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1、,By Liang FanFrom Qionghu Middle School,Apr.18,2013,Infinitive,By Liang FanFrom Qionghu Middle School,Apr.18,2013,Infinitive,1.talking to me.2.to meet.3.to know4.whats the weather like there?5.Anything else?6.that sounds wonderful.,形式:to do 否定形式:not to do do not do,功能:动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征。因此在句中可以做主语、

2、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语,概念:动词不定式是非谓语动词的一种,它没有人称和数的变法,在句子中不能独立作谓语。,中考考点:,重点考查非谓语动词中的动词不定式作宾语、宾语补足语和目的状语。,动词不定式的用法:1.用作主语,B.可用it作形式主语,动词不定式放在后面作真正的主语。It takes him ten minutes to get there.,C.It is+adj.+for sb to do sth.(for 引出动作发出者)It is+adj.+of sb to do sth.(of侧重对人的品格,特征,性格的描述.)Its hard _ you to do it well

3、.Its silly _ him to do such a thing.,A.谓语动词用单数三人称,for,of,2.用作宾语。V.+(not)to do sth.,A.类似用法的动词还有:wish/want/would like/like/hope/plan/help/agree/learn/fail/prefer.+to do sth.,B.不定式作宾语时,如带有宾补,则要把不定式放在后面,用it作形式宾语。谓语动词常用find,feel,think.结构:主语+find/feel/think+it+adj./n.+to do sth.I feel it my duty to do so.

4、I feel that my duty to do so.,it is,C.forget to do 忘记去做某事,还 没做 forget doing 忘记做过某事,已做过,类似动词还有:remember to do 记得做过某事,已发生remember doing 记住去做某事,未发生stop to do 把某事停下来stop doing 停下去做另外的事,Remember to call me.I remember seeing you somewhere before.He stopped to talk with me.He stopped talking.,A.类似动词还有:want

5、/tell/invite/encourage/advise/allow/help/expect.+sb.to do sth.,3.用作宾补:tell sb.(not)to do sth.,B.使役动词:let/make/have+sb.do sth.,C.感官动词:一感 二听(三让)四看,feel,hear,listen to,let,make,have,look at,see,watch,notice,I felt someone _(enter)the meeting room just now.She made me _(feel)afraid.,feel,=I was made _(f

6、eel)afraid.,to feel,enter,D.She was heard sing last night.对吗?,She was heard to sing last night.,感官动词和使役动词后的不定式在主动语态中省略to,在被动语态中必须加上to。,句型:Sb.+be done+to do sth.,E.感官动词后接 do 和 doing 的区别,+do 表示动作的完整性,see sb.doing sth.,see sb.do sth,+doing 表示动作的进行性,I saw him(play)basketball.,I saw him(enter)the shop ju

7、st now.,enter,playing,4.用作状语,I come to see you.(目的状语),I am sorry to hear that.(原因状语),The room is large enough to hold 200 people.(结果状语),5.用作表语,His wish is to be a scientist.,6.用作定语,I have two books to read.,不定式与被修饰词有动宾关系,若为不及物动词,介词不可省略.,She doesnt have a pen to write with.,7.疑问词who/what/which/where/

8、when/how+to do 可构成不定式短语,可用作主语,宾语等,He didnt tell me where to go.When to start has not been decided.,最好还是(不)做 请您做?为什么不做?宁愿做而不愿.,had better(not)do.,Would you please do.,would rather do.than do,prefer to do.rather than do.,省略 to 的固定情况,Why not/Why dont you do sth,Group1:1.-There goes the bell-Its time fo

9、r class.Lets stop_.A talk B to talk Ctalking Dnot talk2.On my way home,I stopped _ some food.A.buy B.to buy C.buying D.bought3.Dont forget _me the letter.-Ok.A.to sendB.sendC.sendingD.being sent,真题再现,2.I dont enjoy _,but Id like _ this afternoonA.to swim,to swim B.to swim,swimming C.swimming,to swim

10、 D.swimming,swimming,真题再现,3.While I was walking along the lake,I saw some fish _ out of the water.jumped B.to jump C.jumping D.are jumping,Group2:1.-What did your father say just now?(湛江2010)-He told me not _ in the street.A.runB.runsC.running D.to run,真题再现,Group3:1.Youd better_ too much sugar.You a

11、re already overweight.A.not to eat B.to eat C.not eat D.eat,2.I would rather stay at home than go shopping.,I _ _ _ at home rather than _ shopping.,prefer to stay,go,3.The boss made them work the whole night.=They _ _ _ _ the whole night.,were made to work,Homework,1.Review the words and phrases.,2.Get ready for the test.,3.Review the comparative and superlative adjectives(形容词比较级和最高级),See you!,Thank you!,


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