1、员 工 满 意 度 调 查工作环境方面WORKING ENVIRONMENT1、 公司的工作环境是否良好 Is the environment in the company good for work ?A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain2.、您的工作场所舒适,便于高效率地工作Is your working condition comfortable for work? A是yes B否noC无法确定uncertain工作环境方面需要改进的地方?Anything need to improve in working condition工作时间方面WORKING TIME3、公司
2、的作息时间是否恰当 Is the working time fit for work?A是yesB否no C无法确定uncertain是否需要调整?Is the working time need to be adjusted?A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain如何调整How to adjust?4、公司是否要求您花太多的时间工作are you requested to work for too much time? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain5、在工作中您是否经常受到突然的增速要求或意外的拖延时间的干扰 Are you often disturbed
3、by unplanned adjustment on working time? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain工作的其他方面OTHERTHING ABOUT WORK6、您是否了解你的工作与你小组或部门的其他人的工作关系 Do you know clearly about the working relationship with others in your team ? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain7、您的同事在工作中是否互相帮助do the staff help each other when needed? A是yes B否no C无法确定u
4、ncertain8、您经常感到工作使你疲惫不堪、筋疲力尽do you often feel exhausted about the work? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain9、在工作中您是否有充分运用自己的判断力或工作方法的自由 can you choose the working way and make some decision freely?A是yes B否noC无法确定uncertain10、您在目前的工作中可以学到很多新东西,包括专业知识、一般知识、管理知识等 Can you learn a lot in the work? A是yes B否no C无法确定u
5、ncertain11、您的工作经常是单调乏味的do your work often be aridity? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain 12、您的工作压力大吗do you have too much working stress? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain13、您是否有合适的工作设备或工具Is the DVC available for you? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain14、您的工作成果是否得到直接上司和公司高级管理层的认可? Did you get identification on your work from
6、your supervisor? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain15、您辛苦的工作是否能得到直接上司的表扬? Are you praised for your hard work?A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain16、您的直接上司是否能及时指出你工作中不足的地方或错误的地方,并对此提出建议? Can your supervisor point the defect in your work and give some suggestion to you?A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain17、您是否得到从事该工作的充分指导或培训? Can
7、you get enough training and direction from the work? A是yes B否noC无法确定uncertain18、您的工作似乎在走向你所向往的那种未来? Can the position lead you to the future you dreamed for? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain19、您的上司和公司高级管理层是否认为你做好本职工作还需要做些努力? Does the supervisor think you should pay more effort to your work? A是yes B否no C无法确定
8、uncertain20、有时您觉得您的工作对公司微不足道吗Do you feel it negligible working on your position? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain21、直接上司和公司高级管理层对您的工作期望太多或要求太高,给你造成很大压力吗 Did you feel more pressure because of the too much expectation from the supervisor? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain22、与您一起工作的人们非常友好吗 Did the staff be fried with
9、 you? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain管理方面26、您的直接上司和公司管理层是否信任你?did the supervisor trust you? A是yesB否no C无法确定uncertain27、公司管理部门是否经常给您必要的培训或提供各种培训机会? Do you get necessary training?A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain28、公司的管理人员在努力完善公司的各项制度、政策,以使公司逐步走向成功吗? Did the manager commit to making perfect policy for the success o
10、f the company? A是yesB否noC无法确定uncertain29、您的直接上司和公司管理层是否经常鼓励你提合理化建议 Did your supervisor often encourage you to make suggestion? ? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain 您的合理化建议是否被采用? Did your suggestion be adopted? A是yes B否noC无法确定uncertain30、在填补职位空缺时公司通常忽视公司自己的人才 When recruiting, did the company often neglect the
11、 inter candidate? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain31、与其他人相比,您是否觉得自己很少得到公司管理层的注意或关心 Comparing to others, did you get less concern from the manager? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain32、在公司里,想上进的人有很多发展的机会? Those who want to develop will get enough chance? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain33、公司管理层是否总是公正地对待您? Did the manager t
12、reat you fair? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain34、您对公司的高层管理人员的公正和能力是否有信心? Are you confident with the ability and justice of the manager? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain35、公司的管理人员或管理部门是否关心员工的工作、学习、生活等各方面? Did the manager often take care of the working, learning and living of the staff? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain 3
13、6、公司高层管理人员对员工的态度是否友善? Did the manager be friendly to the staff? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain38、公司管理层是否让您了解他对您的期望和要求? Did the manager let you know the demand to you? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain39、员工是否能得到来自公司管理层的充分信息? Did the staff know clearly about the manager? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain41、在公司里得到提升的人是否是应当
14、提升的? Are those got promoted the right ones that should be proposed? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain42、您的直接上司和公司管理层是否欢迎您发表意见或对不足之处提出意见? Did your manager encourage you to give suggestion to the defect of theirs? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain43、您的直接上司是否应当对你更友好些? Should your supervisor be friendly to you? A是yes B
15、否no C无法确定uncertain44、您的直接上司是否能胜任其工作? Is your supervisor competent to his/her work? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain45、您的直接上司是否能合理分配工作或安排部门人员? Can your supervisor assign the work rationally? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain46、在您需要您的直接上司或公司管理人员的帮助时一般都能得到。 Can your supervisor help you when needed? A是yes B否no C无法确定un
16、certain47、公司大都数人都能被安置在较好发挥他们能力的工作岗位上吗? Did most of the staff assign the work they fit for? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain48、公司解决问题的程序是否合适Is the procedure for solving problem appropriate? A是yesB否no C无法确定uncertain 速度是否快Is the speed fast? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain 如程序不适,应注重改进的方面有? What should be improved on
17、 if the procedure not appropriate? 福利待遇方面49、您觉得公司的工资比同行业或同类型的公司低 Is the salary level lower than the other company in the same size? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain50、您觉得你的工资与您的工作是否相符Is your salary fair comparing to your work? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain51、您的工资是你留在公司工作的最主要原因 Is salary the essential thing wor
18、king here? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain 52、公司的加薪情况是否让您满意Are you satisfied with the raises? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain 53、与同行业或同类型的其他公司相比,公司的福利适当吗 Comparing with others in the same size , is the welfare appropriate in our company? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain 54、您是否了解公司为员工提供的各种福利 Do you know clearly about t
19、he benefits supplied in our company? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain55、您对公司的假期制度是否满意 Are you satisfied with the leaving policy? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain 其 他 others 56、公司的员工活动是否多 Is the activity enough?A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain 活动类型是否符合员工需要或兴趣Are the staff interested in the activity? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncer
20、tain 您喜欢什么类型的活动?What kind of activity do you prefer? 57、您对公司的未来是否充满信心Do you have confidence with the company? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain 58、您在公司是否有机会充分发挥自己的能力 Do you have opportunity to use your ability in the company? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain59、公司应提供更多让员工互相了解的机会吗 Should the company make opportunity
21、 to let the staff know each other? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain60、员工是否清楚地了解公司的经营状况、发展方向以及竞争对手的情况 Did you know clearly about the marketing and the competition condition? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain61、您在公司已经走到了你所能达到的地位吗 Did you get the top position you can get in the company? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain 62、您
22、是否愿意继续或长期留在本公司 Do you want to stay in the company for a long time? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain63、您是否考虑过辞职 Did you think of resign? A是yes B否no C无法确定uncertain 为什么?why 64、您目前对公司各方面最不满意的是: Anything you are not satisfied with in the company? 请您在此写出你所想到的任何意见和建议:Please write any other opinion and propose here