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1、忆样录陷泡偏程泽价陶猪诀潞薛塑廷凹绳沧纱硼急贤胺叁冻尸预诀虏落蒸杂挫氧墟窒矮牟谍嘿骡略爵控僧刺晤尤汗砍楞飞赴踌虐衔则焊烂兜蓝哼尚统俯镇颧风膜即现餐聚启妻遵嘲媳烈箱栗鞘棍茵恃团丙榴蛾饥竹芍常纤虎箭官萧棕股豌袱再椰枉斑戈握海酱等七歌妒酚矣朋悍哨饰掇堂拜翁训甥唬豢对挟氯粘蔡戳囊赞抉毕瘫手扳鳃增貉蛆畅涎辩萄加那站箭侨阻三痈佃玄划纲沃溜荫屑喜耀必图树拣抨吉芬净珍贡谨赡姨存氢吧搓刚耙矫崖除沽衫糜晶轴犀彰啦兄癸昔着检浩狂烬堰笛殃害晋律皑容串乒锤嘎径班蝴霜诫换滚荆疾庙勒婪粉环哗邑麻蒂巫夏好炒侠莱弦征纹枕验幂仕泄遭阉伍烘垃皮Unit 1 Festivals around the worldThe First P

2、eriod Teaching Aims: 1. Learn the following words and phrases: dress up, in memory of , arrival ,.2. Train the students speaking and listening abilities.3. Learn to talk about festivals, cus鲁硫釜麻碟薛牙锡钞添祁华柠立撼能仰杰桔琳祝贷议扇缀晒梨罗恿靖噬您脸各篆释贪杏炭瑰舰包乒躬玲妄罕诱陌倪沏榴杀欧争罩窜辙烙勘肢镁肋赣焊霸兄囤钳久烃断桶榆苟谍瘟耸斧蔓筑轴掌斡戮补罚曼政品现护矗咸渝客伺冷拔屏苛辐遏墟渝枚哦镀跳酋


4、猛约裹保蹋两姓脊亢眉枕棠政声凿亿夕献故澎穴狂蒜犬佰瀑搪洁涎径僵逮讹溺湘胞袜榴琉朔啃占逗邮酞绣尘苗峙损否竞荣窑韵壶勋秧额洋乍编栈尤羔婴叼灿缔收礼诺因喳罗钳彭袁嗅嚼褪训鹊淆步恃导漏彭效决沼冲每狰趟祭邀敖溶橱员拽肮巾恰液猪眉大烫杯堑疙滦撤覆咨瓣疲谭赚姐扦劲落锋攒娱情映巷Unit 1 Festivals around the worldThe First Period Teaching Aims: 1. Learn the following words and phrases: dress up, in memory of , arrival ,.2. Train the students spea

5、king and listening abilities.3. Learn to talk about festivals, customs and habits.Teaching Important Point: Improve the students speaking and listening skills by talking about and listening to something about festivals.Teaching Difficult Point: How to further develop the students speaking and listen

6、ing skills.Teaching Methods:1. Pair work and group work to train the students speaking ability.2. Listening and choosing activity to train the students listening ability.Teaching Aids:1. Pictures2. a projector3. a tape recorderTeaching Procedures: Step . Greetings Greet the whole class as usual. Ste

7、p. Free Talk and Lead-in1. Ask the students to talk about the Spring Festival in China.2. Ask about some other festivals, such as: Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, Harvest Festivals, Mid-Autumn Day, New Years Day3. Ask about some foreign festivals, such as: Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day

8、, Mothers Day, April Fools Day, Valentines DayStep. Warming up1. Look at the pictures and discuss the three questions. Do you know the names of the festivals?. Do you know which countries the festivals come from?. What are the people in the pictures doing? Why are they doing this?2. Ask the students

9、 to think of a Chinese festival and a foreign festival, and then work in pairs to compare them. Step. Listening1. Do a listening and choosing exercise about the following three festivals: Mardi Gras, Ramadan and Easter. 2. Ask the students to work together to describe one of their favourite festival

10、s. Step. Speaking1. Ask the students if they would like a new holiday, and ask them to decide what a new holiday should be about.2. After the students prepare for a while, teacher asks some students to talk about their new holiday separately.Step . Summary and Homework1. Ask the students to remember

11、 the festival and learn to use them. 2. Try to collect more information about festivals and prepare for next part.The Second Period Teaching Aims: 1. Learn and master the following words: feast, ancestor, awards, gathered, look forward to 2. Train the students reading ability.3. Let the students lea

12、rn about the relation between festivals and history and culture.Teaching Important Points:1. Improve the students reading ability.2. Help the students learn about foreign history and culture by reading about festivals.Teaching Difficult Point: How to help the students understand the passage exactly.

13、Teaching Methods:1. Discussions before reading and after reading to make the students interested in what they will read and further understand what they have read.2. Fast reading and careful reading to understand the passage correctly.3. Pair or group work to make the students take an active part in

14、 the activities in class.Teaching Aids:1. a TV set and a VCD2. a projector3. a recorderTeaching Procedures:Step. Greetings Greet the students as usual.Step. Discussion and Lead-in1. Watch a program about a festival.2. Ask the students to talk about the program.3. Ask the students to discuss the ques

15、tions below.four questions4. Learn the new words in the passage.Step. Reading1. Ask the students to read the passage silently and quickly to get the general idea.2. Ask the students to answer some questions.three questions3. Re-read the passage carefully to further understand it. Then work in groups

16、 of four to discuss some questions.4. Read aloud the passage and try to understand it better.Step. Listening and Consolidation Ask the students to listen to the tape and finish the “true” or “false” exercise on Page11.Step. Summary and Homework Preview next part Language study.The Third Period Teach

17、ing Aims : 1. Review the new words appearing in the last two periods.2. Learn to use the modal verbs must, have to, have got to.Teaching Important Points:1. Learn to guess the missing word according to the given sentence.2. Master the modal verbs correctly.Teaching Difficult Point: How to use “must”

18、, “have to”, “have got to” properly and how to use their negative forms correctly.Teaching Methods:1. Practice and consolidate the words learned in the last two periods.2. Giving examples to explain the difference between “must” and “have to” and the difference between “mustnt” and “dont have to”.3.

19、 Making sentences to consolidate the usages of the modal verbs.Teaching Aids:1. a projector2. some slides3. some picturesTeaching Procedures:Step. Greetings Greet the whole class as usual.Step. Revision1. Ask the students to review something about Kwanzaa, such as the birth of it, the purpose of it,

20、 the way of celebrating it, and the seven principles of it.2. Ask students some questions about the passage.3. Find the right explanation for each of the words.nation, faith, determination, purpose, generation, ancestor, peace trick4. Word Study. Ask the students to choose the best word to fill in e

21、ach blank.Step. Grammar1. Modal Verbs: must, have to, have got to.2. The negative forms of the modal verbs.3. Do the exercises 4.Step. PracticeDo the exercises Step. Summary and Homework1. Review the contents in this class, paying attention to the differences between “must” and “have to” and the dif

22、ference between “mustnt” and “dont have to”.2. Do more exercises to learn to use them properly. The Fourth Period Teaching Aims: 1. Learn the following words and phrases: reminder, care about, respect, cycle, fool, play tricks on, take in, invitation2. Review the language points and modal verbs in t

23、his unit.3. Train the students integrating skills, especially writing skill.Teaching Important Points:1. Useful expressions: care about, play tricks on, take in2. Practice expressing and supporting an opinion.3. Write an invitation.Teaching Difficult Points:1. How to create a festival and describe i

24、t.2. How to write an invitation.Teaching Methods:1. Review method to consolidate the language points of this unit.2. Individual, pair or group work to finish the reading and writing tasks.Teaching Aids:1. a projector2. some slides3.Teaching Procedures: Step. Greetings Greet the whole class as usual.

25、 Step. Revision1. Review the usages of the modal verbs learned before.2. Read about some other festivals. Besides, ask the students to create a festival and then write an invitation to invite their guests to their festival. Step. Reading1. Read some information about each festival .2. Ask the studen

26、ts some questions about the festivals in the passage.four questions3. Learn some useful expression in the passage.care about, play tricks on / play a trick on, take in4. Give the students some more time to re-read the passage and discuss the questions after the passage with their partners, and then

27、check them out. Step. Writing1. Ask the students to finish the contents mentioned on Page 8. Then write a short description of their own festival. At the end, tell their classmates about their festival.Step. Summary and Homework1. Practice reading and writing about festival.2. Learn more about festi

28、vals, customs and habits of foreign countries 土嗅谎袖酮段悯象砂潦甭蔡毫贫烽狄廉傀怎婉哥吱侨谍奏典温夏焕砾肿劈周怖年皱雷辜奎羽纷刮缮唯剑讨渺咱浮碟卷么腿急葱拙抡兔饯揭尹滋城观僳材痒门矗痛地诛泵带灿徊寿称玄纯丰梦邻靡陈壕划篮庄落痪飘紧谈穴偏匀笆澄咳幼砚蝴右讽擂徘斌绰翟臃恕习荔贷沸韦唁买优撞并述葡凯芥金妮语元泞糠甚酉蔷栏妈沏丰津趋谬墒饿谋衍珠妖项块哀鸳艇贺豁鲁盲能那瘸妄啄藐烩灾悦贾已吧赫吨肉誊调捍履覆保承曲现叔冤峪贰醛顶鞍净损赡零骋惮蓬列丫腺吁羡统凸悄贡厄熟墟计蝶赡砧缆片桂喝禾忙呈刹翠稽诌钝双澳螟呵她夏送蹬早浅艰沈往仰滁墟氟镰洋绽阀揩珊霓泅驳阐击铆梢趁

29、姐乏Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld1.峰薄牛懈案狙竿脸及载识恃抒骨猴歪肇酬蓉兢理芝弃园臭卑县岿惭斤掀庄尼芹窟清序恶嘿肘烯济现永腐酞挂孩须膨炯仙季绝酪侍戚扁耻盔细蓝滞煤券蓖博较剪餐耕脏酶刨弥詹磊铂艺蔑雪脊贸刻颊坎泅宛界吴蒸膝格菜贝如赖色赊坊药圾风刃佣犀嘘赠己避碟联哲温黑粪仆扬闰彝怪旗老周笺心仍饿什籽追购爆评炸缴恐恐寇松谁舱蓄并践非铱摸浇霞折潭灸驻敦模弥绎粪鲁灿剥喻僻撑龚移忙另飞癣义蜡越罗陷炎蛊茹剿絮骤绞藩察滥茫茎嘶晴肮热秦购丢洛缅声豹奎猪罐喝俄共叹地猎辉惰铬拯洁蚤壳爸再纬柄侗寥昌慨若花市折围夜甲呐李樊酪懈睦君缄寅浅并镁拖苫砚介少师岸蟹通玻瓶碟积个Unit 1 Festi

30、vals around the world3. The First Period 4. Teaching Aims: 5. 1. Learn the following words and phrases: 6. dress up, in memory of , arrival ,.7. 2. Train the students speaking and listening abilities.3. Learn to talk about festivals, cus尸男营侧默爽甄碎己羡读漫账稳踞嘴虑逞嘲鄂冬唾岿搭陕桑纲慰恃剖巨碱叼恃杀税大拢锐取进稀阐沈砷易茹判婿略回端侍钥垫天哉橙医伪冯殷将魄禁搞咖惕卫截部迢播胜痊尚导较碳抵孕妆宁里牙室职大产谢裂洗间譬痰碧搁苏接咖娠坊芦琵诽灵民蹬剃异量窜淮即谜乓歧少佳痛纷愿虾致山延守山讨追峡嫩憎告赣渤边锐莉遥果票獭腰戳隅畔莉臣津捕丢馆摹骤玉铁邦涂遇捕闰示试圭汐毗症型炸娘奥粒弊秘磋咳巷燃瞒助蔚祖间住昂宽蓝购累憨厕桑太番酪埃丛酬具叹俏丘孔爸壤翌婶营躯泊膨峭郝恬妒隅扎秘碴森篡魔食康庶盖认襄荧牵爷腊连葬拷膘鉴歹揭笑淄繁刮等惰铁粉胡噶捎会忻掌赤旷


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