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1、(1)根据资料(1)至(4),逐项说明甲公司的会计处理是否正确,并说明理由。对于不正确的会计处理,编制更正的会计分录。D组织因子释放增多【答案】:BB凝血因子的接触激活 E肝素作用于凝血因子12DIC患者典型的病理变化是微血栓形成,但其最初的临床表现常为出血。( )A201年度少数股东损益为0C.企业业务流程重组D.划分子系统A投资活动现金流入240万元22关于DIC的治疗,下列哪一项治疗原则是正确的?(3)附追索权转让应收账款收到现金200万元;课堂教学设计课题: Unit1Whats the matter ? 授课时数: 1 课时 日期: 2016年3月 日年级: 八年级 单位:八十六团第

2、一中学 授课教师:白枚青 设计要素设计内容教学内容分析1、 The content of this lesson is grade 8 unit 1 of the second class, mainly through the listening learning about physical condition, to give specific advice教学目标知识与技能1、Knowledge Object:(1). Review the names of each part of the body and the names of the illness.(2) Continue

3、to learn the names of the illness: toothache, fever and headache. (3). Words and expressions:lie down, rest , cough, X-ray, toothache, take ones temperature, headache, have a fever, take breaks, hurt.2、Ability Object:Enable students to talk more about health.Learn to give others some advice accordin

4、g to their matters.过程与方法1. Listening and speaking practice.2. Role-playing.情感态度价值观Learn to live in a healthy way.Learn to take care of others and themselves.学情分析Students who have been asked about the physical appearance of the sentence pattern has been mastered, but for different physical condition,

5、 they put forward reasonable proposals or some difficulty教学分析教学重点1. How to teach the Ss to learn the names of the illness: toothache, fever and headache.2. How to give others some advice according to their matters.教学难点难点How to give advice using should.解决办法Listen, pair work 教学资源CAI, A tape recorder.板

6、书设计Unit 1 Whats the matter?Period2 Section A (2a-2d)1 Words :have a fever/cough/headache/toothachelie down and rest ,see a dentist and get an X-raytake ones temperature , take breaks, hurt2.Sentences:A: Whats the matter?B: I have a A: Maybe you should but you shouldntB: Thats a good idea.教学过程设计(第 2

7、课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step 1 Warming-upStep2. Greeting and revisionStep3. PresentationStep4. PracticeStep5. Role-play the conversationStep6. TaskStep6 HomeworkEnjoy and sing an English song: Head and shoulders knees and toesHead and shoulder knees and toes Knees and toes, knees and toes, Head and s

8、houlder knees and toes Eyes, ears, mouth, nose (Repeat 4 times)1. Greet the whole class as usual. T: Whats the date today?/ What day is it today?/ Hows the weather?/ How was your weekend?/What do you usually do on weekends?/ Do you like exercising?/ How often do you exercise?/ Thats great! To do exe

9、rcise can keep us healthy, but if we dont pay attention to our health, there will be something wrong with our body. Now , look at these people.2. RevisionT: (Show pictures) How is he/she? ( He / She is not fine.) Whats the matter? He /She has a cold (flu) / stomachache/ sore back/ cough.Guessing gam

10、eT shows some part of the pictures to the Ss and let them guess .T: Whats the matter with him/her? S: Does he/she have a ?T: Yes, he/she has a sore throat (Teach the new word) Can you give him/ her some advice? What should he /she do? (Teach the new word)S: He /She should drink hot tea with honey/ s

11、houldnt speak more/ go to see a doctor (Ss can give different advice as they like)T: Whats the matter with him/her?S: Does he/she have a ?T: Yes, he / she has a / an toothache /fever / headache / earache(Teach the new words) What should he /she do?S: He /She should go to see a dentist / shouldnt eat

12、 ice cream/shouldnt drink cold water /lie down and rest / shouldnt play basketball/ should drink a lot of water./should see a doctor1. Do 2a. Listen and number the pictures 1-5 in the order you hear them.Play the tape for the Ss and let them do it by themselves. Then check the answer.2. Do 2b. Liste

13、n again . Match the problems with the advice.Play the tape for the Ss. For the first time, let them do it by themselves. Then play it again and check the answer.Then the teacher summarize the advice using the structure with the students:When you have a_ , you should _.3. Do 2c. Pairwork. Role play t

14、he conversations in 2b. Let the Ss read the conversations in 2c first. Then work in pairs, make a new conversation according to 2b.A: Whats the matter?B: I have a A: Maybe you should B: Thats a good idea.4. Show more pictures and let the Ss make more conversations.Problems Should ShouldntEat ice cre

15、am.Drink cold water.Go swimming.Watch TV late.Speak loudly.Eat some hot food.Eat sweet food.See a doctor/Take some pills/Drink a lot of waterLie down and rest/ Go to bed early.Drink some hot tea with honeyDo some exercisesSee a dentistA cold A feverA headacheA stomachacheA sore throatA sore backA to

16、othache!A: Whats the matter?B: I have a A: Maybe you should but you shouldntB: Thats a good idea.1. Read the conversation silently and understand the meaning.2. Read it again and answer the questions:(1) Whats the matter with Lisa?(2) Did she have a fever?(3) What did she do the night before?(4) Wha

17、t does she need to do?(5)What should she do now?(6) What should she do if things dont get better?3. Role-play the conversation in two halves of the class.4. Explanation about the useful expressions in 2d:Are you OK?What should I do?It doesnt sound like Thats probably why.Cant move my neckAll weekend

18、Take breaks away from the computerSit in the same way for too long without moving5. Practice the conversation in pairs, one acts Mandy, the other acts Lisa. A few minutes later, invite two or three pairs to act out the conversations.Work in groups and discuss how to keep ourselves healthy.ShouldShou

19、ldntReport: To keep healthy, we should we shouldnt1. Copy the new words.2. Write the report in the exercise books.3. Search on the Internet about more advice of keeping healthy.Enjoy and sing an English song: Head and shoulders knees and toesGreet the whole class as usual.Guessing gameListen and num

20、ber the pictures 1-5 in the order you hear them.check the answer.Match the problems with the advice.Role play the conversations in 2b. Let the Ss read the conversations in 2c first. Then work in pairs, make a new conversation according to 2b.Read the conversation silently and understand the meaning.

21、2. Read it again and answer the questions:Role-play the conversation in two halves of the class. Explanation about the useful expressions in 2d:Practice the conversation in pairsWork in groups and discuss how to keep ourselves healthy.唱英语歌曲激发兴趣复习上节课学习的内容呈现新知通过听,提高学生听力能力讲英语融入日常英语生活交流中,提高学生英语口语表达能力通过角色表演,提高学生的表演能力教学设计评价


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