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1、Writing of 12th of Student Times,Nov.19,2013,以下是有关电视节目中国梦想秀Chinese Dream Show的相关信息,基本信息:2011年,由浙江卫视从英国引进2011年4月2日正式开播节目的宗旨:帮平民圆梦,点燃(ignite)平民百姓对生活的热情,甚至改变他们的人生反响:成为中国最受欢迎的电视节目之一观众评价:帮助许多平民百姓实现了他们的梦想,传播正能量;不仅是一档电视节目,还是一项公益活动。,写作内容请根据以上信息写一篇英语短文,介绍中国梦想秀,内容包括:1、基本信息;2、节目的宗旨和反响;3、观众评价。写作要求1、只能用5个句子表达全部内

2、容;2、作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。评分标准句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。,Organize information,1.基本信息:电视节目中国梦想秀Chinese Dream Show 2011年,由浙江卫视从英国引进 2011年4月2日正式开播2.节目的宗旨:帮平民圆梦,点燃(ignite)平民百姓对生活的 热情,甚至改变他们的人生3.反响:成为中国最受欢迎的电视节目之一4.观众评价:帮助许多平民百姓实现了他们的梦想,传播 正能量;5.不仅是一档电视节目,还是一项公益活动。,Some key words and expressions,浙江卫视 Zhejiang Sate

3、llite TV英国 the United Kingdom of Great Britain 引进 be introduced into from 开播 be broadcast平民 common people 帮圆梦 help realize ones dream点燃的热情 ignite/inspire/sparkle/arouse/stimulate passion/enthusiasm for 改变人生 change ones life,Some key words and expressions,最受欢迎 be the most popular 电视节目 TV program观众 au

4、dience 评价 say;think;set a high value on;speak highly of;highly appraise;be highly regarded;think highly of;sing high praise for 传播 spread;publicize;air 正能量 positive energy 一档电视节目 a TV program一项公益活动 a public welfare activity,Practice,1.电视节目中国梦想秀Chinese Dream Show 2011年,由浙江卫视从英国引进 2011年4月2日正式开播浙江卫视 Zh

5、ejiang Satellite TV英国 the United Kingdom of Great Britain 引进 be introduced into from 开播 be broadcast,Practice,1.电视节目中国梦想秀Chinese Dream Show 2011年,由浙江卫视从英国引进 2011年4月2日正式开播Chinese Dream Show,a program,was introduced into China from the United Kingdom in 2011.It was first broadcast on April 2nd,2011.Ch

6、inese Dream Show,a program introduced into China from the United Kingdom in 2011,was first broadcast on April 2nd,2011.,Practice,2.节目的宗旨(aim):帮平民圆梦,点燃(ignite)平民百姓对生活的热情,甚至改变他们的人生平民 common people 帮圆梦 help realize ones dream点燃的热情 ignite/inspire/sparkle/arouse/stimulate passion/enthusiasm for 改变人生 chan

7、ge ones life,Practice,2.节目的宗旨:帮平民圆梦,点燃(ignite)平民百姓对生活的热情,甚至改变他们的人生The show aims to help common people to realize their dreams,sparkle their passion for life and even change their life.The aim of the show(Its aim)is to help,Practice,3.反响:(自从首播以来,)成为中国最受欢迎的电视节目之一最受欢迎 be the most popular 电视节目 TV progra

8、mSince it was first broadcast,the show has become one of the most popular TV programs in China.Since its first broadcast,the show has become one of the most popular TV programs in China.,Practice,4.观众评价:帮助许多平民百姓实现了他们的梦想,传播正能量;观众 audience 评价 say;think;set a high value on;speak highly of;highly apprai

9、se;be highly regarded;think highly of;sing high praise for 传播 spread;publicize;air 正能量 positive energy,Practice,4.观众评价:帮助许多平民百姓实现了他们的梦想,传播正能量;The audience say that the program has helped many common people to realize their dreams.The program also has spread positive energy.The audience say that the

10、program,which has helped many common people to realize their dreams,has spread positive energy.The audience highly appraise that having helped many common people realize their dreams,the program has spread positive energy.,Practice,4.观众评价:帮助许多平民百姓实现了他们的梦想,传播正能量;The audience set a high value on it be

11、cause the program,which has helped common people realize their dreams,has spread positive energy.The audience think that it is the program which has helped common people realize their dreams that has publicized positive energy.,Practice,5.不仅是一档电视节目,还是一项公益活动。一档电视节目 a TV program一项公益活动 a public welfare

12、 activity(In their eyes,)it(the program)is not only a TV program but also a public welfare activity.,not only is it a TV program but also a public welfare activity.,it is a TV program as well as a publich welfare activity.,Chinese Dream Show,a program introduced into China from the United Kingdom in

13、 2011,was first broadcast on April 2nd,2011.The show aims to help common people to realize their dreams,sparkle their passion for life and even change their life.Since its first broadcast,the show has become one of the most popular TV programs in China.The audience say that the program,which has hel

14、ped many common people to realize their dreams,has spread positive energy.In their eyes,it is a TV program as well as a publich welfare activity.,Task Writing,阅读下面短文,然后按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。,Insomnia,which is Latin for“no sleep”,is the inability to fall asleep or remain asleep.Insomnia is also used to d

15、escribe the condition of waking up not feeling refreshed.According to experts,insomnia refers to the inability to get the amount of sleep you as an individual need to wake up feeling rested.,Insomnia is the most common sleep complaint among Americans.It can be either acute,lasting one to several nig

16、hts,or chronic(长期的),even lasting months to years.When insomnia lasts for longer than a month,it is considered chronic.According to the National Center for Sleep Disorders Research at the National Institutes of Health,about 30-40%of adults say they have some symptoms of insomnia within a given year,a

17、nd about 10-15%of adults say they have chronic insomnia.People who have trouble sleeping every night without exception for months or years are fairly rare.More often,people experience chronic-intermittent(间歇的)insomnia,which means they have differenlty sleeping for a few nights,followed by a few nigh

18、ts of adequate(足够的)sleep before the problem returns.,Insomnia can be a disorder in its own right,but often it is a symptom of some other diseases of conditions.Sleep is as essential as diet and exercise.Inadequate sleep can result in fatigue(疲劳),depression,concentration problems,illness and injury.,

19、写作内容1、以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。2、以约120个词谈谈你对“失眠”这一现象的看法,内容包括:导致失眠的原因;请以身边的同学或你自己为例,谈谈失眠的危害性;关于应对失眠,你有何建议?,写作要求1、在作文中可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。2、作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。评分标准概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。,Summary of Exposition,说明文1.The style of exposition:phenomenon+reasons+solution,2.针对某个问题提出解决方法或措施。即“问题+

20、解决方法”The passage tells us.(问题),including.(方法1),.(方法2)and.(方法3).The writer talks about(phenomenon),+solution 1+solution 2+solution 3 3.描写某事物的性质功用。即“对象+功能+好处”:The writer introduces.(对象)to us,especially its.(性质或功用),from which we know.(对象带来的利好).,Find out information,Key words:Insomnia Topic sentence:Ins

21、omnia,which is Latin for“no sleep”,is the inability to fall asleep or remain asleep.Some details:Insomnia is the most common aleep complaint among Amercans.It can be either acute,lasting one to several nights,or chronic,even lasting months to years.When insomnia lasts for longer than a month,it is c

22、onsidered chronic.,Find out information,Some details:about 30-40%of adults say they have some symptoms of insomnia within a given year,and about 10-15%of adults say they have chronic insomnia.,Paraphrase,Insomnia,which is Latin for“no sleep”,is the inability to fall asleep or remain asleep.The main

23、symptom of insomnia,Paraphrase,Insomnia is the most common sleep complaint among Amercans.It can be either acute,lasting one to several nights,or chronic,even lasting months to years.When insomnia lasts for longer than a month,it is considered chronic.Insomnia is divided into acute insomnia and chro

24、nic insomnia,which is the most common sleep complaint among Americans.,Paraphrase,about 30-40%of adults say they have some symptoms of insomnia within a given year,and about 10-15%of adults say they have chronic insomnia.Many American adults have suffered different degrees of insomnia.,Refined summa

25、ry,The passage mainly describes insomnia,a symptom causing the most common sleep complaint among Americans,which can be divided into acute insomnia and chronic insomnia.Besides,many American adults have suffered(experienced)different degrees of insomnia.(35 words),Possible version of summary,The pas

26、sage mainly describes the main symptom of insomnia,which can be generally divided into acute insomnia and chronic insomnia.It also tells us that many American adults experience insomnia to different degrees.,Causes for insomnia,Personally,I think many different factors can lead to insomnia.It can be

27、 caused by stress,a noisy environment,drinking coffee or alcohol before going to bed,or the change of ones daily routine.,To talk about damanges of insomnia through your or friends experiences,Insomnia can keep people in low spirits and make it difficult for people to focus on their work and study.T

28、ake my friend Tom for example.He suffers from sleeplessness before examinations because he worries about being scolded by his father if he fails.However,it is the lack of sleep that often leads to his failure every time.,Your suggestions to deal with insomnia,If we cant fall asleep,there is no need to worry about it because the more we are worried about it,the more difficult it will be for us to do it.It is suggested that distracts our mind from worry before trying to sleep again.,Thank you!,


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