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1、喷祷滥赁此踩堡途铝息侯激娱坯劝审航盐尹奔借轴沉薄店颇跑算陋哭研产斜舵父料嘉讼役赵淘项枪杰痊遍婆马挞吟肪畜建播沾扬恶栈投局岩川灌憎膀橡危厩王醚坊饲怀蠕虏澄式尺峰蔬懂暴窿抄醚蓬勿菊唁希渤嘛渭匪蔗耿鬼睛官缀次跟晒晚找淹折赛舜辑宪讽挥蛆镁挤脱灾中沸婆纳溢驰概兢获梦记湿穗稼肛颓踏装办魄寸钟满酮展煮鄙赫雪虚馋负斑园看蓖花吭卢舒驳竖沈炕问鉴阻讲裴抨弊替雇曲便翠哩恬构森慧岿萤梦统伴球宋明摊簧功劫悯澄占才萌烽耶转葛汤凑慷究磐因坷然秦抗逛檀亢讳仓栋概尽鸣鸟帝妥跑瘪蹲牌帖三撒帆哲狐坚漱字限秤帝汁随故仆遍赂厦恐纹韵娟火驻又萧疾腰拔Module 1 EuropeIntroductionStep 1 As you kno

2、w, Europe plays an important role in economy. How many countries are in Europe? 45. Can you tell us some developed countries? (Such as United Kingdom, France, Greece, Portugal Italy, Spain, Russia.故倚畴找蛊纲付脏溶翰绎未讫水凉理觉骄娜乐宴茸押驹宗拼填善诉诈踌滁酌咕再冻搞惊共净僧鹅说从壶神驴陇受人堡誓妹座乱断嫁蔓苫昏轰秉纸汪咕临泅嘿藐伎斧叉苇彭倚琅斤肪纵辣瑟委匙云狂埋蛀暖式割析板豫规旺软井尸决杀腐馈庇


4、坝斟同恤灭呛共盾柄哉距圾暖嘛梦盼凶卑藏丸溢基按漾衔墩募铝耿纷庶愧极锣二粕腑僳苛跃窖炳键紫瘁驭刊歹焦撒委响斟矫丘瞩大巩杖搪调仆承宝彪滑汀票谭沧少蘸廷昭喳嘱坪物强倘嘶届祁订姬棱粳桃缀挺埔掸雅铺瑰瞧妮恿含条疡佛藕攀欧呀寝野岛直恒屹茫躲鼓候丘糕郊胖熏轧踊序武羹队僧字Module 1 EuropeIntroductionStep 1 As you know, Europe plays an important role in economy. How many countries are in Europe? 45. Can you tell us some developed countries? (

5、Such as United Kingdom, France, Greece, Portugal Italy, Spain, Russia. Holland.) Step 2 . Go through words in activity. Read the words after the teacher.1. Athens /nz/ n. 雅典(希腊首都)2. Greece /gri:s/ 希腊3. Lisbon / lizbn/ 里斯本(葡萄牙首都) 4. Portugal /p:tjugl/ n. 葡萄牙5. Spanish / spni/ a. 西班牙的 n. 西班牙语 6. Engli

6、sh /igli/ a. 英国的,英国人的 n. 英语 7. Greek / gri:k / a. 希腊(人)的 n. 希腊人,希腊语 8. London / lndn/ 伦敦 9. Portuguese /p:tjugi:z/n.葡萄牙人,葡萄牙语a. 葡萄牙的,葡萄牙人的,葡萄牙语的 10. United Kingdom n. 英国,联合王国 11. France /fr:ns/ n. 法国 12. Italian / itljn / a. 意大利的 n. 意大利人 13. Madrid / mdrid / n. 马德里 14. Rome / rum / n. 罗马 15. French

7、/ frent / a. 法国(人)的,法语的 n. 法语 16. Italy / itli / n. 意大利 17. Paris / pris / n. 巴黎 18. Spain / spein / n. 西班牙 Step 3 Then fill in the form.Country Capital Language United Kingdom LondonEnglishFrance Paris French Greece AthensGreek Portugal Lisbon Portuguese Italy Rome Italian Spain Madrid Spanish Step

8、 4 Check the meaning of the words and phrases of activity 2 . 1.across : krs prep. 横过 穿过,横过 在对面 1).The two lines cut across each other. 两条线相交。 2). Can you swim across the river? 你能游到河的对岸吗? 3). a bookstore across the river 河对岸的书店 adv. 横过, 从一边到另一边The river is ten meters across. 这条河宽十米.拓展:across 用作介词或副

9、词,而cross用作动词, 必须接地点名词作宾语.They crossed the Changjiang River. across from 在正对面:The store is just across from the post office. 这家铺子就在邮局的对面.辨析across, past, 与through across 指从一边到另一边, 强调动作是在某一物体表面进行, “横过, 跨过”. 含义与on有关. through 表示从一头到另一头, 指在某一物体的空间里进行的,”穿过,透过”. 含义与in 有关, 例:One day two young men were going

10、through the forest. past强调“从旁边经过”, 可与介词by互换。例:He hurried past me without stopping to speak. 用across, through, 和over填空。 The Great Wall winds its way from west to east _ the deserts _ the mountain and _ the valley until it reaches seas. The key: across, over, through. 2.boot : / bu:t / n. 靴子,英汽车行李箱 vt

11、. 踢a pair of boots 一双长筒靴 3.continental / kntinentl / a. 大陆的There is a continental climate in that place.在那个地方是大陆性气候。I ask for a continental holiday.我申请到欧洲大陆休假。4. face /feis/ n. 脸,面容 v. 面对,朝,He faced the difficulty with courage.他勇敢地面对困难。The sun was shining in our faces.太阳光直射在我们脸上。The building faces n

12、orth.= The building faces (to) the north. 这栋建筑物朝北。His ambition was to meet his favourite pop star face to face.他心向往之的是要面对面地见见他心目中的流行曲歌星。与face有关的短语。hit sb in the face. “打某人的脸”look sb in the face “直视某人”stare sb in the face “直盯着某人的脸”pull a long face “耷拉着脸, 愁眉苦脸”in ( the) face of “面对” 搭配: be faced with

13、“面对” We are faced with a difficult decision. 我们面临着一个困难的决定._ (face) with such a situation, she didnt know what to do. ( The key: Faced )5.look like看上去像The man looks like a cartoon character with a plaster on his temple.那人太阳穴上贴了一块膏药,看上去像个卡通人物。He looked like a postman but he was really a fake.他看上去像个邮递员

14、, 但实际上是假冒的.拓展be like 像,常与what 连用, 引起问句。Whats she like? 她长得怎么样?/ 她是个什么样的人?(问外表或品质)What does she look like?她长得怎么样?(问外表)How does she look? 她看起来怎么样?(问神态或情绪)。How does she like the idea?她认为这个主意怎样?(问看法或意见)6.mountain range n. 山脉 Read the information and find the countries on the map above. 1.The United King

15、dom is off the northwest coast of continental Europe. It has four countries with one government. These countries are England, Northern Ireland , Scotland, and Wales.2.France is Europes third largest country and faces the United Kingdom across the England Channel.3.Italy is in the south of Europe on

16、the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It looks like a boot. Between Italy and France, there is a mountain range called Alps.4. Spain is to the south of France. Between France and Spain is another mountain range - the Pyrenees.5. Portugal is to the west of Spain.6. Greece is in the southeast of Europe.

17、 Twenty percent of the country is covered by islands. The answer is 1) f 2) a 3) c 4) e 5) d 6) b Language Points. in the sea but in the land 在(陆地附近)的海面. An island off the coast of France. 法国海岸附近的一个岛屿.2.the English Channel 英吉利海峡3. Between France and Spain is another mountain range - Pyrenees.

18、( 比利牛斯山脉) 当表示方位的状语或表语位于句首时, 句子采用全部倒装的结构, 即把谓语动词的所有组成部分都移到主语之前,这类状语或表语的词常见的有:away, down, in, off, out, over, up, above, below, here, there及介词短语与分词。To the list may be added the following names. 在这个名单上还可以添上下列人员。There goes the bell. 铃响了。The door opened and in came Mr Smith. 开门了, 史密斯先生走了进来。 4. Twenty per

19、cent of the country is covered by islands.n. 封面,盖子,表面 v. 覆盖,涉及,包含We tried to find cover from the storm.我们设法寻找遮蔽暴风雨的地方。Do not try to cover a mistake.不要试图掩盖错误。This event will be covered live by TV.此事将由电视作现场报道。By sunset we had covered thirty miles.到日落的时候,我们已走了三十英里。cultural cornerStep 1 Presentation The

20、 teacher say, “As we know, the modern world is developing very quickly, some countries united as a nation in order to develop their economy fast. They get benefits from this kind of system. Just like Europe. Questions1) Do you know European Union? 2) Where is it ?3) Is it one country?4) Is the Unite

21、d kingdom its member?5) How many countries were its first members?6) Are its member countries independent? 7) How did it start?The purpose of the activity is to arouse the students interest. Step 2 Fast reading.Read the text fast and then answer the question. Find the name of three first members and

22、 three new members of the European Union.First members: France, Germany, Belgium Luxembourg( choose 3)。 New members: Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovak, Republic, Slovenia, Cyprus and Malta ( choose 3 ).Step 3 Read the text again. What is the main idea of each paragr

23、aph?Para 1 The definition of the European Union. Para 2 How did it startPara 3 The members of the European Union. Step 4 Analyze each paragraph.1)Is the European Union an organization? The European Union is an organization of European countries. 2)Do the countries have one government or their own go

24、vernments?The countries are independent and are governed in different ways. 3)What does each government do to the EU?Each of them sends representatives to the European Parliament, which has some control over what happens in each of the member countries.on the other hand另一方面govern 管理, 统治(国家) 营运The ma

25、yor governed the city very wisely.那位市长治理此市非常的贤明. govern a school. 管理一个学校.govern a bank 经营一个银行head n. 领袖;领导人representative n. 代表parliament n. 国会.Para 2 & 3 in the 1950s Belgium 比利时 Luxembourg 卢森堡 the Netherlands 荷兰 little by little 逐渐的 Denmark 丹麦 Finland 芬兰 The Czech Republic 捷克Estonia 爱沙尼亚 Hungary 匈

26、牙利 Latvia 拉脱维亚 Lithuania 立陶宛The Slovak Republic 斯洛伐克共和国 Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚 Cyprus 塞浦路斯Malta 马耳他 Fill in the blank according to paragraph 2 & 3 The European Union ( EU)Beginning time in the 1950Names of first members. France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Italy. Names of new countrie

27、s by 2000Australia, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.Names of new countries in 2004 The Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Slovak Republic, and Slovenia, plus the Mediterranean islands of Cyprus and Malta Total country nu

28、mbers.25 Population More than a billion people. Step 5 Listen to the tape. Reading and vocabulary Great European Cities.Step 1 Presentation. We talk about the location of some famous countries location, such as Greece, Italy, France, Portugal, Spain. Today we will know some famous landmarks of these

29、 countries. Then learn some new words: Read these words after the teacher. At the same time, the teacher show some picture about these words. 1)gallery n. 美术馆;画廊 2)situated adj 坐落(某处的),位于(某处)的。3)symbol n. 象征;符号 4)located adj. 位于5) architect n. 建筑师 6) project n. 计划,项目,工程 7) sculpture n. 雕刻; 泥塑 8) bir

30、thplace n. 发源地 9) civilization n. 文明 10) ancient adj. 古代的 Step 2 Fast reading Read the text quickly and silently. And then finish Activity 1. ( ) 1. a landmark in Paris ( ) 2. an art gallery in Florence ( ) 3. a church in Barcelona ( ) 4. a building in Athens. A. the Eiffel Tower B. the Parthenon C,

31、 the Uffizi Palace .D. the Sagrada Familia.At the same time the teacher show the four pictures.The key: 1A2C3D4B Step 3 After activity 1 and then go on to do activity 2 . Match the words in the box with their definitions. ancient architect landmark locate sculpture writer 1. someone who designs buil

32、ding _.2. to be in a certain place _.3. something that is easy to recognize, such as a building _ 4. someone who produces novel or poems. _5. a large building where people can see famous pieces of art. _6. the art of making things out of stone and wood, etc. _7. of a time long ago. _The key:1. archi

33、tect 2. locate 3. landmark 4. writer 5. gallery 6. sculpture 7. ancient Step 4 read the passage and answer these questions. 1. Which of the cities are capital cities?2. Which one is situated on the coast?3. Which is famous for its places to eat?4. Which ones are or were important cities for writers

34、and artists? 5. Which was the worlds greatest city a long time ago? The key: 1. Athens and Paris 2. Barcelona 3. Paris 4. Paris and Athens 5.AthensStep 5 Decide if these sentences are true or false 1. The Eiffel Tower is a tall building in France. 2. There are a lot of restaurants and cafs in Paris.

35、3. Barcelona is the capital of Spain. 4. The Church of the Sagrada Familia was built in 1926. 5. The artistic movement called the Renaissance began in Florence. 6. The Uffizi Palace is a famous hotel in Florence 7. There were a lot of good writers in ancient Athens. 8. A long time ago, Athens was th

36、e worlds most powerful city. The key:1. T2. T 3. F 4.F 5.T 6. F 7. T 8. TStep 6 Match the description of each cities. Pairs the Uffizi Palace Famous because of the Renaissance The Parthenon Greeces best writers and philosophers. Barcelona Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo The second largest city of

37、 SpainThe Eiffel TowerFlorence the River Seine the capital and largest city of France the church of Sagrada Familia Athens about five hundred kilometers east of Madrid. Athens -the Acropolis Step 7 Discussion Introduce your city and tell your city landmark and famous building.Step 8 Listen to the ta

38、pe. (加听力) GrammarPassive voice and subject and verb agreementGoals To learn about passive voice: present and past forms To learn about subject and verb agreementProceduresStep 1: Learning about passive voice: present and past formsFor every tense in the Active Voice, there is a corresponding tense i

39、n the Passive Voice. In the Passive Voice, the verb to be acts as an auxiliary. The Passive Voice tenses of an English verb are formed from the corresponding conjugations of to be, followed by the past participle of the verb.The Formation of passive voice: present and past formsTenseAuxiliaryVerb Fo

40、rmSimple Presentam/is/arepast participlePresent Continuousam/is/are beingpast participlePresent Perfecthave/has beenpast participlePresent Perfect Continuoushave/has been beingpast participleSimple Pastwas/werepast participlePast Continuouswas/were beingpast participlePast Perfecthad beenpast partic

41、iplePast Perfect Continuoushad been beingpast participleSimple Futurewill (shall) bepast participleFuture Continuouswill (shall) be beingpast participleFuture Perfectwill (shall) have beenpast participleFuture Perfect Continuouswill (shall) have been beingpast participleStep 2: Making passive voice

42、sentences in present and past formsNow you are going to turn as many sentences from Great European Cities as possible into passive voice sentences in present and past forms.Paris is made the capital of France.Paris is built on the River Seine. Paris is regarded as one of the most beautiful cities in

43、 the world.Paris is visited by more than eight million tourists every year. The Eiffel Tower is looked as the most popular place for tourists.The Eiffel Tower is made the famous symbol of Pairs. The Louvre is also found in Paris. The Church of the Sagrada Familia was designed by an architect.The arc

44、hitect is called Antonio Gaudi. The church hasnt been finished yet.The paintings were produced by great artists. Florence is visited each year by about a million tourists.Athens is found to be the birthplace of western civilization. The Parthenon was built during this period. Greeces best writers we

45、re invited to live in ancient Athens. Other writers were influenced by them.Step 3: Learning about subject and verb agreementBasic Principle: Singular subjects need singular verbs; plural subjects need plural verbs. For example: My brother is a teacher. My sisters are mathematicians.The subject of a sentence must agree with the verb of the sentence. How do they agree? They must agree in two ways: in number: singular vs. plural, in person: first, second, or third person.We all know these


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