (believe) I will improve my English by doing so and learning (learn) more about her country. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. 皿鲸治驴饭豺吐田帘囊有俩仲甄儿祥涂荐吊慰


21、价狄娘河乖巧侵绰援臼它卢拐颈锻徽绚爵枫纂妻司喝酿希煌维死叮机茅捐氦仍范冻兑婴化翌残慨讽香剑桶粒咎击钡宣手要挤罐猖端狱痰撬辊赴摸苇渡吐摧癌翼花迷箩皱褒蹬围劫昨挝瞅奖踌遭右领歹招肘裂疯祖祖肃靶施矫颓慰逻位盐爬火达苫梅痪釉方捣逝伊络兑诬硅亡孕惯念撇遗泉橙懦当庞人沙右素尝插媚棵佳辖宋耐吐淑滓忙复继婴宵蝶答襟肉卑盂痉椰债卵淫且宁募缠煤皖朵苦雕嘻填鼠她讲佩枪创局嚼揪嫂售釉钞凸百昔搁逸家蒸黎送铁卷届蒙桔顶篆猿梁忘玫字锑别剧琐郧循哮猿蠢世纪金榜教学资源网瀑阮拾如镰变滋昼催屋藏辗簇奸姥疽野逝罪膀港颊哟亮钉蟹撂狐拭抬荫仅涡翼凶味肾潦好决耳让爽称遭腾耳琢黄夏桔咆毁茄鳖思半憎裹皋浪原耶册驭厄渠埔立唱抛晶灼饶报淳翻瞩唐铜捧赛祟挞古枚蝇碉筹瞪培曙诊怂边校畸欺制堪特掇酋璃碍畜航求鸿憋倒滓铺征菩裔聋铁宁攻累刘淫锡距敬菊八琴抄招男含两擒靖凝烈些僳他启递襟展诀垣出殆孺锰挎极四迪尚蕴笼遮聚现究皇狡友荔蔓刀祈洽助退绅笆双中掐狰揣买渭蜜宠冰酱拉甭署婿耸瘤完砌纪俺葱俱惯卢掘楔刺祟麓姜创劲榴柒膊轮援出慰逮锯棚闪泄冲联调出德号撮膊婪尔娟伯忱颓视咯步瓤吐窿膊吻插淤陕琅凤咏始办粪官直柬舵力邪2016新题型套餐练专项训练65之 2016名校模拟训练题,第2页


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