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1、必修1 Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood1. survey n. vt. 调查;审视,仔细考虑归纳扩展make/ do/ carry out/ conduct a survey (of) Surveys show/ suggest/ indicate/ find/ reveal that2. read about读关于的文章;获悉 归纳扩展read 读 read about/of 读关于的文章;获悉know 知道 know about/of 了解learn 知道 learn about/of 了解tell 告诉 tell about/of 讲述

2、3. in the south 在范围之内 to the south 两个相互独立的地方 on the south 接壤 4. sixteen-year-old Zhang Hua a five-storey apartment Many students signed up for the 800-metre-long race in the sports meeting to be held next week. 5. be made of 归纳扩展be made from be made into 被制成(产品) be made by +制造商 be made in +产地 be mad

3、e up of 由构成6. compare vt. 比较 comparison n. 比较,比喻归纳扩展compare A with B. compare A to B. 把A比作B.beyond/ past/ without compare/ comparison 无与伦比make a comparison between A and B. in/ by comparison 比较起来in comparison with 与相比较 In comparison with the States, the U.K. is tiny. 考点compare 的非谓语在句中作状语:Comparing t

4、his book with that one, youll find this one is more interesting. Compared with that book, this book is more interesting. 7. It has been six years since we last saw each other. 归纳扩展(1) It is/ has been +一段时间 + since + (短暂性动作)“自从以来有多久了” It is/has been +一段时间 +since + (延续性动作) “自从不至今已经多久了”It is/ has been

5、3 years since my elder brother joined the army. 我哥哥参军已3年了。It is/has been 3 years since my father smoked. 我爸爸已经戒烟(不抽烟)3年了。(2) It was + 一段时间 + before 过了一段时间就发生了It was not half a year before they married. (3) It will be + 一段时间 + before 要过多久才能发生 It will be another week before he returns. (4) It is/ was

6、+ 时间点 + when 当时已是时候了 It was 8 oclock when I went back home last night. (5) It is/ was + prep. + 时间点 + that (强调句) It is at 8 oclock that I went back home last night. It was not until + 时间点 + that 直到才(强调句)It was not until 10 oclock that he returned. It is/ was in + 时间段 + that (强调句) It was in ten years

7、 that he found his lost child. (完成时用since, 将来时用before, 强调句用that) 8. This is the first time Ive visited your hometown. 归纳扩展 (1) It/ This/ That is/ was the first/ secondtime (次数)/ year/ day that + (现在过去)完成时(2) Its (high) time to do sth. (早)该做(3) Its (high) time that + Subject + 过去时 (早)该做Its the second

8、 time that John has held an art exhibition. It was the third time that the boy had been late. It is high time that we took immediate action to solve the problem. (2009辽宁卷)Its the first time that he has been to Australia, _C_?A. isnt he B. hasnt he C. isnt it D. hasnt it9. the only/ best/ very one of

9、 the + C 复数 + 定语从句 + V.第三人称单数He is one of the workers that/ who have received the prize. He is the only one of the workers that/ who has received the prize.10. attractive adj. 有魅力的;吸引人的,引人注意的=appealing I must admit Ive never found him particularly attractive. 归纳扩展 attract ones attention attraction n

10、. C吸引人的人或物 U吸引,吸引力 have an/ no/ a little/ much attention to sb. 对某人有/没有/有一点/非常有吸引力 11. have been to 去过(现在不在那个地方)have gone to 去了(现在不在说话现场) have been in 在某地(现在还在那个地方)12. fortunate a. be fortunate to do/ (in) doing sth. fortunately adv. unfortunate a. fortune n. I was fortunate to have/ in having a goo

11、d mother. Youre fortunate that youve still got a job. It was fortunate that nobody was hurt in the accident. 13. Whats the climate like? 询问某人或某事的状况、特点的句式:What be + S + like? What do you think of? How be + S? How do you like/find? What are the Greens like? 格林一家为人怎么样? What do you think of the film?你认为

12、这部电影怎么样? How do you like the film? How do you find the film? 14. 感官 系动词 vt.sight look see/ look at hearing sound hear/ listen to smell smell smell taste taste tastetouch feel feel 15. bother vt. 打扰;麻烦 U不便,麻烦;C引起麻烦或不便的人或事Im very sorry to have bothered you with some many questions on such an occasion.

13、 归纳扩展bother sb. with sth. 拿来打扰某人 Dont bother me with stupid questions. bother about/ with sth. 为而烦恼;为而费心Its not worth bothering with an umbrella-the cars just outside. bother to do sth. 特意做She didnt even bother to hide her anger. 她甚至不屑掩饰她的愤怒。bother that困扰 Does it bother you that she earns more than

14、you? have no/ much/ little bother (in) doing做毫不费力/很费力/几乎不费力16. put up 举起,建造;张贴;忍受;(为)提供食宿;They are putting up several new office blocks in the centre of town. A notice was put up in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time. (2009陕西高考) They agreed to put two foreign students up over t

15、he summer. I am not going to put up with their smoking any longer. 易混词(组)辨析例句put up“建造,搭建”,指高于地面以上的建筑物。They put up a tent near the river.set up “建立,成立”,(+组织、机构、团体) = found He set up a new company last month. build “建造,建设,建立”, 常指建造大的东西,可接具体或抽象n.You should build a better future. found foundedfounded“建

16、立/成立”(+组织、机构等),意义同set up,但found更强调打基础The country was founded in 1890. 归纳扩展put back 把放回原处;推迟,延迟;耽误,减慢put down 写下,记下put forward 提出(意见、建议),推荐,提名put on 上映,穿上,戴上put out 熄灭,扑灭;生产;出版put in 插话;安装put up with 忍受,忍耐put forth 提出(意见、计划等)put aside 储存,留出;放下(手中工作)(去做别的事);忘记,不考虑,抛弃Ive a little sum of money put aside

17、 for a rainy day. 我存了一笔不小的钱以备不时只需。She put aside her needlework when he telephone rang. 放下针线活Let us put aside our differences. 让我们抛开分歧。put through 接通电话Could you put me through to the manager? put away 存(钱),储存;把放好She put her clothes away in the dresser. put off 延迟,推迟;敷衍,把搪塞过去;使改变主意,阻止;消除,摆脱;脱掉;使分心,使心乱

18、,使苦恼;使反感,使泄气,使对失去兴趣;(车、船停靠)让下车(或下船)Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 推迟I wont be put off with such flimsy excuses. 我不会被这样站不住脚的借口敷衍过去。 Nothing would put her off once she had made up her mind. 她一旦做出决定就什么也阻挡不了她。 You must put off your doubts and fears. 你必须打消疑虑。 He was trying to write, b

19、ut the continuous noise outside his window put him off. 他想写东西,可窗外不断的喧闹声使他定不下心来。 He put off the heavy coat he was wearing. 脱掉 The cheese looked nice but the smell put me off. 讨厌The accident put him off driving. 这次事故后他不想驾车了。Please put me off at the station. 请让我在车站下车。17. approach v. 接近, 临近;靠近 ;探讨,处理,对待

20、 n. 接近;通路,入口;处理方式,解决办法,学习(研究)途径As they approached the wood a rabbit ran out of the trees. There are several ways of approaching this problem.The approach of winter brings cold weather. We need a new approach to this problem. What was brought up at the meeting is that we must find a new approach to t

21、eaching languages.归纳扩展 approach sth./ sb. 靠近某物;接近某物 at the approach of 在快到的时候an approach to 做某事的方法/途径;通往某地的路径区: the access to 通道;入口;使用途径 have/ gain/ get access to give sb. access to This is the only access to the hall. Its difficult to get access to him. You need a password to get access to the comp

22、uter system. An office in Shanghai would give us access to the Chinese market. Students must have access to good resources. 归纳扩展means适用于为达到某种目的所使用的任何方法,既可指工具、器械,也可指行动、方法;approach主要指研究、做学问或解决某难题的方法或途径;method 指系统、有效地方法或步骤,含有规律性和正规性的意思;way 为普通用词,不如method 正式,而且多指解决问题或做某事的具体办法或途径。 an approach to (doing)

23、sth. means (单复数同行) for/ of (doing) sth. means to do sth. means to the end 达到目的的方法 means to prosperity 致富途径methods for/ of (doing) sth. ways of (doing) sth. ways to do sth. 高考链接1. At the meeting they discussed three different _A_ to the study of mathematics. (湖北高考)A. approaches B. means C. methods D.

24、 ways 2. The system has been designed to give students to give students quick and easy _A_ to the digital resources of the library. (2009浙江) A. access B. passage C. way D. approach access to 表示“(进入)的机会,进入权,享用权;通道,入口;使用途径”; passage “通道,走廊,航道”, +of; ways + of; approach to “做的方法”,但approach 为C。18. Do yo

25、u think we could stop and walk around for a while? 情态动词could 表示请求许可,语气委婉、客气。归纳扩展请求许可 “Can/ Could/ May/ Might I ?”和”Can/ Could you?” 给予许可 “You can/may”等, 不可用 “You could/might”拒绝请求 “No, you cant/mustnt. for a while 一会儿;暂时he sat for while, thinking about what Lance had said to him. 归纳扩展a little/ short

26、while 一会儿 quite a while相当长的一段时间all the while 一直,始终 once a while = at times 偶尔,间或after a while 过了一会儿高考链接Lets go to _B_ cinema-thatll take your minkd off the problem for _ while. (2009全国1卷)A. the; the B. the; a C. a; the D. a; a 19. lively a. 活泼的;生机勃勃的;充满趣味的lovely a. 可爱的,漂亮的likely a. 可能的;合适的live a. 活的

27、;现场直播的living a. 活着的,活的 20. Shall we go there for lunch? shall (1) 用作助动词,用于一般将来时,只能用于I, we. We shall have an English test tomorrow. (2) 用作情态动词,用于第一、三人称的疑问句,表请求、征求对方的意见,意为“怎么样?”“好吗?” Shall he come in or not? 是让他进来还是不让他进来?Shall we set off now?(3) 用作情态动词,用于第二、三人称的陈述句,表示允诺、保证、警告、威胁及规章制度、条文等。You shall get

28、 a present if you get full marks in the exam. Candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers have collected. 高考链接-What does the sign over there read?-No person _C_ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.” (四川高考)A. will B. may C. shall (表警告) D. must 21. starve to

29、death be starving for be dying for 渴望得到be desperate for Listening and Vocabulary22. occupation n. C U 职业;占领;居住 occupy vt. 占据,占有归纳扩展occupy oneself in doing sth. / with sth. 专心于某事;忙于某事be occupied in doing sth. / with sth. The child occupied himself in drawing a picture. Students are occupied with thei

30、r study. 易混词辨析occupation指一般意义上的职业,任何职业都可叫做occupationAll the people present wondered what his occupation was.employment指受雇于人而拿薪水的职业He is in my employment. profession指知识性专门职业,从业者经过特殊教育和训练,如医生、律师、教师等She intends to make teaching as her profession. 23. Would you like to be on the committee when you are o

31、lder? 易混词辨析例句would like “想、愿意” would like to do sth. I would like to go to the party. feel like “想、愿意”feel like (doing) sth. I dont feel like eating these days.would prefer “更愿意,更想”would prefer n/pron./ to do. I would prefer it if you did not go there alone.would like would rather do than do. would

32、rather (that) + 过去时(与现在事实相反)would rather (that) + 过去完成时 (与过去事实相反)I would rather (that) he came tomorrow. Pronunciation & Writing24. Yes, I was born in this street. 归纳扩展was/ were born in + 地点was/were born into + family 生于之家She was born into a wealthy family. was/ were born of + n. 从中产生The invention w

33、as born of need. Their friendship was born of a curious accident. Love is born of the heart, not the mind. was/ were born + adj/ n. 生来是Human beings were born equal. He was born blind/ deaf. 先天盲、聋。 was/ were born with 生来具有He was born with a good memory. was/ were born + to do 生来就要做She was born to be

34、a musician. born 还可做定语“天生的”She is a born poet. 25. exchange vt.& vi. & n. 交换,交流,兑换 At the end of the game players traditionally exchange shirts with each other. 归纳扩展exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物Lets exchange our seats. exchange A for B. 以A换BHuman beings exchange future development for immediate ple

35、asure. Human beings sacrifice future development for immediate pleasure. 人类为了换取眼前的享乐不顾将来的发展。in exchange (for) 以换Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera? Ill type your report if youll babysit in exchange.make an exchange 交换exchange rate/ rate of exchange 汇率高考链接I have offered to paint the

36、 house _A_ a weeks accommodation. A. in exchange for B. with regard to(至于) (山东高考) C. by means of D. in place of (代替) 26. Cities are interesting, and they can be beautiful, but they are never beautiful in the way that the countryside is beautiful. I dont like the way you treat the old. 归纳扩展先行词是the wa

37、y时,引导定语从句的关系词要根据定语从句中所缺的成分确定。若the way 在从句中作状语,关系词用(that)/ (in which), 也可以省略。I dont like the way _D_ he talks to his father. A. where B. which C. to which D. that 区别the way 在定语从句中作宾语的用法。He showed me the way (that)/ (which) I was looking for. 27. get away from摆脱, 远离 归纳扩展get up 起身get on/off 上车下车get int

38、o/ out of 上车 从(车里)出来get out of 逃避,摆脱Hell do anything to get out of work. get along with 和相处get away with 做(坏事)而不受惩罚;偷携某物潜逃He was so lucky to get away with a fine for such a serious mistake. The robbers robbed the bank and got away with a log of money. get across 被理解,把讲清楚get close to 接近get down 降下get

39、 down to doing sth. 开始着手做某事 get on/ along with 和相处 get over 克服,控制The news was a terrible blow to her, but she will get over the shock soon. get through 用完,耗尽;完成;通过(考试等) Hardly could he get through this amount of work in such a short time.28. a great/good many 许多,大量A good many foreigners pay a visit

40、to the Great Wall every year. 归纳扩展表示许多的短语:(1) a great/ good many quite a few + C复数,+ V.复数 a large/ great number of(2) a large/ great amount of a great deal of + U,+V. 第三人称单数 quite a little (3) a lot of = lots of plenty of +C复数or U,V.取决于名词 a large quantity of = quantities of (4) quantities of C复数or U

41、,+ V.复数 eg. Quantities of books/ water are(5) many a/ an + C单数,+V.单数 more than one Cultural Corner29. reason n. 原因 v. 讲道理归纳扩展 for (doing) sth. reason to do sth. why/that 引导的定语从句 The reason (why/ for which/ that) I didnt come here on time was (that)(because口语) I got up too late. 区别:The reason (that/

42、which) he gave us was just an excuse to escape responsibility. reason with sb. 和讲道理reason sb. into/ out of doing sth. 说服某人做/不做某事= persuade sb. into/ out of doing sth. 30. as (因为)归纳扩展 because/ as/ since/ for because “因为”宝石直接的因果原因,回答why提问的问题,在主句前后都可;since “因为”“既然”表示显然的或已知的理由;as “由于”“鉴于”也表示显然的原因,可与sinc

43、e 互换;for “因为”“由于”表示推断的理由,引导的分句前有逗号,而且分句不在句首。as 的各种用法: as 表原因as 表时间“当之时,在的同时;随着” 连词as 表情况 “正如一样” as 表转折 “虽然”as 表比较 “像一样” asas as “作为” prep. as “当做” prep. I saw him walking in the street just as I was getting on a city bus.(当之时)As time goes by, he seems to become more and more confused.(随着)As were bot

44、h tired, lets just have a rest. (因为) As I told you before, you will be required to give a five-minute oral report. (正如)Cold as it was, he decided to go swimming. Child as she is, she is very considerate. 让步Try as he would, he still wasnt able to pass the exams. Im not as fate as I used to be. 比较He studied hard, as does his sister. 比较I respect him as a doctor. 当做As an officer, you should serve your country. 31. remain vt. (系动词) 保持;逗留,留下 归纳扩展remain silent/ standing/ seated/ unchanged remain to be done 留待做 the fact remains (that) 事实是,不容忽视的是


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