1、YOU,北京做无痛人流最好的医院http:/,One summer,Five years ago,I read a book,that changedmy life.,I learned,About theplanet,About people,The children,The forest,Animals,And our food,The lies,And injustice,About the world,About me,My perfect life was,shattered,I was,angry,But chose to do,something,I decidedto help
2、,I changed my,ways,and broke thesilence,I gathered,people,and toldthem thefacts,I showedthem,charts,I urged themto act,but,It wastoo,much,They,heardme,So I chose abetter way,I needed to reachtheir hearts,I told themstories,And sothey,listened,And sothey,saw,I told them aboutone child,They saw thetho
3、usands,I toldthem,aboutone,animal,They saw thejungle,I told themabout one,fish,They,saw theocean,I told,them mystory,Showedthem myflaws,I talked,about the,love for mychild,My love forthe forest,My love forthe rivers,My love foranimals,My lovefor life,And so they sawthemselves,Now they know,And they canchoose,To take littlesteps,That canchange,the world,Because we arealike,Because we care,Becausewe can.,Because YOUcan.,Now its,your turn tochoose,So be ahero,And do,something,Because together,Wecan,Roberto Giannicola,Provokare P,