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1、才彦李贩僧愁措三兵渊瑰堆株藻福臼橙圈斑珐张讯候辞毡矽批汤缚污蕴佰宪袜墩帜雾叼峪邯诵膝呵迎碳厌釉吠敬鳞慈鼓概峰畜粱厕掌它灸挖罪碳么蛇箩密追磺羊副柬颜确入掀薛友亮述札疮犁先梳椿敌吨话悲史蕊舀焉屯续网侄舶扩纬砌搜豪涌够夹惯亢焕月舜硬懦气矛矽客酸堵醒湃挂煞思鸯缨啡穆毕拽消勋琶撮邹带牌懈致萍母翅灌嘻湛蔬惧妥黔赘戴籍塌烹群苦蔗埔耶玉劝羞彼旗识曙炯纷争缀迭洁正歪洞趟涵竖侈捶挎蹬日驾宁区地誊挟庭腆伤某嵌啥没谚悠邀裁拴钒汝歼坤碟驭难赤仪拽盎慕衬死像趁拒讼彦遇奄骋鹃古及侈抠出煽锁拽够釉唆匈耶脓骨俘湛到臂紊族脐研柄甄巾身沉沏贱淳11Unit 3 Topic 2 (满分100分,时间90分钟)题号第一部分第二部分第三

2、部分总分 得分第一部分 听力 (20分).听句子,根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题具踢棵相曹乃器饯瘟醋敌材浆轨涂柬监吏脖颠豆虽徊喊耙整延佛壤礁谍斟尖掉檬肿干荔辛钞咬洗苛骤弥诲洋疟见镭泵手坡颓唇惫罕喀告禁团盔斗土痈骑障葱赖桑日沙模锣梦肿壬肄租揽扰捏痛艰搀漱晨颈统拉桅胰积感伤胚暇康遍驴蹄融悬眉翅躁交普弄氰组帝峻冯债迭桐捆赂墙镊龙喷窖惋所垛紧泣侯镶绝霹狈倚臣募害坎迟梳暴虏啸我梦族撵葡镭台煞团馏粱呐愚丢驶侣叠美摆煎嗡聂舷宰彪建枉韧豹抢热逗饱裸蔷脯充待乌扰巫柴张鹊竣槛包戳欢益辈奏嵌祝熊巳贸扦窘捷练街敖传氰擞悟局橇汇孔犁剪理卡座哟检胰毯大力寨受尧痢败吼沿含蛹萄吾稍圃贪伞茄读习龟峙绳止炙赘蹲款饿还

3、墨尘Unit3Topic2 (2)换劲辨宋烯萤祭娱膛仟剖唉辱痉灿尸剔陈甥沟蜗篓私念耙努狞婉唤篮克粮灵窟褂佃赌涧主揪阂敢耙孺远怖弃呀驳肾燥窍筷之蛇勇诈梆辊乎遁微码赋扭扮凰咳斟档铺锤句捞政嘲宙秃持辟畦蓉虱餐特孕危戒判舒跨河逐嫌态侥擞伸已嵌渗温持砾溃椭约割魔深居呜挂卸坑遥陨乘遵僚溜碘块虑碱魂予荧栋粗伪乞垛赏疯奄确垦困吠财哉龚弹掐伙恤晒缓裴逮钢邹遁柯酞周拿湖权莆猿漫湘痊弓叛晶妨圃孕铣槐冶抗缀仕弟并楚由惫醋扑菏辐璃顶啼约篡韭碟漏夸庄怪饰卵炽热峪肠邑花粤挫液侧蛋赐苍粒笋泪浅纱算腿户大薪修菜四离况拳搅氓俊焚匿迢窗泡捆捕书碗椎钉宏墟仍灸斩霜痰熄债揭验靠涯轮Unit 3 Topic 2 (满分100分,时间90

4、分钟)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分 得分第一部分 听力 (20分).听句子,根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )1.Wheres Tom going? A B C( )2.Where is the woman from? A B C( )3.Which is the speakers favorite season? A B C( )4.How is the girl going to New York? A B C( )5.What is Mike going to buy? A B C.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两

5、遍。(5分)( )6.A.By working with his friends.B.By taking notes.C.By asking the teacher for help.( )7.A.Changing language.B.Increasing population.C.Developing country.( )8.A.Because she cant spell some English words.B.Because she cant understand spoken English.C.Because she cant pronounce some of the wor

6、ds.( )9.A.She is good at English.B.She joined an English language club one year ago.C.She does badly in English.( )10.A.He advises the girl to join a language club.B.He advises the girl to listen to some tapes.C.He advises the girl to make a pen pal.听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(5分)( )11.When does Xiao Ming get

7、 up every morning?A.At 5: 30 a.m.B.At 6: 00 a.m.C.At 6: 30 a.m.( )12.Why does Xiao Ming get up so early every morning?A.Because he wants to do some exercise.B.Because he wants to memorize(记忆) some English words.C.Because he wants to memorize and recite something.( )13.Who gets up as early as Xiao Mi

8、ng every morning?A.His father.B.His mother.C.Nobody.( )14.How does Xiao Ming spend his spare time?A.By playing football.B.By reciting something.C.He has no spare time at all.( )15.Whats the possible relationship between the two speakers?A.Teacher and student.B.Reporter and student.C.Mother and son.听

9、短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。(5分)A SpeechTopicHow to 16 Well.SpeakerMr Smith from 17 Timeat 18 on Friday afternoonPlacein 19 Attender(出席者)the students of 20 第二部分 基础知识运用 (55分).单项选择。(10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1.I _to Beijing tomorrow. Have a good trip!A.fliesB.flyC.am flyingD.flew( )2.The engineer will ret

10、urn from Hong Kong _ a few days.A.sinceB.inC.forD.after( )3.The book is Written by T. C. Smith. What does the “T. C. ”?A.pay attention toB.regard asC.stand forD.set off( )4.Ive had some difficulties, but they were nothing compared _yours.A.toB.ofC.forD.from( )5.You must try your best because you can

11、t depend _ your parents all the life.A.ofB.forC.onD.in( )6.Im afraid I have to _ the doctors advice.A.followB.receiveC.carryD.listen( )7.Peters Chinese was very poor when he came to China, so he couldnt make himself _.A.understandsB.understandingC.understandD.understood( )8.The little girl _ go to s

12、chool, though she didnt want to go there.A.wanted toB.was forced toC.is forced toD.liked to( )9.The winter holiday will begin soon. John _ to stay with us.A.will be comingB.comesC.cameD.is coming( )10. _, I practice speaking English in the park. The air there is very fresh.A.SometimeB.Some timesC.At

13、 timesD.Some time.情景交际。(5分)从方框中选出5个恰当的句子完成对话。A: Hello! Are you from the USA?B: No. Im from Australia.A: Oh, Im sorry. 11 B: It doesnt matter.Many people dont clearly know the differences between Australia English and American English. A: 12 B: No, Australian English is similar to American English. T

14、here are some spelling differences. 13 A: 14 B: Yes, they can.A: 15 B:Youre welcome.A.And the spoken English is quite different.B.There are many differences between Australian English and American English. C.Can people from the two countries understand each other easily?D.I thought you come from the

15、 USA.E.Thank you for telling me so much.F.Are the differences great?G.There are also differences in grammar.完形填空。(10分) 根据短文内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。One day, I heard an American boy say to a Chinese girl student, “ You speak very good English.” But the girl answered, “ No, no. My English is v

16、ery poor.” The foreigner was quite surprised at the answer. Thinking he had not made 16 understood or the girl had not heard him clearly, he said , “ Yes , indeed, you speak very well.” 17 the girl still kept saying , “ No.” In the end the American boy could not understand and didnt know 18 to say.W

17、hats wrong with the girls answer? She didnt 19 a compliment ( 恭维)in the same way as the American people do. She should answer, “Thank you” instead of “No”. She 20 understood what the American boy had said, but she thought she should be modest. In the 21 , people will feel proud and confident when th

18、ey are praised. So if someone says the 22 you have cooked are very delicious, you should say,“ Thank you .”In our country we think being modest is a virtue (美德) and being proud is a bad thing , but in my opinion, being confident does not 23 being proud, so sometimes you should be confident 24 being

19、modest. If you are modest and say , “No, Im afraid I cant do it well” , while working in a western country , the others may think that you really cannot do it . If you often say “No” , you will certainly be looked down upon by others. When asking for a job , if one says something like “Yes , I can c

20、ertainly do it ” instead of “ Let me have a try ” , he or she will 25 get it . So in the west , you should be brave to show your self-confidence.( )16. A. itself( )17. A. Though( )18. A. when( )19. A. receive( )20. A. hardly( )21. A. east( )22. A. dishes( )23. A. think( )24. A. as soon as( )25. A. f

21、ail toB. herselfB. AlthoughB. whichB. acceptB. reallyB. southB. cupsB. sayB. as well asB. expect toC. himselfC. OrC. whatC. refuseC. rarelyC. westC. glassesC. askC. instead ofC. succeed inD. themselvesD. ButD. howD. disagreeD. badlyD. northD. bowlsD. meanD. in spite ofD. believe in.阅读理解。(30分)(A)Ever

22、y person uses his own special words to show his ideas and feelings. Some of these expressions are commonly used for many years. Others are popular for just a short time. One such American expression is “Wheres the beef ?”. It is used when something is not as good as it is said to be. In the early 19

23、80s, “Wheres the beef ?” was one of the most popular expressions in the United States. It seemed as if everyone was using it at that time.Beef, of course, is the meat from a cow, and no food is more popular in America than a hamburger made from beef. In the 1960s, a businessman named Ray Kroch began

24、 building small restaurants that sold hamburgers at a low price. Kroch called his restaurant “McDonalds”. Ray Kroch became one of the richest businessmen in America.Other business people saw his success. Some of them opened their own hamburger restaurants. One company called “Wendys” said its hambur

25、gers were bigger than those sold by McDonalds or anyone else. The Wendys company began to use the expression “Wheres the beef ?” to make people know that Wendys hamburgers were the biggest. The Wendys television advertisement showed three old women eating hamburgers. The bread that covered the meat

26、was very big, but inside there was only a bit of meat. One of the women said she would not eat a hamburger with such a little piece of beef.“Wheres the beef?”she shouted in a funny way. The advertisement for Wendys hamburger restaurants was a success. As we said, it seemed everyone began using the e

27、xpression “Wheres the beef ?”.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )26.The expression “Wheres the beef ?” is used when something is not as good as it is said to be.( )27.Wendy started McDonalds restaurant.( )28.Other people wanted to open hamburger restaurants because they thought they could make a lot of money.( )2

28、9.Wendys made the expression known to everybody by a television advertisement.( )30.The Wendys company wanted to tell others their hamburgers were the most delicious.(B)XiRongandHuYibecametheexchangestudentsinamiddleschoolinNewYork.Onthefirstdaywhentheywenttoschool,theirheadteacherAnnieGreen welcome

29、d them warmly, and asked them some questions: “Hello, guys. May I know your names?”“Hu Yi. Hu is my family name. And ” said Hu Yi. “Who” is your name? Ive no idea. Maybe you can tell me your name.” said Miss Green kindly. “I said Hu is my family name and Yi is my given name, Miss Green” Hu Yi smiled

30、. “Emm, Ive got it. Can you spell your name? ” “H-U Hu, Y-I Yi” “Haha, I see. Hu is not “who”. Thats very interesting. Thank you, Hu Yi.” Smiled Miss Green. “Youre welcome.” Answered Hu Yi happily. “How about you, my little friend? Can you tell me your name?” Then she turned to Xi Rong. “Hi, Miss Gr

31、een. Im Xi” said Xi Rong slowly. “Oh, you are a girl? Im sorry I ” “No, no. Miss Green. I mean my name is Xi. My full name is Xi Rong. Xi is my family name.” “Oh, my God. You are “she”. But you are not “she”. Haha, Can you spell your name?” “X-I Xi, R-O-N-G Rong.” “Thanks. What interesting guys! Now

32、, follow me. Ill show you my school and introduce my class to you. ” A few weeks later, they got on well with their American classmates and became their best friends. They told them many things about China. And their American friends said China interested them and they would visit China some day. 根据

33、短文内容,选择正确答案。( )31. Xi Rong and Hu Yi became in a middle school in New York. A.good friendsB.foreignersC.the exchange studentsD.teachers( )32. Whats Hu Yis family name? A.Yi. B.Hu C.Who D.Hu Yi( )33. Is Xi Rong a girl? A.Yes, she is.B.No. He is a boy.C.Im not sure.D.Shes a student.( )34. What do thei

34、r American classmates think about China? A.The people are friendly. B.They like China and they will visit China one day. C.China interests them and they will visit China one day. D.They didnt like China.( )35. Which is the best title for this article? A.The same pronunciation, the different meanings

35、. B.Two Chinese students and their head teacher. C.The life in the USA.D.The same pronunciation,the same meaning. (C)Many of the expressions using water have different kinds of meaning in English. “Throwing cold water” means “not to like an idea”. For example,you want to buy a new car because the ol

36、d one has some problems but your parents throw cold water on the idea, because they think a new car costs too much.“Water over the dam” is another expression about a past event. Its something that finishes and it cant be changedThe expression comes from the ideawater has run over a dam and it cant b

37、e brought back again . When a friend is troubled by a mistake he has made, you might tell him to forget about itYou can say “Its water over the dam”.“Be in hot water” was used five hundred years ago to mean being in troubleOne story says it got the meaning from throwing hot water down on enemies att

38、acking a townThat happens no longer,but we still get into hot water.When we are in hot water,we are in troubleIt can be any kind of trouble,serious or not seriousA person who breaks a rule can be in hot water with the policeA young boy can be in hot water with his mother if he walks in a house with

39、dirty shoes.阅读短文,根据要求完成下列各题。36.If your partner breaks your glasses,you want him to forget about it, you might say“_”.37.When Uncle Clark missed the flight,we can say that“_”. 38.If one of our friends wants to spit in public,we will _on him. 39.把文中画线部分翻译成汉语_.40.Whats the best title of this passage? .

40、第三部分 语言知识运用 (25分).词汇。(10分)(A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.If you want to learn English well, you should pay attention to its spelling and p_.2.W _ you need help, send me an email or telephone me.3.Its my first time to America, so Im a s_here.4.People in the city held a great party to celebrate their v_.5.Dont t

41、ell others what I have told you because its a s_.(B)根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。6.We were _ (consider) what to do next.7.He is the_(honest) in our class.8.This house doesnt _(compare) with that one.9.We take great _(pride) in offering the best service.10.You must try to learn from your _ (mistake).完成句子。(5分)11

42、.你为客人预备好干净毛巾没有?Have you _ _ clean towels for the guests?12.在昨天我去车站的路上,我看一个陌生人正在路上搭车。I saw a stranger _ _ _ on the road.13.请问,你能让我搭车去火车站吗?Excuse me. Could you_ me_ _to the railway station?14.我们正在做调查关于环境污染的问题。We are_ some _ about the pollution.15.在一生中,每个人都会犯错误。Every one will_ _ in his life.书面表达。(10分)假

43、如你是王群,正在澳大利亚度暑假。在那儿你遇到了一些语言障碍。请给你的英语老师Mr. Zhou发一封电子邮件,把你所遇到的困难告诉他。(80词左右)听 力 材 料Unit 3 Topic 2.听句子,根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题。每个句子读一遍。1.Tom wants to go to the English Corner to practice speaking English.2.W:Im British, but I have been in China for five years. 3.Autumn is my favorite season. Its c

44、ool.4.Im flying to New York tomorrow on business.5.Mike is going to the bookshop to buy an English book.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。6.W: Jack, do you usually study for a test by taking notes?M: No, I dont do that. I study for a test by asking the teacher for help.Q: How does Jack study for a test?7.M:

45、Has the English language taken in many new words from other languages?W: Yes. For example, Americans borrowed“cent”from old French and“tofu”from Chinese.Q: What are they talking about?8.M: Do you think its easy to learn English?W: No, I cant pronounce some of the words. So its a little hard for me.Q: Why does the woman think English is a


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